Golden Pupil

Chapter 265 Kunlun Mountain Jade Picker

Adila. This is my junior. Bring him to see the jade picking. Xiaozhuang, you can just call him Uncle Tian." After hugging the ancient man, he pulled Zhuang Rui behind him and introduced him to the man.

Zhuang Rui looked at the other party. Uncle Tian was not tall and a little thin. However, his head was full of black hair and his eyes were full of spirit. If he didn't look closely at the wrinkles on his face, he suddenly looked like he was in his early fifties, but Zhuang Rui knew that he was two years older than the old man.

After Zhuang Rui chatted with Uncle Tian with the etiquette of the younger generation, everyone walked out of the airport.

When he arrived outside the airport, several cars had been parked and waiting. Zhuang Rui and the old man were two separate cars, and he was arranged on an off-road vehicle in the back. The driver is a young man from Sichuan, named Zhang Dazhi, who is two years younger than Zhuang Rui. He used to be a car soldier in Xinjiang. After he was discharged from the army, he stayed there to drive. He was very talkative. There are questions and answers to Zhuang Rui's words.

In the car, Zhuang Rui learned that this old man from Xinjiang named Adila was a Uighur. He is 62 years old, and this is his Uyz identity. He also has a Chinese name, Tian Dajun.

In the jade world of Xinjiang, Adilla can be said to be a well-known legendary figure, and everyone in the industry respects him as "the Jade Prince." It can be seen that it has its influence in the jade industry in Xinjiang. In the early 1980s, due to the thousands of years of mining of jade in Xinjiang, the resources were extremely shrinking, and the jade mines on the front line of Kunlun Mountain were closed one after another. The industry said that Hetian jade resources had been exhausted, causing panic in the jade industry.

At that time, with many years of experience in picking jade in Kunlun Mountain, Abianla took the lead in putting forward the geological theory that "Hetian jade is distributed according to the shape of watermelon", which turned the peak of Hetian jade's mining industry around and became a desperate life. New ore sites continue to emerge, and the output is rising year by year.

Adila is now a "Chinese Hetian jade expert. As the executive director of the National Jade Association, this. The executive is much more important than the director of Zhuang Rui, and he also serves as the deputy director of the Xinjiang Jade Professional Committee. The company he leads has become the leader of the Xinjiang jade and stone industry.

"It's because of this" that you call him "Lord Jade"?"

According to Zhang Dazhi. It's far from where Adila lives. It will take more than an hour's drive. Zhuang Rui also wants to hear more about Adilla's story.

"The old man is a god, and the locals all say that he is the eye of fire"

"Fire eyes?!"

Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words, and his face became a little strange, which said that the word was almost the same for him.

"It's not true. There are more than a dozen mining teams under the old man's hands. Just last year, he was optimistic about a mining site, but the many meters dug into the mine tunnel did not show any trace of jade. Many people were anxious and said that it was a waste mine. The old man tried his best to exclude public opinion and What's the matter?"

Zhang Dazhi mentioned the story of the Jade Prince. He asked himself a question and didn't wait for Zhuang Rui to answer. Then he said, "At a distance of two meters, a miracle occurred, and four pieces of jade were picked out. The largest piece weighs ten tons.

There is something more divine. Before he saw the shadow of jade, the old man once predicted that this mine can pick and stew jade. Sure enough, after picking it, it will attract tons. Brother Zhuang, don't you think it's a golden eye?

"Is there really such a god?"

After listening to Zhang Dazhi's words, Zhuang Rui doubted in his heart whether this old man could see through the surface of matter and the essence of it, just like himself?

"Of course, our Jade Prince went to Kunlun Mountain to pick jade in his teens. In the past few decades, no one dares to say that he is better than him in Xinjiang."

Zhang Dazhi admired his boss very much and said, "In Xinjiang, the prince is the authority in the identification of jade and jade. He can tell the authenticity, advantages and disadvantages, origin and price of the jade he saw in one breath.

The traffickers in the Hotan area sell seed materials. Buyers who are familiar with the old man from other places will always call him to the scene. As long as the old man opens his mouth to make an offer, it will be a fixed order. The seller will no longer "play the price" and the buyer will not "repaid the money on the spot".

Do you know why? This is the authoritative effect, the second is the degree of integrity, and the third is the charm of personality.

Zhang Dazhi's words are very smooth. It seems that he has not only talked to Zhuang Rui alone. When he spoke, his face was full of proud expressions, as if he could drive for the Jade Prince, which was also a matter of double face.

