Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 285 Cold Palace Jade Concubine

Ning'er has run to Yao Yulu at this time, "Little Lord, you are going to dance tonight, why are you still walking so fast?"

Yao Yulu ignored Ning'er and went straight to the cold palace. Ninger was stunned for a moment and shouted, "Mother, you are going the wrong way."

Yao Yulu turned a deaf ear and walked faster and faster. Ning'er was helpless and had to catch up with her and said repeatedly, "Mother, you have gone the wrong way."

"Don't talk." Yao Yulu said coldly, and Ning'er was shocked. She immediately closed her mouth and followed closely.

Yao Yujiao still sits on the cold stone bench, with several leaves on the stone table and piles of soil on it. I haven't seen her for more than a month. At this time, Yao Yujiao stood up and her abdomen became more and more convex. Yao Yulu slowly walked not far from her and only listened to Yao Yujiao and said, "Huang'er, look, the mother has prepared eight rare chicken, five-spice beef, and white fungus porridge for you. Huang'er, do you like it?"

Yao Yulu couldn't help but feel miserable. Just as she was about to walk over, she saw Yao Yujiao picked up the leaf and was about to pour the soil into her mouth. Yao Yulu couldn't help exclaiming and immediately stopped it, but saw Bier passing by and shouted anxiously, "Mother, there are real eight rare chickens here. Don't eat that."

When Yao Yujiao heard the sound, she immediately turned around and rushed to Bier regardless of her heavy body and said, "Bier, bring it quickly. My emperor wants to eat chicken and meat. My emperor should not be hungry." Yao Yulu was surprised, but she saw that Bier took out a small piece of sweet potato from her arms and put it in Yao Yujiao's hand. "Mother, try it. This is more delicious and hot. Mother, eat quickly."

Yao Yujiao ignored the heat of the sweet potato and immediately stuffed it into her mouth, as if she had not eaten for many days. Yao Yulu couldn't help but come forward and shouted loudly, "Bier, what's going on!"

Bier was holding Yao Yujiao. Hearing Yao Yulu's voice, she was so scared that she knelt down and said, "Your concubine, forgive Bier, forgive Bier. If Bier dies, there will be no one to take care of the Jade Concubine..."

Yao Yulu pulled her up, looked at her legs and said, "Your legs?"

"After being beaten by the emperor's 50 sticks, the imperial doctor was unwilling to treat the maidservant, so it became like this."

"That sweet potato?"

"The Noble Concubine, the Jade Concubine is now pregnant and hasn't eaten for two days. Adults can stand it, how can children stand it? So Bier went to the little maids' room and stole a piece of sweet potato. One person works alone. Please don't embarrass the Empress Yufei. Bier said with a righteous and awe-inspiring look on her face.

"What about the example of the Jade Concubine?" Yao Yulu couldn't help but be surprised.

Bier smiled bitterly, "Your mother has also lived in the cold palace. How can you not know how powerful it is?"

Ninger immediately shouted, "Bier, the Empress asked you and answered well. Why is it so sarcastic?"

Bier immediately lowered her head and said, "Your wife, the jade concubine's case has all been deducted."

"Ah?" Yao Yulu looked at Yao Yujiao, who was greedily nibbling white potatoes, but she didn't expect that her sister would be so depressed? She couldn't help crying and said, "Ninger, you go to my room and get some snacks first."

Bi'er immediately knelt down, "Thank you, thank your concubine."

Although Ninger was reluctant, she also looked at Yao Yujiao pitifully and looked at Yao Yulu worriedly. Yao Yulu nodded, "Don't worry, it will be fine." Then Ninger flew away.

At this time, Yao Yujiao ate the sweet potato, ate all her fingers again, and looked at Bier pitifully, "Bier, my emperor is still hungry."

Yao Yulu gently took her hand, took out a silk handkerchief, and wiped the jade hands clean. Yao Yujiao smiled and said, "I know you."

Yao Yulu nodded slightly, "Sister, do you remember me?"

Yao Yujiao took Yao Yulu's arm with a smile, "You are the Bodhisattva in the painting. You came to save me and the emperor. Bodhisattva, my emperor is hungry. Bodhisattva, my emperor wants to eat chicken and meat."

Bier quickly came forward and advised, "Mother, this is the noble concubine."

Yao Yujiao ignored Bier and just pestered Yao Yulu, "My emperor wants to eat meat, and my emperor wants to eat meat..."

Yao Yulu's heart was sad at this time. She coaxed with red eyes, "Sister, wait a minute. Ninger went to get food for her sister, and she will come in a moment."

Bier was afraid that Yao Yujiao would make Yao Yulu unhappy. In case it came to the emperor's ears, she was afraid that the life of the Jade Concubine would be more difficult. She came forward again, gently pulled Yao Yujiao and coaxed her, "Madam, when Bier just came, she saw a big fat chicken in our room. If my mother doesn't go back, I'm afraid she will be eaten by others.

Yao Yujiao didn't know that Bier was coaxing her. Hearing that there were only fat chickens in the room, she immediately let go of Yao Yulu and turned around like running to the room. Bier, Yao Yulu looked at her abdomen, staggering, and shouted anxiously, "Sister, mother, be careful not to fall."

Before she finished speaking, Yao Yujiao's body had disappeared into the room. For a moment, she ran out of the room and screamed, "Bier, the fat chicken was stolen, and the fat chicken disappeared..." After saying that, she actually sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Bier looked at Yao Yulu awkwardly, "Don't blame your concubine. Empress Jade..."

