Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 195 Jin Zhi Help

"No, there is poison in it." Yao Yulu said with choked.

Lv Fanxiao shook her head and looked at the emperor firmly. Li Qingxiao saw the firmness in her eyes and nodded slightly.

"The maidservant thanked the Lord Longen." Lv Pangxiao walked to the pastry, picked it up and ate it. Then he took a bite and looked surprised, looking at Yao Yulu with an unbelievable light on his face.

Yao Yulu looked at Lv Fanxiao inexplicably. She didn't know what she meant. Lv Fanxiao's face showed a difficult face and knelt on the ground. "Go back to the emperor, the pastry is indeed from Xinghui Palace, but it is from another person's hand. There is a maid named Qionghua in Xinghui Palace. She has been begging me to learn how to make cakes. Today, I taught her how to make cakes, and what I gave to Xiao Shufei was her pastries.

Lv Pangxiao's words were finished, and Yan'er beside him sneered, "Aren't you shirking your responsibility again?"

Lv Panxiao raised his head and looked at Yan'er and said lightly, "I can face Qionghua on the spot."

"Anyway, this cake comes from your Starlight Palace, so is it poisoned by a man of heart, or ordered by your master, so who can say it clearly?" Yan'er glanced at Xiao Shufei, isn't it tricky?

Lv Panxiao's face was slightly cold. This matter seemed to have reached an impasse. Everything was poisoned by Yao Yulu, and they also suffered a dumb loss. Lv Panxiao never thought that Qionghua would poison Xiao Shufei's pastry. Wait, there seemed to be something wrong. Lv Pangxiao's eyes shrank. Xiao Shufei said *, and Qionghua only did it once yesterday. How could it be so poisonous? Is all this done by Xiao Shufei?

Lv Panxiao looked at Yao Yulu's face. Yao Yulu seemed to have already understood all this, and her face was just indifferent, as if she didn't care much about these.

"Your Majesty, my concubine can prove that this poison was not done by Yao Guiren." Suddenly, there was a sound outside the door. Song Jinzhi came in with a plate of cakes and saluted the emperor and queen.

"Song Xiaoyi, do you think it can prove that this poison was not drugd by Yao Guiren? Is there any evidence? The queen asked quickly.

Song Jinzhi nodded and put the pastry on the table. Two plates of the same pastries, but one of them was poison, and the other became evidence.

"Jinzhi, is this pastry you mean by evidence?" Li Qingxiao's eyes half narrowed at Song Jinzhi and said.

Song Jinzhi nodded quickly, "Exactly, this plate of pastry is also from Xinghui Palace. Yesterday, my concubine went to Yao Guiren's Xinghui Palace. Coincidentally, Xiao Shufei sent slaves to ask for pastries. My concubine was also greedy for this pastry, so she also asked for it, but there was no sign of poisoning."

"Come on, take a look at these cakes brought by Song Xiaoyi." Li Qingxiao said.

Xuanzi hurried forward, broke the pastry, examined it carefully for a while, and then shook his head, "It's not poisonous."

Things seemed to have turned around again. Yao Yulu looked at Song Jinzhi gratefully. Song Jinzhi smiled at her, and the smile on her face was very sincere.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with these poisons of my concubine? My concubine has only eaten Yao's pastries in recent days. Your Majesty, you must thoroughly investigate it. Xiao Shufei said weakly, with tears on her face.

"Go and call the maid named Qionghua!" Li Qingxiao said coldly.

After a while, the maid named Qionghua was brought in. The first time she came in, she looked at Yao Yulu timidly. Yao Yulu also looked at the maid carefully. She didn't expect such a thing to happen in her palace. I'm afraid that the maid was also bought by Xiao Shufei. Even if she was forced to ask, she would The testimony was made by her.

"Are you Qionghua?" The queen asked faintly.

Qionhua nodded timidly, and then knelt directly on the ground, "I, the maidservant is Qionghua."

"Okay, I ask you, did you make the cake for Xiao Shufei today?" The queen asked directly.

Qionghua looked up at Xiao Shufei and lowered her head timidly, "It was made by the maidservant."

"Who poisoned you in the pastry? Don't be afraid, just say it!"

