Golden Pupil

Chapter 427 The King of Soldiers

"A trip? Just rely on him? Humph, lend him the courage, he doesn't dare..."

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The update is fast. Ouyang Jun snorted coldly. In fact, Ouyang Jun knows in his heart that Bai Feng is not afraid, but it is meaningless to do so at all. Although he is a direct descendant of the Ouyangquan clan, he is not treated by the old man. Yes, it is not an official career. The business of making It doesn't work well.

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First release

The update is fast. Ouyang Jun is not a beautiful phoenix. He was made into a small movie. It has no impact on him at all. At most, it makes his playboy's reputation a little louder. Coupled with the news control in the mainland, even if it is filmed, is there is no chance to spread it?

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Will the fast update affect the reputation of the Ouyang family? That's even more bullshit. Although political evil is a very ugly thing, the Ouyang family also has many opponents, but for a mature politician, he will not use such a bad and ineffective way to attack his own political opponents, which will only attract ridicule from others.

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Fast update As for Chen's incident in the early 1990s, it was just because he fell and the wall was pushed by everyone, which involved the absurdity of his son. Otherwise, why didn't Chen hear those things when he was on the stage? " Oh, I said no, Zhuang Xiaowu, the phone you answered just now was not from my daughter-in-law, right?

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First release

The update is fast. After Ouyang Jun answered Zhuang Rui's words, he suddenly reacted. His daughter-in-law called. Why did she have to call herself first? There is no reason to call Zhuang Rui's mobile phone, and Zhuang Rui went out after reading the mobile phone number. If Xu Jing called, he should tell himself before holding it. Of.

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Update fast "Fourth brother, I don't know how your relationship with Brother Bai is, but I think these things can be avoided. In case you leave something for others, even if it doesn't affect your uncles, it's not good for your sister-in-law to know. My sister-in-law is pregnant with a child..."

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First release

The update is fast. When Zhuang Rui saw that Ouyang Jun guessed it, he admitted that he was saving the young man who had lost his feet. Er, Ouyang Jun could barely be regarded as a young man. He didn't see that Liu Tianwang in Hong Kong was in his forties and was rated as one of the top ten outstanding young people.

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Update quickly "Man, it's okay to come out to relax occasionally. It's nothing. You're just that you have to leave. You make up a nonsense and even pull me out. Don't want the fourth brother to take you out to play again in the future..."

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Update fast According to Ouyang Jun's thinking, it's quite a fault that he doesn't raise a few mistresses and mistresses outside. As he said this, he got angry again and complained that Zhuang Rui had stirred up his good deeds. Come on, don't call me out to play in the future. Those foreigners are too open-minded. Maybe they are suffering from acquired immunodeficiency in the body. You'd better take it easy..."

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The car is still snowing outside the window. Although it is much smaller than a few days ago, there are not many cars on this road. Some of the snow is pressed and turned into frozen ice. Zhuang Rui drove the car very slowly. At this time, after hearing Ouyang Jun's words, he couldn't help curling his lips and lifting the foot on Divided. " Acquired immunodeficiency? What kind of disease is that?" Ouyang Jun was stunned for a moment. He had never heard of this term. Haha, the abbreviation in English is ID. Our country is commonly known as AIDS. Do you know, don't, don't be the fourth brother, I'm driving..." Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words, and the angry Ouyang army slapped Zhuang Rui's head.

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The update is fast. After driving into Beijing, Zhuang Rui took his car and did not go to Yuquan Mountain again. He went straight back to the quadrangle courtyard.

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After the update was about to arrive at home, Zhuang Zhan found that the middle courtyard was full of people again. Ouyang Long from other provinces forced several cousins to stand in a room honestly and rudely, and they were all with their families. For a moment, they made snowmen and had snowball fights, and a group of half-old children were happy to

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Fast update. After chatting with Ouyang Long for a while, Zhuang Rui took the white lion and walked around the yard. When he walked to the front yard, he found that Zhang's mother, Mrs. Li and Hao Long were eating in the small restaurant in the front yard. Seeing that the watch was about to enter the point, Zhuang Rui couldn't help saying,

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Fast update After this period of running-in, Zhuang Rui was very satisfied with Zhang's mother and Li's sister-in-law Hao Long and others. "Zhang's mother's food is very delicious, and she has made all kinds of flavors of food, and Li's sister-in-law is also very diligent. One person put three

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The update is fast. Needless to say, Hao Long, in addition to eating and patrolling in the courtyard regularly, he is in the monitoring room almost 24 hours a day to protect the safety of the house. Zhuang Jiao mentioned with Hao Long last time that if Hao Long has a suitable comrade-in-arms, he will introduce another one. After all, Hao It's not for others to find a girlfriend in their private time.

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The update is fast, but these people are not willing to eat in the middle courtyard. After Zhuang Rui said it several times, it was up to them, but he also explained that in the front yard, the food must be the same as them. "You don't need to save this much money." Mr. Zhuang, it's okay. There are too many children in the middle school. Let them eat first. The food is the same. It doesn't matter if they eat later. Zhang's mother and others saw that Feng Zhuang Rui came in and quickly stood up. When they had dinner with the master's family, they always felt a little awkward. It was better to eat in the front yard.

