Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 204 Yulu's illness

The next day, Yao Yulu had a slight fever, and her whole body was muddle-headed and uncomfortable. After drinking a whole pot of water, she still felt that her throat was very uncomfortable, as if there was a fire burning in her throat.

"Sister Wuer, the little master is so uncomfortable, I'll go and ask for a royal doctor!" After Ning'er finished her eyebrows, she ran out directly, and Wu'er couldn't even stop her.

Yao Yulu was even more powerless in ** and wanted to call her, but she had already run out. Wuer frowned and wiped Yao Yulu's face.

Ninger went there and didn't come back for a whole day. Although Yao Yulu was very uncomfortable, she was very worried about her. Wuer was also very worried about her. Although there was no expression on her face, she still let Yao Yulu see that she seemed to be a little absent-minded.

Now that Yao Yulu's status is different from before, there will be no royal doctor to help her see the disease at all, and there is also a high-powerful jade concubine in the palace. Ordinary royal doctors dare not show her illness, but why hasn't Ninger come back yet?

"Wuer, go and see why Ning'er hasn't come back yet. Will something happen?" Yao Yulu said quickly.

Wu'er hesitated a little. Obviously, she was a little worried about Yao Yulu. Yao Yulu's eyebrows tightened, "Go, don't worry about me. I have nothing. Go quickly and see why she hasn't come back yet."

"Good." Seeing that Yao Yulu was a little hysterical, Wuer hurriedly wanted to go out to find her, but she happened to see Ning'er coming in with her head down.

"Little master, I didn't get the medicine, and I didn't ask the royal doctor." Ninger said disappointedly, and her tone was obviously a little lost.

The appearance of Ning'er made everyone exhale, and the big stone in Yao Yulu's heart fell to the ground with a pounding voice, "It's okay. I've survived. It's better for our people not to do anything."

Ninger has been hanging her head and didn't lift it. Previously, Yao Yulu thought she was embarrassed to see her like this, but later she felt something was wrong. She usually talked the most, and she was not as silent as today, and she also hung her head. Although the loss was certain, she did not It must be like this all the time.

"Ninger, pour me a glass of water." Yao Yulu said in a hoarse voice.

Ning'er didn't seem to be very willing to pour water, which seemed a little ling. This made Yao Yulu establish her mind, but Wu'er went to the imperial dining room to get the meal, so Ning'er was the only one here. Ning'er had to sigh and poured a glass of water and walked towards Yao Yulu.

When Yao Yulu took over the water, Ning'er quickly wanted to leave, but she was defeated by Yao Yulu and grabbed Ning'er's hand directly.

"Raise your face." Yao Yulu grabbed her hand and asked her to raise her face.

Ning'er was a little reluctant before, but Yao Yulu insisted, and finally couldn't do it. She had to raise her head. Her face was swollen like a pig's head, and her face was full of bruises. Yao Yulu's tears fell down, and her hand holding Ning'er was tighter tighter.

"How to get it?" Yao Yulu asked in a hoarse voice.

Ning'er refused to say anything before. She didn't say anything, but she couldn't resist Yao Yulu's questioning. Finally, she said it. It turned out that Ning'er was in a hurry to ask for a royal doctor. On the way, she happened to meet the maidservant Bier beside Yufei. She pretended not to see her directly. She walked over, but Bier recognized her and directly let a group of people stop her. She said some sarcastic words. At first, Ninger didn't want to talk to Bier at all and let her scold her. However, Bier not only scolded her but also Yao Yulu. Finally, she couldn't help slapped Bier directly, but Bier had many people. The last group of people beat her and stopped. However, when she arrived at the imperial pharmacy, no one was willing to come to see her, and she didn't even give her medicine. Ninger begged there for a whole day, but she still came back in frustration.

Yao Yulu pulled Ninger sadly, and the tears on her face fell down and felt very uncomfortable. She felt the coldness and warmth of human feelings again, which really made her chill, but it also made her know that Ning'er and several of them were cherished by her.

Wu'er hasn't come back for a long time. Finally, when it was almost dark, Wu'er came back. Wu'er has always been very stable, so she didn't see anything wrong with her face. Yao Yulu got up softly and couldn't eat anything, but she still got up in the expectant eyes of Ninger and Wuer. The dishes are very monotonous, some vegetables, and the rice is just some porridge, and it is very thin. Yao Yulu sighed. Although she knew that even these may be asked for by Wuer, will the food in the cold palace still be like that in Xinghui Palace? It's just that it will be nearly a month. Although the food in the previous month was not very good, it will not be like this, and these meals are obviously not enough.

"Little Lord, that's all." Wu'er said apologetically.

