Golden Pupil

Chapter 444 Clearly Mark I

The venue of Myanmar Jewelry and Jade Trading Center is much larger than the Pingzhou gambling stone venue. In the scope of tens of thousands of square meters, all of them are jade raw stones used for this transaction. At this time, in addition to the staff, Zhuang Rui, a few wool merchants from other places, seemed very empty.

"Zhuang Rui, the public market time is from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. As soon as the time arrives, the market will be cleared. Let's look at the wool separately. Don't waste time..."

While Zhuang Rui was still observing around, Qin Haoran had already walked to those rows of neatly stacked jade materials with gambling stone consultants.

Due to the lack of raw materials, a processing factory of Qin's jewelry has now been shut down. It's not only them, but also many jewelry companies are a little unsustainable in terms of raw materials, so they are looking forward to some raw materials from this jade public market.

You should know that in ancient times, or a little closer, decades ago, jadeite mines were mined by hand, and only the best jadeite was mined every year. Now with high-tech equipment, a mountain can be razed flat in half a year.

In the world, only Myanmar produces greens, and it is mainly concentrated in the Michina region of northeast Myanmar, which is about 5j kilometers long and 39 kilometers wide. The formation of each piece of green requires extremely demanding natural conditions and at least 200 million years. Jade can only become more and more expensive.

Some people have counted that the amount of jadeite mined in a year is the same as the past 300 years. According to this trend, I'm afraid that the jadeite mine will be exhausted or even extinct in Myanmar in the next 15 years.

If this is the case, it will be a disaster for Chinese jewelry merchants, because they buy jade luxury goods in China as a collection. The crowd is increasing day by day.

Zhuang Rui once read the information provided by the Jade Association. On the upper surface, although the jadeite is produced in Myanmar, the market is in China. The original jadeite mined in Myanmar every year has been bought by buyers in mainland China. The old raw materials are processed and sold in mainland China. China has become the world's main The high-end jadeite consumer market.

From the early 1980s to now, China's jewelry industry has achieved unprecedented development. The output value has grown from If B to nearly 100 million, and the price of jade has increased by 300 times, becoming the main force of the jewelry market. This huge cake makes everyone salivate,

Hong Kong jewelry companies have seen the domestic market demand. Because of the gradual depletion of resources in Myanmar's mining area, famous jewelry companies, including Qin's jewelry, have taken out the collection-level medium and high-end jade ten years ago and flowed back to the mainland to cope with the hot situation in the mainland market.

It's just that this kind of behavior is tantamount to quenching thirst. Although Qin's jewelry has seized a lot of markets in the mainland by accumulating raw material inventory for decades, but there are few raw materials left, resulting in the suspension of production in a processing factory in Guangdong. If you can't buy jade raw materials this time, I' Well, it will be lost.

The current product sales pay attention to the channel. If Min's ten jewelry stores in the mainland are therefore going to the customer base, it will be a fatal blow to Qin's jewelry.

This time, the old man of the Qin family also pressed the treasure on the Myanmar jade public disk JL, mobilized all the cash of the family, a total of nearly 100 million euros, all of which were brought to Myanmar by Qin Haoran, which can be said to be a desperate gamble, so Qin Haoran entered the gambling stone I hurriedly took the gambling stone consultants to see the wool.

Standing at the entrance of the venue and looking around, next to the hundreds of thousands of wool, there is a small red bid box, and on the side of the bid box, there is also a glass pull box with a bid order. If you like a piece of material, you can directly take the bid form, fill in the wool and your own admission card. Just throw the number into the box.

However, one thing to pay attention to is that when you fill in the bid, you must calculate the exchange rate between the euro and the sampa B, otherwise you will suffer a big loss. Just now, Qin Haoran once said that many people who come to gamble on stones in the mainland write the euro in their hearts when filling in the bid. In the end, he had to leave the field in tears, and he couldn't enter here for ten years.

Last year, a man was optimistic about a piece of wool. The reserve price of that piece of wool was 100,000 euros. The man thought that about 300,000 euros should be able to take it down. In his mind, it was about 3 million RB, so he casually wrote a number of 3 million.

When the bid was opened a week later, his three million yuan was naturally detained in his hand, but what he needed to pay was the euro. The man wanted to cry without tears. In the end, he could only admit his bad luck and left sadly, and the admission was a deposit of 10,000 euros, which was also wasted. Brother Zhuang, let's go shopping together?"

When Fatty Ma and Song Jun came here, they were also a little blind. The huge field was full of jade raw materials, and there were countless materials for half-gambling and full-gambling. Under the hot sun in the sky, those emeralds with green surfaces glowed attractively. Two brothers, just look at it. There are so many materials, not to mention one day, but a month. Don't watch it or not. Take a chance...

