Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 236 Jinzhi is pregnant

Yufei took a deep look at Ji Shuidong. She also knew what happened that day. Although she was not present, some people who heard the scene of the empress dowager being assassinated later said that it seemed a little strange at that time.

At that time, they were the first to see that there were only two bodyguards, and there were six people in black, who could completely kill the two bodyguards and then kill them.

But the man in black did not do it, but turned around and left. At that time, she felt very strange and failed to analyze what was going on through repeated analysis. Later, she happened to know that Ji Shuidong's hometown was Zhengzhou, so she became vigilant.

Maybe Ji Shuidong is not as dull as she used to see. Instead, she is a very resourceful woman. If she is a friend, she can still stay, but she is the queen, so she can't stay.

"Well, the matter of the day has passed. Don't investigate it any more. The mourning family is also tired. Let's all break up." The Empress Dowager waved her hand and let Ji Shuidong help her to the inner hall.

In Yuxia Palace, Yao Yujiao sat in the inner hall with a pale face. The queen's move was really poisonous. This time, she was asked to go to Dali Temple to pray for the emperor, but secretly arranged for Song Jinzhi to seduce the emperor.

Although the queen's move is poisonous enough, it has also achieved the effect of a little farewell and a new lover. The emperor's love for her is even better than before, but now suddenly there is a Song Jinzhi competing with her, and she is inevitably unhappy.

"Where has the emperor gone?" Yao Yujiao asked coldly.

"The Empress, the emperor went to the New Orchid Palace." The little eunuch who knelt on the ground replied quickly.

Yao Yujiao nodded slightly, with a cold light in her eyes. She would never let Song Jinzhi become the second Xiao Shufei, and she would not give her such a chance.

After a while, a small eunuch suddenly came from the outside, and it was Xiao Luzi who was accompanied by Eunuch Yu.

"Yufei, I have something to report." He knelt on the ground and said quickly.

Eogong Yu is a jade concubine, just looking at Xiao Luzi's angry appearance. Is there something wrong?

"What's the matter?" Yufei asked quickly.

Xiao Luzi replied, "It's Song Ronghua. I felt uncomfortable when I was eating with the emperor just now, so I found the imperial doctor and found out that Song Ronghua was pregnant."

Yao Yujiao's expression stagnated with shock on her face, "What? Do you think Song Jinzhi is pregnant?

The little eunuch looked carefully at Yao Yujiao and nodded quickly, "Yes, my godfather asked me to inform Yufei of the news and said to listen to the news first."

Yao Yujiao clenched her fist fiercely, and her face looked a little ferocious. "Listen to what? Listen to her give birth to a prince? You go out first."

The little eunuch hurried out, and Yao Yu gritted her teeth delicately. Since her child can't be preserved, Song Jinzhi's child can't be preserved!

Song Jinzhi's pregnancy simply added a trace of joy to the palace. The emperor still cared about the child as usual, and it was almost the end of the year, and everyone's face was full of smiles.

Song Jinzhi sat by the window and looked at the snow outside. Today, it began to snow again, and the palace was full of New Year atmosphere, and there were things needed for the Spring Festival everywhere.

"Oh, little master, why are you sitting by the window? You are not alone now. If the little prince is frozen, it will be bad. Lian'er said with a smile.

Song Jinzhi's hand touched her flat belly, and her face sparkled with maternal brilliance. Since she knew that she was pregnant, she was always thinking about what her child would look like and whether she would be more like her.

"What are you talking about? How did you know it would be a prince? Don't say such a thing next time." Song Jinzhi scolded faintly.

Lian'er nodded and burned the stove in the room more vigorously, while Song Jinzhi just looked at the snow outside with a trace of peace on his face.

"Little master, I want to see little Li outside." The inner supervisor of the outer hall ran in and said.

