Golden Pupil

Chapter 557 Zhuang Rui's Engagement On

After getting married. Ouyang Jun doesn't want to mess with this kind of thing. It's already accurate

Close the clubhouse, and put the investment focus in the real estate project in the future. "It's because of him

spent more than 100 million yuan to buy a strong and qualified construction company.

But it is also because of this that Ouyang Jun's hands became very nervous, and he sold it

If you go out, it can be worth one or two hundred million yuan, but if you sell a clubhouse on this joint eye, you will inevitably be laughed at by others

In this word, the discerning person can naturally see that Ouyang Si Shao is short of money.

'"Wu'er, I don't have a lot of investment in the early stage, probably about B, but there are still some

The relationship is in it. If you really want to buy shares, take out the Yin Yidan to talk about it. I'll count your percentage

Forty shares...,,

Ouyang Jun sat up on the sofa, thought about the old one for a few minutes, and finally gave a reply.

Although Ouyang Jun only paid 2B, it would account for 60% of the shares. Zhuang Rui took out 25,000

Wan' can only get 40%, which looks a little unfair. In fact, Ouyang Jun is like this

Doing it has already made a lot of concessions.

The cost of the large garden-style residential community developed by Ouyang Jun is about 500 million


, but once the development is completed, the market price will be more than 2 billion RB.

That is to say, the 250 million invested by Zhuang Rui may become

in a year or two.

One billion, so I have funds in my hand and want to participate in the Ouyang Army project. There are many people

In, even if Ouyang Jun only gives 20% of the shares, there are still people who break their heads and rush for it.

It can give 40% to Zhuang Rui. Ouyang Jun is already very kind. This project is absolutely

It's a steady profit, and everyone can see that 'Bai Feng has chased half of Ouyang Jun's buttocks

It's been a month, and Ouyang Jun hasn't let go. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Rui, Ouyang Jun wouldn't have taken him to play at all.

"Cre, fourth brother. Just do what you said, "But I don't have time these days, shares or something"

Do you want to deal with it?...,'

Zhuang Rui didn't let Ouyang Jun wait too long. He thought a little in his heart and agreed. He

Last time I heard Ouyang Jun talk about this project, I know that the location there is good, plus the current real estate boom

' It must be higher to invest money than to stay in the bank.

". You boy, your vision is really poisonous, and you are bold enough. No wonder you can make money from this family


Ouyang Jun met Zhuang Rui in just a few minutes. He made a decision, even from

It's not as good as sighing. I didn't see anything. How dare you get more than 200 million? If the two people change their positions to one

Next, Ouyang Jun asked himself, he absolutely dared not, at least he had to know about it before

Only the information of

is available.

"1 Hey hey, fourth brother, I only pay. After the house is sold, I get the money according to the shares. Other things

I don't care about it at all, and don't come to me...,,

Zhuang Rui smiled and took out the bank promissory note from his handbag that had not yet been covered. Hand in

Ouyang Jun said, "'This money is 40 million euros in total. You take out 25 million yuan, and the rest

I still get a cashier's bill for Swiss Bank...,'

Zhuang Rui is considering that if he wants to go abroad in the future, he doesn't have to ask Ouyang Jun to exchange it

Remitted, with more than 10 million euros in hand, it is usually enough to go anywhere, as for the country

, he still has more than 10 million RBs, which is not very short of money.

Besides, by April and May, there will also be a sum of money in Xinjiang, which should be in

About 100 million Koupeng, what Zhuang Rui needs to do now is to find some promising projects, put

The money is invested.

Zhuang Rui is not short of money now, but he enjoys the happiness of the return of investment, which

It feels more fulfilling than picking up leaks on Taobao. After all, in the identification of antiques, even if you find a good one

Things, that kind of pleasure is not very strong.

' "Won, those sub-documents of the transfer of shares, I'll ask someone to handle it later and bring them for you to sign

, go back first, or your sister-in-law will be in a hurry at home....', '

As the saying goes, fat water does not flow to other people's fields, which solves the problem of capital in Zhuang Rui, although I

I want to divide nearly half of the cake, but it's not cheap for outsiders. Ouyang Jun knots this

I'm quite satisfied.

After sending Ouyang Jun away, Zhuang Rui returned to his room to take a shower, and then entered his own place

lower room.

Now some objects have been placed on the antique shelf in the basement.

It's as empty as it was at the beginning. Maybe in a few days, a batch of dazzling gold will be shining

The gold of light will also be listed among them.

Zhuang Rui now has a plan in his mind. After he is more stable, he is ready to go abroad

Turn around, take advantage of the uniqueness of your eyes, and do what you can to do with the cultural relics lost abroad

and some acquisitions back.

Of course, he doesn't want to donate the acquired items to the country, but he runs a blog by himself

The museum can still be considered. Now there are already two private antique museums in China.

For antiques, Zhuang Rui's mentality is becoming more and more like a collector, every

When he went into the basement to observe the calligraphy and painting ceramics... The heart is always special.


