Prince of Flowers

221 Sweetness in the moonlight

The Nie family's house is not small, and the three-entry courtyard is the kind of place where only dignitaries could live in ancient times.

After playing chess, Mr. Nie went to rest. He is going to visit abroad tomorrow. It's really an accident to be at home today, and Zhang Yuan has some fate with him.

Zhang Yuan couldn't sleep, so he came to the yard to sit and look at the moon.

There is a gentle breeze blowing. Although it is a hot summer, it feels a little cold and comfortable.

Zhang Yuan sat on the chair, and a pair of small hands quietly covered his eyes. He didn't have to guess who it was. Such a unique fragrance was only available to Lan Shimeng.

"Guess who I am?"

"Well, I don't think you will be Mengmeng. That little girl is not as fragrant as you or as big as you."

Zhang Yuan's hand reached into the girl's skirt, and Lan Shimeng let go of him and beat him twice to sit beside him.

"Xiaoyuan, are you not writing tonight?"

"Write it, I'll write it in a minute, but you have to write it with me, otherwise I won't be inspired."

Zhang Yuan's smile was very evil, and Lan Shimeng's face suddenly turned red. Thinking of the shameful scene when she wrote with him two days ago, although it was wonderful, it was not suitable for here. She didn't want people to find out. It was really shameful.

"No, this is my home. There are a lot of people."

"Ha ha, what are you thinking about? I just asked you to help me pound my back or something."

Lan Shimeng hammered Zhang Yuan twice with shame: "You did it on purpose. If you bully me like this, I will ignore you."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "How can I be willing to bully you? I like you. It's too late for you. Baby, are you tired?

Lan Shimeng shook his head: "I'm not tired and didn't do anything. I just had a meal with my mother."

"My baby is really a good girl to be a good wife and mother. Baby, if it hadn't been for me, I think countless men would have scrambled to marry you as a goddess."

Lan Shimeng covered Zhang Yuan's mouth. She saw his guilt and smiled slightly: "I remember that there is such a sentence in Shu Ting's "God's Peak". Instead of exhibiting on the cliff for thousands of years, it's better to cry on your lover's shoulder for one night!" Being a goddess is very revered, but love and happiness have nothing to do with respect.

Lan Shimeng leaned on Zhang Yuan's shoulder: "Many people may think that several girls like a boy. It is an incredible thing to be with him. They could have taken care of a man, but they have to share it with others, and they will definitely not be happy. But in fact, that's just a personal imagination. The water is cold and warm. The fish knows that my baby and I are very happy with you quietly. Maybe we will occasionally be jealous of other girls, but in general, we are still happier than most girls.

"Life is not only about feelings, but also about life, study, work, our own social circle, and our own hobbies. After removing these parts, we don't have much time to stay with you. The three girls are happy to do this and that together when we have nothing to do. There are also Qiushui and Anran Mimi, as well as Rou Rouqin, and a lot of your confidants. We will get together when we have time. There is a lot of fun. Basically, even when you are not at home, we still have a good time. Ouch."

Lan Shimeng gave Zhang Yuan a little fart, and she smiled: "In this way, you may feel that you have no value and meaning, but you should also be glad that we are not the kind of girl who likes to pester you to make trouble. Even if you are in debt, we are not Take it seriously, as long as you treat us later. And they are all acquaintances, even friends and sisters, and they don't feel much loss.

Zhang Yuan was stunned: "Really, the ideas of you girls are sometimes really strange."

Lan Shimeng smiled sweetly: "Everyone's life is different. Because of the existence of you as the center in our life, we will form a circle around you. It's all thanks to you. Your vision is very good, and at the same time you are also very powerful, which can make us willing to be centered on you, no Resentment, not resentment, but live a very comfortable life. Such a life is really valuable!"

Zhang Yuan stared at Lan Shimeng for a long time and sighed leisurely: "It seems that my dream has really grown up. I think things have been seen so widely. It turned out that I thought you only had breasts and small buttocks, alas."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

Lan Shimeng held her little white teeth and kissed Zhang Yuan. His big hand reached into her dress by the way, making the delicate and beautiful body hot and moist, and it could be watered out!

Nie Xianyu was going to come out for a while, but she saw Zhang Yuan and Lan Shimeng's intimate appearance. She widened her eyes and really didn't expect that her extremely pure cousin had such an enchanting and wild side in her eyes. She looked more thirsty than Zhang Yuan's boy!

What Lan Shi couldn't dream of was that the two of them actually sat there doing that kind of thing. She secretly looked at it for a while and felt that her heart couldn't stand it. There was a wet and embarrassing phenomenon!

Nie Xianyu was short of breath and quietly returned to his room and quickly took a shower.

When taking a shower, Nie Xianyu thought of the scene he had just seen and somehow changed the person who had been attacked from Lan Shimeng to herself, and a strange sound gradually sounded in the bathroom!

The person who saw Lan Shimeng and Zhang Yuan doing bad things was not only Nie Xianyu. Nie Shiqing also inadvertently saw this scene. He returned to the room and went into the bathroom, looking at his beautiful and delicate body as a girl. Thinking about the poor happiness after marrying her husband, he suddenly had an inexplicable ** The depths of the body are surging!

Lan Shimeng and Zhang Yuan were very crazy. They went crazy for an hour to return to the room to continue fighting. It was already midnight when they hugged and slept. The energy of the two people was amazing!

In fact, invisibly, Zhang Yuan has improved the physique of the girls around him who have been married to him, but no one has noticed this phenomenon now.

Nie Qingfeng had left home that night, and Mr. Nie also left at about the same time, so when he ate the next morning, he could not be seen on the dining table, only Mrs. Nie, Nie Xianyu, Nie Xianyi, Nie Shiqing and Lan Shimeng.

"Why don't I know when Dad left?"

Nie Xianyi was a little puzzled. He was used to his father's not at home, but he was a little surprised by his father's sudden disappearance.