Golden Pupil

Chapter 537-538 Happy New Year (Upper, Lower)

"Hey? What's going on?"

After Zhuang Rui and Ouyang Jun returned to the quadrangle courtyard, the stranger couldn't help shouting:

I found that it was not Peng Fei who opened the door, but a "Peng Fei, Peng Fei...

Hao Long went home this year, and there was only Peng Fei as a security guard left in the house. How could he casually let strangers in during the Spring Festival? Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be a little angry.

"All right, don't shout. Look at this, the old man is coming to live..."

Ouyang Jun pulled Zhuang Rui. He has lived with his grandfather since he was a child. He is no stranger to the man in a black leather jacket in front of him. Although he does not know this person, from the local temperament expression, Ouyang Jun can see that he is from the guard bureau.

Hearing Ouyang Jun's words, Zhuang Rui remembered that his mother seemed to have told himself a few days ago that his grandparents would come here for the Spring Festival, and his second uncle and uncle would also come. As for his uncle, he had no time. In his position, the more busy he was during the Spring Festival holiday.

This year, Zhao Guodong and Zhuang Min will also come to Beijing for the Spring Festival. In addition to a few cousins and cousins, the great benefits of Zhuang Rui's yard are fully reflected. More than 10 bedrooms can't be vacated. In the past few days, Ouyang Wan has taken Mrs. Li to tidy up the room.

Hearing that his grandparents came to live here, Zhuang Rui was also very happy. In his memory of the New Year, "Even his mother, sister and three people, although they can also wear new clothes and set off firecrackers, they always feel a little cold, and he is very envious of other people's family.

"Brother Zhuang, I was arranged for a holiday by them..."

After Peng Fei, who lived in the front yard, heard Zhuang Rui's shout, he ran over and said helplessly. There was a snow-white figure behind him, but the white lion ran over after hearing Zhuang Rui's voice. The guard standing next to him was very kind to the white lion's police mother, afraid of hiding. The masturge injured people.

"Hey, are you going to have a snowball fight with those little fish again?"

Since the beginning of winter, the white lion has been much more active than before. At this time, his body is covered with white snow, which must have been caused by those two little maids.

The white lion shook the long hair on his body, and immediately made Zhuang Rui's face snow. After playing with the white lion for a while, Zhuang Rui saw Peng Fei still standing there and said, "It's a holiday, so you can spend the New Year at ease. On the way, have you gone to Zhang Qian's house?"

As Zhuang Rui spoke, he led the White Lion and Ouyang Jun into the house. Those people in the security bureau knew that the family had made up and did not stop them.

"I'm going to have lunch there..."

Peng Fei smiled shyly. Zhuang Rui curled his lips when he heard the words. Now it's really worthless to raise a girl. They all get on the bus first and make up the ticket, and then go to his mother-in-law's house to eat and drink. In the future, he will have to have a son.

"Wu'er, you go in and call your daughter-in-law out, we're back to mold..."

When Ouyang Jun saw the old man here, he didn't want to go in. It was not that he was not filial to the old man, but that he had been afraid of him since he was a child. Standing in front of the old man, it seemed that there were ants crawling all over his body, and he was not good.

"Fourth brother, Grandpa has already had dinner now. Let's go. Let's go to the restaurant for a few drinks. In the evening

Just go back and let your sister-in-law drive..."

Ouyang Kong's work and rest time is very regular. He eats at 6 o'clock every night, then exercises for a while, watches the news broadcast on time at 7 o'clock, and goes to bed on time at Q o'clock.

Due to the long time spent in Pan's home today, it's almost 7 o'clock when the little novel x.ňé got home, so Zhuang Rui said that the old man was definitely not in the restaurant.

Ouyang Jun thought so. He followed Zhuang Rui to the middle courtyard. As soon as he stepped into the hanging flower gate of the middle courtyard, he saw his aunt helping his grandparents and walking in the yard. Ouyang Jun's face immediately suffered.

