Hor palace: Jinzhi Yulu

Chapter 309 Yufei Production

In the cold palace, the former queen, today's commoner, lay quietly on the cold wooden couch. Listening to the congratulatory voice, it came from afar. She resisted the dizziness and struggled to sit up, "Qiuer, what's the noise outside?"

Qiu'er looked at the weak body of the waste queen, her face as pale as snow, and she became much older in just a few days. She couldn't bear to tell each other directly. After thinking about it, she replied, "Madam, this is the emperor's military parade. The Liang army is prosperous, and the Empress is relieved."

The abandoned queen sighed, "So it is."

At this time, the little plaid came in from the outside with a smile, followed by several little eunuchs. He slowly walked to the waste bed and asked with a gloomy face, "Mother, do you hear the noise outside?"

The abandoned queen looked at the small grid and said coldly, "Supervisor Ge, feel free to say if you have something to say."

The little plaid smiled "haha" and said, "Is it the former queen? Although she has been reduced to a commoner, she is still majestic. The sound from the hundred officials wish together. Today is the day when the imperial concubine of Yulu can be awarded the queen. Can the former queen imagine that kind of scenery?"

The waste queen looked at the small grid, and his heart was surging, but his face was as calm as before. He said faintly, "Supervisor Ge, thank you for telling me. I have nothing to reward you now. You can retreat.

"Hahaha, you are just a criminal now. What qualifications do you have to say anything about me?" When the little plaid said this, his face suddenly changed and he shouted, "Come on, slap this bitch!"

Several little eunuchs behind listened to the little grid's words and hesitated not dare to come forward. The little grid immediately slapped the nearest eunuch and slapped hard. The rest did not dare to neglect and hurried forward, symbolizing that they slapped a few times and quickly retreated to one side.

Qiu'er stood aside, angry and sad, with round eyes and staring at the small grid fiercely. The abandoned queen had a calm face, as if the slap had hit someone else's face.

The little grid looked bored and said resently, "Let's spare you this time. If there is another time, I will definitely spare you. Let's go!"

Looking at the domineering back of the small plaid, Qiu Er hurried forward, held the abandoned queen, and said sadly, "Empress..."

"Qiu'er, don't call me mother anymore. In the past, I didn't treat you well. At this time, Fang knew that he was so annoying. I don't want to involve you anymore. You can call me Lu Ruoyan in the future."

"Mother..." Hearing this, Qiu Er cried even more. At this time, Lv Ruoyan only felt a great pain in her heart. Her face changed and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Qiu'er couldn't help hugging the oily Lv Ruoyan and crying loudly.

Bier guarded Yao Yujiao and looked at Yao Yujiao's figure. Her abdomen had begun to fall. The stable woman in the palace came to see it a few days ago and told Bier that the Jade Concubine might be about to give birth in the next few days, so that she would always pay attention to it. At this time, Bier carefully guarded Yao Yujiao and listened to Qiuer's loud sadness. She didn't know why. Thinking about her experience with the Abandoned Queen, her heart was also sad.

Yao Yujiao stroked her stomach and muttered. Bier didn't know what she said. Just as she was about to go forward, she suddenly heard Yao Yujiao shouting and fell to the ground. Bier was so scared that she screamed one after another. The little plaid and the little eunuch heard the howling and dared not neglect it. They quickly ran over and saw a pool of blood under Yao Yujiao.

Although the little plaid is not good at heart, he is also an old man. Seeing this scene, he did not panic and calmly ordered the little eunuch, "Sang'er, go and find a stable mother-in-law. The prince is about to be born."

Bier stood beside Yao Yujiao and turned around anxiously. The little plaid ordered, "Miss Bier, this is not the time to be busy. You guys, help Bier and help the Empress Yufei to the bed. You guys prepare hot water. Hurry up."

The initial panic gradually became orderly under the command of Gerson, and several people were busy. Until the stable mother-in-law comes.

At this time, Yao Yujiao had been hoarsely for a long time. When the stable woman arrived, she was exhausted and collapsed in **, with pieces of blood under her body. The woman shook her head and let everyone spread out quickly.

I don't know what she did, but I heard a loud baby crying in the room. Bier was relieved at this time. Xiao Lattice and others were also very excited and arched to Bier and said, "Congratulations to the Jade Concubine, congratulations to Miss Bier.

