Prince of Flowers

317 kill people

Tang Beibei's classmate's name is Mu Mu, and his surname is Mu Mu. It's a strange name, but it's also very cute.

Mu Mu is a complete little Lori. She wears a pink skirt, small shoes of the same color on her feet, and has cute short hair, which makes people like her.

"Mu Mu, this is my brother Zhang Yuan, brother, this is my classmate and best friend Mu Mu."

"Hello, Brother Xiaoqi, I'm Mu Mu."

"Mu Mu, like his name, like the spring breeze, is very cute. Come on, enter the house,"

Zhang Yuan greeted Mu Mu into the room. Mu sat in the room. Zhang Yuan and Tang Beibei began to cook. Tang Beibei did not let Zhang Yuan follow him and asked him to enter the room to chat with Mu Mu.

Zhang Yuan had no choice but to walk into the room and saw Mu Mu lying at the window and looking out. He did not disturb her. After a while, she turned around and saw Zhang Yuan and smiled, "I can't cook, otherwise I will help. Brother Zhang Yuan, I heard that you are studying in Jincheng No. 2 Middle School. Is that interesting there?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head: "That's what school is all about. There are boredom and fun times everywhere. How is your school's study life?"

"It's quite boring, but as Brother Zhang Yuan said, there are times when it's boring and times when it's fun. Anyway, just make do with it."

Tang Beibei saw the chessboard in the corner and asked curiously, "Brother Zhang Yuan, can you play Go?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, and Tang Beibei wanted to play a few games, so Zhang Yuan took the chessboard to play with two people. As a result, Zhang Yuan lost so badly that he was embarrassed to play later.

Fortunately, Tang Beibei finished the meal at this time, and the three of them began to eat. After dinner, the moon was in the sky, and they went out for a walk together.

Zhang Yuan had forgotten that there were distinguished guests coming to the Prajna Temple. They walked along the tree-lined road for a while and came to the Guanyin Hall. There were people here doing evening classes. The sound of wooden fish and chanting sutras sounded from it, which made people feel peaceful and forgot all unhappiness and unhappy.

Tang Beibei will come here to visit Guanyin Bodhisattva every day. Today, he is no exception, but at the door, he was stopped: "You can't enter here without permission. Get out quickly."

spoke by a young man, who looked like a dog, with gloomy eyes and arrogant. Tang Beibei frowned when he heard the words. Zhang Yuan came directly and looked at the young man coldly: "Get out of here and let me have a look. This is a Buddhist shrine, not your owner's place, let alone your doghouse. If you want to bark, Choose a place where you can bark, bite people here, and be careful of your dog legs!"

"Presumptuous, looking for death."

The young man started and hit Zhang Yuan like lightning. The speed was very fast, and the angle was very strong. One punch reached Zhang Yuan's face in an instant. Zhang Yuan tilted his head to avoid the fierce blow and kicked the man's leg. The man bent his knees and reacted very sensitively.

Zhang Yuan and the young man hit more than a dozen times in a blink of an eye. The young man suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Zhang Yuan: "Kneel down."

Zhang Yuan sneered: "If I kneel to you, you will definitely not suffer. I guess it will be over if you don't go for an hour. Are you sure I really kneel down for you?"

"Kneel down or die."

"What kind of person are you? How dare you be so arrogant in Jincheng? Put down the gun immediately. Otherwise, no matter who you are today, you will be very unlucky. Are you sure you want to insist on doing this?"

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense. You two kneel down, or I'll kill you."

The young man didn't put Zhang Yuan and the three in his eyes at all. His muzzle was aimed at Mu Mu. Suddenly, there was a bang. Blood splashed on his hand, and a big hole in his hand was punched out. The pistol fell. Zhang Yuan gently kicked, and the pistol that had not yet fallen to the ground flew to the distance.

The young man snorted and looked at the hole in his hand incredulously. He didn't expect that someone would dare to shoot him!

"Come on, catch the assassin."

Suddenly, a lot of people ran out of the dark. The young man scolded, "I've been shot. Didn't you see me? You have to speak before you can come out. They are all rice buckets. What's the use of you!"

Everyone doesn't talk, but they don't care about this man. None of them looks up to him, but in order to eat this meal, they have to suppress themselves and swallow their anger!

The young man said angrily, "You bastards, arrest all three of them quickly and find the assassin for me. Do you hear me?"

Those people were unwilling to move. Everyone was afraid that a shot would suddenly come from the dark. At this time, the voice in the Buddhist hall stopped, and a middle-aged man came out of it and frowned, "What are you arguing about?"

The young man stretched out his hand, and the middle-aged man looked at it and said, "What's the matter? Who shot it?"

