Golden Pupil

Chapter 139 One Knife Heaven One Knife Hell 2

Brother Jiang, you ask the reading security guard to let us talk about it, and we just have a look. Taking a shower. Are you afraid of the well?

The speaker was the middle-aged man named Lao Huo. As soon as he said this, several jade merchants nodded repeatedly. They were all jade merchants who did not do much business and were not qualified or had no funds to participate in the major jade public offerings. I can only check the wool in various jade fairs in China. At this time, when I saw Liu Chuan open the best jade, it was like a cat smelling fishy. They all gathered around.

"Let them in."

Zhuang Rui said to those very dedicated security guards. He also wants to see how valuable Liu Chuan's jadeite is. It is said that such a large and complete jadeite, if it is carved into a handicraft, it must also be valuable.

There are not many people who really have the strength and confidence to take this jade, after the security guard released it. Only four people came in, and the rest of them felt that they were not financial enough and did not come to join in the fun.

"R hooligan, put the jade on the table. Aren't you tired of holding it like this?"

Seeing that Liu Chuan was still holding the jade in his arms, Zhuang Rui said angrily.

"Nonsense, why aren't you tired? If you are tired, you have to hold it. This is money."

Liu Chuan answered confidently, which made everyone laugh. At this time, Yang Hao was not on the edge of the table, but walked into the wool area and was talking about the price with those who wanted to try their luck.

It's not just this. There will be such a situation in the exhibition, that is, in the major jade market, if the wool merchant's wool cut out of the jade, then his booth will immediately double its value, and buyers will not only be a little happy. It is also because the possibility of opening the same batch of wool from the jadeite will be much higher than those stalls that did not cut out the jadeite.

Seeing Zhuang Rui, he let these jade merchants in. Lei Lei's face changed a little and she wanted to walk over, but she was pulled by Qin Yingbing. He shook his head slightly at Lei Lei. This piece of jade is very valuable. What I just said is a joke. If Lei Lei really asks Liu Chuan for it, if Liu Chuan gives it, it's okay to say that if he can't bear it, it will definitely cast a shadow on the feelings of the two.

"Wood, do you really show them?"

Liu always felt that these people looked at themselves like hungry wolves and put this jade on the table. They must not be relieved to hold it in their arms.

"Nonsense, how can you sell it if you don't show them? Why do you keep this thing for dinner?"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Liu thought about it, so he carefully put the jade in his arms on the table and let several people watch it.

"R hooligan, how did you choose this piece of wool? Answer honestly, don't tell me that you can feel the bullshit of jade in it."

Zhuang Rui is really curious. This piece of wool looks ugly and bulky. People who understand it won't look at the cracks. People who don't understand usually don't choose this big guy weighing dozens of kilograms. Why does Liu like it?

After hearing Zhuang Rui's question, he not only attracted the attention of Qin Dongbing and Lei Lei. Even the old man who was drinking tea, Xu Wei sitting aside, and the jade merchants who appreciated the jade pricked up their ears and were ready to listen to Liu Chuan's answer.

"Wing to hear the truth?"

Liu Chuan was getting strong now, and Zhuang Rui, who was angry, kicked it.

"Hey hey. My buddy picked it there for a long time, but I didn't like one. Think about it, this small stone must be big. The weight of hundreds of pounds, I tried to hug it, but I didn't hold it. Finally, I picked this one. It was the right size, and I was just not tired of holding it. So I chose it."

Liu Chuan's words stunned more than a dozen people around him. First, they looked at each other, and then laughed loudly, but in this laughter, it contains jealousy, envy and other meanings. There is only one sentence that everyone recognizes, that is, fools have stupid blessings.

"You boy, hehe, it's good, it's really good."

The old man was so happy that he touched his beard and looked at Liu Chuan's proud look. He really didn't know what to say.

"Old, several of us have discussed it and are ready to eat this piece of plain material together. Do you think the price of 18 million is appropriate?"

Several jade merchants looked at it for a long time. After muttering together for a while, the middle-aged man named Lao Huo stood up and unexpectedly did not go to Liu. Instead, the owner offered the price to the old man who was drinking tea leisurely.

"You are going to break down this material and make some ring noodles and bracelets. Alas, Baoling Tianwu. Don't ask me about this. Ask the boy. It's his, and he just feels that the price is right."

The ancients shook their heads with some regrets. If such an object is not carved into an ornament. It's really a pity. However, these merchants did nothing wrong from the perspective of their own interests. After all, the small items made after decomposition are much more popular than that of a single large ornament, and the price is similar.