Bier shook her head, "Supervisor Ge, Bier has something to ask for, and I hope Supervisor Ge will take good care of her."

The little plaid listened to the baby's crying and guessed that it must be a prince. No matter how big the Jade Concubine made a big mistake, the tiger would not eat the son. Wasn't the emperor only put her into the cold palace because the Jade Concubine was pregnant and did not kill her? Now that the prince is born, the father and son are connected. If the emperor sees this prince, the situation will definitely change greatly. Thinking of this, he replied with a smile, "Miss Bier, what can I do for you? Please tell me."

Bier thought for a moment and said, "The Jade Concubine is now in the cold palace, and her mind is still unclear. Now that she has given birth to a prince, Bi'er is afraid that the Jade Concubine will not protect herself and the prince, so I beg the supervisor to keep this matter confidential for the time being."

"This..." Xiao Lattice said, "Is it possible that even the emperor didn't tell the birth of the prince?"

"Let me not tell you for the safety of the Jade Empress and the Prince, please think twice." Bier looked at the small grid. In the harem, there were many crises, and Yulu was newly awarded the title of queen. She was afraid that some people would hurt the Empress and the prince for her status as a gift to the queen. Although Queen Yulu is kind-hearted, she can't do it just in case.

The small grid has been in the cold palace for a long time, and many people have seen through the coldness and warmth. The intrigues and intrigues in this harem are no less than men's battles. Thinking of this, he nodded, "Please don't worry, Miss Bi'er. That's all for me. I'll tell the little eunuchs not to say much."

"Thank you, Supervisor!" Bier saluted deeply, "When the Empress returns to the palace, she will be the supervisor of Xie Ge!"

"Ha ha, Miss Bi'er's words are heavy, and the little plaid is the one who is beneficial." As the little grid spoke, he ordered the little eunuchs under him with a cold face. Those little eunuchs were already timid and scared by the little grid, and they dared not mention them again.

Although the ceremony was beautiful, it also exhausted Yao Yulu, not to mention that she was pregnant. After returning to Xinghui Palace, she removed the phoenix crown and phoenix suit, and only felt that her waist seemed to be broken. Ninger removed the shoes and socks for her, and saw that the slender jade feet had already swollen.

Ninger helped Yao Yulu sit on the couch and gently massaged her legs and feet. Yao Yulu took a heavy breath. Just as she was about to speak, she only felt bursts of pain in her abdomen, and she couldn't help sweating on her forehead.

Ning'er looked at Yao Yulu's wrong face and asked anxiously, "Mother, what's the matter?"

"Ninger, I... have pain in my stomach, as if I'm going to give birth..." Yao Yulu said this with difficulty and couldn't help shouting, "ah" and fell on the bed.

"Empress..." Ninger was anxious and afraid, and shouted repeatedly: "Red silk, red silk..."

Red silk was guarding the palace gate outside, thinking about the scenery of today's queen. I couldn't help thinking for a while. Hearing Ning'er's changed cry, she was suddenly scared and ran in quickly. The queen's face was pale, and her face fell on the couch like washing. Ninger stood aside and was shouting hoarsely.

The red silk came forward and pulled Ninger's arm. It took a lot of effort to wake up and see the red silk like seeing a savior. "Quick, call the royal doctor. The Empress is about to give birth..."

The red silk was confused and did not react. It just ran mechanically to the imperial hospital. She ran so fast that she didn't notice anyone passing by at all. She heard a voice calling her in a trance. She didn't stop, but replied loudly, "My mother is going to give birth, and I'm going to call the royal doctor..." When she finished this, she ran out of sight.

The person who called red silk was the father-in-law who came with the emperor. Seeing the red silk rushing by like a deer, he couldn't help shouting, "Red silk, the emperor is here, still..." Before he finished speaking, he heard the red silk reply: "The Empress is going to give birth..." and ran away. Eunuch Yu said "ah" and quickly looked back at the emperor Li Qingxiao.

Li Qingxiao was also a fog at this time. He did not react. He stared at his big eyes with his father-in-law and was stunned for a long time. Then he woke up and shouted one after another: "Quick, hurry up, pass on to the royal doctor..." While ignoring the emperor's majesty, he walked quickly towards Xinghui Palace.