Prince of Flowers

131 eat bamboo shoots


A sudden abuse woke up Zhang Yuan and An Yajing, who were immersed in a sweet kiss, and were shocked and subconsciously jumped away!

Song Xi was full of demonic and cold air, holding two snow-bright knives in his hand and looked at them coldly. The knife kept swinging and cutting all the words in the flower bed into colorful and red.

Behind her, a group of streaming hooligans stared at An Yajing with greedy eyes with a malicious smile on their faces.

When An Yajing saw that it was her, she forgot her shyness and leaned against Zhang Yuan's side with some fear. Zhang Yuan took her little hand and said with a smile, "Jingjing, let's go!"

One of the three little ruffians shouted, "Go, where the hell are you going?" Leave this little girl for the men to play for a few days and then let you go!"

A group of little hooligans surrounded Zhang Yuan and An Yajing and looked at An Yajing with a smile!

Zhang Yuan's eyes cooled down and stared at the little ruffian: "Grandson, say it again!"


Zhang Yuan has let go of An Yajing. When this little hooligan cursed these three words, he suddenly leaped over, grabbed his head, and hit his stomach with a knee!

The guy had time to shout and fell to the ground. He twitched on the ground in pain, but he couldn't make much noise.

Zhang Yuan has taken the steel pipe in his hand, and the smile on his face is brighter. He waved the steel pipe and pointed to the crowd, with cold eyes: "Which of you wants to be like him, pretending to be with me!"

With that, a steel pipe hit the little hooligan's leg with a crisp sound. The ruffian screamed and fainted!

"Brothers, go on, catch this girl."

Zhang Yuan doesn't have to think about what ability to use now. It's extremely easy to deal with these small ruffians with his own strength. A steel pipe hit the arrogant ruffian's arm with a click and a scream. With a flying leg in the air, he kicked the little hooligan and fell to the ground without moving!

"Up! Catch! Go on, get your eggs. Who can move me? If I don't abolish him today, I won't be surnamed Zhang! Thin, I don't want to argue with you, but don't go too much. Otherwise, if I really turn against you, I won't care so much. Quietly, let's go!"

Zhang Yuan threw the steel pipe, took An Yajing's cold little hand, and turned around and went away!

The little hooligans did not dare to move forward, and Zhang Yuan's means had scared them. They feel that such a cruel role is no worse than their boss Song Xi, or even better!

Song Xixi threw down two piles of money and glanced at them coldly: "They are all waste. Send these two pieces of garbage to the hospital!"

Song Xi frowned and took a fierce look at the distant backs. A trace of sharp color flashed in his eyes. He shook his hair and turned away.

"Xiaoyuan, you beat them like that. Is it okay to leave?"

An Yajing is now much more stable than before and thinks more carefully. On the way back to the classroom with Zhang Yuan, she asked worriedly. Zhang Yuan said, "Don't worry, Song Xi will deal with this matter. She has a lot of money."


Zhang Yuan covered her mouth and said with a smile, "If you want to believe your husband, you will be fine if you say nothing!"

An Yajing took a bite on his hand and blushed: "You are not. You have so many girlfriends. Who may become your wife?"

Speaking of this, An Yajing suddenly became melancholy and a little uninverted.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan quickly appeased the little beauty. Seeing that no one was around, he hugged her and kissed her wildly.

An Yajing shouted softly, struggled slightly, then closed her eyes, hugged his waist with a little blush, and responded skillfully.

After class, because Baby Tang has returned home, Zhang Yuan and An Yajing went home together.

An Yajing is going to one of her aunt's houses today. She doesn't walk around often, but only occasionally.

Zhang Yuan sent An Yajing to the gate of her aunt's community. Seeing that there was no one nearby, he couldn't help but be light. The girl was very beautiful and cute, and he couldn't put it down.

The little girl pretended to struggle again, then hugged him tightly and gently responded to his kiss. Although it is still a little raw, it is very enthusiastic.

An Yajing enjoyed the feeling of kissing Zhang Yuan, which made her feel that her body and heart were floating in the sky, which was very beautiful and wonderful.

However, what makes her feel a little ashamed is that whenever she kisses, her body feels particularly strange. There, it will involuntarily become wet and empty.

"See you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

After Zhang Yuan and An Yajing kissed, they reluctantly separated. Zhang Yuan smiled and waved his hand and left on his bicycle.

Zhang Yuan and An Yajing didn't see it. In a car not far away, Song Xi looked coldly at his back and looked at the building An Yajing walked into, with a cruel smile on the corners of her mouth.

Song Xixi is the kind of girl who is extremely **. Zhang Yuan touched her nerves, so there must be a war between the two, which is inevitable!

Zhang Yuan rode a bicycle and came to the place where Hua Jin and his linger lived. The little one and Hua Jin were very happy to see him come.

He played with the little daughter for a while, and the little guy was madly tired and fell asleep on the sand.

Zhang Yuan put her little nanny in the bedroom and covered her with a towel quilt. When she came out, she saw Hua Jin cooking dinner in the kitchen.

Hua Jin wears casually and coolly at home. Her head was combed into a small whit, wearing a small white suspender vest, white shorts, and white arms, all exposed outside.

Hua Jin's figure is very good, and Zhang Yuan has noticed it for a long time. However, after all, there are not many times when you look at her sexy and charming clothes so closely, which makes his eyes very hot and heartbeat.

Thinking of that drunken night, Zhang Yuan saw the charming body and touching sweetness in the bath, as well as the haunting plump and moisture, a heat wave surged in his heart, making his eyes red, and his blood quickly gathered and filled somewhere!

For Zhang Yuan, who has tasted the taste of women, it is really a great pain for him to see beautiful women but can't eat them.

If he is not too energetic, it is not a hot summer now, and without so many white flowers**, his life will be better.

But these ** are all available, and they are all very powerful!

Zhang Yuan looked at Hua Jin's snake-like body, swallowed his saliva, quietly walked into the kitchen, and hugged her from behind.

Hua Jin was washing vegetables when she suddenly hugged him and was shocked. Just as he was about to exclaim, his body had turned around for him. His familiar breath, with hot power, sprayed thin on her face, her little mouth kissed him, and then naturally kissed deeply!