Prince of Flowers

244 Zhang Yuan's technique

It took Zhang Yuan a while to understand Lang Shixun's sinister intentions. At this time, he was almost weak.

Lang Shixun wants him to become a man!

At this time, Lang Shixun decided to stop, and he put a few stitches on Zhang Yuan's body. Zhang Yuan's mind soon blurred, and he felt very hot and hot.

Lang Shixun looked at Zhang Yuan with a sneer and said, "Take your time here. I guess it will take a few days. After this energy passes, you will not suffer. However, your thing should have been rotten at that time, hahaha. The woman who plays with me dares to be so arrogant. You are the first and the last one. The last eunuch. Hahaha."

Lang Shixun spoke, stood up, turned around and went to the secret room. When he got to the door of the secret room, he shouted to the little white cat, "Bai Bai, help him bleed, cool!"

The little cat meowed twice, shook its tail, and walked towards Zhang Yuan. The kitten jumped on his stomach and suddenly screamed. His hair stood up and arched his body like an angry tiger, biting at Zhang Yuan's point!

Zhang Yuan had no reason at this time, his head was hot and scary, and he was a little dizzy. However, when the cat bit hard, he felt pain and screamed. At the same time, the blood sprayed wildly, which looked very scary!

The little cat has jumped away sensitively, looked at Zhang Yuan proudly, wagged its tail, and meowed and walked towards the secret room.

With the splash of blood, the heat plummeted and suddenly woke up. Then, I felt relaxed all over.

"Biological recovery."

Zhang Yuan's body healed quickly, and at the same time, a force rose from the hypothalamus and flowed all over his body. He regained his strength.

Zhang Yuan pulled out the needle on his body and stabbed it twice near his place. The blood soon stopped. He looked at the two holes bitten by the cat. There was no fatal injury, and the wound had healed without any hindrance.

With a sigh of relief, Zhang Yuan jumped up and took out a small box from the bottom of the landscape air humidifier. The same small box was removed from the back of the electromagnetic chair. These two boxes contain eczeal.

Zhang Yuan took these two boxes and sprayed them into the secret room. The special box was very stressful, and the sprayed medicine fog was far away and quickly spread throughout the space.

Zhang Yuan believes that it's not that his medicine doesn't work. The reason why Lang Shixun can wake up is that there are few drugs, and Lang Shixun's skills are very strong. However, if he sprays like this now, unless he is not a human, he will definitely be fascinated.

Zhang Yuan walked in and sprayed the medicine all the way to the secret room on the second underground floor. Sure enough, Lang Shixun couldn't stand it anymore. Although he was surprised by Zhang Yuan and had not fainted yet, he also leaned against the wall and supported himself. His eyes were a little confused and he still fought straight.

Zhang Yuan was particularly cautious this time. He first shot a few needles into Lang Shixun's body so that he could not move. Then he walked to him and tied his legs and feet with a rope, making him unable to break free. If he can still break free in this way, it only shows that he is not a human being!

Those people were supposed to wake up, but now they have fainted. Zhang Yuan tied up these people who untied Lang Shixun again. Looking back, he could still hold on and sneered, "You are very powerful. Really, I admire you very much. What about your dead cat? So here it is, little beast, let's see how I deal with you!"

Seeing Zhang Yuan pick up Bai Bai, Lang Shixun said, "What's your name with a kitten? If you have the ability, you can use it with me. What else can you do besides using some conspiracy and tricks and some shady means?

Zhang Yuan threw the kitten casually, and Lang Shixun's eyes were even more gloomy. Obviously, he is very affectionate and takes this kitten very seriously.

Zhang Yuan picked up the knife that cut his blood from beside him and waved it. In a blink of an eye, Lang Shixun's clothes turned into fragments as before. Now, they are all naked and frankly meet each other.

Suddenly, Zhang Yuan stared at Lang Shixun and widened his eyes. Lang Shixun scolded, "Mong, don't look at me, rubbish!"

Zhang Yuan suddenly smiled. Regardless of Lang Shixun's scolding, he was stunned!

Nima, how can there be such a strange physiological structure in the world? Is she a woman or a man? Generally speaking, she should be a woman.

Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "I can't imagine that Master Lang really opened my eyes. Do you think I should let you have children, or let you kill other women? I think the latter is very difficult. If the operation is all unnatural, it will help you a hundred times, so that you don't always miss my woman! I'll help you, there's no charge!"

Seeing Zhang Yuan shaking a few needles in his hand and contrasting with him, Lang Shixun scolded, "You bastard, what do you want to do? Get out of here, get out of here, or I will kill your whole family. I'm going to have sex with all the women in your family. Ah!"

Lang Shixun hummed and felt a colic in his lower abdomen. Zhang Yuan stabbed two more needles at his critical point and took out a small knife and sneedle twice. He felt cold and heartbroken.

After Zhang Yuan pricked the needle a few more times, Lang Shixun did not feel the pain. Instead, he felt that he had never felt anything, which made him ashamed suddenly itchy. Starting from the inside, it is hot, numb, itchy, unbearable, strange and strange!

Zhang Yuan put away the needle and shook his greatness. It was still so strong. The two blood holes had miraculously long together, with only a slight strange color. That's because Zhang Yuan just found the ointment and applied the wound with the secret method to have a miraculous effect.

He smiled evilly and said, "Little sister, brother will help you consolidate the effect and make you a real woman!"

Lang Shixun is about to collapse now. He saw that he had become like this and knew that his man was useless, and he could only be a girl in the future!

However, what he hates most is the extra daughter characteristics in his body. Now he wants to be a girl and a woman all his life. He really has the heart to die.

She has now hated Zhang Yuan so much. If she is given a chance, she must let him break ten thousand pieces and kill all his family members.

Lang Shixun's painful time has just begun, and Zhang Yuan is retaliating against her in a man's way!

Lang Shixun floated between hell and heaven, gradually lost himself, and even forgot his existence. Only instinct and heart are left.

Lang Shixun and Zhang Yuan are a beast and beast! The tricks she had used and didn't use on women before, and even unexpected, were used on her.

She was completely polluted and opened by him. From then on, he has engraved a deep imprint on her body and mind. I'm afraid she can't forget and ignore it in her life!