Prince of Flowers

001 Potential Activation

In the hot summer, there are crowds in the Prajna Temple located in the bustling area of Jincheng. Today is the annual temple fair.

In the courtyard of Guanyin Hall, a short-haired and tall teenager held Gaoxiang and saluted: "Bodhisattva, please give me a big fart girl, hungry without tofu!"

Zhang Yuan muttered a column of high incense into the huge incense burner and was soon wrapped in flames and turned into ashes.

"Nima, ten yuan is gone. It seems that burning incense is a game for the rich, and the poor can't afford it."

Zhang Yuan glanced at the Xiangke around him, and no matter how he looked at it, he was richer than a poor high school student.

Prajna Temple is already full of incense, but today is a temple fair, and it is also the weekend. It is strange that there are not many people.

Zhang Yuan stood a little in the vast sea of people and touched his empty pocket, where there was only a small red flower.

Do you want to wear this little red flower, wear it, or wear it?

Zhang Yuan gritted his teeth and couldn't let go of the child to catch the wolf, and his wife couldn't catch the hooligan. He fought for the beautiful eyebrows for the fragrant and warm quilt!

Zhang Yuan resolutely put the little red flower on his head and ran around the Guanyin Hall and kept shouting: "An Hong, I miss you, An Hong, I can't sleep because I miss you!"

This Anhong is not the Anhong in the movie, but the beautiful girl Zhang Yuan met on the Internet. Today is the day when the two meet. If it is possible to open a room ** for 300 rounds, but An Hong asked Zhang Yuan to wear a little red flower and shout slogans and walk ten times around the Guanyin Hall!

Zhang Yuan always felt that An Hong was very playful and cute, so he didn't want to refuse. He just struggled when it came to time, but in the end, there was still this scene in front of him.

The tourists near the Guanyin Hall were boiling, dumbfounded and hilarious.

"Hahaha, Zhang Yuan, you idiot, didn't you take medicine in the morning?"

Zhang Yuan stopped and looked at Li Jingnan and the girl beside him. His pupils suddenly shrank and his heart stopped beating in an instant. He knew that he was playing with others as a monkey.

This girl is the Anhong on the Internet, but she is obviously more beautiful than in the video, and she is a little more arrogant and disdainful. She looks down on Zhang Yuan.

"Haha, Zhang Yuan, you coward, I not only want to take away your first love, but also make you unable to dream!"

Li Jingnan suddenly restrained a proud smile, suddenly threw the cigarette butt in his hand at his feet and crushed it hard. He said gloomically, "Dare to challenge the little master and play you to death!"

Thinking of Zhang Yuan, a boy who dared to grab the limelight with him, Li Jingnan hated it, but now he has begun to feel good. Zhang Yuan now looks like a stray wild dog on the street!

As soon as Li Jingnan waved his hand, several people around him rushed up and punched and kicked. When the police arrived, even the victim Zhang Yuan had disappeared.

The police secretly shouted bad luck, ran for nothing and left.

In the alley behind the Banruo Temple, Zhang Yuan took out a cigarette from his pocket and took out a lighter that he pressed more than ten times before ignited it. Looking at the bleeding hands, he suddenly clenched his fist and hit the big tree next to him, until his hands were blurred and swollen.

Zhang Yuan walked to the depths of the alley with bloodless hands in his mouth and whistled. His home was nearby and he passed through several alleys.

Wow, wow!

As soon as Zhang Yuan walked out of this alley, a bastard Tibetan mastiff blocked his way.

The Tibetan mastiff bowed and grinned and showed his sharp teeth. The dog hair on his body was upside down, and a pair of green dog eyes stared at Zhang Yuan, ready to fight!

This is not the first time that Zhang Yuan blocked the way for this vicious dog and has been bitten twice, but this is a wild dog. If he can't find his owner, he has not received any compensation. Even the money for the rabies vaccine is paid by himself!