The young man shook his head. The middle-aged man glanced at Zhang Yuan and Tang Beibei Mumu, and suddenly smiled and asked, "Mu Mu, why are you here?"

Mu Mu smiled and said, "Uncle Lin, I'm studying in Jincheng. I came to play with my classmates today. I couldn't think of not letting me in here, and I almost got a black shot."

Lin Senyu saw a young man and said, "Hurry up and have a look at your hands. Don't use your power in the future. You won't have to be responsible for my safety in the future."

The young man's already pale face became pale when he heard the words. Lin Senyu smiled and said to Mu Mu, "Come in with me. This is your classmate. Come in together."

Mu Mu shook his head: "No, thank you, Uncle Lin. Let's go back to rest. See you, Uncle Lin."

Mu Mu took Tang Beibei away after saying that, and Zhang Yuan also left. Mu Mu said, "That man is Lin Senyu. Now he is a deputy ministerial figure. He is the leader of the Lin family, a hypocrite. His subordinates give up when he said he gave up. Such a person is really shameless."

Tang Beibei said with a smile, "Oh, I also think he is too ruthless. Although that person is not a good person, it is really not worth it. If I were him, I would probably kill that Lin Senyu."

Mu Mu smiled and said, "Look at your weakness, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, but yes, if I meet such a person, I probably want to kill him."

Zhang Yuan said, "That fool has no eyes, otherwise he would not have found such a person to be the boss, but anyone with eyes can see that Lin Senyu is a very hypocritical and vicious person, which can be seen from his eyes."

The three people said as they walked and quickly returned to their residence. They felt bored, so they found poker to play Fight the Landlord. In order to have some fun, they played something with money, in fact, just to avoid grinding their fingers for nothing.

The night passed in a hurry. When Zhang Yuan woke up the next morning, Beibei and Mu Mu had already returned to school, and he washed up and returned to school.

As soon as Zhang Yuan returned to the dormitory, Li Jing came back and changed his clothes and said, "Zhang Yuan, did you go home last night?"

Zhang Yuan nodded and asked, "It's rare for you to come back last night."

Li Jing smiled and said, "It happened that you were not here, so I brought two girls back to live in. It's very good."

Although high school is not a university, every school has special circumstances. Zhang Yuan and Li Jing are like this.

The rules of the school are just a piece of bullshit for them!

Zhang Yuan turned on Li Jing's computer and said, "I knew you wanted to make room for you. Dude, it's interesting enough."

"Of course. If you are not interested enough, are there any interesting people in the world?"

Li Jing put on his clothes, looked in the mirror and said, "There is a party tonight. Will you go?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head: "I don't like such an occasion. I still like to stay calm down. You have to come back tonight to talk in advance. I'll go home to live, but you have to play with your computer."

Li Jing said, "Anyway, it's useless to throw it away. Just play with it. I'll get one from home later. You can have whatever you want. Well, I'll go first. Bye. Bye, by the way, don't forget to call for me later."

"Don't worry, I will. Do you need to say that?"

"Goodbye, good brother."

Li Jingyang left, and Zhang Yuan went on QQ and began to talk to the beautiful women in the group.

Victoria's Secret: I recently learned a dish, pulling shredded potatoes. I don't know why I can't pull out shredded potatoes. It looks like syrup potatoes.

Zhang Yuan: It is estimated that the temperature of boiling sugar is not well mastered.

Victoria's Secret: It doesn't feel like it, but I don't know where the problem is.

Zhang Yuan: Isn't it? It tastes terrible. If you eat it once, you will regret it for a lifetime. If you eat it again, it will be a reincarnation.

Victoria's Secret: Don't talk nonsense.

Zhang Yuan: OK, let's talk about business. Boil the sugar until it foams and start to hang the pulp. After stir-frying for a while, you will decisively put out the fire and put it on the plate. If you really can't pull out the silk, you will go to hell!"

A passer-by: This handsome man's words are very reasonable. He should go back and try it secretly. He should be fruitful.

Victoria's Secret: Try it at noon after class, and treat everyone to it if it succeeds.

Everyone suddenly responded, but Zhang Yuan looked at everyone's reaction and did not speak. He went to check the results at zero and found that it would be tragic, so he lazily wrote another chapter and sent it up. Seeing that it was time to go to class, he went to the classroom with notebooks and textbooks and so on.

When Zhang Yuan arrived, most of the students in the class had arrived. He sat down, and the students next to him asked, "Hey, Zhang Yuan, do you still have pirated discs?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Yes, even if you don't have anything you want, I can get it for you. Say it, what a disc."

"I want Brother Fa's film. I'm going to learn Brother Fa to pretend to be cool and go back to the first night of cheating the little girl."

