Golden Pupil

Chapter 531-532 Palm (Upper, Middle)

Although Jin Pangzi and others identified a lot of fake objects just now, the knowledge extended from those things made Zhuang Rui open the "ear" world and benefited a lot.

In particular, this chicken blood stone gave Zhuang Rui the idea of going to the place of origin. Chicken blood stone is not popular among the people, although it is not popular with jade, but in the collection of pictures, people who like to play this thing are not old or young, and the price is also rising year by year.

Zhuang Rui has been to Zhejiang once with Uncle De before, but he has not been to Changhua. He heard Uncle De say that the foreskin of this chicken blood stone is similar to that of jade, and he can't see through the inside, and there are also gambling stones.

It's just that the place where the chicken blood stone is produced in Changhua has basically been mined. There are very few chicken blood stones in the market, and the chicken blood stone, like Tian Huangshi, is mostly used for seal carving. There are not many ornaments, so the reputation is not as loud as jade, but its value is not much worse than

The next thing to identify is also true or false, not to mention that there is really a lot of fun scattered in the folk. There are many fine works used by officials in ancient times, but they are not even collected in some large museums.

By the time of three o'clock in the afternoon, all the objects that came to the scene to identify the treasure had been identified, and the work of Zhuang Rui and others had come to an end. This time was really not very long. It was only more than 2 hours after the full calculation.

There are more than one person who came to Beijing with their babies this time. That is to say, dozens of treasure holders will come to the scene every day tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the identification of the antiques sent will be postponed later. If there are enough items to come to the scene, maybe those in the warehouse will be cancelled

The station arranged a car to send the experts back, but Zhuang Rui and Miao Feifei came together, so they didn't have to take their car, and Ouyang Jun also had to leave. After saying goodbye to the host and several experts, Zhuang Rui changed back his clothes and walked out of the CCTV building with Ouyang Jun.

I don't know when the snow in the sky stopped, but in the eye, it is still a snow-white world. At the gate of CCTV, the words "Welcome to the Spring Festival" are hung, but it is a little festive.

"Don't mention, are you really an expert? By the way, it's ready to pick up my four-in-warth soil. You have to find something good for me and put it over..."

When Zhuang Rui was about to get into Miao Feifei's Fengli, he was stopped by Ouyang Jun. Today, Zhuang Rui's performance made Ouyang Jun feel that his little cousin was really not an ordinary person.

"You can go to Brother Bai for this matter. He drinks and eats with official kiln porcelain, which is to give you a set of Qianlong Master and concubines... Er, no, it's not difficult to eat with the queen..."

Zhuang Rui laughed and joked with Ouyang Jun. When it came to the concubine, he was stared at by Xu Qing fiercely, which made Zhuang Rui quickly change his words. If this was put in ancient times, Xu Daxing was the queen of the palace, the concubine... That was the title of the second wife and three rooms.

"Hey, do you take everything from me when you are the fourth brother? Come on, boy, don't be poor with me, let's

Go to Panjiayuan for a walk now..."

Although Ouyang Jun and Bai Feng are young, they will still pay attention to some things in their dealings with him. If others ask for it, it can't be too ugly, so Ouyang Jun has nothing to take advantage of him except Bai Feng's set of screens.

"Go to Panjiayuan now? Fourth brother, my sister-in-law can't stand the crowd..."

Zhuang Rui would rather go to the glass factory than to Pan's home, because the antique shops in the glass factory, such as Rongbaozhai, are all century-old stores. Although most of them are sold with handicrafts now, if you can afford the price, there are still good things to take out.

But Pan's home is different. The whole is a fake thrift market. There are only fake goods that you can't think of. There are no objects that they can't make, and there are more people who want to pay for things than those who want to pay for things.

For real Beijingers, going to Panjiayuan is to take a walk. No one will think about checking leaks there, and the "big heads" who pay for things are basically tourists from other places who come to Beijing to travel, and some of them kill sheep. They are commonly known as foolish foreigners. They are foreigners who can speak a few words in Chinese and

"Let girl Miao take him to your house. Let's go for a walk first, and let's go back to make a side stove in the evening

Eat hot pot ยท drink a little wine..."

Ouyang Jun has already planned it. He doesn't want to go back to his home. There are many annoying things. The old man is busy during the Spring Festival. It is estimated that he will have to visit and condolences in the evening of the 30th. Ouyang Jun just wants to spend this year in Zhuang Rui's yard.

"Don't pull me, just go..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly. The elder brother is usually stable in front of outsiders, but when he sees his family, he is not as sensible as his nephew. When Zhuang Rui saw Ouyang Jun talking to his mother, it was simply a child acting coquettishly and looked like a scoundrel. He was almost forty people Sick.

