Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 208 Meet People's Heart

Ji Shuidong returned to the palace and only felt a headache. Today, the queen's forced question really made her linger. If she said a wrong word, I'm afraid that the queen would definitely believe that she was a jade concubine, and it was just an easy thing to return her to her original shape.

"Little Lord, today, the maidservant saw the maidservant Ninger who used to wait beside Yao Guiren. Their condition seems to be very bad." Yingxin pretended to mention it unintentionally.

Ji Shuidong stared coldly and seemed to be reluctant to hear the news of Yao Yulu. She sat in the mirror and looked at her not delicate face and suddenly felt sad. Originally, she thought that Yao Yulu would be the one she could rely on the most, but she didn't help her at all, and she had no intention at that time. Let her be favored. At that time, Xu Yanning's affairs had already made her feel uncomfortable. Now that she refused to help at all, she was even more resentful of Yao Yulu, so when Yao Yulu was beaten into the cold palace, she actually had a trace of pleasure.

"Don't hear any news about this person in the future, anything, you know?" Jishui opened his mouth coldly in winter.

Yingxin shivered. She had never seen such cold as Ji Shuidong, so she had to nod in a stunned way. She didn't know why Ji Shuidong ignored Yao Yulu now. Wasn't the master the best with Yao Yulu at that time? But although she was confused, she didn't dare to ask.

"Yes, slave maidservant remember." Yingxin said quickly.

Ji Shuidong nodded and took out the golden hairpin given to her by the queen from the table. Her face was uncertain, but she still wore it on her head. The queen's displeasure was in her eyes, and her heart had long been established. If she was annoyed with the queen, I'm afraid that she would definitely let her return her original shape again, so she was sure. She She sighed. Although she was stupid, she would not end up like Xu Yanning.

Wu'er stood aside with hot tea, with a vicissitudes of life on her face. It seemed that there were too many hardships to say, and her eyes were even more sad. She seemed to think of something bad. Ninger came in and saw Wu'er beside her. She sighed slightly. Recently, Wu'er has always been worried. Absent. Although she usually speaks carelessly, she can still feel this change of Wuer. It seems that she has encountered some difficulties. She sighed and pushed Wuer. Wuer was shocked and directly threw the hot tea in her hand on the ground, cracking, and the hot water sprinkled all over the ground. .

When Yao Yulu heard the sound, she quickly came out, looked at the faces of the two people, looked at the teacup on the ground, and sighed slightly, "What's the matter?"

Ninger glanced at Wuer. Although Wuer's face was pale, she quickly recovered. "It's my maidservant's fault. I accidentally broke the teacup."

"Sister Wuer, why have you been absent-minded recently, as if you have something on your mind." Ninger asked doubtfully.

Wu'er shook her head quickly, as if she didn't want to talk about it. Yao Yulu looked at Wu'er's face. In recent days, she has been uneasy. How could she, the master, not see it? But if she doesn't want to say Yao Yulu, she doesn't want to ask. After all, who has no secrets?

It's just that Yao Yulu thought of another thing and sighed slightly. The fifteenth of this month has passed, and she is almost sure that she is pregnant, because she is also very sleepy now, and she seems to have a special preference for acid. Her eyes tightened a few times, and now she can't be If it goes on like this, if she doesn't want the child in her stomach to suffer, she will have to cheer up and strive for Li Qingxiao's love again. She now lives in a cold palace. Not to mention the coldness every day, she must not meet the standard in eating and drinking, and she will be hungry every day, so isn't the child's nutrition? Go? She can't let the child in her belly suffer, no matter what the cost.

"It will be winter soon." Yao Yulu sighed when she stared outside.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's going to be difficult again." Ninger said with a desolate look on her face.

Suddenly, there was silence in the room. No one wanted to talk anymore. It seemed that they were thinking about their own thoughts. Finally, there was a heavy sigh from Yao Yulu.

When night fell, a dark shadow ran out of the cold palace, and the dark shadow disappeared. A man stood at the door that appeared in the cold palace. After a moment of hesitation, he hurriedly chased after him. Although the shadow ran quickly, Xiao Xuanzi could still recognize a woman's figure. He could conclude that it was not Yao Yulu. So it's Ning'er and Wu'er. He can't help wondering why he has to go out so late?

He hurriedly chased her, but was stopped by another dark shadow. Xiao Xuanzi frowned tightly and looked at the figure running away, looking at the person in front of him with some resentment.

"Shadow, are you looking for me?" His tone seemed to be a little impatient, but he still tried his best to suppress his anger.

Ying obviously didn't expect Xiao Xuanzi's tone to speak like this. Suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he still nodded, "Well, I'm here to find you."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Xuanzi quickly asked, and his eyes had been chasing the figure. Obviously, if he chased him now, he would definitely not be able to catch up. There must be something wrong with this person going out so late. He was very regretful. He didn't care about anything else, and he was afraid that she would do something bad to Yao Yulu.

"Xiao Xuanzi, now Yao Yulu is powerless. What's the future for you to stay with her now!" The shadow has a sense of resentment.

Xuanzi sighed and took a deep look, "You don't understand. You don't understand the feeling of falling in love with someone. It's my greatest happiness to stay by her side."

Shaung shook his head and hurriedly retorted, "What about your revenge? Do you want to be with that woman all your life? How can you forget your big deal? This woman! What a disaster!"

Hearing him say that Yao Yulu was a disaster, his face couldn't help but change, and he hurriedly refuted him, "Yao Yulu is not a disaster. You don't understand. What do you know that you have never loved?"

"How do you know I haven't loved?" Ying blurted out and looked at Xiao Xuanzi's face with a sad look. After saying this, Xiao Xuanzi was obviously stunned, and Ying also reacted, "Xiao Xuanzi, do you forget what you said to me when we entered the palace? You said you were born for revenge. Now how can you give up your revenge for a woman? How can you be worthy of your full door!"

Xiao Xuanzi seemed to be stimulated by his words, and his whole body seemed to be a little decadent and tired. He nodded deeply, "You're right. I'll think about it."

The shadow nodded and disappeared in front of his eyes. Xiao Xuanzi raised his head and looked at the sky with a burst of melancholy in his heart. He really felt very sad. God knows how happy he thinks his current life is. Every day, he can see Yao Yulu and the faint smile on her face, which is not like the smile when she was favored. Now she It's more light, at least Yao Yulu won't be scheming to them, but he can't avenge himself.

He walked back slowly. When he walked to the cold palace, he took a deep look at Yao Yulu's room and returned to his room.

In the dark, a petite figure was running quickly, seemingly very panicked for fear of being seen by others. From time to time, she looked around and finally arrived at a palace. She was relieved and walked in.

Yufei was wearing a middle dress, and the makeup on her face had been removed for a long time. It was not surprising to see the sudden appearance of people who seemed to have been prepared for a long time. Sitting next to the mirror, she couldn't see what it was like.

"Mother." The man called gently and knelt directly on the ground.

"Say, what's the matter with me?" She said coldly, obviously a little impatient.

"Mother, last time you told me that you would let me out of the palace..." The people on the ground looked panicked and said quickly.

"What other value do you have now? What have you done to me again?" Yufei obviously has some intention of crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, and she is not going to care about her anymore.

The face of the people on the ground changed, and tears fell directly. "Mother, you can't do this. I have told you a lot about Yao Guiren. You can't do this."

"Yao Guiren? Do you still call her Yao Guiren? What is she now? Yufei showed anger on her face and directly fell the cup on the table to the ground.