Thinking of the past, Zhang Yuan hated from his heart and was evil to the edge. The Tibetan Mastiff rushed to him. He picked up a brick next to him and smashed it fiercely at the moment the Tibetan Mastiff rushed up.

Bang, bang!

The brick just hit the tip of the Tibetan mastiff's nose, and the bones were broken and blood surged. The fierceness of the Tibetan mastiff was stimulated and bit Zhang Yuan crazily. Soon he was bruised all over his body and became a blood gourd.

"Mud horse, let you bite, I will bite you to death!"

Zhang Yuan went crazy. He pulled the open blood basin of the Tibetan mastiff and bit its throat. Blood sprayed into his throat. He swallowed and sucked it until no more blood flowed.

Zhang Yuan was exhausted and the pain came, as if there were tens of millions of knives stirring in his body, and then it was like thousands of ants crawling, and the pain and itching kept changing.

Zhang Yuan's body was constantly twitching and trembling, and his skin was undulating like waves. He roared like a beast. After a long time, everything calmed down.

"Successful genetic pairing, infinite biological potential activation, eagle's eye, bat's ear, cheetah's speed, giant elephant's power, lion's power, tiger's toughness..., activation completed!"

When Zhang Yuan opened his eyes, his eyes had turned into colorful and gorgeous colors, and his pupils were infinitely deep, as if they were leading to another mysterious world.


"The victory of the spiritual snake!"

Zhang Yuan roared and suddenly bounced, and fell to the ground. He looked at the body of the Tibetan mastiff indifferently: "I didn't expect that you were not an ordinary bastard, but you completed me and let me have a power. For the sake of your merit, I will eat you tonight, which is just beneficial for me to improve my ability!"

"The beast recovers."

The mechanical sound automatically sounded in his brain, which was exactly what Zhang Yuan expected. The eyeball instantly returned to its original color, and some blood scabs fell from his body without any trace of injury.

"The power of the giant elephant."

Zhang Yuan picked up the body of the Tibetan mastiff with one foot, weighed more than 100 catties, and casually put it on his shoulder and walked in the direction of home.

Through two remote alleys, he met several surprised people and turned around the street corner into the alley. He saw his red iron gate.

There was no one at home, so Zhang Yuan didn't have to explain the rags of his clothes. After changing his T-shirt and shorts, he caught the Tibetan mastiff on the tree branch in the back garden and quickly peeled and boned it with a bone removal knife.

"The victory of the snake."

Ten minutes later, the dead Tibetan mastiff turned into neat fur bones and meat, but he had never done such a job before!

Generally speaking, dead things cannot be eaten, because the blood is not released from the blood vessels, and the taste will be very strange, but the blood of the Tibetan mastiff has been sucked by Zhang Yuan, and it is also killed, not to die of illness, otherwise he will not come back to eat.

Zhang Yuan hung the Tibetan mastiff's skin there to dry, wash the bones and put them in a large pot and boil them. His father said that it would take longer for dog meat and dog bones to produce good meat and soup!

When the cauldron was boiled, he put it in wood and cooked it slowly. There was no need for anyone to look at it. Zhang Yuan soaked his dirty clothes and rubbed them under the big tree in the front yard.

The quiet alley suddenly became lively. Someone lived in the east courtyard, which had been vacant for several months, and was moving.

Someone rang the doorbell, and Zhang Yuan washed off the foam in his hand under the faucet by the wall. When he opened the courtyard door, he saw a beautiful girl standing and smiled at him and said, "Hello, my family has just moved here. I will be neighbors with you in the future. This is the fresh lychee my father brought back from the south for your family to taste."

The moment Zhang Yuan saw the girl, his heart stopped beating, and then beat violently like a drum. He was moved!

There are many girls who can move Zhang Yuan, but she is the first girl who really has such a strong feeling and fell in love at first sight!

Zhang Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and calmly took over the small basket handed over by the girl, and his face turned slightly red. This was his standard reaction when talking to the girl. In his mother's words, his face could not be erased!

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