"Grandpa and grandma, your legs and feet are so good that you can walk by yourself. Why do you always let my mother

Support it..."

Zhuang Rui was not afraid of the old man. He leaned over and joked with a hippie smile. By the way, he patted the white lion's big head and let the white lion play by himself. It was not very different from Ouyang Gong's magnetic field. As soon as he met, he pouted his teeth, but the old man liked

"How can this child talk to his grandparents..."

Ouyang Wan raised her right hand and hit Zhuang Rui, but her face was full of smiles. They all said that the old man was sad in winter, but the old father's health was getting better and better, which made several of them happy.

"You little one, you don't treat your family all day long. Come here and help me walk in the pavilion..."

Ouyang has a straight waist. In the past few months, he has also felt that he is in good spirits, so

Outdoor activities have also been going on for a long time.

"That's right, just get a family right away. Don't go crazy outside all day..." The old lady said


"What do you know? A good man is ambitious in all directions. Besides, the boy doesn't go out to fool around. He is better than

That bastard has a lot of money..."

The old man can scold his grandson, but he doesn't let his wife say it, and he scolded Ouyang Jun

Go in.

However, he scolded his grandson, and the old lady refused to agree. The old couple immediately stared at Zhuang Rui and smiled secretly. It was not until his mother stared at him that Zhuang Rui helped his grandfather walk to the pavilion on the pond.

"I did a good job the other day..."

"What's the matter?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned by the old man's sudden words.

"About the matter of gold, although our country reserves the amount of gold, it is also among the top in the world, but compared with the previous two, the gap is too big. You can think about the country, which is very good..."

Ouyangang is very satisfied with his grandson. In addition to Ouyang Lei, he is most optimistic about Zhuang Rui. This boy is smart and not pedantic, and he is well-intelligent in doing things. Since this period of recognition, he has never done anything with the help of his own name, which is much better than his little grandson.

However, it is a pity that Zhuang Rui did not take an official career. Otherwise, with his own ability, he is completely sure that this grandson can rule the government at the age of 30.

"Dad, little Japan robbed so many things from our country in those years, which is also a need to return

Interest, did Brother Lei tell you about this?

Although the old man was praising himself, Zhuang Rui was still a little nervous. He didn't know what Ouyang Lei said, but looking at this, Ouyang Lei didn't seem to say anything about himself. Otherwise, if the old man knew that there were 10 tons of gold, I'm afraid he would not praise himself, but fight with the crutch Yes.

"Well, you have done something for the country, and the country will not forget it. I heard that you are going to graduate school next year. Do you want to find a job in a government department? It's enough for us to have Xiaojun in our family to do business...

Although the old man taught Ouyang Jun a lesson all day long, in fact, he knew in his heart that these juniors in the family could

* If you don't make mistakes, it's really a loss for Ouyang Jun's financial support. The attitude towards Ouyang* is mainly because he is used to scolding and can't change it.

"Work in government departments?"

After hearing his grandfather's words, Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment. If you want to say that two or three years ago, Zhuang Rui, who was absolutely a civil servant, yearned for a high salary and leisurely, but now he doesn't want to go through this muddy water. Look at those officials, those who have money in their hands are said

"Dow, I'd better do some small business. Well, I'm going to be in Pan's disc shop soon. In the future, I'll open and close the business, and I won't run around. Forget about going to work...

"Let's go, help me back to the house, the news is about to begin..."

The old man's face showed a trace of disappointment, but he didn't say much. He blamed himself for this. In the early years, he didn't recognize his daughter's grandson for the sake of face, and now he can't interfere too much in Zhuang Rui's life.

