Golden Pupil

Chapter 467 Dark Label Eleven

The hidden label is different from the clear label. The clear label is in the order of the label number, and the bid can be opened every day. As long as you like it, you can bid on the same day, and it is a one-shot sale. After buying and signing the Winning Contract, no one can grab it.

But the bidding cycle of the hidden bid is very long, and now it has been extended to 12 days, and after your first bid, if you feel that you are not sure, you can fill in a new bid form and put it in it, so many people feel that their bid is low after the first bid, and they will go to a piece of wool many times. Bidding.

Sometimes you just invested l million euros, and maybe the next person will invest 1.2 million euros immediately. Although the big family does not know the reserve price of the other party, it does not prevent everyone from raise the price according to the performance of wool. It can be said that the dark standard is a secret battle of wisdom and courage and money.

Zhuang Rui estimated that this ice seed material can only solve more than ten catties of jade meat, which is worth about 3 million RB. It's really not worth investing too much. After thinking about it, Zhuang Rui took out a bid form, wrote down the price of 185,000 euros, and then threw it into the tenon box. .

Zhuang Rui doesn't lack jade now, but lacks jade. Although he still has about 20 million euros, those skins perform well, and there are also the original stones in it. Most of the prices on the betting list are more than 5 million euros. Zhuang Rui's ruthenium is not enough at all.

Of course, there is not a lot of such wool, only seven or eight pieces. Among them, the piece of glass has been cut out, and someone has invested 13 million euros, which is a cost-effective RB, that is more than 130 million yuan. Who can surpass this number?

Zhuang Rui will not chase this piece of wool. The glass seed material there weighs only three or four catties, and the rest are ice seeds and gold seeds. The value is far less than that much. If you buy it, you will definitely suffer losses.

The quality of the other well-performing wool, the jade inside is also good and bad, but even if it is the best, its value is only a few million euros higher than the current highest price. Zhuang Rui's money will not be invested in such a large output of small raw stone.

Now Zhuang Rui's appearance of more than 00 pieces of outer skin is poor. There is jade raw stone in it, and no one bids in only three or five pieces. The minimum of the rest is more than 100,000 euros. The total value is far beyond the price that Zhuang Rui can afford. Brother Ma, are you with Brother Song? Let's smash our heads in the evening..." "Uncle Qin, let's have dinner together in the evening. I like a lot of materials, and then I'll give you something to pay attention to..." After wandering around the venue for a day, Zhuang Rui called Fatty Man and Qin Haoran respectively.

Although marking them will make these people doubt, Zhuang Rui can't help it. With so many excellent raw stones, he can't eat them by himself. Seeing that they are bought by others, Zhuang Rui is absolutely unwilling. Instead of this, it's better to take advantage of his own people. Uncle Qin, how much money do you have?

Zhuang Rui staggered the time between Qin Haoran and Song Jun, and now he is in Qin Haoran's hotel room.

Qin Haoran returned to Myanmar the day after returning to Hong Kong. During this period, he has been shopping for wool in the dark bidding area. He has it! $ gold is much more abundant than Zhuang Rui's, but the handwriting is also large. I'm afraid there is not much left now. There are still about 40 million euros...

Remove the 20 million euros given to Zhuang Rui, and Haoran took pictures of the clear labels given to him by Zhuang Rui, and also spent nearly 30 million euros. Now all this money is ready to be invested in the dark label.

Zhuang Rui pondered for a moment, took out a piece of paper, referred to his notebook, and brushed it down. Zhuang Rui wrote it in detail and simply wrote his own opinions next to the number. Of course, he would not accurately write what kind of jade would come out of those original stones.

Not only that, Zhuang Rui also intended to write a lot of things wrong, such as the ice seed is written as a glass seed, and the glass seed is written as an ice seed, and his tone is very vague. He would rather let Qin Haoran spend a little more money than Qin Haoran doubt anything because of his accurate judgment in the future.

After more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui handed a piece of paper full of words in front of him to Qin Haoran, and said, "Uncle Qin, if those skins perform well, let's not argue. These more than 30 pieces of wool are carefully selected by me. Although the skin performance is average, there is j inside! The probability of Cui is relatively high. You should focus on putting your mind here. If you can win it, I'm afraid that Qin's jewelry will no longer worry about jade raw materials in the next ten years..."

These raw stones written by Zhuang Rui on paper, from bean seeds to glass seeds, contain almost all qualities of jade. If Qin's jewelry can really take pictures of them, as Zhuang Rui said, within ten years, Qin's jewelry can definitely be self-sufficient in jade raw materials. In addition to the good materials, there are also three or four pieces of wool with extremely poor wool, two of which are shit, and two of them have no jade in them at all. These are a few pieces of raw stones that Zhuang Rui temporarily saw today. It is impossible to find the emperor's green jade in this venue, but it is garbage. The materials, where you look at them, are everywhere.