Yao Yulu waved her hand slightly, gently pulled up Yao Yujiao, and said softly, "Sister, don't do this. If you are obedient, you will immediately have something good to eat. If you don't obey, you will have a chicken, and you will be robbed by others."

Yao Yujiao immediately wiped her eyes, and two black mud marks on her face, but she unconsciously just said, "Good Bodhisattva, I'm obedient, I'm obedient, take the chicken to my emperor to eat."

At this time, she saw Ning'er running in from the outside, holding a large bag of things in her hand. She came to Yao Yulu and gently handed over the bag, "Little master, there are not many snacks in our room. Ning'er ran to the imperial dining room again and asked for a lot."

Yao Yulu nodded with praise and quickly opened the package. She saw that there were exquisite noodles in it. Rarely, there were two greasy fat chicken legs, which were emitting fragrance. Yao Yulu said happily, "Ninger, you are really smart." Immediately picked up a chicken leg and handed it to Yao Yujiao, "Sister, look, I said that if you are obedient, there will be fat chicken to eat. Give it to your emperor quickly."

Yao Yujiao's eyes lit up and immediately took the chicken leg without wiping her hands. Yao Yulu frowned and put the chicken leg back into the paper bag. Yao Yujiao immediately flattened her mouth and was about to cry loudly. Bier advised: "Mother, you have to be obedient, otherwise, the chicken leg will not have I ate it."

Yao Yujiao's mentality at this time was like a *, looking at Yao Yulu. Yao Yulu sighed slightly, took out a silk handkerchief, wiped Yao Yujiao's hands clean, and then put the chicken leg on her hand and said kindly, "Eat it."

Yao Yulu took another chicken leg and handed it to Bier's hand. "Bier, you can also eat it. Thanks to your care of your sister, otherwise she really doesn't know what it is like now."

Bier hurriedly said, "The noble concubine is generous. Bi'er is very grateful. This chicken leg should be left for the Jade Concubine to eat in the evening. Today is New Year's Eve, the Jade Concubine should also be a little fishy for the New Year."

"If you don't say it, I almost forgot." Yao Yulu suddenly woke up and saw that the sky had darkened. Ninger said anxiously, "Little Lord, it's getting late. The birthday of the Empress Dowager is about to begin."

Yao Yulu nodded and immediately put the snack in Bi'er's hand. "Bi'er, take good care of your sister. I'll go to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday first. Later, I'll come over and bring some good food to my sister. Eat this chicken leg first."

Bier still wanted to salute and looked up. Yao Yulu and Ning'er had run out far away. Bier's eyes were slightly red. She looked at Yao Yujiao, who was greedily nibbling at the chicken legs, and said to herself, "Mother Jade, if the noble concubine is like this now, I'm afraid that the Empress will never be so kind again."

Yao Yujiao nibbled the chicken leg cleanly and looked at the paper bag in Bier's hand. She couldn't help sniffing. She looked like a careless child. Bier sighed slightly, took out the fat chicken leg and handed it to Yao Yujiao's hand. "Mother, eat slowly. My concubine said, and Food will be brought to us again."

Song Jinzhi, Shi Zhener and others have been waiting anxiously at the door of the Yangxin Hall. Song Jinzhi kept saying, "Go to Xinghui Palace to find out where the noble concubine has gone?" The birthday party is about to begin!"

Lian'er did not dare to neglect and ran over again. She went back and forth for more than a few miles. Lian'er was so tired that her legs were weak, but she didn't dare to stay. In case the noble concubine couldn't attend the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet, how could she know what would happen? In her heart, she has regarded the noble concubine as the same master as Song Ronghua, and she doesn't want anything to happen to either of them.

At this time, the queen sitting on the Yangxin Hall couldn't help sneering at Song Jinzhi and Shi Zhener'er's anxious appearance. After the queen had lunch, Gan He, a four-grade bodyguard, walked into the Fengyuan Hall and came forward to worship, "After the queen, I found out the whereabouts of the shadow girl."

The queen nodded slightly, "Say!"

"I found out that the shadow girl often went to see a little eunuch named Xiao Xuanzi beside the noble concubine." Gan He said in a low voice and said slowly, "I suspect that there is a relationship between them."

The queen waved her hand and said, "Okay, don't say any more. You can retreat."

The shadow stood in front of the queen, still covered with a black veil on her face. Only those eyes were like autumn water, staring at the queen. The queen smiled slightly, "Ying, I asked you to come. Do you know why?"

"I don't know." Ying's voice was cold, and she couldn't hear the feelings in her heart at all.

"I saw that you often get in contact with the little eunuch next to the bitch. Shadow, do you like that little eunuch?" The queen looked at the suddenly panicked eyes of the shadow with great interest, and she could even feel that the shadow's face had turned red.

"As long as you follow my instructions, I will definitely let the little eunuch marry you, although he is just a eunuch."

"Queen, please speak!" The shadow's voice is cold, but it can't hide its urgency. The queen knew that her conjecture was right. She smiled and said, "There is only one person in this palace who can stop you from being with the little eunuch, that is, the master of the little eunuch. If she is gone, who else do you think can stop you?"

Shado's eyes suddenly became as sharp as an arrow, and she nodded. "What the queen said is that the shadow has retreated."

Looking at the back of the shadow leaving hurriedly, there was a cruel smile on the queen Wenxian's face.