"Eighty million!!!"

After Liu Chuan heard the words of those people, he had been a little confused. In the past, Fatty Ma wanted to buy Zhuang Rui's Tibetan music, and he once offered a sky-high price of 40 million yuan, but the Tibetan prize was not his own. Liu Chuan's feeling was not very strong. Now when he knew that he would also ** How powerful it is.

"Boss Liu, Boss Liu, please say something. The price of 18 million is not low. In fact, we don't make much money.

Lao Huo was standing in front of Liu Chuan, but Liu Chuan behaved a little strangely. He looked at Lao Huo, but he didn't say a word. He didn't say anything about Lao Huo's offer. Several jade merchants who were ready to buy this bright material together were a little drumming in their hearts for fear of being rejected by Liu

"Well, he doesn't want to sell it. That was happy and stupid.


A very penetrating female voice shouted coldly, which came into Liu Chuan's ears and immediately woke up the brother. Looking at Lei Lei with a frost on his face not far away, Liu Chuan was shocked. At that moment, he picked up the jade from the table and ran to Lei Lei Lei and said, "Leilei, Liu Chuan is an old man. What we said is definitely a spit and a pit. If we say we give it to you, I will give it to you. Hold it."

Liu Chuan said as he stuffed the jade into Lei Lei's arms. Lei Lei was a little caught off guard. She hurriedly hugged the material, with a trace of emotion on her face. She didn't expect Liu Chuan to really

"***, this boy is getting more and more crafty." Zhuang Rui was the only one in the field who guessed Liu Chuan's thoughts.

"You'd better hold it by yourself. It's so heavy. Who is it if you break it?"

Lei Lei returned the jade to Liu Chuan, but her face was sunny and she smiled happily.

"Liu Chuan, our company bought this jadeite with a bid of 20 million yuan. I just contacted the head office. They will fly from Hong Kong to Nanjing in the evening. Can you stay for another day and we trade tomorrow?"

Just as the two women who were defined as traitors by Zhuang Rui. While flirting with his eyebrows, Qin Dongbing came over with his mobile phone and said to Liu Chuan.

The old Huo and others next to him refused and said one after another, "Hey, this young lady, this is our favorite first. It's not appropriate for you to do this."

"This is clear, not a gambling stone. Everyone has the right to compete. Don't bully me. I'm a girl and I don't understand. The old man is sitting here. If you have any questions, you can react to the old man." Qin Dong replied coldly that she seemed to have returned to what she looked like two months ago. It makes people afraid to approach it.

"Whoever you want to sell your stuff, then sell it to whoever you want. You guys hang around. Leilei, they all said they gave it to you. It's not appropriate to sell it. Talking about money hurts feelings.

Liu" first rejected several jade merchants righteously, and then said to Lei Lei with a smile on his face.

"Liu" is a large amount of business even for our company. This is not a treat to dinner. Business is business. As for how about you and Lei Lei, don't mix it up.

After hearing Qin Dongbing's words, Liu Chuan also kept silent and looked embarrassed. Zhuang Rui, who was next to him, suppressed his smile and turned his face in another direction. This guy was purely cheap and obedient, because when Qin Dongbing called just now, Zhuang Rui noticed that Liu Chuan, who pretended to be in a daze, was stunned. He eavesdropped on the content of Qin Dongbing's words and pretended to be stupid. Liu Chuan learned it when he was in elementary school.

Looking at Liu Chuan with an arrogant face, Lao Huo and several other jade merchants have no choice. Things are someone else's. Who they love to sell to is indeed their right. Who makes himself and others are all old men, and that one is a delicate little girl.

When the jade merchants were about to leave with some disappointment, Liu suddenly shouted, "Don't be in a hurry to leave. I won't sell this piece of material. We still have a gentleman here. His wool is much better than mine."

Liu Chuan just glanced at Xu Wei and was unhappy. He walked out of the Yin and gave Xu Wei a look. The meaning of his words is very clear. Both of the brothers' stones have been made of jade. Do you take out the three million yuan?

Xu Wei was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Liu Chuan would join him at this time, but when he saw Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan untied the jade from the wool, Xu Wei's heart was also a little itchy, his half-gambling wool. Performed so well. It's unreasonable that it's not as good as Zhuang and Liu.

Poison Chapter 140 One Knife Heaven One Knife Under Hell

"What's the matter, Mr. Xu. The feng shui of this stall is good. I opened two pieces of wool. It's all gone up. I'm sure you didn't run away. Just cut it. It's still a thought to keep it.

