Golden Pupil

Chapter 75 The Battle of the Wolf Mastator

"Brother Zhou, what's going on in front of you?"

Zhuang Rui picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, but this sentence was too much, because he had seen the situation in front of him.

This is a battle of wolf masturmastes. Seven or eight grassland wolves are biting around a Tibetan mastite in the open space in front of them. The wolf's barking dogs are not in their ears, and their hair is splashed with blood everywhere.

The SUV driven by Zhou Rui in front of him stopped more than ten meters away from the Wolf Mastise battlefield. Liu Chuan drove the Hummer forward and stopped with the Prince of the Desert.

Seeing the sudden two cars, the Tibetan masticada and the prairie wolf in the battle actually ignored them. Liu Chuan put down the window and raised the thunder in his hand.

"Liu Chuan, stop!"

Zhou Rui also put down the window of the SUV and shook his hand at Liu Chuan, signaling him not to shoot. At this time, the prairie wolf and the Tibetan mastus looked at Liu Chuan, with a low roar in their throat, and their eyes were full of fierce light.

"Damn it, I'm helping you and staring at me."

Liu Chuan looked at the Tibetan mastiff in the venue, put away the gun, and scolded anguishly, but in his eyes, he looked at the Tibetan mastiff and revealed his favorite look.

In addition to TV and pictures, it was the first time for Zhuang Rui to see a Tibetan Mast� with his own eyes. He couldn't help but be a little shocked. The Tibetan Mastator in front of him was not like a dog at all, but like a lion. Although facing more than a dozen hungry wolves, he was still majestic and agile

The reason why it looks like a lion is that the Tibetan masturor's head is wide and the top of its head is arched. The roots of the mane on the back of the head and around the neck are upright. The hair length is about 20 centimeters, golden yellow, one meter tall, about one meter long, and huge. It looks as powerful as a master. None of the few prairie wolves around it dared to bite forward, but surrounded the Tibetan masturbator. Keep attacking with harassment tactics.

As the saying goes: a dog is four feet tall as a mastiff! Zhuang Rui didn't know the meaning of this sentence until he saw the Tibetan mastus with his own eyes. The so-called wolf dogs he used to raise with Liu Chuan can't be compared with the Tibetan mastotho in front of him. That's not a little bit worse. Zhuang Rui now understands why Song Jun paid such a high price for a pure I'm afraid no thief dares to steal things when such a big guy takes care of the home.

"Brother Zhou, do you think this Tibetan mastothus is purebred iron gold?"

Liu Chuan looked surprised. He couldn't help looking at the Tibetan masticada in the venue and asked Zhou Rui in the car next to him.

"I don't understand what you said, but this Tibetan masticada should be a purebred Tibetan masticada, and it is also a masticus king. You see that the red collar on your neck is not there. That's the sign of the masticada king. I guess there will be herdsmen around here. When they finish fighting

Zhou Rui's eyes were also shining. Looking at the Tibetan Mastise, he did not hide his love, but he didn't mean to go up to help, but looked at the wolf mastur's battle indifferently.

"Unfortunately, this Tibetan mastotho is an adult dog, and it is impossible to tame it. Otherwise, if this Tibetan mastotho is brought back to the mainland, it will be worth at least more than five million. Alas, it's a pity."

Liu Chuan looked at it and shook his head. The purebred Tibetan mastotho is different from the general hybrid Tibetan mastothotho, or the variety is not so pure Tibetan mastothothoth. The purebred Tibetan mastotho has a strong hostility to strangers, but it is Geng, never give up. If the owner dies, the Tibetan mastause will not eat or drink until it starves to death.

In the eyes of the Tibetan mastur, in this large group, its status is only lower than its recognized leader (master), and it will only obey the orders of this person. It has the same status as other family members and can live in harmony. Unless it is deliberately angered, it will grin as a warning. If the Tibetan Mastist agrees that its status is lower than that of all family members, it will obey anyone. But in fact, the Tibetan Mastka will never think so.

Such a Tibetan mastimf is not only the dream of the rich in the city, but also the herdsmen on the prairie. They are proud to have a purebred Tibetan masto. However, over the years, due to the special living environment of the grassland and the weak bloodline protection awareness of the herdsmen, the primitive Tibetan mastus has As a result, there are fewer and fewer purebred Tibetan masturers, which also makes the price of purebred Tibetan masturers soar.

Liu Chuan knew that in a rich circle, someone once said that he was willing to pay 10 million RB to buy a purebred Tibetan mastur on the prairie to raise and breed. And it is also required to be a puppy, which makes many people rush to Tibet to try their luck. The price offered by the Song Jun to Liu Chuan is actually not the price of a pure Tibetan mastoth. He just hopes to get a pure Tibetan mastoth, and the hybrid Tibetan mastotho after breeding with an excellent shepherd dog will be satisfied.

