Golden Pupil

Chapter 489 Midtown

The Pagan area is the earliest place to mine jade in Myanmar. Since the 13th and 14th century, there have been records of mining jade.

It is said that around the 13th century, there was a loader in Yunnan, China, on his way back to Tengchong from Myanmar. In order to balance the weight of both sides of the horse's belongings, he picked up stones from the roadside and put them on the horse's tong in the Padangming area of Myanmar.

The loader went home and took a closer look. The stones selected on the way seemed to be green and could be used as jade. After polishing, they were really green and lovely, which was better than soft jade.

Later, people went to the Pagan Menggong area to mine this gemstone. Since then, Myanmar has been the main producer of high-quality jadeite in the world. At least until a few days ago, no jadeite production has been found in another part of the world.

In the lg century, Emperor Qianlong expanded his territory to the Pagan region in northern Myanmar and found a rich jade mining area here. Since then, jade has been widely used as jade, and its glory soon surpassed that of soft jade.

There are about 160,000 people living here now, of which 60,000 are natives of Myanmar, and the other 10 million are jade pickers in major companies in Myanmar.

There are many Burmese Chinese living in Padang. They have lived here for hundreds of years, led by the Hu family. Hu Rong once set up a Chinese school a few years ago, and now there are 600 to 700 Chinese students studying in it.

After a long journey of nearly \{\} hours, the two cars finally entered the birthplace of Myanmar's jade: the Pagan area.

After entering the realm of Padang, the road becomes more and more difficult to walk, because a good horse will be blown up inexplicably. This is all excavated by various jade fishing companies, so that the off-road vehicle has to make frequent detours.

The excavators called "weird hands" by Hu Rong can be seen everywhere. They don't know the pass with the word "VIP" written on the off-road vehicle, and they are often blocked by the roadside for more than half an hour.

It took more than two hours for the car to drive into Pagan City. Zhuang Rui looked at the table below and started from \{\} o'clock in the morning. It was almost 6 p.m., and he had been tossing around on the road for nearly 10 hours.

Zhuang Rui used Reiki to comb his numb body from time to time along the way. Now the situation is not bad, but he is a little tired mentally.

And the two professors were a little unbearable. Yesterday, their faces turned white, and today they became sallow, and they vomited several times on the way. When they got out of the car, they were all helped down by the two soldiers, but the two soldiers' faces were not very good-looking.

Hu Rong was also a little embarrassed when he saw the appearance of the two professors. After setting them in the Yudu Hotel, the only hotel in Pagan, he ran forward and arranged the kitchen of the hotel to make porridge for the two. For a while, he didn't have time to call for Zhuang Rui. Oh, brother, I'm sorry for you two. Let's go home..."

After nearly an hour, Hu Rong waited until Professor Feng Chen fell asleep before he had time to greet Zhuang Rui, Zhuang Rui and those soldiers, who were sitting at the front desk of the general hotel in this hostel.

Before Zhuang Rui answered, a Burmese soldier suddenly stood up and said a few words to Hu Rong in Burmese.

When Hu Rong heard this, his face suddenly showed displeasure. He pointed to it and said something in his mouth, revealing a sense of severity. Those soldiers did not dare to face Hu Rong and nodded repeatedly. Peng Fei, what did they say? Mercury Rui touched the flying sitting next to him. Brother Zhuang, the soldier just said that the two of us are foreigners, and they have to accompany us all the way, which means to monitor the two of us..."

Peng Fei pouted angrily at Hu Rong, who looked stern, and then said, "Brother Hu is reprimanding them, saying that we are his relatives. Their task is to accompany and protect the two teaching skills, not to accompany the two of us. Brother Hu is asking, "Don't they want to do it?"

Peng Fei's words made Zhuang Rui laugh. No matter which country it is, it will suppress people with power. Hu Rong obviously knows the officers of these two, and now he is scaring them.

In fact, Zhuang Rui did not know that the three trained Burmese soldiers who were sweating on their backs were not afraid of their officers, but were really afraid of Hu Rong in front of them.

If the Burmese government still has a little control in Mandela, then if the Padan is sealed, the government's influence will become almost zero. The forces here are complicated. Even if Hu Rong sends someone to kill them, the government has no way.

Under the explanation of those military companies, Hu Rong's face slowly improved and said a few more words. Those people nodded like shrimps and no longer dared to say anything about escort. Let's go, brother. Look, you're still very energetic. I'll pick you up in the evening. Let's have a good drink one by one.