Zhuang Rui was also agitatoring beside him. At this time, the jade merchants who were going to choose wool were also surrounded by the table. Observe the half-gambling wool that Xu Wei bought that opened the window.

"The head of the water is good. I can't see the white fog, and there is no cracking. I bought it for three million yuan. It's worth it!"

The jade merchant, known as Lao Huo, after obtaining Xu Wei's consent, looked carefully for several minutes with a strong flashlight and came to this conclusion.

After listening to Lao Huo's words, Xu Wei slanted his eyes and looked at Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan. He couldn't help but feel a little fluttering. The two of you native buns opened jade, which was purely a big luck. The half of the gambling wool we played was really exquisite in eye kung fu.

"This Boss Xu, do you have any intention to give up this piece of wool? I'm willing to pay 3.5 million yuan to buy it. What do you think?"

Maybe he wanted to contaminate the joy of Zhuang and Liu, Lao Huo took a fancy to Xu Wei's half-gambling wool. The price was offered to Xu Wei.

"I'm from Southern Xu's Jewelry Company. I'm in charge of things in South China, and this time I'm here to buy wool, Boss Huo. I'm sorry. I like this piece of wool at a glance, not because some people are lucky.


Seeing that Zhuang Rui and Liu Chuan only spent 8,000 yuan on all the gambling wool, they actually opened tens of millions of jade. Xu Wei felt very uncomfortable. You know, with this half-gambling wool in his hand, even if the bet rises, the price is only about seven or eight million. Compared with Liu Chuan's, it is simply a big difference.

"Oh, I said Xu Baiyan, our buddy chooses wool, based on our eyesight and experience, otherwise we can open a jade with a strength of 100,000 yuan. If you think you are better than me, untie out your wool and let everyone open your eyes. Let's see Boss Xu's gambling level.

Liu Chuan's words made everyone laugh. No one would believe it in this game. He chose wool based on his eyesight, but Liu Chuan's sarcastic words. Xu Wei's face turned red, and he stood up and said, "Since Boss Liu has seen it. I will fulfill your wish."

"Old man, can you help me worship this piece of wool?"

Although Xu Wei promised to solve the stone on the spot, he was not very proficient in the solution stone. Compared with Zhuang Rui's level, he was not much better. He wanted to ask the ancient man to take action, so that he could completely cut out the jade in the wool to the maximum extent.

According to common sense, people who play jade like to solve stone. They can understand jade from stones with their own hands. That kind of satisfaction is indescribable, but after hearing Xu Wei's words in ancient times, they shook their heads and said, "The old man solved two stones today. I'm a little tired. Boss Xu, you'd better hire another smart.

Gu also saw Xu Wei's half-gambling wool just now. To be honest, he is also very optimistic about this wool, and the possibility of gambling is very high, but there are too many accidents today. Even two pieces of wool, which are considered to be waste, have solved the jade, and the grade is not bad, which makes the ancient man mutter It's no more than three things. Should it be on Xu Wei's wool?

In addition, the two pieces of wool just now did consume a lot of energy of the ancient man. Although it seems that Zhuang Rui has opened the jadeite, except for the surface crying, it is very delicate. A little carelessness will hurt the four ministers and stones. The old man looks very relaxed, but in fact, the energy spent is far beyond everyone's imagination

But the ancient man also wanted to know what this half-gambling wool was like. Yu walked out and said to Xu Wei, "Well, I'll give you a few lines. You follow the line I drew, cut it first, and then see how the wool performs."

Xu Wei, who was a little frustrated, was overjoyed when he heard the words. Everyone saw the level of the ancient master's solution just now. Now he is willing to draw a stone cutting line on the wool, which is not much different from cutting by himself. Even if it is cut down or hurt to the jade inside, it is easy to explain it in the family. After all, this is cut under the ancient guidance. Xu Wei thought so far. I quickly handed over the chalk.

"Wood, do you think there is jade in the stone this boy bought? Looking at his awesome appearance just now, my buddy is not happy. Liu Chuan touched Zhuang Rui with his elbow and asked in a low voice.

"Anyway, I don't feel very good. As you know, I buy antiques based on my feelings. That piece of wool is probably enough. Anyway, why do you care so much? You made 40,000 yuan for nothing, and you don't let others drink soup when you eat meat by yourself."

Zhuang Rui's first few words were not as loud as the last few words, so he deliberately raised his voice. Let the people around more than ten meters listen to it sincerely.

"That's right, that's right, I'm afraid some people can't even drink soup." Liu Chuan said with a smile.

