Prince of Flowers

324 best friend

Zhang Yuan looked at the two gangsters on the ground and asked, "Look, these two scum?"

Zhu Xing said in a low voice, "Don't worry about them. Someone will deal with it later."

"Oh, that's good."

Zhang Yuan seemed to kick the two of them at will, and suddenly had invisible force penetrated into their bodies. In the future, they can no longer be men!

Only Zhang Yuan can see this invisible force, and everything is silent.

"I'll go first."

"Zhang Yuan, don't go."

Zhu Xingyu's eyes suddenly looked like silk, looking like a little fox spirit!

This huge change made Zhang Yuan feel unacceptable. Zhu Xingyu has always been arrogant and reserved, and suddenly turned into a charming walk, which is really unbearable.

Zhang Yuan secretly said that he was really a living goblin and asked, "Oh, what's going on? I still have something to do. What's the matter?"

When Zhu Xingyu saw that her sexy Zhang Yuan was unmoved, she couldn't help but feel frustrated. This is the first time she has used this trick to deal with a man. This boy is really a master.

Zhu Xingyu then changed from a foxen to a noble princess and stood there and said, "Zhang Yuan, come closer and talk."

Zhang Yuan likes more dignified women. Zhu Xingyu felt much safer, so he went over and asked, "Zhu, tell me."

Zhu Xingyu couldn't help laughing when he heard Zhang Yuan's words. He said, "Why are you pretending to be serious? Go closer. I have something to say."

"You can also say it by standing here."

"Can't you come here?"

"It's safer to stand here."

"Are you still a man?"

Zhang Yuan nodded: "This is true, but I don't think I need to prove it to you. Of course, if you have to see it, I can prove it to you."

"Bad hooligan!"

Zhu Xingyu said disdainfully, "Don't be delusional. I can't think about it."

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Yes, I also think so. We are not from the same world at all, so we can never become peers. Well, I'm leaving, for nothing."

Zhang Yuan was about to leave when suddenly a strong light shone over. He subconsciously flashed back and squinted at it. It turned out to be the light from the headlights.

Zhu Xingyu smiled when he saw Zhang Yuan in shock: "I thought you were so bold. It turned out that it was nothing more than that. I really think highly of you."

Zhang Yuan took a look at the car parked by the roadside. What a good car!

"Miss, do you need me to drive?"

"No, uncle, go back and have a good rest."

"Miss, be safe. I'll go back first."

"Bye, third uncle."

The old driver shruged his waist and glanced at Zhang Yuan coldly. He was slightly surprised and fell into the dark.

Zhu Xingyu opened the door and said, "Have you never seen such a car? Do you need me to introduce it to you?"

Zhang Yuan walked to the Porsche Cayenne and suddenly said, "by the way, a dog I know also has such a car!"


"Yes, it's not a human kind of beast, it's naturally a son of a bitch."

Zhang Yuan sighed, gently knocked on the roof of the car, and banged: "Zhu, if you have anything, just say it quickly. I want to sleep now, and I'm so sleepy that I can't stand it."

Zhang Yuan said that he was really sleepy. Now he just wants to sleep and doesn't want to do anything anymore.

"If you are sleepy, get in the car and sleep. It happens that I lack a bodyguard. You are so good and handsome that it is just right for me to be my bodyguard."

Zhu Xingyu opened the door behind, and Zhang Yuan crawled in in a daze and curled up and began to sleep.

Zhu Xingyu smiled proudly like a little fox who stole a chicken. The two dimples beside her cheeks were extremely intoxicating. She gently closed the car door. Cayenne fell down on the unusually desolate street and quickly got on the highway and killed in the direction of Qingling.

Zhang Yuan didn't know where he went again, otherwise he would definitely exclaim: What's going on? It's Qingling again!

But this again, it seems to have nothing to do with Zhu Xingyu, because Zhang Yuan went there with Wen Xiaoya before, but he went to that place twice on this day, and I have to say that it is a fate!

Jincheng is the capital of Jinshui Province, and Qingling is a small county under the jurisdiction of Jincheng. If it weren't for the famous live fish, no one would have gone there.

The history of Qingling live fish is very long, but there are different opinions.

History is very unreliable. Qingling does not have a real history. There are only different legends, which can't be used at all. Anyway, it is true to find that word in the history of Benno.

In recent years, tourism has been very popular. Qingling, a small county, has borrowed the point of a big man. Since then, the live fish banquet has become famous all over the world, and a highway has naturally run through it, making it an important node in the highway network of Jinshui Province.

Qingling is not very far from Jincheng. Zhu Xingyu is familiar with the road, and Cayenne almost flew into the air. It took less than an hour to enter Qingling City.

Zhang Yuan was still sleeping, and his posture had not changed along the way. Zhu Xingyu saw that he slept so soundly and paid attention to the rhythm of driving for fear of waking him up.

Zhu Xingyu is rarely so gentle. If Zhang Yuan hadn't saved her, she would not have been an exception to Zhang Yuan.

There was no power outage in Qingling, and the whole city was brightly lit. Zhu Xingyu parked his car in the open space on the street and called his best friend Wen Xiaoya: "Hey, Xiaoya, where are you?"

Wen Xiaoya said softly, "Xingyu, I have arrived at the square. Have you arrived in Qingling?"

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay, oh, by the way, bring me a bag of sanitary napkins. I think I'm going to come there. It's really annoying!"

The gentle and elegant voice is soft and sweet, which is lovely just by listening to the voice. She likes to be coquettish, which can always attract men, but no one can get her favor.

"Oil, don't let the princess have an attack. I'll buy it for you."

"Thank you, Xingyu. I want the silky one. I'm wearing silk trousers."

Zhu Xingyu hung up the phone without hesitation: "I can't stand it. If you go on, you may have to tell me the shape and color. It's really funny. Isn't it just a small steamed bun, Wangzai's little steamed bun, the dog's favorite!"

Zhu Xingyu giggled, laughing very evilly and awe-inspiringly.

Zhu Xingyu suddenly stopped laughing and looked back at Zhang Yuan. He was still sleeping. His hair was better than her hair. He was covered with white clothes and were not stained. Even the white cloth shoes on his feet were the same, against his snow-white skin and handsome face, just like a fairy.

"Well, take a closer look at how handsome this guy is. Although he is not so handsome, he is also elegant."

"No, such a handsome bodyguard can't be taken away by others. If it doesn't work, I will sacrifice a little tofu for him to eat. Men are good. I still haven't touched the tender tofu for a man. He will definitely like it and be extremely obsessed!"