Zhang Yuan was speechless: "If that's the case, it's useless for you to just watch Brother Fa's films. His films are now outdated and have nothing to use. You should look at other films, Jin Chengwu and Andy Lau. If you understand the works of these handsome men, you are basically experts. Don't If you fool a girl, you can fool a man.

"Oi, then you can give me a few copies later and sell them at the normal selling price. Give them to me at no cost. The teacher is here."

Before the students finished speaking, the teacher came in. Everyone stood up and sat down. The teacher said, "Today, I will tell you about the celebrity family letter."

This teacher likes to speak according to the content of the textbook, but his courses are the most liked to listen to, and the learning effect is first-class. No one in the whole Jinshui can compare with him!

As soon as the teacher said this, everyone immediately came to the spirit. The family letter, this class was really interesting.

The teacher said, "The most famous of the family letters should be love letters. I'll tell you about the love letters. In the past, it was a very magical thing, and it was also the best memory in life. Now few people have sent any family letters, which shows the progress and development of society, but it is also a huge regression, because writing family books can actually best exercise a person's literary talent. Now there is no such opportunity. !"

The teacher coughed and said, "So, I have decided to exercise everyone's level of writing home letters from today. If it is well written, it can be included in the "Home Book Record" that I plan to publish. There is a manuscript fee!"

Everyone laughed and the teacher said, "Now, start with me, write a family letter."

The teacher brewed his emotions, looked at the beautiful tree shadow outside the window, and his eyes rose far away, and said leisurely, "If the dark clouds hadn't covered the moonlight, I could have seen your beautiful face, but what's the point of not seeing your face clearly? Your hair wrapped around my fingertips, your fragrance wrapped around my nose, and your heavenly sound Plucked my strings, honey, on such a night, I love you hopelessly, and I love you so much!"

The applause sounded, and the teacher laughed and said, "No, I'm still old after all. Without the enthusiasm of pursuing the school beauty before, the school beauty has also become an old lady, no longer the youth and beauty of those years. Ha ha, the next one, just start from here. Don't let me call. Let's play on the spot. I'll record it."

After saying that, the teacher turned on her tape recorder. The first person to stand up was the first girl sitting on the right hand side of the classroom. She didn't like to talk, but after standing up, she didn't let anyone see her jokes. She squeezed her lips and looked out of the window and sighed gently and said, "If it weren't for that rainy day, I wouldn't have been you. If you can hold an umbrella, the flower umbrella and the black umbrella will not collide on the muddy campus.

"You asked me why I like black umbrellas. I said that because black covers all colors, I'm not a lively woman. There are not so many colors in my life. Your flower umbrella should not touch my black umbrella. You and I should pass by and drift away!"

The classroom is very quiet. Everyone is listening carefully to the girl's voice. Her voice is very beautiful. She seems to be telling her own story. In short, it is really touching.

Everyone is still looking forward to the wonderful things in the future, but they don't expect the girl to sit down with a smile: "The next one."

"Continue, continue."

"Update, no eunuch."

Everyone shouted, but the girl still smiled and shook her head and did not continue her family letter.

Everyone had to continue and soon arrived at Zhang Yuan. He talked nonsense, but also got a lot of applause, which made him feel a little surprised!

A class will soon be over. Zhang Yuan slipped out of the school and found a place to sit in the Internet cafe near the school. The notebook was out of power, otherwise he could go back to the dormitory!

Zhang Yuan is surrounded by a beautiful woman, who is very beautiful!

The beautiful woman seems to be very interested in Zhang Yuan. She didn't look at the LCD. She has been looking at Zhang Yuan sitting next to her for a long time. He is indeed attractive.

Wen Xiaoya has never been ashamed to express what she likes.

However, Wen Xiaoya is not the group of hungry women in the dormitory. She is still innocent little yellow cauliflower. The boys have never touched their hands. Even the kindergarten is in the kindergarten attached to the aristocratic girls' school, where there is no male pollution.

I haven't eaten bamboo shoots and I don't know what it tastes like, so I'm not greedy.

Wen Xiaoya stared at the boy next to her, not because he was handsome, but because the boy's hand speed was terrible. She barely managed to deal with the pet in three minutes. This guy could easily take it in less than half a minute. If it was faster, 80% of the computer would have been blown up!

Wen Xiaoya likes to play online games. Her hand speed is already very strong, but compared with this boy, she is simply a scum.

Wen Xiaoya rarely meets a strong and hateful male animal. She can't help but be a little curious and shouts, "Hey, classmate."

The handsome man played very attentively and didn't notice the existence of Wen Xiaoya at all, let alone ignore his words.



