Golden Pupil

Chapter 846 Arrangement

"If you leave by yourself, will King Kong feel lonely?"

Thinking of the days when he spent with King Kong on the isolated island in the past two months, Zhuang Rui felt a trace of reluctance.

Although nature pays attention to natural selection, and artificial interference is not good, on this desert island, only King Kong, a gorilla, and the arrival of Zhuang Rui has also changed King Kong's way of life.

From the bottom of his heart, Zhuang Rui wants to take King Kong back. Even if King Kong is released into the African jungle in the future, it is much better than leaving him alone on a desert island.

You know, King Kong is a wise primate animal. His IQ is like a child. His thinking is extremely simple, and he doesn't know if he can stand the loneliness of an isolated island.

If there were another group of orangutans on this desert island, Zhuang Rui would not have the idea of taking it away.

"Forget it, this is King Kong's own choice..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head and turned his attention to the hidden reef under the sea, but he couldn't help turning his head and looking behind him. This isolated island will bring him the most unforgettable memories in his life.

At the moment when Zhuang Rui turned around, a figure ran out of the coconut forest, constantly pounding his chest and roaring. Even the roar of the large horsepower motor on the speedboat could not suppress the roar of King Kong.

" King Kong"

Zhuang Rui was stunned, reached out and turned off the motor of the charging boat, looking at King Kong, who was standing more than 200 meters away from him.

Similarly, King Kong is also looking at Zhuang Rui. He was born on this desert island. Except for the death of his parents, King Kong felt great grief. He was usually carefree and lived a very happy life.

But after two months of getting along with Zhuang Rui, King Kong has regarded Zhuang Rui as a relative. At present, Zhuang Rui is leaving, which makes King Kong extremely reluctant. He knows that he has to make a choice.

Follow Zhuang Rui, it is likely that he will never be able to come back for the rest of his life. If he stays here, then he will never see Zhuang Rui again. King Kong's mood is very contradictory, so he returned to his ancestor's grave yesterday and stayed all night.

" King Kong, come with me..."

Looking at the lonely figure of King Kong standing on the beach, Zhuang Rui felt uncomfortable and couldn't help expressing his wish in King Kong's heart.


After King Kong heard Zhuang Rui's words, a line of tears flowed from his simple face. He turned around and took a deep look at the place where he was born and grew up. Suddenly, he rushed to the sea with both hands and feet.

" King Kong, good brother, I will definitely go to the virgin forest to find you a companion in the future..."

After pulling King Kong into the assault boat, Zhuang Rui hugged the big man fiercely and restarted the motor.

It's just that after King Kong came up, the speedboat's water was obviously much deeper, and the speed also dropped.

You know, this charge boat can only carry up to six people, but the golden anchor and Zhuang Rui's weight are almost the same. Coupled with King Kong, it's good not to sink in the water.

The curiosity about the speedboat and the unknown of the future made King Kong quickly forget the grief of leaving the desert island and become active.

After boarding the yacht, King Kong jumped up and down with the golden eagle curiously, showing off his muscles from time to time, which made Peng Fei couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Zhuang, this thing is not a layer of gold plated with iron, is it?"

Seeing that Zhuang Rui's last trip to the ship was actually an anchor and a small box, looking at the golden anchor, Peng Fei muttered in his heart. If it was made of gold, it would not cost hundreds of catties? Zhuang Rui can't hold it at all.

"You'll know if you try..." Zhuang Rui smiled.

Peng Fei was a little unconvinced when he heard the words. He went up and picked up the gold chain and pushed it up. The gold anchor did not move at all. With another force, the chain made a "clap" sound, and the gold anchor only moved slightly.

"I x, is it true?"

Peng Fei shouted and looked at Zhuang Rui like a ghost. Looking at Zhuang Rui's action just now, carrying this thing is like a toy. How much arm strength is it?

"Don't look at me, you are useless, King Kong can pick it up..."

There is really no way to explain the matter of Zhuang Rui, so he simply stopped talking about it. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, King Kong rushed over and grabbed the golden anchor and curled his lips at Peng Fei like a demonstration.

"Two freaks"

Being despised by a beast, Peng Fei suddenly blushed and said brazenly, "Brother, you won't get any martial arts secrets on this island, and then you will make great progress, right?"

