Prince of Flowers

206 Security and Logistics

With the strong support of An Ruoxi and An Ruotai, Zhang Yuan's security company has completed the site personnel procedures, and even the business has been settled. As soon as it opens, three banks will immediately start the escort work!

"That's great. With the military*, things will be much easier."

Li Dagou now knows more and more. Perhaps every man with responsibility will quickly become mature.

Zhang Ziqiang is also waiting for Zhang Yuan's arrangement.

"Strong, you set up a logistics company here. The name is self-improvement logistics. The legal person is yourself. Although you also have the same development direction as Brother Dog, your development direction cannot be the same in the end."

Zhang Yuan analyzed Zhang Ziqiang: "Brother Dog was a first-class hunter when he was in the village. You are not as cruel as him, and you are not as good as him, so he can easily control a gang and deter his subordinates, but you can't do this now, but you also have your advantages. You are very forbearance. , decisive, you actually have the potential to do business.

"Logistics is now a very promising industry, and China is in the ascendant. If you can make this bigger, even if you don't develop in that field in the future, you can also call for wind and rain. As long as you can monopolize Jinshui's business, not to mention hundreds of millions of profits a year is small."

Zhang Ziqiang nodded: "The legal person is me, but the controlling company is still Brother Yuan. In fact, I don't know anything. I still need you to point out many things. I just need to be a pawn."

Zhang Yuan smiled faintly: "At the beginning, I will control and give you a fulcrum. If you have the idea of flying alone in the future, I will also give you this freedom."

Zhang Ziqiang nodded. He didn't say anything, but he didn't have the idea of doing it himself at all. It's not that he has no ambition, but that he knows his weight, let alone fly alone. That's meaningless. He wants to work with Zhang Yuan. Seeing Zhang Yuan, he is particularly down-to-earth!

"First set up a logistics company, and then set up a courier company later. As long as you do these two things well, your future is unlimited."

"Brother Dog's side, the security company is only the first step, and there will be schools and supporting companies in the future. In short, there is no limit on development, it depends on how we do it!"

Li Dagou and Zhang Ziqiang nodded with bright eyes. They followed Zhang Yuan and were particularly down-to-earth, and they had no idea of doing it alone.

At least, both of them think so now. As for whether there will be any other ideas in the future, only time will know!

Zhang Yuan took out two bank cards and handed them to the two. Li Dagou shook his head: "Xiaoqi, no need, I already have two million funds and some land, which is enough to open a security company."

Zhang Ziqiang did not refuse. He took over the bank card and picked it up directly. There are some things that don't need to be polite. He doesn't have the ability of Li Dagou now, but sooner or later he will surpass Li Dagou. He is full of confidence in it!

Li Dagou and Zhang Ziqiang drove away. Li Dagou drove the car of the owner of the Chengxi Gang in 2020, and Zhang Ziqiang drove a golden cup of bread. His little gang of less than 50 people only has such a broken car!

But this is a temporary situation. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, who will become what will become in the future, who will fall down and who will soar, that is uncertain. Only time can verify everything!

Zhang Yuan returned to the turret. The three women sat on the mat and played poker. The three pairs of beautiful feet were taken out of their shoes and put on the mat. They were white, tender and coated with different colors of to nail polish, which was mouth-watering.

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently. The streets are full of white arms and legs, even breasts and farts, but those are not very common.

The three beauties have also been wearing very cool in the past two days, either short skirts or hot pants, small suspenders, small thin shirts and small sandals, which are too hot to wear.

This is still outside. When he comes home, the three women are basically vacuum. They have a thin nightdress or a big T-shirt, and they don't care whether they will show Zhang Yuan a wonderful and attractive scenery. Anyway, it's not the first time he has seen it.

An Yajing and Baby Tang must be like this. They will do bad things with Zhang Yuan every night. Once they learn bad things, they will not feel that they are too bad.

Huang Qiushui has no precautions against Zhang Yuan now. At most, she wears a thin pair of trousers inside when she goes home. She doesn't care to show it to him at all, but she won't show it to An Yaqing. Her mind can be seen from here.

In fact, women are blind, even the whole human beings.

Huang Qiushui saw that An Yajing, Huang Baobao and Zhang Yuanhu were in the dark. She had a very good relationship with the two women and belonged to her best friend, so she trusted him very much. Even subconsciously, she was looking forward to what would happen to him one day. Listening to the description of the two little girls, she felt particularly beautiful and yearning for it!

The environment affects people, changes people, and shapes people. Huang Qiushui is in a somewhat chaotic environment, and it is inevitable that it will deteriorate.

Zhang Yuan sat in the middle of An Yajing and Tang Baobao, with his head resting on An Yajing's soft and snowy legs. His palms were placed on Tang Baobao's delicate and snowy legs, yawned and closed his eyes.

The two women continued to play poker. From time to time, their small hands gently touched his face and his hands were alive. The eyebrows were thick and gentle, with a peaceful and happy smile.

Huang Qiushui sighed in his heart that they are all enjoying the absurd and chaotic relationship now. They are still very young and do not involve some practical problems. If they are old and have experienced more things, will they still love each other like this? Will they still be so harmonious?

Huang Qiushui was not optimistic about them and his future. Zhang Yuan's mobile phone suddenly rang, which scared the four people.

Zhang Yuan took out her mobile phone and looked at it. It was Zhang Anran's call. I guess there was something urgent, otherwise she would not have disturbed Zhang Yuan at all.

"Hey, Sister Anran."

"Xiaoqi, I'm Tian Mi. Your sister Anran just called someone. We are going to the hospital. You'd better go to the construction site to have a look. Oriental Emperor's View!"

After saying that, Tian Mi hung up the phone. Zhang Yuan's heart twitched and immediately jumped up: "You three go back by yourself. I'll go to the construction site to have a look. By the way, you Tian Mi can call or call my sister. My sister called someone and is now being sent to the hospital!"

The three women are very familiar with Zhang Anran and Tianmi. They go out to eat together from time to time, so they have a good relationship. As soon as they heard that Zhang Anran was hospitalized, they immediately put down the poker and called while packing up their things.

Zhang Yuan has driven to Dongfang Yujing. Twenty-four minutes later, he has arrived at the construction site of Tianyuan Building Materials.

The construction site of Tianyuan Building Materials in Dongfang Yujing is a large luxury private clubhouse. The business was introduced by Chen Xiangxue, and the owner is the owner of Dongfang Yujing Group.