Prince of Flowers

128 poked a big basket

The police car has stopped and looked outside. It has arrived at the door of the city bureau. Zhang Yuan quickly turned off the radio and jumped out of the car.

The snow doll also got out of the car and glanced at him coldly, with the scary flame in her eyes. Zhang Yuan smiled and didn't see her eyes.

"Come with me!"

Snow doll stared at him, took his clothes, and walked straight to the office building. Zhang Yuan followed, with a little trembling in his heart.

However, thinking that the two had some small ambiguous past, the fragrance of her bathing in the room of the Hilton Hotel suddenly relaxed and calmed down.

Snow doll's position here is very good. When the police saw that he was very respected or afraid, they greeted her. And she looked like she didn't answer, um, or just nodded slightly.

Zhang Yuan can't help but think of An Ruoxi. Miss An is also so awesome. When will Master Zhang be as powerful as the two young ladies?

If there is such a day, Zhang Yuan will be really awesome. It's not good now. It's nameless.

It can also be seen from the style of snow dolls that her * must be very awesome. She belongs to the same kind of people as Ye Huang and Song Xiining Hao Bairun Tanjiayu.

From the snow doll, he saw a real aristocratic attitude towards ordinary people: the giant's disregard and disdain for ants!

Thinking of the Tanjiayu person, the beautiful face, the extremely wonderful time, and the situation when they broke up, and Zhang Yuan's heart suddenly disappeared, and his heart was full of an inexplicable sadness.

Following the snow doll, Zhang Yuan's mind was not on her, let alone here. But there is an endless desire for success in his heart. If he wants to become stronger, he must become extremely powerful!

Zhang Yuan wants to be a real superior, the kind of super awesome man who really has power without looking at people's faces. One day in the future, he can also let those who look down on him raise their heads and humbly look up at him!

The two came to an office, and Zhang Yuan sat opposite the snow doll. The beautiful snow doll's face was cold. She took out her notebook and pen and looked at him coldly.

Zhang Yuan doesn't like her look like this, as if she is a princess and he is a prisoner. He looked at the snow doll with a smile, and his eyes were still so unscrupulous. He knew that with her age and status, she would not be difficult for herself, even if she was very annoyed by his rudeness.

The snow doll made countless people lower their eyes, and it had no effect on this somewhat rogue teenager.

It's strange that this boy is now partnering with her.

The snow doll took out a video tape from the drawer and put it into the video recorder beside it.

Zhang Yuan was very puzzled and didn't understand what she was trying to do. However, as soon as he saw the scene on TV, he was stunned!

It was not until the snow doll turned off the video that Zhang Yuan looked up at her, and his face had returned to normal. He still smiled as before and asked carelessly, "Beautiful sister, the video is very beautiful. I don't know what my sister would do to show me this?"

The snow doll sneered: "You are very calm. No wonder that no one can kill a rogue leader without knowing it, and no one can show this, and dares to use this to threaten people blatantly. You should be calm! Hey, a junior high school student has saved people, killed people, gambled a lot of money, and did business. There seems to be a lot of things you haven't done! At your age, a person with such rich experience and such a gloomy mind should be called an alien or a demon, right?

Zhang Yuan took out his handkerchief, wiped his sweat, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter what it's called. It's just a code name. Come on, beautiful sister, you let me see this, it's not to discuss whether I'm an alien or a demon, is it? Now that you already know it, it doesn't matter to me. He has a way to die, and I will complete him!"

Snow doll frowned: "You are a law enforcement officer of the country, not a killer. Why do you do such a thing?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Naturally, a lady like you is sanctimonial. How can you understand that it is not easy for us to survive? If I don't kill that bastard, that bastard will cause us trouble. My national security identity can't be used at any time, and the current police can't be reliable. There's nothing I can do. I have to deal with the problem in the simplest way.

Snow doll sighed: "Zhang Yuan, what you said may be true, but the way you deal with the problem is wrong, especially if you may not know that Wang Xiaodao is actually a line that Guoan has been staring at for a long time, involving a big case, but if you do this now, you will cut off the clues at once, okay Only Sister Xixi and I know about this now, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.


"Our Guoan is divided into many factions, and we are just one of them. There is competition between other factions and us, and there is also a very fierce competition, which will be bloody and sacrificed. If you are caught by our opponents as a handle, then it will be unlucky. It's not just you, but also the people of our whole department!"

Snow doll said earnestly, "This is the end of this matter. I hope you can think twice next time you want to do something. It's better to say hello to us and let us know, so that you won't make such a big trouble."

When Zhang Yuan saw that the snow doll looked serious, he did not dare to pay attention. If it was really like what the snow doll said, then he did make a big basket!

Zhang Yuan nodded and the snow doll frowned: "You may not know that for us, you have made such a mistake and can be shot directly without passing the law. This is completely allowed and does not need to go through those ordinary processes!"

"Who are our enemies?"

"We are two groups. Our biggest enemy in two places is nine. Among the nine places, there is a man named Mo Zhanyi, who is very powerful and very unmanaged us. If you let him know about it, he will take the opportunity to kill you without hesitation. There is no second possibility!"

Snow doll looked at Zhang Yuan sternly: "From now on, you should completely forget this matter, so that even if they find you in the future, you can avoid the lie detection of psychological warfare."

"It's easy to avoid lie detection, but I don't think it's so easy to be found. If you and Sister Xixi don't say it, there is no fourth person in the world."

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. There are many capable people and strangers in nine places. Maybe they can know everything with some strange skills! This is not a rare thing.