Golden Pupil

Chapter 290 Not enough money

In the gate of the magazine, there is a small yard in front of it. And enter the small gate of the army through the yard. It is a very exquisite sheeping door. It is exquisite and quite gorgeous. At the eaves behind the sheeping door, there is also a door, called the screen door, also known as the middle door, which is similar to the instrument door. It is usually closed, and people enter through the left and right corridors in front of the door. It will not be opened until a major event or a distinguished guest comes.

The eaves of this screen are rubbed into blue-green, the wood oil is turned red, the round head is turned into blue, white and black, like a halo of jewel patterns, and the square head is a gold or rhombus pattern on a blue background. The front of the front of the eaves has brocade patterns, flowers, Bogu, etc., and the hanging lotus stigma on both sides is painted colorfully according to the carved pattern.

Although it has been eroded over time. The color on these doors is slightly faded. However, the victory of that year can be faintly seen, and it has also witnessed the rise and fall of a dynasty.

As soon as they entered the door, the white lion and the black lion got into the yard and disappeared in a flash. Zhuang Rui was not worried. The yard was obviously idle. The door was locked, and there should be no one inside.

The Xiao Li who followed Zhuang Rui closely. He said, "Mr. Zhuang, this is the middle door, which usually does not open. In fact, it is just a scene. In ancient times, there were imperial edicts or distinguished guests coming to the door. The so-called big opening of the middle door is to open this door, more as a kind of etiquette."

"In the quadrangle courtyard, all the doors connecting the courtyards are weeping flower gates, which is also an imitation of the shape of the archway building, which is very gorgeous and practical."

Xiao Li led the way in front while explaining to everyone. At this time, Xiao Li is not like a government staff, but like a small tour guide. He knows this quadrangle courtyard very well, from the feng shui pattern of the yard to an inconspicuous decoration on the hanging flower door, which can be quoted from the classics and let Zhuang Rui I listened to it with great interest.

After passing through the exquisite hanging flower door and port room, this is the front yard. The pattern of a very ordinary small quadrangle courtyard, the main room, the east-west wing room, and a hanging flower door in the east leads directly to the middle courtyard. After entering the middle courtyard, it is a small garden with a large area, but it has been left

After the middle courtyard and the backyard, these three, the courtyards are all places for people to live. Generally, the servants live in the front yard, and the juniors live in the middle courtyard. The longest generation lives in the backyard, and some wing rooms have been changed into study, living room and kitchen. In ancient times, the big families were separated from each room, and there were several kitchens.

Zhuang Rui came all the way. After a rough calculation, this can be used as a room for people. There are more than 20 rooms, and it is enough to open a small hotel. And these rooms are only half of the whole quadrangle courtyard, and there is a garden before and after, with pond pavilions and pavilions, which shows how luxurious the life of those officials in ancient times is.

"Mr. Zhuang, what do you think of this yard? In the past two years, many people want to buy it, but they are not sold in the district, but if Mr. Zhuang like it, we will give priority to it

In fact, Director Zheng is not very clear about Zhuang Rui's coming from, but the boss of the district specially called him over yesterday to explain and asked him to receive him well. If the other party really like this yard, as long as the conditions are not too excessive, he can make the decision to agree.

Director Zheng knows. This yard is the heart of the boss, although it has been idle for several years. But I have never been willing to sell it. Now this attitude has turned 180 degrees, and I let myself receive it in person. By the way, the office director is very busy, and the leader eats, drinks and sleeps. The spoon that Director Zheng wants to take care of

Today, Director Zheng first saw Ouyang Army, and his heart became noisy. These four or nine cities are so big that ordinary people really don't know Ouyang Army. However, Director Zheng happened to have a relationship with him. Of course, it was the kind of person he remembered Ouyang Jun, but Ouyang Jun did not remember his kind of relationship. Seeing Ouyang Jun's attitude towards Zhuang Rui, Director Zheng was even more careful when talking to Zhuang Rui.

"The yard is not bad and quiet, but no one has lived there for a long time, right?"

When Zhuang Rui saw the barren grass in the garden, some of which went along the slate road and even extended to the door of the house, he couldn't help frowning. If he bought it, he would probably not be able to live in it for a while.

"Mr. Zhuang, after the district office building was built, this place was empty. You see such a large place, it is too troublesome to take care of. And the funds were relatively tight, so it was put on hold."

Director Zheng also told the truth. If such a large yard is repaired every year, it will cost at least tens of thousands of yuan. Although the money is not much, it will take such a subsidy on the edge of the knife. In the idle yard, it's better to give each person a bonus of several hundred yuan during the Spring Festival.

Miao Feifei has been touching around since she came in. She looked very excited. At present, when she heard that Zhuang Rui seemed to be a little dissatisfied, she quickly said, "Zhuang Rui. This place is good. I lived in a quadrangle courtyard at the time, but later I moved to Xinshi Huayuan. The villa is not as comfortable as the quadrangle courtyard at all"

"Xinshi Huayuan?"