In fact, it was caused by Ouyang Jun's death of his mother when he was young. He had no maternal love since he was a child. When he saw his aunt, he directly became his mother. However, every time Ouyang Jun went to Zhuang Rui's house, he was also full of big and small bags in his hands, which was very fil

Xu Qing naturally has nothing to do with her husband. As long as he doesn't fool around, Xu Qing is too lazy to deal with him. At the moment, the four of them split into two cars and leave the TV station.

After the heavy snow, there was a little sunshine, shining on the white snow, reflecting a very bright light. After several days of gloomy weather, it finally cleared up. Looking at this, there is no need to be afraid that it will be dark at four or five o'clock.

After the two drove to Pan's home, they found that Tan Zuo was busy setting up stalls. Those roadside stalls have been suffocated in the past few days. They were hoping to make two black-hearted money during the Spring Festival. Unexpectedly, God did not give face. The heavy snow for several days delayed a lot of business.

These people who set up stalls have been in the market for a long time and are familiar with those stalls. Usually, they don't have to pull their own things home and throw them directly in familiar stores. Anyway, there are no valuable objects, and they are not afraid.

As soon as the heavy snow stopped, the stall owners didn't know where they came out. They set up a stall, and the market, which was originally a little deserted, suddenly became noisy.

In addition to these stall people, there was also a construction team busy living in the heavy snow next to Pan's home. They built a lot of shelves and tables, and occupied the original parking lot. Ouyang Jun reversed the car and found a parking space outside. Then he stepped on the snow with Zhuang Ruishen and walked into Pan. Home.

"Fourth brother, what are these people in Feng? What are you doing with these things during the Spring Festival?

Zhuang Rui asked Ouyang Jun strangely, this working man

I walked a lot. At the door of Pan's home, I set up a hundred and ten shelves, big and small, but now they are all

Simple welding, I can't tell why it is used.

"I don't know. This is from the first day to the fifteenth day of the new year, which is specially used for temple fairs. At that time, those century-old shops and old crafts in Beijing will be invited to reproduce the old overpass style...

"Is it? Then I'll turn around..."

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard this, he was interested. He knew that Beijing Tianqiao is a well-known place at home and abroad. It has a long history of more than 600 years and plays an irreplaceable role in the development of modern Chinese folk art.

The overpass was originally located in the south of Beijing District, between Qianmen and Yongdingmen, with the Temple of Heaven in the east and Xiannong Temple in the west.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, with the development of the city's economy and culture and the expansion of the citizen class, the old overpass has gradually become a gathering place of three sects and nine streams, with five elements and eight works.

In the period of time before and after liberation, the overpass was the birthplace of many folk art. Artists sell art on the overpass, usually in the open air, which is commonly known as "defeating the ground".

There are as many as 500 or 600 folk artists who have studied art, sold art, transmitted art and lived in Laotianqiao one after another, which are divided into two categories: juggling artists and rap artists. Juggling includes acrobatics, martial arts and other projects, and rap includes drama, folk art and other projects.

At that time, the capital overpass was well-known, and it was named as the eight alleys in Beijing.

I don't know what the eight similarities are? Er... The reason is similar to those saunas that hang sheep's heads and sell dog meat, commonly known as kilns. It became famous for the presence of an emperor in the late Qing Dynasty, which can also be regarded as the celebrity effect at that time.

Zhuang Rui once saw Uncle De's collection in Zhonghai. This set reflects the old photos of the Beijing Flyover in the 1920s and 1930s. The scene of shadow puppet shows, puppet shows, the bustling crowds, and even the wrestling of Manbao San and Man Baozhen in those years are very precious.

Not long after the snow stopped, there were not many people in Pan's home. Most of them were those who set up stalls, dressed in big red cotton-padded jackets that were very festive for the year. They were chatting together with their hands. When they saw Zhuang Rui and the two of them coming in, they surrounded them with a bang.

"Brother, what do you want to do?"

"Two big brothers, come to me and have a look, celebrity New Year paintings, ceramic antiques, everything...

"Far from me, stay away from me, buddy has a bad temper..."

Zhuang Rui has also been here many times. He knows that these people can't give face to face. If they give, it will definitely kick his nose. Although he won't buy and sell, it will definitely annoy you.

Hearing Zhuang Rui's authentic Beijing dialect, these stalls suddenly lost interest and went back to chat and farted. Their service targets are generally foreign tourists and foreign fools. "If you want to kill Beijing people, the difficulty is still relatively large.

Chapter 532 Palm (Middle)

"Fourth brother, what exactly do you want to buy?

Zhuang Rui saw Ouyang Jun wandering happily, and he had to see everything.

In this industry, it is exquisite to take things, such as a purple sand pot. You need to cover it with a lid, turn over to see the style, and take ceramics, whether it is a big or small piece, but also hold it firmly with both hands. Those stalls can be seen from your hand shape.