Yao Yulu smiled faintly, as if she didn't care much. After drinking a bowl of porridge, she lay down **. She didn't want Wuer Ninger to worry anymore. Although she knew that the future life might be worse than now, she was accompanied by them.

Yao Yulu's illness was the most serious in the past few days. It was accompanied by a fever every day. Because there was no medicine, it could only be stopped with cold water. Now it is about to enter winter, so the well water is very cold. Perhaps because of the cold water, and because of the careful care of Wuer and Ning'er, Yao Yulu burned on the fourth day, Finally retreated.

Yao Yulu drank nearly a pot of water, but she still felt that her throat was dry. Although it didn't burn, she still felt that her body was very heavy and she didn't want to get up. She felt better after lying down for three days.

Originally, the cold palace was a very inconvenient place for news, so when Ji Shuidong was now spoiled, Yao Yulu was stunned. She didn't expect that Ji Shuidong would be favored by Li Qingxiao again, and she was still favored. For a while, she was no better than Yao Yulu at that time. Yao Yulu listened to Ning'er. When she said the news, with a bitter smile on her face, Ji Shuidong still climbed up, but how could she know that it was really not as simple as she thought. Didn't Xu Yanning and her alert her?

"Little Lord, can we go to Ji Guiren if we have something to do in the future?" Ninger asked with a smile. After all, Ji Shuidong had the best relationship with her at that time, and now she has been promoted to a nobleman. If she could help, she would definitely help Yao Yulu, but Yao Yulu shook her head and felt that Ning'er was very simple and powerful, but a sadness poured into their hearts. Only now they know Daoji Shuidong is favored, so she should not be able to become a noble in a day, and Yao Yulu was put into the cold palace. There is no reason why she doesn't know, but she hasn't come for a long time. What does this mean?

Yao Yulu doesn't want to think about it, because the result may make her feel cold. As Xiao Shufei said, the sisterhood in the palace is just a lie, and it is the most fake thing. Now Yao Yulu has a deep understanding of it. What she said is good, really fake, let her I feel sad.

"Are you unhappy, little master?" Ninger looked at Yao Yulu's indifferent face and asked.

Yao Yulu shook her head with a faint smile, "No, very happy, very happy."

Ninger looked at Yao Yulu strangely. She didn't understand why she was disguised as happy when she saw Yao Yulu. She really didn't understand Yao Yulu.

The weather is getting colder and colder. Fortunately, Yao Yulu has some winter clothes when she was favored, which happened to wear. I don't know why she didn't send her winter clothes in the cold palace. I don't know if someone specially arranged it or something. Anyway, Yao Yulu has never got clothes, and the house is because of the sun on her back. Every day, it was so cold that it seemed to fall into the ice cellar. Ning'er went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ask for help, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs always refused to give it. Ning'er went to see Grandpa Qiu by name, but Grandpa Qiu had been avoiding it.

Yao Yulu's hands were scarred with cold, and her face was even more red. Now there is no real winter at all, but there are some signs of winter. She really dares not think that if there is winter, without charcoal fire, she will be frozen to death. At that time, she thought that the Yuemei Palace would be very sad, no Thinking that it can't be compared with here, the simplicity here is just like a big hole in the house.

Ning'er was depressed for a while and kept complaining about the father-in-law next to Yao Yulu. At that time, Yao Yulu also gave a lot of sweetness to father-in-law Qiu, but now he directly avoided it. Obviously, he didn't want to catch Yao Yulu. Yao Yulu sat in the sun and looked at Ning'er's endless chatter and felt a little funny. The horn kept smiling.

When Ninger saw that Yao Yulu was still smiling, she suddenly felt a little angry and sat next to Yao Yulu. "Little Lord, why are you still laughing? Don't you think Grandpa Qiu is ungrateful? What did you do to him at that time? Now it's okay. He just avoided it. It's really annoying!"

Yao Yulu shook her head and picked up the fallen leaves on Ning'er's head before saying, "I can't blame Grandpa Qiu about this. After all, how many people in the palace are willing to stick to me?"

Yao Yulu thought of Ji Shuidong. In the past, the relationship between the two was so good. Now she is favored and refuses to come to see her. She is really a failure. After receiving such a blow, she really doesn't know who to trust and whom.

"Well, little master, although we say so, we still have to live well, don't we? No, I must go there again in the afternoon. Look how frozen your hands are. Ninger said with incomparable distress.

Yao Yulu smiled indifferently and stuffed the frosted hand into her clothes as if she didn't care.

"You don't have to go. Someone must have put pressure on Grandpa Qiu, and I'm afraid that person can't wait for me to die in the cold palace." Yao Yulu's eyes tightened and said.

Ninger was stunned and immediately understood who Yao Yulu was talking about. She was a little puzzled and her eyebrows had been tightly together. Finally, she couldn't help asking directly.