Prince of Flowers

277 Regret

After Zhang blunt, Zhang Yuan and others went to Guotun to eat something.

The Shaoguotun has not changed much, but Mr. Tang's house has changed a lot. The broken house in Tang Bao's memory has disappeared. Several new three-story small foreign-style buildings and some other buildings are located in a large courtyard several times larger than before.

The wall of the yard is very high and wide. The wall is full of transplanted flowers and plants. The red brick wall is full of climbing tigers, bris, morning glory and other climbing plants. It looks vibrant and green!

The yard is so big that Baby Tang, who is used to the small pattern in the city, has opened his mouth wide! Not to mention Huang Rou and Song Xixi and Lang Shixun! They have never seen such a big yard. Even if they have seen a bigger manor villa, it is not a yard.

There is a small yard in the big yard. There are no walls, only fences made of green plants. Outside the fence is a picturesque landscape composed of various trees and flowers, as well as rockeries, ponds, small bridges and pavilions!

"What's going on?"

Tang Baobao was stunned, and Zhang Yuan smiled: "This is what I did."

"What, did you do it? When did you do it?"

"I won't tell you. You can ask your grandfather later."

Tang Baobao's grandfather is Zhang Yuan's grandfather, Mr. Tang.

"How much does it cost?"

"This yard seems to have cost a lot of money, but in fact, it doesn't cost money at all. Everything is the labor of Brother Ning, and I came up with an idea and creativity.

Zhang Yuan took a breath of fresh air and said, "Of course, as a reward, Brother Ning also owns a small building in this yard. When he is free, he will come and play!"

Although Ning Hao has his own villa, it is different from this pure countryside, and it feels different at all. You can enjoy real rural life here, even if you live in a small foreign building.

"Oh, it's so beautiful here, Xiaoyuan, when on earth did you build this yard?"

Huang Rou was very happy to walk into the green world outside the courtyard. Baby Tang and Song Xixi also walked in hand. The three girls ran and played in the woods and grass, happily.

Lang Shixun looked at them enviously, but she did not dare to play unless he allowed her to go. Otherwise, he will punish her severely. That's a terrible thing. She is scared to death.

Zhang Yuan took Lang Shixun's little hand and walked into the big garden. The little girl looked here curiously. Her big eyes were bright and full of hope. How she hoped that she could have a good time.

At this moment, a heavenly voice sounded in her ear: "Little guy, go and play, whatever you want. Be careful not to hurt yourself. You are mine. I won't allow you to get hurt!"

Lang Shixun suddenly wanted to cry. She turned her head, looked at Zhang Yuan with tears in her eyes, stretched out her little arm around his neck, gave him a kiss with tears, and then jumped happily and jumped into the flowers beside her. In a blink of an eye, there was no shadow, and only her particularly beautiful little voice could be heard!

Zhang Yuan looked at Tang Bao and Huang Rou, who were having fun in the distance, as well as Song Xixi, who seemed to be a little excited, and Lang Shixun, who ran back and laughed loudly like a little madman, with a doting smile in his eyes, which seemed to have a little kindness.

"Boss, this is a freshly picked strawberry. Try it!"

The old man in charge of managing this yard brought a plate of big and red strawberries to Zhang Yuan. Zhang Yuan took the plate, ate one, and nodded and praised, "It's delicious. Thank you for your hard work. You have done a good job. It's taken care of here."

The old man's wrinkled face showed a simple and honest smile. He said slowly, "It's not the boss that you trust me. If it's someone else, who can let me do such a good job as an old man who has been in prison for most of his life. Boss, thank you. If it weren't for you, my family and I would be finished.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Don't thank you. When everyone is in trouble, you can seize this opportunity by your own efforts. By the way, your youngest son seems to be studying computer science. If you are not good at a job after graduating from technical secondary school, you can go to my place. However, if you can't do it well, you have to do business!"

The old man said excitedly, "Thank you, thank you. Don't worry, he is a simple and diligent child. He is not stupid and will work hard. Boss, what do you and some distinguished guests want to eat?

Zhang Yuan thought for a moment and said, "Let's come to the farm food. We will eat whatever you do. Anyway, the food made by your family is so delicious."

The old man was very happy to hear this, and he immediately said happily, "Okay, then boss, you can do it!" You and a few distinguished guests are satisfied.

Zhang Yuan nodded with a smile and ate another strawberry. Feeling less interesting in the yard, he took strawberries, walked out of the courtyard and stood under the big tree at the gate of the courtyard to enjoy the cool.

Mr. Tang is rarely at home. He now lives in Tang Baobao's house, so only the old man's family lives here, and occasionally guests will come.

When the villagers saw that Zhang Yuan came back, they didn't see him for some days and greeted them from afar. Zhang Yuan also greeted them familiarly and handed over strawberries or cigarettes from time to time, which was still the same as before.

After eating strawberries, Zhang Yuan put the plate on the stone table under the tree, holding the red panda in his hands, and walked east along the wide sandy road.

When the road was nearing the end, Zhang Yuan walked south along the intersection and soon walked out of the village. There were green gauze tents on both sides of the road, and the wind blew and rustled.

There are many big trees on the roadside, covering the road under the shade, which is very cool.

Zhang Yuan walked slowly forward, recalling the countless memories he had left on this road. One of the most is the memory of grandma.

The old man who tells people that he is a little crazy, some sloppy and wrinkled, always wears shabby black cloth, is the most important and owed person in his life.

Unfortunately, the old man has left and is buried on the high hill in the south. Zhang Yuan was going there to see his grandma's grave and talk to the old man.

Zhang Yuan walked for a long time before he walked up a high post. Crossing the woods to the east, he walked into the big tomb circle of Wujiatun. Written language, public cemetery.

The tomb that Zhang Yuan used to build for his grandma is very conspicuous. There are high tombstones and cement tomb bags. There are also many pine trees and fruit trees planted near the grave. Grandma likes to eat begonia fruits and sand fruits, so he planted more than a dozen there. Now, it is full of fruit.

All the fruits in the village are secretly picked by children and adults, but no one has ever dared to move anything here. I don't dare, and I don't want to.

When Zhang Yuan approached, he suddenly saw a girl crying next to her grandmother's grave while pulling the weeds growing on the clean ground with her hand. She said, "Grandma, I miss you so much, but I can't see you anymore. Grandma, how are you doing over there? You must still be worried about my little brother."

"Grandma, don't worry. My little brother is doing well now. He has built a lot of small buildings in our village and is still driving when he comes back. Grandma, I miss Xiaoqi so much, but I'm afraid she won't recognize me. He came back several times, but he didn't come home to have a look. I know that he still hates my parents and hate them for being bad to you. Grandma, this can't be my little brother, me too."

There was an extra facial tissue in front of the girl's eyes. She was shocked, raised her poor little face, and saw the handsome face she was longing for!