The next day, Zhuang Rui set the alarm clock to 6 o'clock. He got up early and drove to the TV station by himself. Since he promised others, he had to do things well. This is also Zhuang Rui's rule of life. Besides, it is also a very happy thing to chat with several experts there

The recording of the treasure appraisal program was very smooth. It took more than two hours to record the objects brought by the treasure holder on the spot, and then some staff dressed up as treasure appraisers and took some things from the warehouse to identify them. By noon, most of Qiyao's special program had been recorded, as long as tomorrow After half a day, it can be all done.

After returning to the courtyard in the afternoon, Zhuang Rui saw that Zhao Guodong also arrived in Beijing and brought him an Audi car. Zhuang Rui still liked his Grand Cherokee, so he threw the key of the Audi car to Peng Fei.

Zhuang Rui is thinking about buying another car. After Xuanbing comes, she also needs a car, but it's not in a hurry. When Qin Xuanbing comes, let's see what car she likes.

After Zhuang Rui's quadrangle courtyard had more people, it became lively. Although Ouyang Lei was busy, his daughter-in-law also lived in with her son, leading a group of children to play in the yard, followed by the white lion behind them.

This is a special explanation of Zhuang Rui. As long as the girl runs to the pond, she will be pulled back by the white lion's clothes. The fat girl is dancing in the mouth by the white lion, which often causes the busy people in the yard to laugh.

Zhuang Rui and others are cleaning the quadrangle courtyard, and posting couplets and Fu characters on all the doors. For ordinary families, this work is very easy to do, but in Zhuang Rui's yard, there are more than 20 rooms alone, and more than 200 Fu characters have been bought, which is very busy.

Chapter 538 Happy New Year (Part 2)

On the morning of New Year's Eve, Zhuang Rui came to the TV station for the last time. At this time, the atmosphere of Beijing became more and more popular.

Driving on the road, Zhuang Rui can see that many people are wearing festive red silk cotton-padded jackets worn during the Spring Festival. Although the weather is still cold, people's faces are filled with happy smiles.

"Mr. Jin, Happy New Year - I wish you an early New Year..."

"Mr. Sun, good New Year..."

"Xiaozhuang, good New Year, good New Year..."

After entering the CCTV hall, the words in my ears were all the sound of New Year's greetings.

Although it is only the first day of the Chinese New Year, Chinese people have a habit that New Year's Eve is the most important thing. Look at those who are busy outside for a year and rush home before the New Year to have a reunion dinner at home for the thirtieth.

"At the way, Mr. Liu, some time ago in Panjiayuan, a man bought a fake official of the Yongzheng year

Do you know about the creation of Buddha statues?

While the expert was at the table and the host was talking outside, Zhuang Rui asked Liu An'an.

Before Liu An'an answered, Jin Pangzi interrupted beside him, "Mr. Zhuang, are you talking about Xiao Zhao, who sells the study, is he being tricked?"

Seeing Zhuang Rui nodding, Jin Pangzi laughed and said, "You really asked the right person. Mr. Liu knows best about that he identified it..."

Jin Pangzi also knows Boss Zhao, and he is also very familiar with it. He learned from the Chinese master surnamed Aixinjueluo to learn calligraphy and the appreciation of calligraphy and painting. He often goes to Shuyazhai to buy pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and he is also very clear about this matter.

"Well, this matter is almost in the past; my God, the appearance of the Buddha statue is still good, and some novices are easy to be fooled. Now it's really useless to fake it..."

Liu An'an also sighed a little when he talked about this matter, but Zhuang Rui was relieved, because he was also afraid that this matter would not be the same. What if Lao Zhao transferred the shop because of something else and caused other trouble after he took over?

The morning program was soon finished, and several experts received a gift bag. In addition to some dim sum gifts above, Zhuang Rui saw that there was a big red envelope at the bottom, which must be the reward this time.

In fact, Zhuang Rui didn't know that there was no expert funding for the CCTV silk treasure column this time, but Zhuang Rui joined, and after such a thing happened, the director specially approved 390,000 yuan of RB as the fund to hire experts, 50,000 yuan per person. Jin Fatty and others still got Zhuang Rui's glory.