Peng Fei often tows himself to read a lot of books in front of Zhuang Rui. Of course, he reads all martial arts novels. At this time, his mind can't help but be full of illusions. Isn't Liang Yusheng's golden legacy just an adventure on Snake Island?

"Get out of here, brother, this is an exercise. Hurry up and sail..."

Zhuang Rui changed the topic and took Peng Fei back to the cab together.

He now knows that there is no electronic signal within more than 100 nautical miles of this isolated island, so he is anxious to drive out of this range and call home.


Pressing the familiar number, Zhuang Rui's fingers trembled a little.

"Hey, Xiao Peng, what's going on? I haven't been able to get through to you since yesterday. Have you found Xiao Rui?

The mother's voice came from one end of the phone, which made Zhuang Rui burst into tears and said in a trembling voice, "Mom, I'm Xiao Rui..."

After Zhuang Rui's voice came out, the end of the phone suddenly calmed down. After a while, Ouyang Wan came with a crying voice: "Little...Xiao Rui, are you...are you all right? Go home quickly, mom misses you, we all miss you..."

"Mom, I'm fine, which worries everyone..."

Zhuang Rui's tears can't help flowing down. Only after losing something can people realize the value of those things and cherish and possess them more.

That's what Zhuang Rui is. For more than two months on a desert island, he thought that it was difficult to see his relatives in this life. Zhuang Rui reflected on many things he had done before, and finally concluded that his dedication and care for his family were still too little.

This phone call lasted for more than an hour, of which half an hour was blamed by Qin Xuanbing, blaming his children for not being around. After hearing this, Zhuang Rui was relieved. It seemed that his daughter-in-law did not know what she had said, otherwise it would definitely not be the tone on the phone.

Almost all the people who stayed in the courtyard of Zhuangfu said a few words to Zhuang Rui. Even the two little guys who couldn't speak made a few words to the phone, which made Zhuang Rui's heart warm. He couldn't wait to put on his wings and fly home immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Lei's phone immediately called in. He told Zhuang Rui that he had arranged a warship escort for him. When he entered the Chinese sphere of influence, a military aircraft would take him back to China.

Zhuang Rui did not refuse Ouyang Lei's kindness. After all, King Kong is far more shocking than the white lion. If he goes through normal channels, he may not be able to enter the country.

Seeing King Kong swaying on the ship, Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and dialed Ouyang Jun again.

"What's the matter? I just hung up the phone and miss my fourth brother again?"

In Zhuang Rui's generation, Ouyang Jun and he left recently. Previously, he thought that Zhuang Rui had been killed. Ouyang Jun was not very happy for more than two months. Now that he knows that Zhuang Rui is fine, he is happier than anyone else.

"Fourth brother, let's discuss something, do you think?" Zhuang Rui's words came out.

"What's the matter?" Ouyang Jun raised his vigilance. Every time Zhuang Rui said this, he seemed to suffer losses.

"Isn't your Beijing suburban club going to close? Transfer it to me, I'll build a private resort..."

Originally, without King Kong, Zhuang Rui's quadrangle courtyard was enough, but with this big guy, the quadrangle courtyard would not be suitable. If he was seen, he would think he had a monster in his family.

Zhuang Rui once thought of buying a small island in the coastal areas of China and placing King Kong there, but it was too inconvenient, and it was not a good thing in a short time.

After thinking about it, only Ouyang Jun's place is suitable. At that time, he will raise the wall by himself. No matter how King Kong tossed in it, he can't disturb outsiders.

"Beijing Suburban Club?"

Ouyang Jun was stunned when he heard the words. He is now transforming into real estate. He really wants to take action there, but he opened his mouth for 1 billion, scaring away many people who were interested in taking over.

"Brother, it's not impossible to give it to you there, but you know, brother, my money has been smashed into real estate now. Some time ago, you pulled out shares again. I don't have money now, your nephew's milk powder money..."

Relatives are relatives, and the fourth young master of Ouyang still refuses to suffer losses in business. Who makes Zhuang Rui rich? If the Ouyang army doesn't kill a knife, it's unreasonable.

"Well, let's go, fourth brother. Some time ago, I gave you 5% of the shares of the project in Africa. That's all right..." Zhuang Rui heard Ouyang Jun crying on the phone, and couldn't help crying and laughing.

