Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 238 to the Jade Concubine

"When on earth did Dr. Li have an accident?" Song Jinzhi held Lian'er's arm tightly and asked.

"It was the day when the little master called the maidservant to deliver the letter."

Song Jinzhi fell directly on the chair and was confused. Dr. Li's sunrise palace was to send her a letter. So if something happened to him that day, it must also be because of her letter. Is there something wrong with Lian'er's lettering to Dr. Li?

"Rian'er, think about it carefully. Who saw you when you sent a letter to Dr. Li Song that day?" Song Jinzhi asked nervously that the letter was not small. He definitely couldn't underestimate it. It was nothing to take to other concubines. I'm afraid that the queen's party members would take it. At that time, the queen would definitely not let her go.

Lian'er thought carefully and then shook her head. That day, she hung her head all the way and didn't meet anyone at all.

"Think about it again!" Song Jinzhi scolded angrily.

Lian'er thought carefully several times before she remembered that she did walk against her head at that time. What she was afraid of was that she would meet someone. When she walked to the imperial hospital, she clearly heard the name of someone named Lian Guiren. Of course, she thought it was still far away, so she did not look up and dodged directly.

"Is it a lotus nobleman?" Lian'er said doubtfully.

Song Jinzhi frowned slightly. The lotus nobleman had no power in the palace, and he was quiet. He would definitely not send anyone to kill Dr. Li, but he didn't know who she was. It would be fine if the jade concubine took the letter, but if she was the queen, I'm afraid she would be finished.

However, she is not the queen's person in such a situation, because the queen did not come to question her at all. If the queen knew the existence of the letter, she would definitely send someone to question her and then give her a charge to put her into the cold palace.

Song Jinzhi closed her eyes, and her face was a little tired. In just a few days, she had lost a lot of weight and was worried every day for fear that something would happen to the child in her stomach. Moreover, what happened to Dr. Li today made her so surprised that she immediately felt exhausted.

In the Yuxia Palace, Yufei looked at the letter in her hand, raised her eyebrows slightly, and put her eyes on the lotus nobleman. She usually had no intersection with Lian nobleman at all, but today she suddenly came to her palace and took such a letter to her. The content of this letter made people feel very interesting. It was Song Jinzhi The letter to Prime Minister Song turned out to be about the queen's aggressiveness and wanting her child to succeed her.

It's just that Yao Yujiao is very puzzled. What does it mean for this lady to send her the letter? Do you want to raise Song Jinzhi with her hand? But what is her purpose? You can send this letter directly to the queen.

"Lian Guiren, we don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. I don't know what you mean by this letter to me?" Yao Yujiao asked directly. Since she dared to write to her blatantly, she didn't have to worry about anything.

"Yufei, I want to rely on you." The nobleman Lian said directly that she had had had enough of a lonely life over the years. She was only lucky to have her several times when she entered the palace and sat in the noble seat, but now maybe the emperor has forgotten what she called, and she is unwilling.

She saw Lan Yan approaching the emperor with the help of Yao Yujiao, and she also wanted to concoct it according to the law, so she sent this letter today to show her sincerity.

She got this letter by chance. That day, she saw the maid beside Song Jinzhi hurried to the imperial hospital. She kept an eye and sent someone to follow her. She knew that Song Jinzhi had sent a letter to Prime Minister Song. She was unwilling and let the loyal little eunuch beside her stunned Dr. Li. I took the letter, but I was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so I directly pushed Dr. Li down the moat.

She also thought a lot these days, because she didn't know whether to give this letter to the queen or Yufei. She thought that after giving it to the queen, the queen would punish Song Jinzhi at most and would not promote her, so she decided to give the letter to Yao Yujiao.

Yao Yujiao took a deep look at the lady. The lady lotus is good-looking, but because of her dullness, the emperor doesn't like her very much. Over the years, she has forgotten her. However, she is also at a time when there is a shortage of people. Lan Yan has completely lost her value, and this lotus nobleman is also somewhat desirable. It may be useful to keep it.

"Okay, I promise you, but if you have a different heart, don't blame me for being cruel." Yao Yujiao scolded harshly.

Lian's face was overjoyed and nodded quickly, "Thank you for the promotion of the Jade Concubine!"

Yao Yujiao nodded slightly and put her eyes on the letter, on which Song Jinzhi wrote very much about the matter, including how the queen threatened her. Yao Yujiao smiled slightly. Maybe she didn't need to take action this time, and the queen would not let Song Jinzhi's stomach stay long.

Yao Yujiao casually put the letter into the jewelry box. Maybe this letter will be useful in the future. If Song Jinzhi had misjured, she would have taken this letter, and she would have a certain threat to the queen. I'm afraid that she would not be able to sit in the queen's seat at that time.

Ji Shuidong still went to Fengyuan Hall as usual to say hi to the queen. These days, she has been in the Tailin Hall, so there is no time for Fengyuan Hall, and she has heard that the queen is ill for a long time, so she brought some nutrients to Fengyuan Hall.

The queen took a deep look at Ji Shuidong and a faint smile appeared on her lips. This time, she was right. Ji Shuidong will still come to her Fengyuan Hall sooner or later. If she wants to rely on the Empress Dowager to be favored, it is simply delusional.

At that time, the Empress Dowager was sad about Liu Feifei. Now the Empress Dowager dares to recommend the concubine in front of the emperor? A Liu Feifei has humiliated the royal family, and the Empress Dowager will definitely not let such a thing happen again.

"Winter said hi to the queen. When I heard that the queen was ill, I brought some nutrients. I hope the queen can recover as soon as possible." Ji Shuidong said with his head down.

The queen smiled slightly and looked at Ji Shuidong's eyes with a trace of light. Maybe it is not a bad thing to keep Ji Shuidong now, at least now Ji Shuidong has not threatened her.

"Sit down, Shuidong, I heard that you have been waiting in front of the Empress Dowager today, but I'm really tired of you. I blame you for being so weak that I can't stand the toss. The last man in black incident made me still have lingering and can't sleep every day." The queen said with a little fear on her face.

"Empress, Shuidong is also so scared that she hasn't slept for many days." Ji Shuidong also said quickly.

The queen took a deep look at her and smiled faintly. Ji Shuidong was really good at acting. It was originally a scene she directed, but she was so good at pretending.

"Ha ha, yes, we will encounter such things there. I don't know what those people in black are. I heard that the emperor has checked it, and I don't know if there is a result." The queen took a sip of tea and said slowly.

Ji Shuidong's eyes flashed, and a suspicious look flashed on his face, but he quickly covered it up, "Really? Maybe it's some rebellious party members.

The queen smiled faintly and nodded, "Yes, I just don't know how these party members know that we are in the post hall? I think someone should have told us where we are, but I don't know who this traitor is.

Ji Shuidong glanced at the queen and did not speak, but looked at the queen, but his eyes became darker.

"Ha ha, this traitor will be well investigated, and this person is not good at doing things. If it is easy to calculate, it should be able to figure out who leaked the story." The queen said lightly.

Is that right? It's good to find it early. After all, it's such a big thing to assassinate. Ji Shuidong sat on a chair and hung his head and said.

The queen smiled and said nothing. She has said this, but what Ji Shuidong will do depends on herself. If Ji Shuidong has other thoughts, she will not show mercy.