"Congratulations on making a fortune, bring me the red envelope!

After saying goodbye to several experts and hosts, Zhuang Rui just sat in the car and the mobile phone he reset rang.

"Hello, Boss Zhuang? I'm Zhao Hanxuan..." "Is it Boss Zhao? Ha ha, how's it going? Have you thought about it?

Although Zhuang Rui is very strange to Zhao Hanxuan's name, he is very familiar with the voice. It was Boss Zhao who was slaughtered as a fat sheep after being set up for two years.

"Boss Zhuang, call me Lao Zhao, I can't afford your name..."

Zhao Hanxuan's voice came from the phone. After a pause, he continued to say, "Boss Zhuang, I've thought about this. As long as you agree to take over Shu Yazhai, I will be your master for you for a year

When Zhao Hanxuan at the end of the phone said this, his face was a little bitter. He was from old Beijing and collected in the study. This area is also quite famous, but it is not possible for people to make a mistake in middle age. Not only do they have their own store gone, but they also have to work for others.

However, the situation is pressing, and he has no choice. After thinking about it for two days, he finally made a decision, and before calling Zhuang Rui, he has informed all creditors that he must return the borrowed money before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Otherwise, Zhao Hanxuan will not be able to pass this year.

"All right, Lao Zhao, I'll wait for your call..."

Zhuang Rui heard

Zhao Dongxuan agreed and was very happy. To be honest, Zhuang Rui didn't care about how much money he could make for those house utensils. He was thinking about the batch of jewelry he got from Myanmar, and finally had a place to take action.

In his spare time in the past few days, Zhuang Rui has sorted out the jewelry from Myanmar and divided it into several categories. One is soft jade jewelry, most of which are small ornaments. The jade material is excellent, and the carving is delicate. "And it is quite old. Most of them are objects before the Xianfeng Dynasty, and there are many items in the

These antique jades, which can be completely called antiques, cannot be sold at the price of ordinary jade. This thing is an antique. Zhuang Rui roughly estimated that only the jade jewelry of these ornaments and pendants is worth more than 50 million yuan. This is still the conclusion that Zhuang Rui did not count a few high-quality products.

Other things are all gems, including rubies, which are Myanmar specialties, as well as turquoise, agate Ruyi and other objects, which can also be classified into antiques.

There are pearls. There is a string of the best black pearls with a particle size between 9mm and 10mm, which can be called a priceless treasure. Zhuang Rui doesn't know why the black pearls produced in the Polynesian Islands are in Myanmar, but these black pearls are definitely not dyed, but expensive and will only appear in auctions. Natural black pearls in it.

Naturally, Zhuang Rui will not sell this thing. With Qin Xuanbing's white skin, if you wear this pearl necklace, it will definitely be more beautiful. Zhuang Rui has decided to give it to Qin Xuanbing as a gift when he is engaged.

"Hey, Boss Zhuang, are you listening?"

Zhuang Rui was thinking about it and was a little absent-minded. Zhao Hanxuan's voice came from the phone.

"Yes, yes..." Zhuang Rui quickly agreed.

"Boss Zhuang, I can agree to your terms, but I hope you can go through the transfer formalities of Shuyazhai before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. You... You know, I'm waiting for this money to save my life..."

Zhao Hanxuan has nothing to think about now. He just wants to pay off the account first, and then honestly give Zhuang Rui a one-year job. No matter what, the monthly salary of 30,000 yuan is not low. After a year, he will find a way to start a new business about office appliances.

"Hehe, Boss Zhao, please open that store normally first. I will pass before the third year of junior high school

Go, there will be some specific things at that time, and I will ask for your opinion..."

Zhuang Rui smiled. At this time, he had something else in his mind, but it was just a vague idea to think about it carefully. When he went to the temple fair during the Spring Festival, he would talk to Zhao Hanxuan.