"Then why did he invite the old man to come?" Zhuang Rui was a little puzzled, according to Zhang Dazhi. Adila's appreciative attainments on soft jade will never be worse than the old one.

"I don't know. Anyway, the ancients also came at this time last year. It should be that the prospecting team went up the mountain and specially invited Chairman Gu to come, right?" Zhang Dazhi's words are a little different from what the ancients said. It seems that the purpose of this visit is definitely not just to identify a piece of jade.

"Mining team? Isn't it the Jade Cai team?

"No, at this time of year, several teams will be organized to go up the mountain to find the veins. After the vein is determined, the jade mining team will be sent. The division of labor is different, but there are also some jade picking and people. If you specialize in picking materials from mountains and rivers, you need to run all over the mountain. It's very hard."

Zhang Dazhi explained the difference between the two to Zhuang Rui. He has been in Xinjiang for many years, and sometimes he goes up the mountain with the jade picker to try his luck. You know, if you can find a good jade material. Then you don't have to worry about eating and drinking all your life.

Relatively speaking, it is more difficult to find mineral veins and scattered jade pickers. They have to look for jade in the deep mountains against the scorching sun plateau reaction. Sometimes I often go to the mountain for months, and then I don't come out of the mountain until winter.

The car; and Bian City drove to the suburbs and talked about the tip from the place that looked like a farm outside, and Mu Jie found it. There was a sentry next to the gate, and two young and strong young men stood by the door. What surprised Zhuang Rui most was that they actually had a gun behind them.

"Dazhi, the two people at the door are also from the army?

Zhuang Rui looked at the clothes uploaded by the two people. It's a camouflage suit, but there are no epaulettes and military ranks. I just dare to hold a gun in broad daylight. It should be from the national department, right?

"No, Brother Zhuang, those two are in the mine protection team, and they both have recorded in the public security department to have a gun license

Zhang Dazhi said to Zhuang Rui that the environment near the Hetian jade mine is relatively complex. Not only the locals mine the jade mine, but also the gold digmers from all over the country. If there are more people, it is inevitable that there will be good and bad, and some people take risks and do some uninficial things.

So some big jade merchants will set up their own mine protection teams, people with the status of Adilla. I don't know how many people with bad intentions are thinking about it in their hearts, and Adila's trading places are usually where he lives, where valuable jade is placed here, so an armed force is arranged to guard here, of course. These are all reported and approved by the local public security department.

The car drove more than 200 meters forward. He stopped in front of a three-story building, and Zhuang Rui saw it. Stones of different sizes and shapes are placed on both sides of the road. These stones are basically yellow and white, some from the surface. You can see the white jade meat. Presumably these are all Hetian jade materials.

Get out of the car and enter the small building. On the dining table in the oncoming living room, wine and vegetables have begun to be placed up, a few. After the Uyghur women arranged the food, they retreated. In the huge room, there were only the ancient man, Zhuang Rui, Abianla and a middle-aged man in his forties.

The food is very rich. Xinjiang's barbecue, large plate chicken, and Ilite wine produced in Xinjiang are very familiar with the ancient and Azura. From time to time, they also say a few words to Adila in the language of the Uyghur people. And the middle-aged man did not neglect Zhuang Rui and couldn't help persuading him to drink. After a period of food, Zhuang Rui was already four or five points drunk.

After dinner, someone took Zhuang and the old man to the room on the second floor to rest. Zhuang Rui, who was drunk, slept for four or five hours before waking up. Out of the room, Zhuang Rui stood on the second floor and saw Gu and Adila sitting in the living room. On the ground in front of him, there was a stone weighing a hundred catties.

"Xiaozhuang, are you up? You haven't slept for a long time." When Gu heard the noise upstairs, he looked up and saw Zhuang Rui and waved to him. Motioned him down.

"Uncle Gu, I'm sorry, I overslept." Zhuang Rui walked down and hung up, scratching his head with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, young man. It's normal to sleep a little deep. Old men like us can't sleep if they want to sleep for a while. Come on, young man, let's see how this material is.

The old man Adirah was also a little curious about Zhuang Rui. He heard from his old friend that this young man had a keen sense of jade. Some time ago, on the Pingyuan jade market, he could not let Zhuang Rui see this jade material. It's also a little exquisite in the meaning of Zhuang Rui.