Qionhua was so scared that she trembled and then said, "It's Yao Guiren. She gave me a bag of powder, saying that if Xiao Shufei came to ask for cakes, then sprinkle some in it. I did so. I really don't know that it was poison."

After saying that, Qionghua cried directly.

Yao Yulu's eyes widened. Although she had thought that the maid would wrong her, she still felt uncomfortable when she heard the maid said it. Yao Yulu went straight to Qionghua and looked at her up and down.

"Yao Guiren, this maid has been recruited. What else do you have to say?" Xiao Shufei asked with a fierce face.

Yao Yulu ignored her and helped Qionghua up. Qionghua's expression flashed and she dared not look at Yao Yulu's eyes.

"Your name is Qionghua, right? Since you can say that it's the medicine I gave you, explain that I don't know you're making cakes in the kitchen. How can I give you the medicine? Even if I know you are there, Lv Pangxiao just said that today is the first time to teach you how to make cakes, so you said that I had already given you poison. Is this statement not true? Who made you wrong me? Say it!" Yao Yulu scolded loudly.

Qionhua was so scared that she cried and looked at Xiao Shufei from time to time. Everyone also analyzed it. It seemed to be this truth, but she still put her eyes on Qionghua to see what she could say.

"Yao Yulu, you are simply scaring her!" Xiao Shufei said quickly.

"What are you afraid of, Xiao Shufei? Is there an amazing secret in it? Song Jinzhi said aside.

"When will I be afraid? Then did you let that Qionghua say it? Who on earth instructed you to do this? Xiao Shufei said quickly.

Qionghua's face showed a difficult look, and finally said under the pressure of everyone, "It's Yan'er. She said that if she poisoned the pastry, she would give me ten taels of silver."

Yan'er was shocked and hurriedly knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty. The maidservant is wronged. This nonsense called Qionghua is not the maidservant.

"How can you send someone to poison me? How can I raise such a little bitch like you!" Xiao Shufei looked fierce and scolded loudly.

"Mother, that's not you..."

Before Yan Er finished his words, Li Qingxiao waved his hand directly, "Bry it down."

"Xiao Shufei, you don't want to die. You will have retribution. I know what you did. I also know how many people you killed. You don't want to die!" Yan'er shouted loudly when she was taken down.

Xiao Shufei seemed to be scared and hid in Li Qingxiao's arms. "Your Majesty, I'm so afraid. I really didn't expect that there would be such a person around me."

Although Li Qingxiao was a little concerned about what Yan Er said, he thought about it and may have shouted like this because the matter was exposed, so he didn't say anything more. "Xiao Shufei, have a good rest. I have something else to do. Let's go first."

After saying that, Li Qingxiao left the jasper palace directly, leaving the queen and others. Yao Yulu was still in shock. She didn't expect that Xiao Shufei would push all the crimes to Yan'er. Thanks to her death, Yan'er finally came to such a result.

"Well, the matter has been settled, so that's it. Xiao Shufei, have a good rest." After saying that, the queen also went out directly.

Yao Yulu hurriedly helped Lv Pang Xiao up and looked at the pale Xiao Shufei, "Xiao Shufei, you really impressed me and taught me a lot, but won't Xiao Shufei feel cold on the back of her neck when she sleeps at night?" Yao Yulu said with some meaning.

Xiao Shufei's face became colder, "Well, this palace has always been right, and I am not afraid of ghosts!"

Yao Yulu and Song Jinzhi both smiled. Song Jinzhi stepped forward and stared at Xiao Shufei, "I'm afraid that Xiao Shufei is more worthy of herself, right? It's just that if you persecute your body like this, I'm afraid that you will collapse directly at that time, so you don't have to spend any more brains to persecute others.

"Soong Xiaoyi, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that I poisoned myself?" Xiao Shufei asked harshly.

Song Jinzhi shook her head, "Xiao Shufei thinks I'm talking nonsense. Yao Guiren, we should also leave."

Yao Yulu nodded. She really wanted to leave here faster. Lv Panxiao ate the poisoned pastry and forced the poison out faster.

They walked out of the Jasper Palace with a comfortable smile on their faces. Yao Yulu directly asked Xiao Xuanzi to send Lv Fangxiao to the imperial pharmacy, and she walked in the imperial garden with Song Jinzhi.