Money has reached their current level, and it is already a game of numbers. The difference between 1 million and 1 million may be very big, but 1 billion and 10 billion is basically a concept.

"Are you talking about uranium ore?"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Ouyang Jun was immediately excited. He knew in his heart that it was a business of laying golden eggs, which was faster than real estate robbing money, but resources and minerals had always been the traditional business of the Song family, and he had not intervened in the list.

After knowing that Mr. Song gave Zhuang Rui 15% of the shares, it was envied by Ouyang Jun at that time.

"Yes, it's uranium ore, 5% of the shares. If it's your clubhouse, give me a happy word..."

Although Zhuang Rui only paid 2 billion yuan to get 15% of the shares at that time, there are the feelings of the Song family. This is tens of billions of investment, and 5% is likely to become 5 billion in the future.

"Dry, of course..."

Ouyang Jun is not stupid. At the moment, he agreed, not to mention 5%, even 3%, he agreed.

"Neem, I'll sign a share transfer agreement with you when I go back.

But fourth brother, before I go back, you should withdraw the people in the clubhouse, keep only the security personnel, and increase the wall of the clubhouse to two meters..."

After Ouyang Jun had no way to agree, Zhuang Rui breathed a long sigh of relief and finally solved the problem of King Kong. It seems that he can't bring animals home in the future, otherwise it will really become a zoo.


In the next few days of the journey, the yacht was full of laughter, and there were two psychic guys, Golden Eagle and King Kong. Every move was stunned.

King Kong, who has a strong ability to learn to imitate, has now become the helm of the yacht, staying in the cab and driving the yacht every day.

Zhuang Rui also rarely relaxed, and his restlessness on the desert island has all disappeared. Perhaps it is because of the pirate treasure harvest this time that Zhuang Rui has a great interest in the sunken ship in the depths of the ocean.

Due to the upgrade of the aura in his eyes, Zhuang Rui found many and all kinds of undersea sunken ships along the way, and directly interpreted the ancient maritime history in Zhuang Rui's eyes, especially those objects that had been sealed for thousands of years in the sunken ships, which made Zhuang Rui excited.

In the sunken ships in the Atlantic Ocean, there are mainly ancient wooden sailboats, as well as merchant ships and warships from various countries that were sunk by torpedo shells in modern wars. There are many kinds of things in it. From Zhuang Rui's point of view, it has a very high archaeological research value.

After arriving at the waters of Southeast Asia, most of the people who sank at the bottom of the sea were wooden merchant ships, including many merchant ships from ancient Tang and Song Dynasties. There were a large number of Chinese ceramics and ancient Persian utensils in the ship. Zhuang Rui's eyes were hot.

There is even a sunken ship full of gold. From the sun flag at the hull, it can be seen that this should be a treasure plundered by Japan from Southeast Asia, but I don't know why it sank in the sea.

The feeling of being invisible makes Zhuang Rui very uncomfortable, but the coordinates of several shipwrecks with very rich collections have been recorded by Zhuang Rui. When there is a chance in the future, we must let these shipwrecks see the sun again. It seems that we can consider opening an ancient shipwreck museum in China.

Of course, these are all things to consider in the future. Zhuang Rui is going nowhere in the past few years to spend time at home with his wife and children. This trip to Africa almost caused a gap between heaven and man, which made Zhuang Rui feel very deeply.

After half a month of sailing, Zhuang Rui's ship finally entered the Chinese sea. Several frigates brought their yachts into a secret military base built on the island. Ouyang Lei arranged a plane to wait for Zhuang Rui here.

The appearance of King Kong made those officers and soldiers like facing a big enemy. King Kong suddenly saw so many people, and he was also a little anxious. Under the comfort of Zhuang Rui, he calmed down.

However, the base did not receive the order of an animal in this mission. Finally, the leader of the base asked Ouyang Lei before letting King Kong get on the plane. As for those treasures, they were also transported on the military transport aircraft.



In a military airport in the capital, Ouyang Jun saw King Kong getting off the plane, and his surprised jaw almost fell to his chest. Now he knows why Zhuang Rui asked him to drive a bus to pick up people.

PS: Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you a happy holiday, eat more rice dumplings, vote more recommendation votes, and vote more monthly tickets, hehe.