Prince of Flowers

098 Level 14 Meloli

Zhang Yuan jumped out of the locked door of Huajin's house like a drowned chicken. As soon as the night wind blew, my body was cold, and I couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Looking at the moonlight, Zhang Yuan suspects that it is now the second half of the night. He stretched out his waist and yawned. The wind blew again. He only felt cold and not sleepy. I slept enough just now, and now I'm energetic.

Thinking of the beauty of Hua Jin's body just now, Zhang Yuan swallowed a few mouthfuls of water. I was so happy that I couldn't help humming a song: "Wait once in a thousand years, wait for once, dreams flying, wind and tears,"

Zhao Yazhi has always been Zhang Yuan's favorite, but it seems that this song was not sung by Zhao Yazhi, but by Gao Shengmei. He doesn't know much about it. If the melody can be remembered, the lyrics may be fabricated.

What a pity!

As soon as he sings this song "Wait for a Thousand Years", Zhang Yuan will think of Zhao Yazhi and feels very sorry. He has only seen this beautiful aunt on TV, but has never seen her in person. I don't know if it is as bright, noble and elegant as on TV.

However, Zhang Yuan doesn't have much hope for this. Most of the stars wear makeup and remove makeup, and there are few cases that can stand the test of plain face!

Zhang Yuan walked along the small street for a while, and then turned right to the west, where there was a forest. After crossing, he reached the back of Jincheng No. 2 Middle School. He met the Tan Jiayu here in the morning and turned over Brother Long and steamed buns.

"Capture the first kiss of a 12-level beauty and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first chest contact of a 12-level beauty and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first leg contact of a 12-level beauty and get 10,000 life points!"

"Capture the first back contact of a 12-level beauty and get 10,000 life points!"

"Capture the first abdominal contact of a 12-level beauty and get 15,000 life points!"

"Capture the first contact of a 12-level beauty and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first wonderful contact of a 12-level beauty and get 30,000 life points!"

A beautiful female voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Yuan's mind. Recently, the voice of this biological potential system has become more and more enchanting. I don't know if the person who invented this system is a beautiful woman!

"Capture the first kiss of a 14-level beauty and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first chest contact of a 14-level beauty and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first leg contact of a 14-level beauty and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first back contact of a 14-level beauty and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first abdominal contact of a 14-level beauty and get 30,000 life points!"

"Capture the first stock contact of a 14-level beauty and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first wonderful contact of a 14-level beauty and get 60000 life points!"

The data of the biological system will always be a little delayed. The 12th-level beauty just now should refer to Huajin. The current 14th-level beauty is the first-to-first and then Tanjiayu. She is the only 14th-level beauty except Ye Qingwu!

"Capture the 14th-level beauty's virgin crown and get 200,000 life points!"

Capture the 14-level beauty Youfang Corolla and get 400,000 life points!

Zhang Yuan was shocked and knew that this was also a gift from the Tanjiayu people. She had offered everything she could give. This reward was really rich enough!

"Capture the 14th-level Meloli's first kiss and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first chest contact of Level 14 Meloli and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first leg contact of Level 14 Meloli and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first back contact of Level 14 Meloli and get 20,000 life points!"

"Capture the first abdominal contact of level 14 Meloli and get 30,000 life points!"

"Capture the 14th-level Meloli's first stock contact and get 40,000 life points!"

"Capture the first wonderful contact of Level 14 Meloli and get 60000 life points!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned. It was the first time that the biological potential system reported the life point data of Meloli. Thinking that this data must have come from Meloli, I couldn't help but feel ashamed. It's not that he didn't even let go of Xiao Luoli. It was really a special situation at Huajin just now!

"If the life point exceeds two million, will it upgrade the power of the dragon elephant, the speed of the cheetah, the victory of the spirit snake, the control of the electric eel, the ear of the bat, the speed of the cheetah, the power of the lion, the strength of the tiger, the sense of the black turtle, the secretion of the red clam, the tongue of the giant python, and the wings of the golden eagle?"

"How many life points do you need?"

"It takes 1.2 million life points, do you want to upgrade?"

"No upgrade."

"You have chosen to upgrade and consume 1.2 million life points. Will the remaining points be converted into life value?"


"There is no random option, please choose again."

"Damn it, I won't convert."

"You have chosen to convert it to a life value, and your life value has increased by 5 points, leaving 200,000 life points."

"Damn it, Nima didn't listen to me when she came back and let me choose nothing!"

"You violate the system operation rules and deduct 100 life points!"

"Damn it, I, I!"

Zhang Yuan laughed angrily. He really couldn't afford to offend this system. After scolding, he deducted 100 life points, which is equivalent to nearly ten years of life. Nima is too cruel!

Although Zhang Yuan was furious, he did not dare to swear again, and he did not even dare to scold his mother, because his thoughts were his answer, so he should calm down quickly to avoid causing unnecessary trouble!

There is no free lunch in the world. The biological potential system has brought many benefits to Zhang Yuan, but now there is also a potential crisis. If one day the biological potential system is completely out of control, no one can predict what will happen!

For Zhang Yuan, I'm afraid it will be a huge disaster!

Zhang Yuan sighed, and the dead bird looked up. Let's take a step at it. Anyway, he has nothing to do about this biological potential system now.

The dormitory of Jincheng No. 2 Middle School has now been occupied by many students. Basically, there are students who are far away from home and don't want to rent a house, or don't want to live at home. Don't underestimate these students. In fact, the number is also very large.

And even for students who have not checked in, in fact, the school has arranged beds, and Zhang Yuan's bed is in the westernmost room of the boys' dormitory!

It is already after 11 o'clock at night. Even on a hot summer night, most places in Jincheng have fallen asleep. Jincheng No. 2 Middle School is not a very prosperous commercial area, but more lonely.

At this time, Jincheng No. 2 Middle School had already closed the door, and the dormitory had already turned off the lights and locked the door of the dormitory.

When Zhang Yuan came back last time, he stayed here for two nights. At that time, he was fresh, but the experience after living there was not so good.

However, in the student era, there should be different experiences and experiences in the student era. This is not the time to be greedy for enjoyment, so Zhang Yuan does not feel how disgusting it is to live in the school dormitory.

Zhang Yuan knew that if he wanted to sleep in the dormitory for a night, the step to take now was to climb over the wall and climb in from the small window behind the dormitory. During this time, the teachers on patrolled the night basically went to rest and were not to be found.

Moreover, with Zhang Yuan's skills, not to mention those teachers, even if the special forces come, they may not be able to catch him!

Especially those who have just upgraded their biological potential, Zhang Yuan's skills must be more powerful than before. Although he hasn't tried yet, he has a strong confidence in himself!