Prince of Flowers

322 Xiaolu Feng's edge

Zhang Yuan felt a little incredible. It's not very far from Jincheng. A little girl like Wen Xiaoya is at a playful age. I don't know that these are really hard to believe.

Wen Xiaoya said, "I don't know what's strange here. I used to be in the south. I just came here to study this year. By the way, I'll call to see where she is."

Wen Xiaoya called her best friend with Zhang Yuan's mobile phone. She was anxious to get in touch with her. Hearing that she had arrived, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Come to the Treasure Pavilion. It's on the east end of the main street. You can see the neon lights all the way east without asking."

Wen Xiaoya looked east, and there was indeed a flashing "Collection Pavilion" in the distance and said, "Ok, I saw it. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, come on, I'll wait for you at the door."

"Hung up."

Wen Xiaoya hung up the phone and Zhang Yuan said, "Isn't it? The place where it is, it is very famous and famous all over the country. I guess this is asking you to gamble on stones and luck."

Wen Xiaoya said, "I've heard of gambling stones before, but I haven't played it. I always thought that these are only available in the south. I didn't expect that we also have it here. It's really unexpected."

"What are you kidding, only in the south? You think there are jade mines in the south, and there are jade mines in the northwest. The jade produced is of better quality than Laokeng jade. Most of the things sold in Qingling are there, and so are gambling stones.

Zhang Yuan knows this very well!

The collection pavilion soon arrived. In front of the luxury iron gate, several girls were staring at the street. They were a little surprised to see the gentle and elegant car. It was even more surprising to see that the driver was actually the boy who escaped from the battle.

"Where's your car?"

The best friend was puzzled. Wen Xiaoya said, "Needless to mention it, you have to let me come here and don't walk with me. As a result, the car broke down on the road. I also met two hooligans. If Zhang Yuan hadn't come, I would have been ruined. If that's really happened, are you too sorry for me?"

After listening to Wen Xiaoya's words, several best friends nervously asked what had happened, so Wen Xiaoya told what had happened on the road. Hearing that the three girls were nervous, they later said that Zhang Yuan appeared, and the three girls were excited. Zhang Yuan obviously became heroes who saved the United States. They looked at his eyes. The light is full of worship.

has come to the collection pavilion. Zhang Yuan parked the car, unloaded the license plate and threw it into the trash can, and followed several little beauties into the trading hall of the collection pavilion.

The area of the trading hall is very vast. There are rows and columns of all kinds of raw stones. Many customers are walking back and forth here, watching or selecting, selecting the original stones or packing them away, or cutting them directly in the ji stone workshop on the east side of the hall. Now there are people cutting stones, a piece of The rise, it seems that someone has bet on the rise.

Zhang Yuan followed several women to watch the bustle. It turned out that there was a dung belle there to solve a half-meter diameter raw stone, which was already green. As soon as watered, the green was pleasant, so some people said that it was green and good water color.

Zhang Yuan doesn't know much about the terms of such things, but he doesn't understand them at all. As long as he wants to, he can do it immediately.

"One million, I want it."

"I'll give you 1.5 million. Don't wipe it. If you wipe it again, it will collapse. If it collapses, it won't be worth a penny."

The dander laughed disdainfully when he heard the words: "I'm still short of this pocket money. Keep wiping."

The person in charge of wiping the stone asked, "Where to start?"

The dunk said, "With your experience, if it collapses, it's mine. If it rises again, I will give you 10,000 yuan!"

The person in charge of wiping the stone was overjoyed and thought about it carefully. It was cut down about ten centimeters away from the green. Everyone held their breath and waited to see the result. Zhang Yuan stared at it with his eyes with perspective function. He admired the person in charge of wiping the stone very much. This position was chosen, just close to the edge of the jade. If you go down, cut a little more of this emerald and it will be useless, and the loss will be great.

But when the person who cut the stone just cut a centimeter, the dil said, "Three centimeters outside."

The person who wiped the stone nodded, and as a result, a piece of white flowers came out. At a glance, everyone booed and frowned and said, "Cut inward, ten centimeters."

"Brother, don't go in so much. It's a pity if the emerald is cut."

Only then did Zhang Yuan know that this dage still has some roots

Zhang Yuan said, "Let's cut it according to the place just now. There is no more or no less. I think this big brother's position is very accurate. You should pay attention to the views of professionals. They all rely on experience and knowledge, unlike us who rely on impuls."

The dung bee took a look at Zhang Yuan and found that he was standing beside his sister. He seemed to be his sister's friend, so he said, "Ok, I'll listen to you. If you collapse, you have to treat me to tea."

"Oc, if it doesn't collapse, you will treat me to dinner and have a big meal. It happens that I haven't had dinner yet."

"Oc, no problem, wipe it."

The dung belli is also a refreshing person, and he is very familiar with Zhang Yuan.

All this naturally went up, and it still rose sharply. Everyone was greedy at first sight, and the price changed from the previous 800,000 to 8 million, and it was still rising.

But the dung beg hadn't meant to stop, so it was slowly untied. Everyone marveled at the fist-sized green emerald, and the price was no longer more than one million but more than 20 million.

The dung man has no intention of selling jade at all. He is useful for retaining jade.