And Ouyang Jun is a complete Xiaobai. He almost picked up an object, and Zhuang Rui was going to be annoyed by the stall owner for a long time. Why? Kill the fat sheep. Ouyang Si Shao really rarely comes to this place. Everything he sees seems to be true, and in the eyes of those stall owners, Ouyang Jun is like a "Master Mao'er".

Although people's faces are full of joy during the Spring Festival, and they are polite when they talk about it, Zhuang Rui can't wait to hit the objects in his hand on the heads of those people, and the whole thing is full of lions.

Ouyang Jun is stopping at a ceramic stall. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he said, "I want to buy it, Wu'er, do you think this bowl is no different from that of Lao Bai's family? I look brighter than the one he uses at home..."

The person who set up the stall, as soon as he heard Ouyang Jun's words, immediately came to his spirits and said, "Hey, master, you really have a good vision. The bowl you took was used by Emperor Qianlong's son, Emperor Jiaqing. Look at the style behind, the absolute official kiln porcelain..."

The stall owner is not stupid enough to say that this thing was used by Master Qianlong, so it's a little fake.

"How much is this thing?" Ouyang Jun asked casually.

"Fourth brother, let's go. You want this thing. When you go to the supermarket, I'll spend 100 yuan to buy it for dozens

, I'll drop it for you and listen to it, okay?

Zhuang Rui has just seen a lot of good things on the TV station. Now he is not interested in the things here at all, and he doesn't even bother to use the aura.

This thing is not much different from those sold in the supermarket except for the more styles below

Zhuang Rui finally saw that Ouyang Jun was purely idle to make fun.

"Oh, this is not what I said. Do you know what antiques are? Not to mention the dining bowl used by Master Jiaqing, it is the emperor's toilet, which is very valuable. How can you compare it with things from the supermarket..."

Zhuang Rui's words were a little hurtful. The stall owner was not happy. Look at the two people who were a little older, but they were all laymen. The young one did not look like an insider, and the stall owner was eager to fool them.

"Tongzhi blue and white bowl, right?"

Zhuang Rui took the blue and white bowl from Ouyang Jun's hand, turned it over and took a look, and suddenly couldn't even get angry. The style clearly said that it was made during the Ming Jiajing period. This stall owner was too amateur.

"Nuo, your Jiaqing blue and white bowl has been put away from you. If this is quenched, we can't afford to pay...

Zhuang Rui handed the blue and white bowl to the stall owner. The stall owner took it over and took a look. He knew that he had made trouble, and then he was silent.

"Brother, it's two yuan - sold to me. How about I listen to it? Hey, Wu'er, you pull

What am I doing?

Ouyang Jun was a little wither, and he wanted to stimulate that person, but was forcibly pulled away by Zhuang Rui.

"Brother Zhuang Rui...

As soon as he left the stall, Zhuang Rui suddenly heard someone calling his name and followed the sound. At the door of a shop on his right, two girls stood together, and the older one was waving to him.

"Swing, why did you come here alone?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment and hurried over. This is the precious granddaughter of her future tutor, but she has always been not interested in these. Why did she come here today? This Panjiayuan is not a good place.

"Hee hee, brother Zhuang Rui, my grandfather and I are here. This is my cousin. My name is Meng Xiyou. "You shout

It's good that she is quiet...

Meng Qianqiu's cousin is only eleven or twelve years old. The two look a little similar. Anyway, in Zhuang Rui's eyes, she is beautiful, but they are a little strange.

Looking along Meng Qiuqian's fingers, Zhuang Rui saw Professor Meng talking to someone in this store. Zhuang Rui also looked a little familiar.

"Oh, brother, you usually have a lot of women you know. "These two little Loli are good..." Ouyang Jun looked up and down at Meng Qiuqian and Youyou. Although his face did not change at all, Zhuang Rui couldn't wait to beat him down.

However, these two girls stood in front of the store, which was really eye-catching. The two girls were already beautiful. At this time, they wore a pink down jacket, just like two porcelain dolls. "When many people pass by, they have to look at it.

Especially the girl Meng Qiuqian, her eyes are already big, and her eyelashes are very long. When she blinks, she is almost the same as the girl in the cartoon. Every time Zhuang Rui sees her, he wonders whether the eyelashes are real or false?

"Why do you ignore me..." Ouyang Jun saw that Zhuang Rui didn't say anything and touched him with his arm.

"You go to play. This is my tutor's granddaughter. I guess she is still a minor. Don't mess up


Zhuang Rui stared at Ouyang Jun angrily, greeted the two maids, and walked into the store


When he walked to the bottom of the store, Zhuang Rui remembered that he had come to this store and looked up. The signboard was exactly the three words "Porcelain Laifang". The last time Zhuang Rui checked and bought the Longshan black pottery, he restored it to its original appearance here.

