Prince of Flowers

394 strange woman

are all very rich owners, either rich at home or rich by themselves. For ordinary people, it is a huge number. For them, it is a drizzle. Let Zhang Yuan do design and decoration without mentioning money, but only talk about feelings and taste.

It is rich, and the level determines the height and realm.

Next, everyone put on their clothes and went one by one to discuss the decoration. Unconsciously, it was a day.

In the evening, Zhang Yuan did not go home. An Yajing and Gan Tingting had something to do today. He gathered Li Anran and the others to Yexianglu and Yu Chunchun in the community. Under the deliberate damage of alcohol and someone, he fulfilled the great dream of the six beauties and him sleeping together. During this period, it was not enough to be mesmerized. It's also foreign.

In fact, if the situation of Zhang Yuan and the six women is known to others, the consequences are quite serious. Now unmarried cohabitation is illegal cohabitation, and the police can arrest them. Their situation can be defined as some kind of hooligan activity, 80% of which is enough to sentence.

However, at any time, some people will enjoy privileges, and Zhang Yuan and others happen to be like this. Moreover, they also behaved normally when they were outside. Only when they were at home, they were black, but they did not cause any criticism.

Zhang Yuan fulfilled his long-cherished wish of being slept together. Although he repaired the beautiful women the next morning, when he began another morning exercise, they were still ashamed to succumb to him. They still seemed to be particularly happy and much more wonderful than usual!

Everyone has their own life. The beautiful women are busy with their own affairs. Zhang Yuan received a phone call from Song Shijing. She has prepared everything and is waiting for him to take action.

Zhang Yuan saw Song Shijing and enjoyed her beauty fiercely. That night, he began to act.

It is really not a very easy and pleasant thing to assassinate King Song Jiang, the brother of the big man in the decision-making level. The risks are self-evident, but it is not very difficult for Zhang Yuan. After all, as soon as his must-kill skills are released, the weapons in this world are toys for him, and this world The people in the world are all gray for him!

Late late at night, Song Jiangwang sat naked on the tiger skin sofa on the top of his clubhouse in a bathrobe and enjoyed the massage of four beautiful women. Two of the four beauties were good brides, one with a big belly, one child just finished the day, and the other two were little Lori, one was eight years old and one ten years old, although they were not yet developed. , but she is beautiful and beautiful. I don't think she will be a little worse than two beautiful families when she grows up.

The four beautiful women all have a reluctant smile on their faces, and their eyes are still red. They are not voluntary, but they are all voluntary, because the life and death of their children's husbands and family is in the hands of this demon. They dare not be disobedient and have no other choice.

If it weren't for their own experience, they wouldn't believe that this person with the same face as that big man would be so shameless and despicable and inhuman, but when they are really immersive, they will understand that there is only more shameless and no shameless. Yesterday, they saw something with their own eyes that they will never forget. Those things came out of their hearts and felt that there was no hope in the world.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and Song Jiangwang frowned. He hated to disturb people at this time. Suddenly, the door opened, his bodyguard came in, suddenly gave him two shots, turned around and left. As soon as he got to the door, a loud noise burst into pieces, The bodyguards who came were blown to pieces.

The four women were stunned. By the time they woke up, they were already in a strange environment, and the famous Song Jiangwang in the small circle had already been stunned. I don't know whether they went to heaven or hell.

The death of King Song Jiang made the Song family chaotic. The big man fainted at the meeting when he heard the news, which was full of brotherhood, while Song Shijing quietly launched the next plan to annex the industry under the name of King Song Jiang.

In fact, for Song Shijing, this process is very simple, because many industries of King Song Jiang are already under her name. Many people know about this matter, but few people know that she has a real relationship with King Song Jiang, only Song Tianyi, the son of King Song Jiang.

Although Song Tianyi knew, it was a pity that what he knew was very limited. As soon as King Song Jiang died, the voice supporting Song Shijing within the group was far higher than his voice. Even if he had an uncle of a big man, no one would give in in the face of such interests. After all, this is a legal society!

The death of King Song Jiang, the mastermind behind it has become a mystery, and no one can find it. Zhang Yuan, who did this thing, and Song Shijing, who planned this matter, are flying together in their new secret nest, enjoying the infinite beauty of the man and woman.

Song Shijing really kept his promise. He not only became Zhang Yuan's person and obedient to him, but also left a mark.