Xu Wei ignored these two people, held the wool drawn by the old man, and walked to the stone cutter,

It will be. In the exhibition hall, more and more people are gathering. It is not only the jade merchants and tourists, but also the exhibitors who come to see the hustle and bustle. After all, this stall has solved two soaring stones. It's also a good story to spread.

What's more, now Xu Wei is ready to solve the stone again. If the bet rises again, not to mention this exhibition, which is not a formal trade of wool, it is also extremely rare in the major jade public markets. In the future, it will definitely become the after-dinner talk of these people in the field.

The huge exhibition hall is full of people. But it was silent, and no one made a sound. They held their breath and looked at Xu Wei, who was ready to cut the stone.


Xu Wei started the stone cutter and aimed at the white line drawn by the ancient grandfather when he was about to cut it down. A loud voice came from his ear. Xu Wei, who was already very nervous, trembled with fear and almost cut the green side of the window. Xu Wei raised his head angrily. But I saw Liu Chuan looking at himself with a sad face.

"I said, General Manager Xu, you can't be numb. I have a terrible stomachache now. I want to go to the toilet, and I'm afraid of missing the show. Hurry up and cut it quickly. Didn't you see these hundreds of people waiting outside."

Liu Chuan's words made everyone in the court scold in their hearts in unison. It's not you who interrupted others. The stone has been solved long ago, but look at Liu Chuan's unreasonable face, no one came out to uphold justice.

Standing next to the stone machine and taking a deep breath, Xu Wei calmed down for a moment and started the machine to cut down the white line. This time, Liu Chuan did not say anything. In a harsh "k" sound, the half-gambling wool was divided into two.

"Alas" huge sighs came out from the crowd in front of the crowd. The people behind didn't have to ask, and they knew that the knife must have been cut down, and Xu Wei at this time. With an unbelievable expression, he stared at the flat cut of the wool on the ground.

The old man stood up and picked up the half of the wool that opened the window. After looking at it for about a minute, he shook his head and said, "This piece of wool can produce up to three or five pendants. It's basically useless. Let's think of it as spending money to buy a teacher."

The old man's words made Xu Wei want to cry without tears. This teaching is too expensive. The funds he can use to purchase jade raw materials this time are only five million. Now he has thrown out three million for nothing. In addition to the disturbance caused by the British jewelry designer some time ago, I'm afraid that in the family, The person who crooked his mouth made the bad one find another excuse to attack him.

Almost rudely grabbed the half of the wool from the old man, and Xu Wei cut it in half. It's just that the cut surface is still slightly white and foggy stones, and there is no trace of green at all. Xu Wei, who was a little red-eyed, wiped the stone from the green window.

After a long time, Xu Wei finally stopped looking at himself. In his hand, it was just a piece of bright material with only the palm of his hand. As the ancient master said, it was only enough to make three or five Guanyin pendants and so on, and this is just the material of the egg green field. Three or five pendants can be sold for Not bad.

"Wood, buddy, I accidentally earned 20 million yuan today. Do you think the Tibetan antelope I bought is a little low-grade? Dude, you have to drive a Mercedes-Benz at least. Oh, it's awesome. Some people are so pitiful that they even lost their pants. The old man said heaven and hell, is that the one he talked about?

Liu Chuan's mood at this time was really refreshing, just like after being exposed to the sun for a few hours at a high temperature of more than 30 degrees, he happily poured a glass of draft beer and felt comfortable from head to toe.

Xu Wei could no longer restrain his anger when he heard the words, but he still maintained his reason. He did not throw away the more than 100,000 yuan worth of material in his hand, and rushed to Liu Chuan, as if to argue with Liu.

It's just that before he took two steps, Xu Wei was stopped by a person who squeezed in from outside the crowd. He also cursed and said, "Damn it, Xu Wei, your boy actually insults me. There are bodyguards around those two little women, and you don't tell me. I was slapped. Tell me clearly. Otherwise, I'll let you get out of Nanjing tomorrow."

The person who came was Wang Ji, who made a fool of himself in the exhibition hall. At this time, the five fingerprints on his face had not been removed. He pulled Xu Wei and dragged him out of the crowd. He must have vent his anger on Mr. Xu.

"Fuck your mother's balls. If you want to play with women, you blame me."

Xu Wei, who has always felt very nice, burst out of dirty words in his mouth and shook off Wang's squeezing hand fiercely, but he had no face to stay here anymore. He took the jade and squeezed out of the crowd with his head down. Wang snuggled back to his senses. When he saw Liu Chuan and others, he There are also five fingerprints on the face.