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The update is fast. Zhuang Rui saw that he had disturbed others to eat, and said with some embarrassment, "Mom Zhang, you eat, leave me alone. By the way, my mother asked me to bring some turtle essence nutrition oral liquid for you to drink. I'll bring it later..."

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Update fast. There are many people who give gifts to the old man's side. Those people dare not give them away, and they dare not take out your key objects. Isn't it clear that he has embezzled and bribed and hit the muzzle of the gun, so what he sent is nothing more than some decorations The old lady didn't drink those things at all. Ouyang Wan took a lot of them in Zhuang Rui's car at noon and asked him to bring them to Zhang's mother, Mrs. Li and others. Thank you, Sister Ouyang. When she comes back to live, I will cook some of her favorite dishes...

First release

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First release

Update fast. After Zhang's mother and Mrs. Li heard Zhuang Rui's words, they were very happy. Although they did the work of a nanny, the owner did not treat themselves as outsiders. During this period, they only sent several sets of clothes, and the nutrition products were not broken. Although they were not cheap people, they felt comfortable. " It's time, Brother Hao, *. Do you have any idea about what you said?

First release

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First release

The update is fast. Zhuang Rui ran to install a bowl of rice and sat down to eat. In the evening, he ate some instant-boiled mutton, and he was not full at all. This is just enough to fill it. Boss, I was just about to tell you about this..." "Sit down and eat while saying..."

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Update fast After Hao Long heard Zhuang Rui's words, he habitually stood up and was pulled back in the chair by Zhuang Rui.

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Fast update "There is one candidate, one of my comrades-in-arms, one year younger than you, but, boss, let's go out and talk..." In the middle of Hao Long's words, he looked at Zhang's mother and Mrs. Li hesitated and stopped.

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Fast update "Then eat first and talk about it later." Zhuang Rui put a plate of leftover small fried bacon into a bowl and ate it very deliciously. Zhang's mother, who had finished eating, said that she wanted to stir-fry another dish, which was stopped by Zhuang Rui.

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Update fast "What's your comrade-in-arms situation:\} Let's talk about it one one one one one

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Fast update. After dinner, Zhuang Rui and Hao Long sat in the concierge monitoring room.

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Fast update "That boy's name is Peng Fei. He is not a special division. He is a comrade-in-arms I met when I was on a mission at the border. His military quality is quite excellent, much better than me. In the era of war, he is definitely a soldier.

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The update is fast. It's just that something went wrong when he was on a mission. Boss, don't get me wrong. Alas, I've told you.

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The update is fast. When Hao Long said this, he hesitated for a moment, but thinking about the relationship between Zhuang Rui and the teacher, those so-called military secrets seem to have nothing.

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The update is fast. As if recalling the past experience, Hao Long bowed his head and pondered for a long time, and then said, "One time when we were chasing a drug trafficking gang on the Thai-Myanmar border, a comrade-in-arms unfortunately died. Later, after catching the group, Peng Fei directly killed all six people. He went to the military court, but he was still forced to be discharged from the army. He was a lieutenant at that time, but he didn't even pay for a transfer..." "Do you have contact with him now? Also, how is this man's character?

First release

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Fast update. Zhuang Rui became a little interested in Peng Fei in Hao Long's mouth, but he didn't want to put an explosive bucket beside him. Listening to Hao Long's story, Peng Fei seemed to be very hot-tempered.

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Update fast "Boss, Peng Fei is not a murderous person. You don't know that the comrade-in-arms we sacrificed was killed. When we found his body, there was no complete piece of meat on his body at that time. Those people were all animals. Even if Peng Fei didn't do anything, we also have to do it. I! I. . R. . . . "

First release

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First release

The update is fast. Thinking of his sacrificed comrades-in-arms, Hao Long is a little excited, his eyes are red, and his eyes are already covered with a layer of fog.

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Fast update Hao Long's Fu Xu also affected Zhuang Rui. He patted Hao Long on the shoulder. Zhuang Rui said in a low voice, "What is Peng Fei doing now?"

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The update is fast. Hao Long lowered his head, wiped his tears with his sleeves, and said, "He is from Beijing, but he seems to be from Daxing. After coming back, he worked as a security guard for a period of time. He couldn't get used to those things. He resigned and quit. Now he is working as a loader in

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Update quickly Speaking of this, Hao Long raised his head, looked at Zhuang Rui with red eyes, and said, "Boss, I can guarantee with my personality. Peng Fei is absolutely good. With his skills, it's really easy to make money, but he didn't go the wrong way. If you really want to hire someone, give him a chance...

First release

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First release

The update is fast. A few days ago, Hao Long once asked Zhuang Rui for a half-day leave to see Peng Fei. In the cold weather, Peng Fei actually wore a single piece of clothing to work in the goods yard. Hao Long saw that Peng Fei's shoulders were full of red marks and blood marks squeezed by the goods, which was not worth it for his P: There will be a third update later. I want a monthly ticket. I want a lot of recommended tickets. D