After returning to the quadrangle courtyard, the house was already a busy year. Ouyang Jun and others gathered in a room to play cards. The children were playing in the yard. Fortunately, the yard was big enough for them to toss. Little novel network xxx$.ne

Ouyang Wan and Zhang's mother, Mrs. Li, and Zhuang Rui's cousins and sisters were busy in the kitchen. They steamed rice cakes, fried meatballs, fried belt fish, potato chips, burnt leaves and other New Year's food were given to the old man's chef. Ouyang Wan gave her a holiday, and the New

Several children got into the kitchen from time to time, touched a few pieces of delicious food and ran away. There were several women laughing and scolding behind them. Jiang Ying and others also came from the era of material poverty. Although there were nannies at home in the past few years, they are also doing it with relish now.

As night fell, the sound of firecrackers gradually sounded outside. Zhuang Rui turned on all the lights in the courtyard. Even on the rockery in the yard, there were colorful small lights flashing, and the whole house was brightly lit in the night.

"New Year's Eve dinner..."

The children in the yard shouted in unison. Under Ouyang Wan's greeting, a swarm of bees got into the restaurant, and the chattle filled the huge room.

This New Year's Eve dinner was divided into five tables. The old man's guards and Zhang Ma and others opened two tables in the front yard, but three tables in the dining room in the middle courtyard.

Because there were too many people, only the women and children sat at a table. Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Jun's brothers, Zhao Guodong and others sat at the same table, while Ouyang Mang and Ouyang Zhenwu and others sat alone at the same table. Only Ouyang Lei of Zhuang Rui's generation was among them.

"Zhuang Rui, come here, sit here..."

Ouyang's magnificent voice sounded, and suddenly there was silence in the room. Everyone's eyes looked at Zhuang Rui, and the eyes of the Ouyang Road brothers were even more envious.

You should know that being able to do that table is equivalent to being able to participate in the core things of the family. Although Ouyang Long and Ouyang Lu have now become department-level cadres, they are still not qualified to the table.

"Come here, Xiao Rui, the old man is going to test you. Look at your collection. Home, for the customs of the New Year

How much do you know about


Ouyang Zhenwu smiled and waved his hand to Zhuang Rui, which also dispelled the doubts of those brothers, but Zhuang Rui was favored by the old man, which was visible to everyone.

"Fire a cannon, eat!

The old man waved his hand, and Ouyang Lei's son took the root sound and lit the earth red hanging on the tree at the door of the restaurant. Suddenly, the sound of "crackling" firecrackers sounded.

"It's the Spring Festival, let's fire..."

In the deafening sound of firecrackers, in the dazzling spark light, everyone's face was full of joy, and the children shouted excitedly. It took a lot of effort to bring these little guys who wanted to continue to fire fire into the restaurant.

"Dad, Mom, I wish you two blessings like the East China Sea...

After the old man waved his hand to indicate that everyone could start eating, Ouyang Zhenwu and Ouyang Wan's children stood up and toasted the old man and the old lady for a glass of wine.

"Grandpa and grandma, grandpa and grandma, I wish you two old..."

Behind them, it's Ouyang

Lei Zhuangrui, the third generation of people, queued up to pay New Year's greetings.

In the end, it was the turn of the children. They lay on the ground on the ground. After kowtowed, a swarm of bees got up and chatuted to ask the old man and the old lady for the New Year's money.

"Good, all of them, all of them..."

The old man and the old lady laughed so much that they couldn't close their mouths. They took the red envelopes prepared by their daughter and sent them to the children one by one.

"It's the New Year..." Zhuang Rui looked at the scene of the four generations together, and there was a warm flow in his heart


P: Two chapters were sent on the first day of the Chinese New Year. I wrote these two chapters yesterday, but my body was really weak. Since the New Year's Eve, I have drunk two bowls of white porridge. Let's not talk about that. I wish my friends good luck in the New Year and a fortune in the Year of the Rabbit. Well U