However, at this time, two large red lanterns were hung at the door of the store, and couplets were also posted on both sides of the store. From the inside to the outside, there was a New Year's celebration, which made Zhuang Rui not recognize it.

"You... you are Mr. Zhuang, aren't you?!"

Zhuang Rui just walked to Professor Meng's side, and the man who was talking to Professor Meng recognized Zhuang Rui at a glance.

"Hehe, boss, make a fortune in the New Year, give you New Year's greetings in advance..."

Zhuang Rui arched his hand to him with a smile, and then said hello to Professor Meng. He just came out of Professor Meng's house yesterday, and he didn't have so much polite things.

"I bought a porcelain some time ago. I wanted to ask you to give it to my palm, but I couldn't get through to you

Sure, it's just today. Mr. Zhuang will take a look later...

"I just came back from Myanmar. What's the fun of the boss?" Zhuang Rui asked with a smile


"Brother Zhuang Rui, you send your sister's pearl flowers, take a good look..."

The little girl named Youyou suddenly interrupted. Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment. When he looked at Meng Qiuqian, the girl's eyes were looking left and right, and she did not dare to look at her. It must be what she asked Youyou said.

Professor Meng said with a straight face, "Youyou, don't mess around..."

"No, no, my sister has it, I don't have it, I want it too..."

The little girl was not afraid of his grandfather at all. She grabbed Professor Meng's clothes with both hands and swayed back and forth, which made the domestic archaeological professional a mess.

"Youyou, I'll bring it to you later. I didn't bring it with me at the moment..." Zhuang Rui was a little depressed. He was not Ximen Qing. He took two women's jewelry to the street when he had nothing to do.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, the girl immediately didn't pester Professor Meng and quarreled with Meng Qiuqian. Professor Meng shook his head with an unfortunate expression.

"Xiaozhuang, come on, help me see an object. I haven't decided whether to collect it or not..."

Professor Meng's major is archaeology, for collection. It's also quite a preference, otherwise it's impossible to make friends with Uncle De.

He was very happy to see Professor Zhuang Ruimeng. He knew that his apprentice followed Uncle De from Zhonghai and learned a lot of antique appreciation knowledge. Although he was engaged in archaeology, his eyesight was not necessarily better than Zhuang Rui, so he did not take the teacher's airs and directly pulled Zhuang Rui and the boss into. In the compartment of Porcelain Workshop.

"Please sit down first, and I'll bring the things here..." The boss called a guy to give it to

Several people had tea and went to the back by themselves.

"Ouch, your thing is really appropriate for the scene. As the saying goes, dumplings in the first year of junior high school, noodles in the first year

The third box goes home. The boss, this thing is often used by us ordinary people..."

Zhuang Rui saw at a glance that the boss was holding a set of ceramic tableware in his hand and couldn't help laughing. This is also a category of porcelain, but compared with those ceramic official kiln utensils whose ornamental value is greater than the practical value, collect it. There are not many people with these things.

"Boss Zhuang has good eyesight..."

After the old board put things on the table, he raised his thumb at Zhuang Rui, relying on

Ordinary people have never heard the line from Zhuang Rui's mouth.

Zhuang Rui smiled and was not polite. He stood up and looked at the set of items on the table. This was a whole set of set dishes, a total of six pieces, dining bowls, chopsticks for vegetables, plates for vegetables, soup bowls and so on.

"Mr. Zhuang, what do you think of this thing?" After watching it for seven or eight minutes, the boss

He said and asked, and there was no meaning in the words to study Zhuang Rui.

"Hehe, these objects are old-fashioned, but in the era, it's just the late Qing Dynasty, and although

It's all pastel porcelain, but they are not a whole set, which is a pity..."

Zhuang Rui just read it with Reiki. Although this set of porcelain contains Reiki, it is not strong, and the amount of Reiki in each object is not the same, which makes him make this inference.

"However, this thing can be preserved for more than a long time, and the appearance is still buried - complete, which is not easy. And in terms of style, this should be the food that the Hui merchants specially ordered from Jingdezhen in those years. Boss, am I right?"

Zhuang Rui was a little addicted to CCTV treasure appreciation today. He didn't keep his mouth and simply told the origin of this set of tableware. The boss and Professor Meng next to him were stunned.

At this time, the boss's heart has long lost the idea of studying Zhuang Rui. He has gone through many research and found a lot of connoists to know the origin of the inheritance of this thing.

I didn't expect Zhuang Rui to say it without any difference. It was a shock in his heart


P: The third update is on, um, the third is the low-key alliance leader plus update chapter, thank you again


I'm not good at health, I can't sit still, and I'm writing too slowly. Now the ancient writing monitor's update chapter "There are still dozens of monthly tickets left for five updates. Friends, if you have monthly tickets, vote for them. U