Song Jinzhi frowned slightly. Xiao Li is the person next to the queen. Is there anything wrong with the queen looking for her? Thinking of this, her eyebrows rose slightly. She was always very defensive against the queen. I don't know what the queen was looking for her this time.

"Tell him to come in."

Little Li came in and said, "Soong Ronghua is auspicious."

"Please get up. I don't know what happened to Grandpa Li this time?" Song Jinzhi asked faintly.

"The Empress Xuan Song Ronghua went to Fengyuan Hall for a chat." Xiao Li said lightly.

Song Jinzhi's eyebrows rose slightly, "Okay, I'll go now."

Song Jinzhi looked at Xiao Li's distant back and became solemn. The queen called her and didn't know what was wrong. I hope it wasn't because of the child in her stomach.

In the Fengyuan Hall, the shadow stood behind the queen. The queen trimmed the leaves of the potted plants, and her look was not as relaxed as she said a few days ago.

"Why doesn't the master serve the empress dowager? Doesn't the master want to rely on the Empress Dowager to eradicate the Jade Concubine? Shadow asked faintly.

The queen cut off most of the leaves of the potted plant with a brush, with a fierce look on her face, "Well, isn't Ji Shuidong by the Empress Dowager's side? I gave her this opportunity to wait.

"Does the master think that Ji Shuidong is a threat to the master?" The shadow asked the queen.

"No now, but there is no guarantee that there will be no future. Ji Shuidong is very scheming. I would like to see if she works for me. If she has a trace of different intentions, I will immediately eradicate her!" The queen said harshly.

Shad his head and retreated aside.

"Zong Ronghua's meeting."

With the eunuch's report, Song Jinzhi came in, and the queen's face immediately became pleasant, completely different from the fierceness just now.

"Jin Zhi, it's coming." The queen reached out and pulled Song Jinzhi, and the two sat on the soft couch.

A trace of unnatural look flashed on Song Jinzhi's face. She didn't know what the queen meant. Being so close to her made her feel very uncomfortable.

Song Jinzhi cleverly pulled out the queen's hand and smiled faintly, "Don't you know what's wrong with the queen calling Jinzhi?"

"I have been very bored recently, so I called Jinzhi to talk to me." The queen said with a smile.

Song Jinzhi nodded slightly and didn't say much. She was not a talkative person, and now she was still waiting for what the queen's purpose was, so she didn't say a word.

"I don't know if the imperial doctor has seen the child in Jin Zhi's belly? How are you? The emperor attaches great importance to it. After all, there are too few children in the palace. The queen sighed and said.

Song Jinzhi narrowed her eyes slightly and asked her child. She couldn't help guessing whether the queen called her like this for the child?

"The child is very good, and my concubine has been taking fetal protection medicine recently. Thanks to the queen's memory, I thanked him again." Song Jinzhi said lightly.

"Ha ha, I have always liked children. If Jinzhi can give birth to a son and a daughter for the emperor, I will be very happy." The queen picked up the tea and took a sip.

"Of course, it is Jinzhi's blessing to have a son and a daughter for the emperor. Jinzhi will protect the children in his stomach." Song Jinzhi smiled and picked up his heart and put it in his mouth.

"Presumably Jinzhi also knows that the children in the palace can rarely be born intact." The queen said as if nothing.

Song Jinzhi frowned slightly and looked at the queen drinking tea. I don't know what she meant by this sentence. Are you reminding her or advising her? Or do you want her to be her completely? For a moment, Song Jinzhi was a little confused.

"I don't know what the queen said. Please explain it in detail." Song Jinzhi quickly asked.

"Of course, it's good for a child to be born safely, but he is afraid of being designed by people with intentions. Jinzhi has been in the palace for nearly two years. You should also know something, right?" The queen looked at Song Jinzhi and said.

Of course, Song Jinzhi knows what happened in the palace. In just two years, many concubines have been designed to lose their children, and even the domineering jade concubines have been designed, but she really doesn't understand the meaning of the queen's words.