Director Zheng was stunned again. That's the minister's barking. There are no senior officials living in it at the ministerial level. Dare to be popular. The girl who is recited by Gan Fei is also very big.

"Mr. Zhuang, don't worry, if you decide to buy it, we will send someone to clean it up. It is guaranteed to give you a new feeling.

I don't know how many people want to buy this quadrangle courtyard, but the district has never nodded, but now the situation is the opposite. It seems that Director Zheng begged Zhuang Rui to buy it, which is also easy to understand. Only Zhuang Rui bought the yard. That is a good fate. This cultural reserve is still under the jurisdiction of the district, and there will naturally be time to deal with it in the future.

"Well, I'll take a look again, white lion, come back little

Zhuang Rui nodded without hesitation, but did not say whether to buy it or not. With his shout, the white lion rushed out of a hanging flower door. Running to Zhuang Rui, he couldn't help rubbing against Zhuang Rui. Obviously, he was very satisfied with the environment here.

Zhuang Rui was a little hesitant. The big house had been unoccupied for a long time and looked a little dilapidated. There is also a lack of popularity, especially when there is a lot of rain in summer, the grass is overgrown, Zhuang Rui is a little uncomfortable to see, and all the rooms are empty. Just now, Zhuang Rui specially went into a room to have a look, and the roof seems to be a little leaking. This is to be renovated, but it is not a small

"Fourth brother, how about the yard you mentioned?"

Zhuang Rui thought about it and had a look more. Let's shop around

"Ok, it doesn't matter if we go to Ouyang Jun. He is supporting Zhuang Rui today.

"Mr. Zhuang, which yard are you talking about?" Director Zheng saw that Zhuang Rui and others were leaving. I asked quickly.

"A yard in the West City, smaller than yours, is a house in the West City." As Zhuang Rui walked out, he replied casually.

"Hey, Mr. Zhuang, what are you talking about? It's not as good as here. Several families in there have lived there for more than ten years and have been unwilling to move out. There is no way to take it back in Xicheng District. It has been noisy several times. The house is just bought. I'm afraid you can't live in it either."

"What? Director Zheng, is this true?

After hearing Director Zheng's words, Zhuang Rui stopped. He was unwilling to get involved in those disputes.

"Mr. Zhuang, can I lie to you about this? I know it as soon as I inquire." Director Zheng said solemnly.

"Fourth brother?. Zhuang Rui looked at Ouyang Jun, and I guess he didn't know about it.

"I'll ask you

Ouyang Jun walked aside and made a phone call. Within a few minutes, there was anger on his face, and he cursed a few words. He hung up his mobile phone and came over. He said, "Lao Zheng is right. The grandson didn't tell me. I'll clean him up later."

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard this, he turned around and walked into the yard. He also inquired through Song Jun that there are indeed not many large quadrangle courtyards now. If he doesn't buy it himself, I'm afraid there will be no such store after this village.

After standing there and meditated for a while, Zhuang Rui made up his mind and said, "Director Zheng. I want this land, but it's the price."

In the information given to Zhuang Rui, there is a price of this set of real estate, which is 40,000 yuan per square meter. The total is 2,100 square meters, with a total price of 840 million. As soon as the money is taken out, plus the money to be spent on repairing, it means that Zhuang Rui is almost going to become poor again, which

"Mr. Zhuang, this house has been in disrepair for a long time, and you bought it to help the district solve it. Problem, we will naturally give you the best price. Well, how about 3,5 million square meters?

"Third-five thousand?"

Zhuang Rui didn't react. Director Zheng is too talkative, isn't he? It's more than 10 million yuan cheaper with one mouth.

"Mr. Zhuang, to be honest, we also have an explanation for the sale of this house, but don't worry, I'll communicate with Secretary Liu again, and wait a few minutes"

Seeing that Zhuang Rui didn't say anything. Director Zheng also picked up his mobile phone and hid aside to make a phone call. Only then did Zhuang Rui realize that I didn't say anything, buddy. I just repeated your price.

After five or six minutes, Director Zheng came over and said, "It's not a solution that this house is backlog in the district. Secretary Liu gave instructions just now. Thirty-one thousand square meters, Mr. Zhuang. Do you think this price is acceptable?

"Is it six or three million? Fourth brother, what do you think?

Zhuang Rui turned his face to Ouyang Jun. He didn't expect that these words would be more than 20 million yuan lower than the initial quotation. However, looking at the dilapidated appearance of the house, it is estimated that the decoration could not be done, and there was not much money left in his hand.

Zhuang Rui only now feels that the more than 100 million left in his bank does not seem to be enough.

Bibi: I wrote it before the mouth point. I wrote 3,000 words in two hours. It's really the first time, hehe. Monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, come on, continue to fight, sacrifice ticket plus update...


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