Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 231 Wind Chill Medicine

"Wu'er, why did you torture yourself like this?" Yao Yulu walked to Wuer's bedside and said with concern, and her eyes were full of worry.

"Little Lord..." Wu'er's hoarse voice spit out, and she couldn't speak any more after just saying such a sentence. Although she didn't see her mother's last face in the past few days, it was a lifelong regret for her, but her reason was not the same, and because of her guilt for Yao Yulu, she had to remember these two poisonings for a lifetime. Thinking about Yao Yulu's kindness to her, she doesn't know what to do.

"Your face is ugly. Are you sick?" Yao Yulu asked doubtfully and put her hand over her forehead. Her forehead was very hot. She must have had a fever for many days.

"Oh, my forehead is very hot. Why don't you say it when you are sick!" Yao Yulu said anxiously.

"What? Is Wu'er's sister sick? Why don't I know..." Ning'er's face also flashed with a look of shame. She had lived with Wu'er for many days and didn't even know that she was sick. She was really stupid enough.

"Little lord, I'm fine. I'll be fine in a few days. Don't worry, little master." Wu'er said quickly.

She knew in her heart that if they were in a sick situation, no one would be willing to treat her, and they would not give them medicine. More is better than less, so she did not intend to bother Yao Yulu.

"You have a fever, which can't be underestimated. Ninger, go to the imperial pharmacy quickly to get some cold medicine." Yao Yulu quickly ordered.

Ning'er nodded and left the room quickly. Suddenly, there were only two of them left in the room. The air was stagnant for a moment, and the two of them had nothing to say, especially Wu'er. When facing Yao Yulu alone, she always remembered what she had done.

"Lord, why don't you expose me?" Wu'er didn't dare to look up into her eyes, because she felt ashamed and just lowered her head to ask.

Yao Yulu was stunned and knew that Wuer must have known the reason why she was not poisoned these days. Yes, she did know it for a long time, but she did not expose it because of anything else, but because she had always regarded Wuer as a relative.

"Wu'er, I don't understand what it means to be exposed."

Wu'er took a deep look at Yao Yulu, and her face was full of gratitude, but it seemed to form an invisible pressure on her, which made her feel ashamed to reach the highest point. The more Yao Yulu didn't care, the more she felt sorry for her.

"Little Lord, what Wuer admires most in his life is the little master, because the little master regards our slaves as human beings, but these mistakes that Wuer has done are indeed unforgettable in his life." Wu'er opened her mouth faintly, but her eyes were shining brightly.

Yao Yulu suddenly felt a little uneasy. I don't know why Wuer said so, but because of her? Since she doesn't care anymore, can't they go back to the past?

"Wu'er, you don't think about anything now. Do you know how to take good care of yourself?" Yao Yulu quickly changed the topic. She didn't want to talk about it anymore, because she could already feel the pressure in Wuer's heart.

Wu'er nodded, and Yao Yulu left at ease, but she felt that something was wrong with what Wu'er said, but she didn't know what was wrong when she thought about it carefully.

Ninger hasn't come back after going all day. Yao Yulu sat in the room and felt a little uneasy. She knew that the people in the imperial pharmacy would not give medicine so simply, but now she is unwilling to beg Song Jinzhi. She is in the limelight now. It's better not to have anything to do with the cold palace. If she is I'm afraid what others said is not good for Song Jinzhi himself.

"Little Lord, do you call me?" Xiao Xuanzi came in and brought in a cold wind, which made Yao Yulu's teeth tremble involutarily.

"Xiao Xuanzi, Ning'er has been to the imperial pharmacy for nearly a day. Go and have a look, and weren't you in the imperial pharmacy before? Let's see if we can get some cold medicine. Yao Yulu said anxiously.

Xiao Xuanzi nodded quickly and turned away. Yao Yulu breathed a sigh of relief and always felt that Xiao Xuanzi's work reassured her.

Xiao Xuanzi and Ning'er came back almost evening. Ning'er's face turned red with cold and rubbing her hands from time to time. Xiao Xuanzi followed with a blush on her face, but he was holding medicine in his hand.

"Why did you just come back now?" Yao Yulu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw that they had nothing to do and asked quickly.

"The general manager of the imperial pharmacy asked us to do some rough work before giving these drugs, otherwise he would not have given them at all." Ninger pouted and said.

Yao Yulu's heart is a little bitter, which is already good. If he insists on not giving, there is nothing they can do.

"Okay, Ning'er, don't complain. Go and make it for Wuer quickly." Yao Yulu hurriedly urged.

Ning'er nodded and walked out with the medicine. Xiao Xuanzi stood in the room and looked at Yao Yulu for a moment. Yao Yulu pretended not to see it. She turned around and pointed it at him with her back and picked up the cup on the table absent-mindedly before picking it up, because she didn't grasp the cup and fell to the ground with a crack.

Before Yao Yulu's scream came out, Xiao Xuanzi pulled her directly from behind to her arms. Suddenly, a faint fragrance of medicine poured into Yao Yulu's nose. The faces of the two suddenly turned red. Yao Yulu quickly broke away from Xiao Xuanzi's arms and stood aside.

Xuanzi suddenly felt lost, but he also knew that there were some things that could be done and some things that could not be done. There were really too many beyond just now.

"Please forgive me. I'm unintentional, but I'm afraid that the little master will be scalded by hot water." Xiao Xuanzi lowered his head and said, but the heat in his eyes did not dissipate, but now with his head hanging, Yao Yulu would not notice it at all.

"Nothing, I know that Xiao Xuanzi is also for my comfort." Yao Yulu said quickly and squatted down directly to pick up the broken cups.

Wu'er was sick, and Ning'er went to stay up late again. She could only do such a small thing by herself. When Xiao Xuanzi saw Yao Yulu squatting down to pick up those fragments, she couldn't help opening her mouth.

"Little Lord, I'll do these!" Xiao Xuanzi's voice was a little nervous, which shocked Yao Yulu. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her fingers and was cut by fragments.

"Oh, little master, it's bleeding!" Xiao Xuanzi directly helped Yao Yulu up, pulled a piece of cloth from his body, and wrapped it around Yao Yulu's fingers.

"Xiao Xuanzi, I have nothing to do. I used to do these things when I was at home. You don't have to make a fuss." Yao Yulu said with a slight frown.

Xiao Xuanzi's face was slightly sad. Looking at Yao Yulu's slightly raised eyebrows, he suddenly felt that he really cared too much about her?

"Little Lord, in fact, I just want to care about you, I don't mean anything else."

Yao Yulu nodded slightly. In fact, she didn't mean to blame him. She just wanted to tell Xiao Xuanzi that she was very strong, not those weak women who would fall when the wind blew.

"Xiao Xuanzi, I just want to tell you that I'm strong, so don't treat me like a vase." Yao Yulu looked into Xiao Xuanzi's eyes and said word by word.

Xuanzi was stunned, then raised a big smile on his lips, and then nodded fiercely. Anyway, it's not enough to keep him away from her, and he never regarded her as a vase, just because he was worried about her in his heart.

"I know, little master."

Yao Yulu sighed and raised a faint smile on her lips.