Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 257 The Mistake of the Jade Concubine

"Mother, put up with it again. As long as you put up with it again, it will be fine." Xiao Xuanzi quickly comforted him.

"Xiao Xuanzi, keep the child no matter what..." Yao Yulu's words trembled a little, and her face was even pale.

"Mother, don't worry, it will be fine, absolutely nothing." Xiao Xuanzi affirmed.

Yao Yulu nodded and leaned her head against Xiao Xuanzi's chest. Her lips bit out blood. Her eyes became sharper and sharper. Concubine Jin, she would not let her go!

Xiao Xuanzi quickly took Yao Yulu back to Xinghui Palace. There was no one in Xinghui Palace. Fortunately, Ning'er has been closely following him. Xiao Xuanzi quickly ordered Ning'er to boil water, and he took out a silver needle.

Looking at Yao Yulu's painful eyes, Xiao Xuanzi's heart trembled slightly, and then quickly pricked the silver needle into her body.

"Mother, don't be afraid, it's okay." Xiao Xuanzi said while pricking a needle, looking at Yao Yulu nervously from time to time.

Yao Yulu closed her eyes tightly and bit her lips, as if she was suffering great pain, but she still didn't say a word until Xiao Xuanzi pricked the needle.

"Mother, how's it going?" Ninger hurried in with hot water.

Xuanzi breathed a sigh of relief. She just pricked a silver needle for Yao Yulu. There was nothing serious. Fortunately, Yao Yulu had been pregnant for a long time, otherwise the child would not be able to keep it.

"My mother is asleep. Let's go out." Xiao Xuanzi wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to Ning'er.

Ninger took a deep look at Yao Yulu, carefully put down her basin, followed Xiao Xuanzi out, and then they left, and Yao Yulu's eyes opened.

Her hand stroked her stomach, and her eyes became sharp. Her eyes stared closely at the bed mantle. Concubine Jin will not let you go. She is fine, but it is the biggest mistake made by concubine Jin to hit her child.

Li Qingxiao stood in the Qianqing Palace with his hands behind his back, his face turned pale, and he quietly listened to the bodyguard's report. His hands were tightly clenched. Today's incident simply made him lose face!

"You mean they committed suicide after being captured?" Li Qingxiao asked coldly.

The sweat on the bodyguard's face dripped from time to time, "Go back to the emperor, yes."

Li Qingxiao's face suddenly changed and directly swept the memorial on the table to the ground.

"What do I eat for you? I can't even ask!"

The bodyguard stood on the ground nervously and didn't dare to say a word. At this time, the queen came in with tea.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry. Let's drink a cup of tea first." The queen put it on the tea floor.

Li Qingxiao's face was impatient and directly threw the teacup to the ground. "I'm in the mood to drink tea. You are solely responsible for the affairs of this troupe. You give me an explanation!"

The queen knelt on the ground with a frightened look, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't know anything about my concubines. Besides, I don't know what these theater troupes outside the palace are looking for."

"Who didn't look for you?" Li Qingxiao asked with a pale face.

"When I returned to the emperor, it was found by the Jade Concubine. I have always insisted on using the theater team in the palace, but the Jade Concubine insisted on changing the pattern and insisting on finding the theater outside the palace to make it like this. I really don't know anything." The queen quickly explained with tears on her face.

The emperor looked at her and was even more upset, "Bry up with the jade concubine!"

Her father-in-law dared to neglect and quickly led the eunuch to Yuxia Palace. Yao Yujiao was surprised and was lying **. No one expected such a thing to happen. She was even more unexpected. Thinking that she had found those opera troupes, she was upset for a burst of time.

"Mother, it's not good. Eunuch Yu brought a group of eunuchs to our Yuxia Palace." Bier hurriedly said that she also accidentally saw this scene just now and hurriedly came to report.

Yao Yujiao sat up directly from the soft couch and tossed around, but she also guessed the purpose of her father-in-law coming here. Does the emperor now know that it was the theater team she was looking for outside and sent someone to arrest her?

