Golden Pupil

Chapter 827 Survival on an Island 2

"Human beings in the 21st century are compared with those in the Great Navigation era in the 15th and 16th centuries. His survival experience may be almost the same, but in terms of knowledge, the people at that time are not comparable to modern people.

Among other things, countless movies telling adventure stories have taught Zhuang Rui many ways to survive, such as burning dead branches and emitting thick smoke. Of course, Zhuang Rui can't do this at present, because he can't make a fire at all.

But there is another way. Zhuang Rui is busy now, that is, on the open beach, he draws a big SOS international distress sign with branches.

"No, this thing is too thin "..."

After drawing with branches for a while, Zhuang Rui looked at the thin line and couldn't help shaking his head. Not to mention the plane in the sky, he couldn't recognize what it was.

He threw away the branches casually, and Zhuang Rui simply drew them on the beach with the soles of his feet.

The sand scorched by the sun was pricked on Zhuang Rui's feet like a needle. Zhuang Rui grinned in pain. Although he could be treated with Reiki at any time, the pain was real.

What Zhuang Rui longed for most at this time was the pair of moving shoes that he lost while swimming in the sea. At that time, in addition to untied the shoelaces and left behind, the shoes sank in the depths of the Indian Ocean.

After more than two hours, Zhuang Rui drew three SOS letters with a total length of 30 meters and a width of more than 60 meters on the beach far from the sea.

After painting, Zhuang Rui collected some dead leaves and stones from the woods and arranged them according to the shape of the letters. In this way, even if the sand is buried again, the font will bulge up.

After doing this, the sun slowly tilted to the west, and the sky had gradually darkened." The whole island was extremely silent, only the sound of the waves beating on the beach.

If it hadn't been for the seabirds that came back from foraging in the sky, Zhuang Rui would even feel that it was a dead island.

Looking at those birds flying into the island, Zhuang Rui suddenly became envious. If he had wings, he could fly out now. Even if he was called a bird man, Zhuang Rui was willing.

Just as the sun was about to set from the sea level, today's land suddenly turned into a red, red sky, red sea, red islands and red beaches.

"It's so beautiful!"

This is the first time that Zhuang Rui has seen the sunset on the sea. He can't help but feel relaxed and happy. Such a beautiful scenery can only be seen in the depths of the ocean far away from the coastline, right?

"Oh, dinner is not ready yet..." Zhuang Rui suddenly jumped up. If there is another storm on the sea today, and he can't see his fingers again yesterday, he will be hungry for a day. While the sun is still a little afterglow, Zhuang Rui is ready to prepare dinner.

Run back to the woods quickly. After picking up two fist-sized coconuts from the ground, Zhuang Rui rushed back to the beach, picked up almost three or four catties of oysters, and then returned to the reef area near the sea with satisfaction.

Although the woods can shelter from the wind and rain, Zhuang Rui is afraid of beasts coming at night. You know, many beasts are foraging at night.

Relatively speaking, it is safer to stay in the reef area. Anyway, this is a volcanic island, and it is in the subtropical region, so it is not afraid of being frozen at night.

As the saying goes, once he is cooked twice. Zhuang Rui picked up the oyster shell this time and moved much more skillfully. He took Peng Fei's knife and inserted it into the oyster." He twisted his wrist slightly, and the whole oyster opened.

Rinse the fine sand in the oyster in a tup of water next to him. Zhuang Rui stuffed it into his mouth, and Lou even drank the sea water yesterday. He didn't care about this little bit.

More than half an hour later, Zhuang Rui lost oyster shells and coconuts smashed by stones. Not only was the coconut juice inside drunk by Zhuang Rui, but also the coconut meat was completely gnawed by Zhuang Rui, but the taste... It was really not good.

"When can I go home?" After eating and drinking enough, Zhuang Rui walked slowly on the beach. The starlighted sea was extremely calm at this time. In addition to the sound of the sea breeze blowing through the woods in the distance, the incomparable silence of today made Zhuang Rui feel lonely in his heart.

"At the beginning, there was a puppy around Robinson, and then there was Friday. Dude, why was I so unlucky that I was exiled to a desert island alone?"

Zhuang Rui kicked heavily on the beach, raised the dust all over the sky, and made his face full of himself.

Zhuang Rui doesn't care about the image at this moment. In this kind of bird place, he really pretended to show it to the bird!

After wandering on the beach endlessly for three or four hours, Zhuang Rui walked back to the reef area with heavy steps, found a place with a recess of more than one meter inward, with reefs on both sides, and lay down.