Behind every antique, there is a hidden reason in history or real existence, or unexamable

things, which requires people to guess and figure out. This is also the fun of collection.

With the in-depth understanding of antique knowledge, slowly Zhuang Ji can already feel it and contain it

The heavy sense of historical vicissitudes in antiques is like a volume of pictures, bringing him into

In the long river of history.

After staying alone in the collection room for more than half an hour, Zhuang Rui took an indescribable

The mood came back to the room and fell into a deep sleep.

"Mr. Zhuang, this... This tie is not required. "I still need a bow tie."

In Zhuang Rui's backyard, it is very lively at this moment. A large group of people are gathered here and are ready to watch

Zhuang Rui's joke.

A female makeup artist found by Ouyang Jun is holding a bow tie and helping Zhuang Rui tidy up her clothes

, and although Zhuang Rui blushed at this moment, he couldn't see it on his face, because he had just been

with foundation.

Today is Zhuang Rui's engagement day. I originally wanted the ceremony to be held in the hotel, but think about it

are all relatives and friends, and Mr. Ouyang will also be present. It seems a little inappropriate to go to the hotel, but

It's better to hold a ceremony in Zhuang Rui, an ancient-style courtyard. As for the engagement

The wine is to wait until the end of the ceremony before going to the hotel.

At six o'clock in the morning, Zhuang Rui was tossed around by a group of people, and several students added Ou

Yang Jun, and Song Jun and Ma Fatty, who are obviously a circle older than them, have come to join in the fun,

It's hard to make Zhuang Rui miserable.

"All right, hurry up and go out to pick up the guests..."

In Ouyang Jun's words, Zhuang Rui rolled his eyes, but he still walked honestly to the middle courtyard '

After rendezvousing with Qin Dongbing, he walked to the gate of the quadrangle courtyard and stood side by side.

"Daughter-in-law, isn't it cold?"

In Beijing in February, the weather is still very cold. Although Zhuang Rui saw Qin Dongbing wearing a big red

Cotton-padded jacket' but I'm still afraid that she is not used to living in Hong Kong since she was a child.

"I'm cold, Brother Zhuang Rui, can you hug me?"

Viagra standing opposite Zhuang Rui and Qin Dongbing, after hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he suddenly pinched his voice

Learned the female voice, which made everyone laugh, which made many old residents in the alley stretch out

Head, watching the lively scene of this house.

"Get out of here..."

Zhuang Rui scolded angrily. Didn't you see that your buddy was still a suit shirt in this cold weather?

Fortunately, there is thermal underwear in the shirt, otherwise Zhuang Rui would not have been able to hold on.

Fatty Ma stabbed Song Jun and said, "Old Song, we brothers should walk up from the gate again

Once, bless them..."

"Well, don't you just want to show off the gift "..."

Song Jun was pulled out by Fatty Ma, and when he came back, Fatty Ma held a long one in his hand

The wooden box should obviously be a painting, and Song Jun's hand is carrying a light brocade

The box is beautifully packaged.

"Brother Zhuang, brother, I'm not uneducated, but I'm trying to get closer to cultural people. This

I have collected a picture of Guite Mountain in the 8th period of the Ming Dynasty. Let's have a little buddy, open this painting

Look at it

Fatty Ma greeted Yang Wei, asked him to hold the axis, and slowly gave the painting to the exhibition

It's on.

"Brother, these birds, myna, osmanthus and autumn provinces are all auspicious, implying wealth and glory

Hua, auspicious longevity, brother, I wish you and Miss Qin a hundred years of good luck. 'Early birth to a noble son!'

Fat Ma's words ushered in a burst of applause, and Zhuang Rui also repeatedly arched his hand. "Thank you are grateful

Reed, everyone present is an outsider. They don't know the value of this painting, but Zhuang Rui Keming

It's very white.

Lv Ji's character Ting Zhen, nickname Le Yu, a court painter during the reign of the Ming Dynasty, official to Jinyiwei Qianhu and

The commander knows that this is a high position in the Ming Dynasty.

Lv Ji is famous for painting flowers and birds. His typical style is the fine brushwork and heavy color painting method. He can also write light color and hand typing x.ňé

Ink freehand design, the themes taken are mostly endowed with auspiciousness and wealth, and the formal pursuit of rich and gorgeous review

Beautiful and interesting' has distinctive palace artistic characteristics, and its painting style has the most influence in the palace flower and bird paintings of the Ming Dynasty


Lv Ji's painting style is delicate and respected by later generations. There are not many in the world, and the price is also

It has always been high. It's like this one brought by Fatty Ma. It's true with a ruler and a horizontal witch.

Ji, if you get it at the auction, at least it will be more than Wanpeng, Ma Pangzi's handwriting is not allowed

is not big.

"All the way, fat man's step aside..."

Song Jun behind Fatty Ma squeezed Fatty Ma to the side and raised the brocade box in his hand,

said, "Brother Zhuang, can you guess what gift my brother is?"

P: The third update, I'm really desperate. Today, there are nearly 200 less monthly tickets than others, heart

It's really unpleasant. If you have a monthly ticket, please support it. U