"Uncle Tian, I still have some experience with jade, but I don't know much about this soft jade. If you want to say it, it's paper to stop talking about soldiers. Although Zhuang Rui is sure to see the jade meat in this material. But he really doesn't know much about the type and quality of Hetian jade. In the soft jade, he saw the pendant of mutton fat jade that was given to Qian Yaosi in ancient times, but he couldn't look at it carefully at that time.

"It's okay. You can say as much as you understand. What are you afraid of?" Gu said next to him. He brought Zhuang Rui here to let him see. The material on the ground just gave him an on-site teaching.

After hearing the words, Zhuang Rui was not pretentious. He squatted down and looked at the material of He Tian Yu.

Friends all know that the hard jade jadeite raw stone has outer skin, and the direction and quantity quality of the inner jadeite can be judged through the outer skin. It can be said that the outer skin is the key to the jadeite gambling stone.

And Hetian jade is naturally the representative of soft jade. Unlike jade, Hetian jade's materials do not necessarily have outer skin, and a lot of Hetian Meiyu's jade meat. They are all ** outside. In the past, many jade pickers could pick up high-quality Hetian jade directly from the river.

Another point is different from emerald. The emerald comes from abroad. Hetian Yu has a long history in China, with a long history and unique meaning. Throughout the ages, people have used all the beautiful things as a metaphor.

China has had the reputation of "the country of jade" since ancient times. The ancients regarded jade as a treasure as a treasure. The ancient medical book said, "Jade is the beauty of stone. It is sweet and non-toxic" and said that jade is the most abundant substance for the human body to store vitality. It is believed that sucking jade contains the synergy with saliva, so jade and stone are not only used for jewelry, decoration and decoration, but also for health and health.

Since ancient times, the emperors and concubines of various dynasties have been healthy without jade, while Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty is addicted to jade, and Yang Guifei contains jade to suppress the heat.

In ancient China. Jade is a social heavy weapon that communicates heaven and earth and sacrifices to the ancestors of ghosts and gods. It is a material expression of power and status. It is a burial tool for the dead to protect the corpses and embalming. It is also a personality symbol of a scholar and a gentleman to show his body, flaunt himself and pursue a good sentiment.

When the old man and Zhuang Rui were together, they talked a lot. In fact, it was still soft jade, so although Zhuang Rui did not learn much, in theory. He also knows a lot about soft jade.

Soft jade is roughly divided into mountain materials, mountain flowing water and Ziyu. Mountain materials are the native mines produced on the mountain. Such as white jade mountain materials, green and white jade mountain materials, etc., the jade princes and others mine mainly to make materials.

Mountain flowing water refers to the collapse of those native mines. And the river is moved to a large piece of jade in the river. Jianao is close to the primary ore, and the block size is large. The edges and corners of the jade surface are washed by the river for a long time, and it is slightly rounded.

Ziyu, also known as Zi'eryu and seed material, is distributed in the riverbed and the terraces on both sides. The jade is ** on the surface or buried in the ground. Ziyu is characterized by the fact that the block size is often oval and the surface is smooth. Because the river has been washed and screened for thousands of years, Ziyu

The jade in the lower reaches of the river has various colors, white jade seed material, blue and white jade seed material, and green jade seed material. Ink jade seed material. Jasper seed material, topaz seed material. But no matter what color it is, as long as it is the best seed material, it is in the current jade market. One gram is as high as tens of thousands of yuan, which is many times more expensive than gold.

The soft jade market is hot, and now it is no less than the jade market. Four years ago. Jade merchants in Xinjiang all take sacks of seed materials to the mainland for sale, which can be selected at will, but now, only these people appear. The jade merchants who heard the news were carrying millions of yuan, and they could only buy a small box of materials. The old man said one thing to Zhuang Rui. When the jade merchants in Xinjiang arrived in Zhonghai, they basically lived in Tianshan Hotel, where they could often see several Jiang Xi bosses working together, holding boxes of cash and anxiously knocking on a door in the corridor of the Tianshan Hotel.

Jade merchants in Xinjiang are famous for their unity. In ancient times, the jade raw materials that could cut off Xu's jewelry and the royal stick family were also inseparable from his good relationship with Adila. With Adila's position in the jade world, all jade merchants in Xinjiang gave some face.

The reason why Gu and Adilla let Zhuang Rui see this material is that some soft jade is the same as jade. It also has skin, Zhuang Rui knows. The outer skin of Hetian jade is generally divided into three types: color skin, sugar skin and stone skin.