"Mother, Grandpa Yu is here." The inner supervisor of the outer hall hurried in to report.

Yao Yu narrowed her delicate eyes slightly and then stood up. Now that everything has happened, she can't hide. She can only face it, but why did she find the assassin's troupe so coincidentally?

"The Jade Concubine is auspicious." Grandpa Yu came in to salute.

Yao Yujiao nodded faintly and gave a look at Bier. Bier was understanding and quickly took out the people in the inner hall.

"Eunuch Yu, did you come here because of the troupe?" Yao Yujiao quickly asked.

Eunuch Yu nodded and stared at Yao Yujiao and said, "The emperor is furious. The queen is already there. Please be prepared. This time, the emperor is really angry."

Yao Yujiao nodded after listening to Eunuch Yu's words and couldn't help but turn around. The emperor's anger this time was because of the incident of sneaking into the assassin, and she insisted on finding the theater team outside the palace. At that time, I'm afraid that the emperor would be angry with her, and the queen would definitely shift all the responsibility on her.

Yao Yujiao didn't know what to do for a moment, but Ji Shuidong's words sounded in her mind. Did Ji Shuidong find these assassins?

"Yufei, let's go quickly. The emperor is still waiting." Grandpa Yu said quickly.

Yao Yujiao nodded and took the lead in going out, but her heart tossing and turning. How can we make this incident pass safely?

Yao Yujiao arrived in the Qianqing Palace, and the emperor stood with her hands on her back. The queen next to her knelt there. Her heart trembled. The queen is now kneeling there. Isn't she more miserable than her?

"The emperor is auspicious." Yufei knelt directly on the ground, with her head hanging low, waiting for Li Qingxiao's storm.

"Humph, a jade concubine!" Li Qingxiao snorted coldly and could hear that he was extremely angry now. Yao Yujiao couldn't help trembling all over, and the cold sweat on her forehead dripped on the ground and bloomed into water.

"Your Majesty atones for your sins, and my concubine knows it wrong." Yufei kowtowed quickly, with a fearful tone in her tone.

"Do you still know it's wrong? Then tell me what's wrong with you!" Li Qingxiao scolded coldly.

Yao Yujiao wiped the sweat on her face and didn't know what was wrong for a moment, but she didn't expect that her insistence on using the theater team outside the palace would cause such a big disaster. It was really unlucky, but she couldn't eat it for nothing.

"When I returned to the emperor, the guilty concubine really shouldn't have rebelled against the queen's words and used the theater outside the palace, otherwise it would not have caused such a big disaster. However, at that time, she was not guilty of the concubine who insisted on the outside the palace. Ji Zhaohua also agreed, otherwise what would the queen? If you listen to a sentence from a guilty concubine, you will change the play team outside the palace. Yao Yujiao said quickly.

Li Qingxiao's eyes tightly locked Yao Yujiao, who was kneeling on the ground, squeezed her lips, and then said in a low voice, "Call Ji Zhaohua!"

A father-in-law quickly walked away, and Yao Yujiao breathed a slight sigh of relief. Anyway, the emperor has dissipated his anger and will not be cruel to her.

The queen took a deep look at Yao Yujiao and narrowed her eyes tightly. It was a good move, but Ji Shuidong is now going to be involved for no reason. No matter how she explains, she is afraid that the emperor's punishment can't be avoided.

Queen Yao Yujiao and others knelt on the ground, and no one said a word. In the current scene, saying one more may anger the emperor.

After a while, Ji Shuidong was called. She slowly walked into the Qianqing Palace, wrapped in a white scarf on her arm, and she could faintly see the blood.

"Ji Zhaohua, what's wrong with your arm?" Li Qingxiao asked in a low voice.

Ji Shuidong quickly knelt on the ground, and could faintly see a few tears on his face, which made people look at a trace of pity.

"When I returned to the emperor, my concubine was blind in a panic, and I didn't know who cut my arm." Ji Shuidong said timidly.

"Is there such a thing? Then don't kneel on the ground and sit down." Li Qingxiao said.