As a result, the excitement was over. Wen Xiaoya and others all let the dans treat and made tens of millions at once. If they didn't treat them, they would really be a little stingy.

The dunk agreed very quickly. After Wen Xiaoya introduced Zhang Yuan, he said, "This guest must be invited. If it weren't for Brother Liu, I would have lost a lot of my jade and lost at least half of its value. You have made great credit. Let's talk about it, wherever you want to go to eat and wherever I will invite you.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "You can go anywhere. I'm not picky about food, but I'd better buy a few stones to play before eating, or I'll come here for nothing."

Everyone seconded, so they dispersed to choose their own stones. The dunk put the jade and let the bodyguards use a small safe to protect it well. There can't be any problems with this thing. As for himself, he went to find the original stone and made a lot of money. He must spend more money this time, in case he gambled big again. I'm overjoyed.

Zhang Yuan strolled for a long time. He only bought five stones that were not much bigger than his fist. It cost less than 1,000 yuan, which was very cheap. He laughed at the four girls when they saw it, but Zhang Yuan would definitely not say that one of these five stones contained high-colored jade. Although this piece of emerald is not as big as the dage one, the water color is better and the color is more colorful, so the price is higher!

As for the remaining four pieces, there is nothing in it, which is simply to reduce other people's suspicion and specially bought for cover. He doesn't want to let people know that he has the ability to be different from ordinary people, even though with the emergence of the three doors in recent years, there have been more and more people who are different from ordinary people.

Several little beauties also bought a few stones, but they were much larger than Zhang Yuan's, but after their original stones were cut open, there was nothing, just a pile of blue stones.

No one has any hope for Zhang Yuan's stone, and Zhang Yuan is too lazy to show off, so he simply doesn't solve the stone. After returning home, he will slowly do it, so that no one will know, and he can secretly make a fortune.

But the dungry insisted on Zhang Yuan to solve the stone. He had no choice but to solve it from four stones with nothing. He originally planned to solve the two stones with nothing and finish it. Who would have thought that everyone wanted to see the excitement, so he finally solved the emerald raw stone and cut off the green with a knife. People, everyone has a chill, which is much better than the water color of the dunk just now. This quality is definitely the best among the best.

"Three million."

"Four million."

"Five million."

The price rise is amazing, but Zhang Yuan did not mean to take action. He just calmly wiped out the whole piece of jade, and the quotation given by everyone had reached more than 20 million at this time.

Zhang Yuan put the emerald into his pocket and said with a smile, "I want to keep it by myself. I'm sorry."

Everyone was disappointed again, but thinking that two pieces of the best jade with a price of tens of millions have been sold today, and the raw stones here have been snapped up crazily. Everyone hopes that they are the next lucky person, but that is obviously impossible. If they are all lucky people, where will the unlucky people come from?

Zhang Yuan didn't continue to buy stones. He went to dinner with several women and dung bellied!

Although Zhang Yuan has been to Qingling, he really doesn't know much about the food here, so his eyes are blackened. He will eat whatever he eats. He is absolutely not picky about food!

The duffian is obviously very familiar with this place. The place to eat is a very exquisite place. The price is not expensive, but at the same time, the taste is indeed very good, and everyone is very happy to eat.

After dinner, it was completely dark. Zhang Yuan and others first went to the hotel to find a place to sleep, and then went to the Pavilion together. Several girls had not yet won the bet, so they had the ambition to become a winner, so they were a little addicted to gambling!

When I arrived at the Collection Pavilion, I found that there seemed to be more and more people here. The business here was really good. The people who opened this store were really good. Otherwise, how could the business here be so good?

Zhang Yuan picked up two more stones, plus a few covered stones. He was so tired that he found a place to rest!

The mobile phone suddenly rang. It was Tang Beibei's call. When I picked it up, I heard Tang Beibei say, "Brother Seven, I have a little pain in my stomach and some blood. I miss you so much."

As soon as Zhang Yuan heard this, he immediately said, "Baby, you go to the hospital with the bodyguard, and I'll go back immediately."

"Aren't you far away, or don't you want it? I may have a little more period. It's okay. My classmates are boiling mother grass for me."

Tang Beibei actually misses Zhang Yuan. When she is most weak, she always thinks of her closest person. In addition to her mother and brother, her closest person is Zhang Yuan, and even Zhang Yuan is even closer than her mother and brother, because he is her partner in her life.

Zhang Yuan said, "It's not far. I'll be back in a minute. If you bleed a lot, go to the hospital quickly. I'll go back now."

Zhang Yuan hung up the phone and said, "I have something to do. I'll go first. Bye to you."

After saying that, Zhang Yuan went outside to drive Maserati out of the Treasure Pavilion, and soon left Qingling to get on the road, and galloped towards Jincheng.

If people drink cold water when they are unlucky, their teeth will be stuffed. Zhang Yuan's car broke down on the highway and run out of oil!

Zhang Yuan didn't expect what happened to Wen Xiaoya. The difference is that they all met him, but he did not meet a kind-hearted her. In fact, no vehicle passed on this road. Maserati was the only car, or a broken car!

Not to mention that the car was broken, and there was no signal on the mobile phone. Zhang Yuan waited for a while and couldn't see the car. He couldn't wait to fly into the mountains and fields and fly between the mountains. He went straight to Jincheng.