Seeing outsiders watching the battle, the purebred Tibetan mastus and the grassland wolf became impatient. The original strategy of the wolf's siege also changed and became a rush. The battle suddenly became tragic, and the wounds on the Tibetan mastus gradually increased. However, there are already five bodies of prairie wolves on the ground, all of which were bitten through the throat by the Tibetan mastus.

The Tibetan Mastist's main attack weapon is its sharp teeth. It ignores the biting of the grassland wolf that rushed up at all, but bites the throat of the grassland wolf as fast as lightning, and then bites through the throat of the grassland wolf in its mouth like throwing a toy and throw it on the ground casually.

"Brother Zhou, why don't these wolves run away? They obviously can't beat this Tibetan masturge."

Zhuang Rui was a little puzzled. Yesterday, when facing them, these wolves were extremely cunning. They all secretly attacked, and after the death of the wolf king, they scattered and fled. But now five have died, and the remaining three are still fighting with the fierce Tibetan masturge, which is obviously an endless ending.

Zhou Rui smiled and said, "There are natural enemies between them. When they meet, it will always be like this. A masturor surrenders nine wolves, but even if this Tibetan mastur meets dozens of wolves, it will not escape and will definitely fight to the end."

During the conversation between the two, the battle between the wolf masturers was also over. The bodies of several grassland wolves lay horizontally on the ground, and the Tibetan masticust was also scarred. The golden hair also became very messy. A wound in the forelimb kept oozing blood outward, and the figure was a little unstable He held his head high and looked so arrogant and invincible in the eyes of everyone.

With a bang, Zhou Rui got off the SUV and walked slowly to the Tibetan mastotho.

"Brother Zhou, what are you doing!"

Everyone in the car was in a hurry. The fierceness of this Tibetan masto was seen by everyone. Seven or eight prairie wolves were bitten to death by it one by one. Zhou Rui came forward at this moment. If he was regarded as a provocation by the Tibetan mastus, the consequences would be unimaginable.


A strong and dull roar came from the mouth of the Tibetan Mastise, and the hair all over his body also stood up. His eyes radiated fiercely, staring at Zhou Rui. His sharp claws had begun to grasp the ground, and he looked like he was about to be momentum.

The people in the car became nervous, and a heart seemed to rise to their throats.

Zhou Rui did not stop, but slowed down a lot, and his hands also put on a posture. At the moment when the Tibetan mastus jumped up, he was very agile on one side, and his hands grabbed his scalp as fast as lightning.

The head of the Tibetan masturor was stuck by Zhou Rui. He couldn't bite people with his mouth. He was about to break free. His whole body had been pulled to the ground by Zhou Rui. Zhou Rui also fell down with the opportunity, and his whole body pressed the Tibetan masto who was overturned, and the Tibetan masto with no hind

From beginning to end, Zhou Rui's hands were like pliers, controlling the head of the golden-haired Tibetan masticada. After seven or eight minutes, the Tibetan masturdist made a "woo" sound in his mouth. Zhou Rui then let go of his hand and stood up. At this time, the Tibetan masturf became very obedient, dr Wound.

"Liu Chuan, take down Yunnan Baiyao."

This sudden scene stunned everyone in the car. They knew that Zhou Rui was very good, but no one expected that he could subdue a Tibetan masto with his bare hands. Although it was an injured Tibetan mastotho, you should know that the injured beasts were often more fierce.

It was not until Zhou Rui shouted Liu Chuan's name that everyone woke up and got out of the car one after another.

Liu Chuan took the bottle of Yunnan Baiyao spray. As soon as he approached the Tibetan Mastise five or six meters away, the originally tame Tibetan Mastise immediately turned his head to Liu Chuan and roared in his mouth, which scared Liu Chuan to retreat repeatedly. He did not have the skills like Zhou Rui.

Zhou Rui took the spray in Liu Chuan's hand, hugged the head of the Tibetan masturor in one hand, raised the forelimb of the Tibetan masturer, and sprayed the medicine in the other hand. However, the wound was too deep, and the medicine sprayed was washed away by the bleeding. It seemed that the blood must be stopped first If it goes on, even if the Tibetan Mastate doesn't die, I'm afraid the forelimbs will be abolished.

Zhuang Rui's heart moved for a moment. If such a powerful Tibetan mastustipation was abolished, it would be a pity. The aura in his eyes has proved to have an effect on the human body, but for animals, Zhuang Rui has never done experiments, and I don't know if it will work, but now he can only be treated as a

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui's body slowly approached the Tibetan Mastise, but the Tibetan Mastise's reaction was very keen. As soon as Zhuang Rui walked to Liu Chuan, the Tibetan Mastise's fierce eyes had already stared at him, but his body was hugged by Zhou Rui and could not move. He could only threaten Zhuang Rui with

Walking more than a meter away from the Tibetan Mastise, Zhuang Rui did not dare to continue to approach. He was also afraid that the injured Tibetan Mastise would suddenly hurt people, but this distance could already use the aura in his eyes. After looking around, he found that everyone's attention was focused on the Tibetan Mastator After that, Zhuang Rui lowered his head slightly and looked at the wound of the Tibetan masturer.