If Qin Haoran can take all the pictures, when he sees these pieces of wool, the suspicion in his heart will disappear. Zhuang Jiao is also an idea that can't help it. After all, all the raw stones he gave are gambling, which is a little ridiculous.

"Xiao Rui, are you sure?"

After Qin Haoran took the paper, he couldn't help but be shocked. He had seen it for almost a week. The wool he could determine the focus of was only fourteen or fifteen yuan, and Xizhuang Rui gave it twice as much as his.

"I'm not sure. I basically don't look at those wool materials that perform well. The performance is good and the price is high, and the profit is not big. The gambling stone is to bet on those materials with average performance or poor performance, so that you can earn the greatest benefits at the lowest cost..."

I felt that what I had just said was a little big. Zhuang Rui's words were rounded up. Even so, each Haoran still had some doubts. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Rui's previous record was too eye-catching, Qin Haoran would not have considered the original stone of this generalization.

"Husband, Xiao Rui is right. The competition for wool with good performance will definitely be very fierce. Let's talk about narrow Rui and specialize in those ordinary performance. Maybe we can get a lot..." Fang Yu doesn't know how to see whether the wool is good or bad, but from a commercial point of view, she agrees with Zhuang Rui's Well, let's do what Narrow Rui said. From tomorrow on, I will focus on these wool and try to take pictures of him..."

Qin Haoran thought of the excitement when he returned to Hong Kong and his father picked him up in person. Finally, he chose to believe in Zhuang Rui. His decision also made the market share of jade jewelry in the next few years completely surpassed Jin Dafu, the hegemon of the jewelry industry. Of course, these are the last words.

After coming out of Qin Haoran, Zhuang Rui went to the room where Fatty Ma lived. This buddy and Song Jun had been waiting for a long time. They bought some special dishes from Myanmar and were drinking in the room.

It's just that Zhuang Rui asked, but he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The two brothers were a little confused. In addition to taking pictures of the clear labels that Zhuang Rui gave them, they have taken several raw stones one after another in the past few days, spending nearly 20 million euros. Now the total money of the two is less than 10 million

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and still wrote the label of 10 original stones and gave them to them. If he was lucky, he should be able to buy four or five yuan. Even if the two of them gambled all 2,000 yuan before, these pieces could save both of them.

These two people don't know how to gamble on stones. This time, they were originally counting on Zhuang Jiao. They didn't even bring the gambling stone master. Naturally, they trusted Zhuang Rui. They didn't even read much of the notes handed over by Zhuang Rui, so they pulled Zhuang Rui to drink a little wine. ***, how good would it be if this man had a split?

Standing in the middle of the mountain-like raw stone in the dark standard area, Zhuang Rui stood up next to a piece of wool and thought helplessly that if there was a split, he could put a split next to each box he saw the day after tomorrow. Before the dark mark finally stopped, he threw a bigger than the highest price in the box. The price is coming.

There is only the last C-day left before the end of the dark bid. In the past two days, Zhuang Rui's bidding plan has also been changed again and again. The main focus is on changing the wool. There is no reason. Most of the original stones are really worth buying, so Zhuang Rui doesn't know which one to choose.

It's not just green jade. In the past two days, he has also seen a lot of rare color materials, including red jade, blue jade and purple eyes, which makes Zhuang Rui's heart entangled. He can only give up the material he was optimistic about before and shift his focus to these pieces. There is nothing he can do. Who makes him not Huh? What kind of material is this?"

After more than a week of observation, there were not many emeralds that Zhuang Rui had not seen in the dark area. When he walked to a corner, a piece of wool attracted Zhuang Rui's eyes.

From the first gambling stone in Nanjing, I experienced a trip to Pingzhou in the middle, and then to this all-encompassing Burmese jade market. It can be said that there is no one on this earth who has more complete the types of jadeite than Zhuang Rui has seen, but at this moment, the jade in the jade in the original stone that Yes.

This is a piece of wool weighing more than 100 catties, indicating that there is some maroon on it. At first glance, it looks a bit like the red jade material produced by the kan wood factory.

P: The fourth update, I thought I had slept enough yesterday, but I was in good condition today, so I shouted the fourth update. I didn't expect that I couldn't stand it when I wrote the third update. I ate too fast in the evening, so I sat down after eating. It would be painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, the fourth update was completed D