Color skin refers to a layer of jade skin distributed with the appearance of Minzi jade. There are many colors. The jade world names these jade materials after various colors, such as black leather, deer skin, etc. From the leather color, we can see the quality of jade, such as black leather, deer skin, etc., most of which are high-quality

Jade of the same quality. Such as autumn pear and other skin colors. The value is higher. The thickness of the colored skin is different from that of jadeite. It is very thin, generally less than millimeters, and the forms of the colored skin are also various, some in the shape of clouds, some in the shape of veins, and some in the shape of scattered dots.

The formation of colored skin is caused by the transformation of ferrous oxide in Hetian jade into iron trioxide under oxidation conditions, so it is secondary, experienced jade pickers go to the middle and lower reaches to find jade with colored skin. And upstream, there are few opportunities to find colored skin jade.

The so-called sugar skin refers to a layer of yellow-brown and sauce-colored jade skin distributed on the surface of Hetian Yushan material. Because the color is similar to brown sugar color, the sugar skin jade is called sugar jade. The sugar skin of sugar jade is thicker, ranging from a few centimeters to twenty or thirty centimeters. It is often surrounded by white jade or green jade, which is a transitional relationship. Sugar jade is produced near the cracks in the ore body.

The gambling nature of sugar skin is a little greater, because the jade in it is difficult to judge. It may be the best white jade or ordinary jade. After some jade pickers pick the sugar-skinned jade, they often take it out to bet on others, but they don't untie it themselves.

The last one is the stone skin, which mostly refers to the surrounding rock surrounded by the surface of Hetian jade mountain material. When mining, it is mined together with jade and attached to the surface of jade. The boundary between this kind of stone-wrapped jade is clear. It can be separated easily. Stone skin is also the easiest material to identify the quality of jade.

The material in front of Zhuang Rui now is a piece of sugar skin jade material. Unlike the outer skin of jadeite, this material is very smooth and doesn't feel tricky at all. Zhuang Rui guesses that this should be because it has been washed by the river.

Zhuang Rui has no experience with Hetian jade material. After looking around this material for a while, Zhuang Rui lowered his head, and the aura in his eyes suddenly penetrated into the yellow-brown stone, uncovering the stone layer by layer. The situation in the jade material was immediately revealed in front of Zhuang Rui.

The skin of this stone is not very thick. It's only four or five centimeters in the middle of the stone. A whole piece of milky white jade meat appeared in Zhuang Rui's vision. To Zhuang Rui's surprise, the long-changing aura had a slight change when it came into contact with jade meat.

When I saw the white soft light in the middle of the jade, a warm breath fused with the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes. Although only a trace of breath was integrated into his eyes, it still made Zhuang Rui extremely comfortable, as if he was applied to his eyes with a hot towel, and the feeling of steaming. It made Zhuang Rui almost moan comfortably.

It's just this huge piece of jade meat, which can be absorbed by Zhuang Rui's aura very little, only a trace of hair, but this also makes Zhuang Rui overjoyed. At least he knew that the aura in his eyes could continue to increase. Instead of being stagnant as it is now.

After stabilizing his mind, Zhuang Rui raised his head and said, "Uncle Gu, Uncle Tian, this piece of jade is the material of mountain and flowing water, and the volume is large. The outside is wrapped with sugar skin, but it is often said that white jade is mostly small material. The possibility of this jade material is not very high, but the outer skin is wet and greasy, and the performance is still good. If you have to say, I guess it is blue and white jade inside, but the quality should be good.

Zhuang Rui's words were normal, and he said the origin, skin and performance of the jade material. With his age, he could say this opinion, which also made the two old people nod repeatedly.

"That's right. It's similar to my idea. It's more likely to produce blue and white jade. Adila, such a large piece of green and white jade. The price is not lower than that of ordinary mutton fat jade. Are you still not satisfied?

The ancient Er Erzhuang Wushuozong! Later, he also gave his own evaluation. He and Zhuang Wu's use Xieyi bamboo. This jade material is basically impossible to produce mutton fat white jade. If the best jade is so easy to see, Heshibi will not be passed down through the ages.

"Ha ha, old brother, you know, I didn't ask you to come here entirely to see this material. Beijing is so hot in summer. You can stay with me for a month. There are a lot of fresh cantaloupe and grapes in this season.

Aula has long been aware of this piece of jade. He called the old man to come. On the one hand, the old friends get together. On the other hand, the team of the mine-seeking pulse will go up the mountain tomorrow. He wants to ask the ancient man to preside over the ceremony. For the jade picker, this needs to be presided Gu Tianfeng comes here every year, mostly for this matter.

