Prince of Flowers

115 fatal

"This operation has been cancelled."



The snow doll slapped Zhang Yuan on the back of his neck. Just as a waitress came over, he waved to the waitress to help the snow doll to rest.

The waiters in five-star hotels are not only beautiful, but also very qualified, which is a kind of corporate culture.

"I have something to go first. I'm sorry to trouble you."

"It doesn't matter. Come to the front desk when you come back. My name is Ming Meier."

"Okay, thank you, Meier."

Zhang Yuan strode away and suddenly came out of the window when he got to the corner. The speed of the upgraded cheetah was not a star. Almost only for a moment, he appeared next to the door of the hotel. He shouted from afar: "Dream, Lan Shimeng!"

The people who had already walked up the steps stopped shouting at Zhang Yuan's voice.

Zhang Yuanfei ran over and stopped in front of everyone. Batu and the others had already stood up, but because Zhang Yuan stood in front of Nie Qingfeng, they had to stop for a while and look for opportunities to take action again!

Lan Shimeng's face suddenly turned red and then turned a little white. She didn't expect Zhang Yuan to greet her in such a public. He was not such a reckless person. What happened today?

Lan Shimeng's heart was as careful as her hair, and she suddenly felt something was wrong. She saw some fine sweat on Zhang Yuan's forehead, and the corners of her eyes trembled a little. Usually, he only behaved like this when he was nervous. What was he nervous about?

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan felt a huge danger. No, Batu and the others did it!

Bang, bang!

Zhang Yuan was shocked when he heard the sound of bullets breaking through the air!

"The speed of the cheetah, the power of the giant elephant, the victory of the spiritual snake, the wings of the golden eagle!"

A shadow passed by, and Nie Qingfeng and others who were standing at the door just now have stood behind the Mercedes-Benz business car!

Bang bang!

The bullet hit the Mercedes-Benz business car. The car was specially bulletproof, and the bullet only left a trace on it, and even the glass of the car was not broken.

Zhang Yuan gasped, and the rescue just now consumed more than half of his life point inventory. It was the first time that he had done so much in such a short time, but in more than ten microseconds, he moved seven people from the door to here 50 or 60 meters away!

The universe has moved greatly, and it is estimated that it is nothing more than that!

"Stay here and don't move. I'll deal with the killer!"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly threw down this sentence, and his body flashed away. Then everyone realized what had happened. Except for Nie Qingfeng and Mrs. Nie, everyone else was a little flustered, and the most panicked was Lan Shimeng.

Zhang Yuan is Lan Shimeng's sweetheart. If he makes any mistake, she can't live!

With two squeaks, two off-road vehicles that had been parked nearby quickly came to block both sides of the business car. More than a dozen fully armed special police jumped down. With a whistle, they quickly divided into two groups. A group of people guarded the car to protect the Nie family, and the group dispersed quickly and surrounded Hilton Wine from all angles. Shop.

At the same time, the armed police forces and police forces in Jincheng City took action at the first time and surrounded the Hilton Hotel!

"Mom, you are shocked."

Nie Qingfeng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Now he was a little scared. If it hadn't been for the young man who suddenly appeared to stop the crowd and bring them here, those roaring bullets would have pierced the body of the Nie family. At that time, it would have been too late to say anything.

People only have meaning to live. Even if they die, they are just dead people and have no meaning!

Old Mrs. Nie smiled faintly: "It's nothing. It seems that my life should not be stopped. Meng, who is that young man? Looking at his nervousness just now, I guess he intends to block bullets for you, hehe."

"I've seen that young man. When my second aunt and I came back, we saw him in the elevator room. At that time, we didn't care. We just thought it was a neighbor. Now that I think about it, it should not be. Otherwise, Mengmeng's face would not be red when we opened the door, as if we were drunk. Ha ha, Meng Meng, you are in my mind. The lady's image collapsed at the moment just now!"

Nie Yingxing teased her beautiful little cousin and sighed secretly in her heart. If she could meet such a sincere man, even if he was not so handsome, not so talented, and not so prominent, she would be willing to marry him as a wife until death!

It's enough for a woman to find a man who is willing to die for her!

Lan Shimeng's face turned red again, but she didn't know how to explain this matter. There was another gunshot in the hotel. She looked over there nervously and held her grandmother's and aunt's hands with her little hand. She was very nervous!

"Meng, don't worry about your little boyfriend. He is good at it and can move us from the door to here in an instant. Even if the dragon comes, that's all."

Nie Yingxing patted Lan Shimeng's little hand and comforted, and her beautiful eyes flashed: "Look back, I should absorb that boy to Xiaolong. With such a powerful role, Xiaolong will be lively!"


With a sound of explosion, a row of windows on the second floor of the hotel collapsed, and the thick smoke inside was shining, and Lan Shimeng's heart suddenly came to his throat!

Zhang Yuan's heart also came to his throat. He looked at the room with thick smoke and breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't been hiding in the corner just now, he might have been bombarded!

Zhang Yuan's eyes saw the three Batulu through the thick smoke. They were frowning with guns to find the target of attack. Naturally, the target they attacked was him!

"The power of the giant elephant!"

Zhang Yuan picked up a broken fence and shot it vigorously.


York's shoulder was pierced and nailed to the concrete wall!


Sam and York's shoulders were nailed to the wall and screamed in pain. Even if they were iron men, they had never experienced such a terrible experience. Their shoulder bones were pierced, and they flew up and nailed them to the wall and hung them on the wall. It was terrible. What kind of monster they met!

Bang bang.

Batulu hid behind a big pillar and shot in the direction of Zhang Yuan. Suddenly, his head fainted and collapsed to the ground.

Zhang Yuan jumped down from the pillar and looked at the three bandits who had been subdued. He turned his eyes and walked over and patted their mouth twice. Suddenly, those teeth were knocked off.

Zhang Yuan took a look at those teeth, and there were really three of them with venom. Fortunately, he did it early, otherwise he would have been busy in vain if he really committed suicide for them!

If you don't take action, it will be fatal. This is Zhang Yuan's situation style.