"Hey, handsome man!"

"Ah, are you calling me?"

When Zhang Yuan heard someone talking, he took off his headphones and turned his head to look at Wen Xiaoya doubtfully. From the top of his head, he saw under her feet and his eyes stayed on her big mother's toes. At the top of the silkworm-like toes, there was a small blue mouse on the pink pearl-like toenails, as if it would follow her feet at any time. It's the same as climbing up.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help thinking curiously that rats like to drill holes. Where will they go? This question is really too deep, um, too deep.

"Hey, where are you looking? It's so shameless!"

Wen Xiaoya reached out to cover the unfathomable terrain in the middle of her small white suspender and opened her eyes angrily. She didn't expect that this honest-looking boy would be so dishonest. She stared at her critical place and her eyes were straight, and she almost didn't drool. It was really disgusting.

Zhang Yuanjun blushed. In fact, he saw more than that and quickly changed the topic: "Miss, do you have anything to do with me?"

Wen Xiaoya was poked to the pain and suddenly jumped up and scolded, "You are the young lady. Your family is a young lady!"

Zhang Yuan was stunned first, and then remembered that the young lady was swearing. No wonder the little girl would lose her temper!

Wen Xiaoya jumped and stamped her feet a few times. Suddenly, three little Luoli stood up from all corners of the Internet cafe, with snow-white vests, small shorts and foot slippers, and came over and surrounded Zhang Yuan in the middle. Four pairs of beautiful eyes stared at him fiercely.

When the network manager saw this, his head suddenly buzzed and thought about how these four little ancestors came. If I knew that they would have caught a cold today, then at most one day's salary will be deducted. Now 80% of a month's salary is not enough. Last time they killed my half a month's salary!

A boy asked, "Hey, why don't you go to persuade him to fight?"

The network manager sighed, "Brother, you should be the first time to come to this Internet cafe?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"If you think about it, how could you say such a retarded word? Do you know who they are?"

"How to speak? You are retarded. Who are they?"

"They are all fierce characters. They fight and fight all in groups. They are very fierce. Last time, the leader of a small gang gave them a cripple because he took a more look at the gentle elegance among them. Now he has not been discharged from the hospital!"

Net pipe: "Let me pull the frame, do you think I look like a fool?"

The boy was speechless, looked carefully, nodded, and said firmly: "Like, really like!"

The network manager raised his hand and slapped him. As a result, he grabbed the wrist of the boy who looked very quiet. The boy said, "You asked me. I answered truthfully. Don't fight with me. I'm also fooling around. You can't afford to provoke me."

The network manager shivered, quickly withdrew his hand, apologized and wiped his cold sweat. He was so fucking evil. Why did he come to such a role today!

Wenjing boy waved his hand, and the network manager was amnesty. He came to his senses and found that there was no fight over there. The boy sitting as stable as Mount Tai didn't know what he was talking about. Several girls were shocked and completely lost the surging murderous atmosphere just now.


Several girls also felt strange, because this boy was not afraid of them at all, and the old god was very confident and said, "You'd better not do it. I'm not easy to mess with. I'm from Guoan. I know your secret."

Wen Xiaoya said, "Return the country, I'll return the country. Are you kidding, boy, you think we are fools!"

Zhang Yuan smiled mysteriously: "Your name is Wen Xiaoya. You have a hairy mole on your body, so you don't need to tell me the specific location!"

Wen Xiaoya's face turned pale and subconsciously covered her buttocks, and her long hairy mole grew in the most bulging and round place.

Even Wen Xiaoya's best friend may not know this secret. How could he know it? Wen Xiaoya's heart is confused!

Zhang Yuan glanced at the girl next to Wen Xiaoya: "I won't say what your name is. You like farting, constipation and have a tone. That's why you like chewing gum!"

The girl turned pale when she heard the words and couldn't wait to find a seam to get in. She is a lady. How can such a bad problem be known to outsiders, especially a man? It's embarrassing and doesn't want to live!

But her next thought is to kill people and can't let more people know her secret.

Of course, you can only think about it. Killing a chicken is not killing it. Kill it if you say it, it will pay for your life!

Zhang Yuan looked at the girl again: "You want to kill people, but that's obviously a fantasy. In today's society, there is no room for such a thing to happen."

The girl was a little scared. She doubted whether she had met the legendary ghost. He seemed to know everything. It was terrible. How could this happen!

Zhang Yuan took a look at several girls and looked strange. He sighed and said, "Don't play that kind of game in the future. You will die!"

The two girls with ghosts immediately blushed and looked at this little handsome man who was not much bigger than them with fear. They didn't understand how he knew that they were Lala. They had always been hiding very deeply. How on earth did he know?