"Come on, I don't have a chance to live with you this year. I have to help this boy carve a piece of jade when I go back. Let's talk about it later. After hosting the ceremony tomorrow, I will go back to Beijing

Summer in Xinjiang is very cool. Gu Tianfeng used to live here for a period of time every year. It's just that I have to give Zhuang Rui Zhuoyu this year, but I can't live more.

"Uncle, I'm not in a hurry. You can stay here for a while. Besides, I also brought that piece of jade. If it doesn't work, you can carve it here." Zhuang Rui is a little embarrassed. Because of his own affairs, let the old man run on both sides.

"That's right, Xiao Zhuang is right, old brother. I have all kinds of tools here. You can live here, and we can chat if we have nothing to do.

Adila also advised that he and Gu Tianfeng have been old friends for decades, and they only meet once or twice a year. In addition, he has recently handed over the business to the younger generation, and he also wants to have an old friend to chat with.

"It doesn't matter where to carve, but Xiaozhuang, can you bear to wait here?

The old man was also a little moved, but if these pendants were carved and polished, it would take ten days and a half months. He was afraid that Zhuang Rui could not wait.

"It's simple. Let Xiaozhuang follow the jade picking team up the mountain tomorrow," Mr. Adirah gave a. The idea.

"Uncle Tian, you just said that it was the team of ore-finding veins on the mountain. Why are there still jade pickers?

Zhuang Rong asked puzzledly. He was also a little curious about the mining of soft jade. He heard that most of the best mutton jade was picked up from the mountains or rivers, and rarely dug out of the mine.

"hehe. If you are looking for mineral veins and jade mining, you need to find a season to go up the mountain, and wait until it's colder. I can't stay in the mountain for a long time. Well, do you want to see it? That's right. The jade picked from the mountain belonged to him, but when he saw that Zhuang Rui wanted to go, Adila encouraged him vigorously.

"Eh, uncle, you can stay at ease. I'll follow the jade picking team up the mountain to have a look

In fact, Zhuang Rui doesn't care much about the ownership of jade, but he wants to see it. The legend of the jade picker has been circulating for thousands of years. The old man's face had a strange expression on his face and asked Zhuang Rui, "Have you decided to go? That's true that you may not be able to come back in ten days and a half months

Zhuang Rui nodded and replied, "Hmm. I followed and went to have a look. Uncle Tian said that the jade he picked up was all his own. I was lucky enough to pick up a piece of mutton fat jade.

In Zhuang Rui's heart, he regards this trip into the mountain as a trip. A lot of things have happened during this period. He feels that he needs to think about it in a quiet place, and his future career plan. He can't run around like this every day, can he?

"Good job, young people have momentum, so I'll ask someone to prepare a bag for you." When Adila saw that Zhuang Rui agreed, he stood up happily and went out.

"Bac?" Zhuang Rui looked at the old man puzzledly.

The old man looked at Zhuang Rui with a smile and said, "Kid, do you think picking jade is a trip? The environment in the mountains is very complicated. In the past, jade pickers stayed in it forever after entering the mountain every year. Over the years, the equipment has been better, and the danger is much smaller, but it is definitely not as comfortable as you think. What's the matter? Do you still want to go?

It is very difficult and dangerous to go into the mountains to find the jade mine vein and the jade mining. The requirements for the body, knowledge and wild survival quality of the entourage are very high. Although Zhuang Rui's man is tall, the ancient man is really a little worried.


Zhuang Rui nodded firmly. He has heard a lot of legends about Kunlun Mountain. Now he has the opportunity to explore the secrets of the mountain. If he doesn't go, he will definitely regret it in the future.

"Xiaozhuang, you will follow Dazhi into the mountain tomorrow. He has been there several times and is very experienced. You young people can also talk about it,"

While talking, Mr. Adila pulled the driver who drove Zhuang Rui at noon and came in. He patted Zhang Dazhi on the shoulder and said, "Xiaozhuang is my distinguished guest. You must take good care of him

"Uncle Tian, I'm still two years older than Peking University.

"Zhuang Rui was made to laugh and cry by Adila's words.

"The mountains are not as good as the outside, but based on experience. You should listen to this young man's advice more after entering the mountain. Don't make your own decisions about anything, otherwise, don't go.

The old man stiffly said to Zhuang Mu very seriously.

Ratio: 7,000 words, and in the last two days, I was blown up. I urgently asked for a recommended ticket for a monthly ticket. Friends, take a look at the bookstore. Don't waste the monthly ticket. Vote for us. Thank you in advance.


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