Zhuang Rui doesn't want to be with the two of them. These two are very familiar with each other, especially Fatty Ma. His eyes are poisonous enough. If he observes the speed of the wool in his eyes, maybe he will see something. Whatever, but Brother Zhuang, if it feels good, and you can't eat the material, "But you have to say hello to our brothers..."

Fatty Ma didn't force it. He and Song Jun were not short of money. He came here more to find the village excitement. The reason why this gambling stone is attractive is that it is all in a gambling word JL. The pleasure brought by one knife, one knife and one knife in hell when solving the stone is enough for these two idle and painful bosses

After Ma Fatty and Song Jun left with the bodyguards, Zhuang Rui was not in a hurry to see the wool, but looked through the venue guide in his hand. When he entered the venue, he received it for free of charge, with three kinds of Chinese, Myanmar and English text annotations.

Zhuang Rui learned from this guide that the whole venue is also divided into two areas. Ninety-five percent of the venue is used for the placement of dark wool. Only 5% of the place is a clearly marked betting area. It can be seen that the proportion between the two is very different.

According to the guide, the bid opening of the open material, or on-site auction, will be held once a day. Unlike the hidden bid must wait for a week later, Zhuang Rui plans to go to the clearly marked area to have a look. If there is a suitable material, write it down and see if it can be detained when opening The last one." Brother Zhuang, where are we going?

After Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui looking through the guide in his hand, he raised his foot and walked in one direction and quickly followed him. He didn't know anything about the gambling stone, and now he regretted it. If he had known it, he might as well go to prepare for the equipment in Myitkyina. Zhuang Rui replied with a smile, "Go to see Mingbiao, Peng Fei, there will be a good show in the afternoon...

The two walked for seven or eight minutes before they passed through the dark marking area and came to a corner of the venue. Next to the wool on the ground here, there were no obvious bellow boxes, and in addition to the armed soldiers standing in the distance, the whole venue was Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei. Peng Fei, there is a chair over there. Go and have a rest and call me at noon..."

Zhuang Rui greeted Peng Fei, took a pen and a notebook, carried the backpack with a small magnifying glass, a small brush and other things, and walked into the marked area.

Although the number of explicit marks is not much, it is also relatively speaking. Compared with the Pingzhou City, I'm afraid it is not less than the number of dark marks there. Tens of thousands of wool are neatly piled up on the ground, and each conspicuous place of jadeite is numbered.

Taking advantage of the lack of people at this time, no one noticed himself. After Zhuang Rui walked into the marked area, he did not even bend his waist and directly released the aura. When he visited piece by piece, he did not check the details in the wool at all, but simply sensed whether there was aura in it. If not, he would not even It will stop.

In just a few minutes, Zhuang Rui walked more than ten meters. Because of the arrangement of wool, there was a row on both sides of the road, so Zhuang Rui also seemed to swing his head left and right. If he was seen by others, he would definitely think that this was a rich tourist who came in to watch the fun. Damn, are all the jadeite stones here shipped from Pingzhou for export and domestic sales?

In this minute, Zhuang Rui looked at hundreds of wool, but found that these clearly marked wool were basically not green inside. Even if the lips were cut with green, the performance inside was also a piece of shit, which disappointed Zhuang Rui.

The Burmese public market is actually the same as Pingzhou. It throws bad-performing materials into the marked area. To put it well, some jadeite owners simply throw in large pieces of mountain stones without jadeite performance. There are many people who can't stand the desire for jadeite raw materials, and maybe they can be sold.

Zhuang Rui looked at it for more than half an hour. He had walked more than 30 meters away from the marked area, but he took a fancy to two pieces of material. Although the texture was average, it was green inside. It was okay to make some low-end accessories. Zhuang Rui recorded the numbers of the two pieces of wool on the notebook. What? " When Zhuang Rui's eyes inadvertently swept a piece of wool, he stopped, because he felt that the oval wool under his feet contained an extremely strong aura. Brother Zhuang, are you here too?

Just as Zhuang Rui was about to squat down and look carefully, he suddenly remembered the greeting in his ear. Looking up, it was Yang Hao and several middle-aged people who also walked into the Mingbiao area.

P: Continuously blown up, updated, with monthly tickets, and those who also support the golden pupil, all throw it out. I'm angry. My gums have been on fire for a few days. I slept for several hours in two days. I can't eat well and sleep well. My face is swollen like *** Mai A monthly ticket!! D