Hu Rong greeted Zhuang Rui. The three of them went out of the hotel and got on an SUV, and the soldiers followed them out. When the car started, they saluted very standardly. Obviously, they were scared by Hu Rong just now.

Hu Rong's home lives in the north of Pagan City. After driving for more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui saw a complex from afar.

The reason why it is said to be a complex is that the building Zhuang Rui saw has a high wall in front of it, just like a city in the city. The gate is built like a guard building. There are people standing guard with guns on their backs above and underground, and there seems to be some firepower in the middle of the building.

After the person standing guard at the door saw Hu Rong, he immediately saluted. His posture and movements were more formal than the few soldiers just now.

The area of this city is not small. In the middle is a main street, which is paved with cement roads, which is better than the asphalt road in Pagan City.

The houses in the city are planned neatly, all of which are bungalows. Some children are playing at the door of each house. What Zhuang Rui hears in his ears is in Chinese, which makes him feel as if he has come to a small town somewhere in China.

"It used to be not big here. It was built in the 1970s, and now there are nearly 20,000 Chinese living in it, most of whom are family members of employees in our company..."

Hu Rong introduced his home to Zhuang Rui, with a proud look on his face.

This city was built from Hu Rong's grandfather to three generations. Up to now, the Chinese city is already the largest force of Padan. Among other things, those miners can immediately arm an army of thousands of people with weapons.

From the door to Hu Rong's residence, he drove for nearly five minutes. At the door of a big house, there were already five or six people waiting there. Grandma) Why did you come out? One by one, one by one, one by one, "Hu Suo got out of the car) and went straight to the old woman with an umbrella. A Rong, my nephew's son-in-law is coming. Of course I want to see..."

The old lady is not tall, and her hair is completely gray, but she combed neatly and the wrinkles on her face are very deep. It seems that she should be in her seventies. While talking, she looked behind Hu Rong, but her eyes looked very cloudy. Grandma, your eyes are not good. Look..." Hu Rong held the old lady and didn't say a word. Gufeng, I'm Zhuang Rui. How are you?

Knowing that this was Qin Haoran's aunt, Zhuang Rui hurriedly rushed forward and held the old lady's other hand. OK... OK, good boy, you are so tall..."

With a strong Cantonese accent, the old lady pulled the other hand out of Hu Rong's hand and touched Zhuang Rui's face, but it was a little hard on tiptoe. Zhuang Rui quickly squatted down. Go ● Go home one by one one one by one

The old lady was very straightforward. She took Zhuang Rui back. Hu Rong originally wanted to introduce a few other people to Zhuang Rui, but now he can only follow behind and laugh bitterly.

Hu Rong is a parent, grandmother and others who live together. After entering the yard, a large group of people were surrounded. There were adults and children. Most of them had never left Myanmar. When they saw relatives from the country, they all felt very novel. For a moment, they asked questions, which was very lively.

Finally, the old lady spoke, and the group of people dispersed. Only then did Hu Rong have the opportunity to introduce Zhuang Rui to his father Hu Junzheng.

Hu Junzheng was about fifty-six or twenty-seven years old. According to Hu Rong's introduction, his father was not in good health, so he gave him the family business when he was in his 23s.

Zhuang Rui came forward and asked respectfully. Hu Junzheng had no airs. After helping his old mother to the table, he asked Zhuang Rui and Fu Fei to sit down. Peng Fei's current identity is Zhuang Rui's cousin, so the Hu family regards them as a family.

This reception dinner opened Zhuang Rui's eyes. He was also a person who had eaten at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, but he couldn't even name the dishes on the table, and he had all kinds of delicacies.

Braised bear's paw, steamed freshwater turtle, and the dish that was cut into pieces and eaten in his mouth. When Zhuang Rui asked, it was actually an elephant nose. In addition, there were braised pangolin meat, and some dishes cooked by animals he had never even heard of. Not to mention, the tasted really amazing.

"Son, drink more. This wine is still made by a tiger whip of a tiger I beat when I was young. You are also a family soon. It doesn't matter if you drink more. Bring a few more when you are there. This thing is not rare here..."

The wine served by Zhuang Rui is the liquor brewed by the Hu family. The degree should not be very high, but the things soaked in it are tiger whips.

While advising Zhuang Rui to drink, Mr. Hu also said that he should bring a few tiger whips back to China. Isn't it about to be engaged? Zhuang Rui blushed and couldn't help wailing in his heart. Dude is still young. It seems that... It seems that this thing is not needed now. H