What should I say? You can't read more of such messy books. Zhang Yuan was poisoned by a book and did such evil things on the Song Shijing.

It's also strange to say that Queen Song, who was originally extremely disgusted with men, arrogant and indifferent, suddenly had a very subtle psychological change since she tattooed that two words for Zhang. With an inexplicable sense of belonging, she really became Zhang Yuan's woman, gentle and considerate, simply It was like a different person that she didn't know what was wrong with her and whether she was crazy.

Human nature is sometimes very complicated, and human psychology hides countless news. No one can tell when and where they will touch, and something incredible will happen.

Incredible is only relatively speaking. If you study its roots carefully, it is not difficult to find that everything is predestined!

After the clouds and rain, Song Shijing collapsed in Zhang Yuan's arms. After a while, he had some strength. He got up and cleaned his body, but hugged him. He nestled in front of him like a kitten and whispered, "I want a child."

Zhang Yuan was stunned. He looked at her doubtfully and said that she was not crazy. No matter how attractive he was, he was not so strong. Some time ago, he was like an enemy. Now it is ridiculous to become so soft that he has to have a child for himself, which is simply unreasonable!

Song Shijing looked at Zhang Yuan, gently stroked his body with his little hands, gently rubbed his face, and was lazy and delicately judo: "I'm not young. If I don't want it now, it will be difficult in the future. I want a child with you. If you can continue the incense for the Zhang family, or you can retire by yourself."

Zhang Yuan was stunned for a long time before sighing and saying, "Okay, but you have to work hard by yourself." As soon as his words fell, Song Shijing began to work hard, and another round of infatuation opened the curtain of Xu Xu.

When Zhang Yuan left in the evening, Song Shijing was still lying in the boudoir, with pillows under the fragrant thighs, the slender legs were raised, and the exquisite jade feet were placed at the head of the mahogany bed, hoping that the owner's seeds could take root and germinate in his body and become a living little life!

On the way home, Zhang Yuan was thinking about the changes and requirements of Song Shijing. He always felt a little confused. He thought he knew a lot about women, but recently, the Empress of Tang made him find that he did not know more and more about women. Women are really complicated.

It has been more than half a month since the day of the assassination of King Song Jiang. Zhang Yuan did not leave any clues for others from beginning to end, but he had to arrange a place for the four women for fear that they would become innocent victims. Unfortunately, when they were threatened, in fact, He is no longer alive. That's the habit of Song Jiangwang. He never keeps his promise and likes to cheat and humiliate!

Zhang Yuan walked halfway and saw that there seemed to be a traffic jam in front of him. It was still early, so he turned around and went to Yanjiao. An hour later, he came to his new villa in Yanjiao, where four women settled down.

The four women already knew about their families. Originally, Zhang Yuan thought they would look for life, but they were all very strong. He didn't know that they didn't cry secretly. Anyway, what he sees now is four not very sad and beautiful faces.

The first person they saw when they opened their eyes was Zhang Yuan, so they had a different sense of closeness to the man who saved them, and after knowing that their relatives had passed away, he became their only support.

Women's natural dependence makes the four women very attached to and trust Zhang Yuan, which can be said to be his existence, supporting the world that has actually collapsed in their hearts. He is everything to them!

Zhang Yuan never thought of being a savior or something, but this time he really made four believers out. I believe that if he let them die now, they will not hesitate to take off their clothes and take the initiative to give themselves to him, and will also offer boundless enthusiasm.

Shortly after Zhang Yuan came here, there was such an ambiguous sound in the villa. The two little girls listened to the strange screams of the two aunts outside in the room and felt that their bodies were so strange.

Finally, it calmed down. Zhang Yuan stayed for a while and bought some daily necessities for them before leaving.

Two big and four girls stood at the window to see Zhang Yuan far away. Then they reluctantly closed the curtains and began to be busy with their own affairs. They were all learning, so that when they went out of here, they could help Zhang Yuan and find that miscellaneous relatives to revenge.

When a person is full of hatred, it doesn't matter whether it is rational and humane enough, and relieving hatred is the most important purpose.

Zhang Yuan leisurely returned home in the evening and put away the things she bought from the supermarket. When she was washing the vegetables, she saw Luo Yingxue also washing the vegetables. She also saw him, smiled and nodded.