Looking at the stars all over his head, Zhuang Rui slowly fell asleep.

"Ok...woo chicken..." In the middle of the night, several roars of beasts came from the direction of the island, which made the sleeping Zhuang Rui wake up and took a knife to the dark woods like a monster's mouth.

"Damn, what kind of beast...*..."

That kind of cry that Zhuang Rui has never heard. The more unknown it is, the more frightening it is. Is it possible that there are really prehistoric animals here?

With the next few roars, Zhuang Rui's heart slowly fell down. The beast shouted in the depths of the island, and he was on the edge of the sea, and there should be no danger.

However, Zhuang Rui still didn't dare to sleep again that night. He kept waiting until dawn before he fell asleep in a daze. By noon, he was awakened by the hot sun.

"No, if it goes on like this, I can't hold on until the rescue team finds it..." Zhuang Rui looked at his little arm and was peeled off by the sun, and his whole body was red. After quickly combing it with Reiki, the terrible red slowly faded.

After dealing with his body, Zhuang Rui immediately climbed to a high reef and looked at the sea, but he couldn't see anything except the waves in the sea. When he looked back at the beach, the three huge letters of CSS were still there.

After standing for a while, Zhuang Rui walked back to the beach with a disappointed face and began to prepare today's food, but his uneasiness became stronger and stronger.

Zhuang Rui couldn't figure out why the rescue team couldn't find himself after two days and more than an hour?

It's just that Zhuang Rui didn't know that after he was blown to the sea by the storm, he was pushed hundreds of kilometers by the waves. The sea now is the most dangerous and mysterious place in the whole Indian Ocean.

This sea area is located on the west side of the "Little Yan's Leas Islands" in the western Indian Ocean. Speaking of this name, many people don't know it, but it also has an extremely loud name, that is, the Caribbean Islands!

I believe that even those who have not seen the movie will be familiar with the name. Pirates of the Caribbean crossed the sea centuries ago, and their nest was on the "Little Antilles Group *..."

However, the island and sea where Zhuang Rui is located is still hundreds of nautical miles away from the Caribbean Islands, and this sea area has a louder name than the Caribbean Islands. Of course, this name is only known by people living in the Indian Ocean.

This sea area has an inexplicable magnetic field, which will block all communication signals. There are often plane crashes and ship sinking accidents, and there seems to be an inexplicable connection with the Devil's Triangle of Bermuda.

An extremely strange thing happened in Bermuda. A former Soviet submarine sailed underwater in Bermuda a minute ago, but when it surfaced a minute later, it was in the Indian Ocean.

In the voyage across almost half of the earth, all 93 crew members of the submarine suddenly aged for five to twenty years.

After this incident, the former Soviet military and the scientific community immediately began to investigate the submarine and all personnel. The final conclusion was that there could be a time tunnel on the earth that was faster than the time of the earth.

At that time, the place where the submarine appeared was in this sea area, which also added a lot of mystery to this sea area. People living on some islands near the sea area are taboo here.

And within more than 100 nautical miles around the sea, there are many reefs everywhere, which are not suitable for ships to sail. Not to mention the larger ships, even if the small sailboat arrives here, if the water is a little deeper, it will touch the reefs under the sea.

From ancient times to the present, I don't know how many ships have sunk on the rocks because they strayed here.

Over time, this sea area covering nearly 100 square kilometers is called the Dead Sea by people living in the Indian Ocean, and the isolated island where Zhuang Rui is now also has a horrible name: Devil's Island!

It is nearly a thousand nautical miles away from the site of the Zhuang Rui plane crash. I don't know how Zhuang Rui appeared here, almost across the eastern and western Indian Oceans, so even if the sea rescue fleet repeatedly expands the search scope, it still can't be found here. Of course, the unlucky Zhuang Rui doesn't know all this He is still facing the morning sun, sending the sunset, and looking forward to the arrival of the rescue team at the seaside, but every day is full of disappointment.

Soon, the third day also passed. The island was still the same, and the waves were still beating against the beach. The plane and ship that Zhuang Rui was looking forward to had never appeared once.

Four days later, the oysters that Zhuang Rui ate in his mouth were already chewing wax. During this period, he practiced the skill of separating sea urchins and added a piece of food for himself.

Five days have passed, and even under the moisture of Reiki, Zhuang Rui is still tanned like an indigenous people in the Indian Ocean, and his whole body is dark.

By the sixth day, Zhuang Rui had walked along the island. According to his estimate, the area of the island was at least dozens of square kilometers.