Golden Pupil

Chapter 887 The tip of the iceberg

"You are committing a crime one by one!"

After cleaning up the house, Professor Meng and Zhuang Rui and others came to the yard behind Zhang Daniu's house together. On the ground of the yard, there were a lot of funerary objects stolen from the tomb by the Da Niu brothers.

A big light bulb was pulled by the old Zhang's head in the yard, which was very bright, attracting a lot of mosquitoes to fly around the light bulb, and some of them fell on the objects in the yard.

Most of these funerary objects are pottery frugs. It can be seen from the color that have not yet completely fallen. These should be all color farticles. Five or sixty color farticles have different shapes, but none of them is the same.

Professor Meng was very sad to see that if the protective measures were done well, he might be able to retain the color of the pottery frug, but it is impossible now.

"Xiao Ren, Xiao Zhuang, look for it and see if there are any objects such as bamboo and jade twists..."

In fact, one of the most valuable things is not the gold, silver and jewelry. For archaeologists, the seal that can prove the identity of the owner of the tomb is the most important.

In the Han Dynasty, it was not too long before the Qin Dynasty. It is very likely that some ancient books of scriptures that have been lost have been unearthed, which are also of great value.

However, bamboo slips are not easy to preserve. Only traces of bamboo slips can be seen in many large tombs, and very few objects have been unearthed. Some tombs have unearthed bamboo slips of Sun Tzu's Art of War, but unfortunately they are incomplete.

"Teacher, no, only these pottery frugies, and some silverware, I didn't find the owner's twist print..."

After careful investigation by Zhuang Rui and Ren Chunqiang, they failed to find any clues to explain the identity of the owner. These pottery frugs are common burial objects in Han Dynasty tombs, which can't explain anything.

"Da Niu, how many tombs have you chiseled?"

Professor Meng pondered for a while. There were only dozens of funerary objects, which was far from the emperor's tomb in his mind. Not to mention the emperor's tomb, it was a minister's tomb, and the funerary objects in it were dozens of times more than this.

"The tomb? What is the tomb?" Daniel doesn't understand Professor Meng's words.

"It's the place where the coffin is placed..." Zhuang Rui prompted a sentence next to him.

"Oh, there is only one. Erniu and I broke through two stone doors." I saw a coffin. In addition to the coffin, only these things were moved several times before we were shipped out..."

Da Niu recalled the situation at that time and suddenly said, "At the way, when I broke the first stone door, I found two dead people." The clothes were rotten, leaving only bones..."

"Do evil, you two disobedient things, I'll beat you to death..."

Zhang Daniu's words made the old Zhang beside him very angry. He picked up a broom and chased his son all over the yard. For a moment, he diluted what Zhang Daniu said about the discovery of bones, which diluted the chill brought to everyone.

"How can this bastard enter the tomb of the dead casually? Didn't the second strong man in the east of the village just pick up a tomb?" Later, all the bags on his body were all on his body, and he died before he was sent to the hospital?"

After being persuaded by Zhuang Rui and others, Lao Zhang still trembled angrily and pointed to his two sons and scolded.

"Lao Zhang, it's okay" After thousands of years, there is something in the tomb, and it doesn't work." But you have to educate your children well, and you must not do this in the future...,..."

Professor Meng also advised Lao Zhang to say a few words. He has excavated many ancient tombs and has seen countless hidden weapons.

Poisoning is relatively common in tombs, but the toxicity has almost evaporated over the ages, but some traps full of sharp weapons and boulders placed above the corridor are more harmful to tomb robbers.

"Big Bull" come on, tell me again, "How did you find the tomb at that time, and what's going on inside "..."

When Professor Meng saw these things, he had an intuition that the Daniel brothers did not find the real tomb. Maybe they were just at the gate of Baoshan.

"There's nothing wrong. When I was collecting medicine, I saw a cave behind the vine. Erniu and I climbed in and looked at it. After walking three or four meters, there was a stone gate. After Erniu chiseled it with an axe, it was a passage. Ouch, the smell inside was terrible..."

We waited outside for a long time before we dared to go in. We walked about ten meters inside, and there was a stone gate. The two dead were there, and we didn't know how they died. After opening the stone door, we saw these things, ""

Although Da Niu is more reasonable than Er Niu, his words are also vague, but Professor Meng's face has shown joy. According to his understanding of the Han tomb, the Da Niu brothers only found the tip of the iceberg for the tomb.

Professor Meng was very excited at this time. He couldn't wait to go to the tomb site to inspect it now. After restraining himself, he said to Zhuang Rui and others, "Opin, sort things together. There will be a local garrison tomorrow, and let them take them to the local cultural relics department first..."

Zhuang Rui was not likely to do this job. Looking at Ren Chunqiang and several other staff, he skillfully labeled each object in front of him and classified it, but he was busy in more than half an hour.

After sitting in the car all day and working overtime at night, everyone went back to the cleaned up room to go to bed.

The sound of roosters in the distance started a day's work in the countryside. There was a faint fog in the mountains. In the village at the foot of the mountain, the cooking smoke rose, and the chickens and dogs barked endlessly. It was a pastoral scenery.

"Zhuang Rui, what's wrong? Didn't sleep well?"

When Zhuang Rui came out, Dr. Ren was washing next to the pressurized well in the yard, while Professor Meng was punching Taiji at the gate of the yard. The two simple people were learning with them.

"There are too many mosquitoes. It's only May. Where did so many mosquitoes come from?"

Zhuang Rui rubbed his blood-filled eyes. Last night, he simply fought with mosquitoes. He didn't know if it was his own meat fragrance. The mosquitoes rushed to himself, but Hao Long had a good sleep.

The old Zhang, who was chopping firewood and preparing to make breakfast, came over quickly after hearing Zhuang Rui's words and said shyly, "Brother, the mosquitoes in the countryside came early. I will smoke the room with wormwood for you in the afternoon, and there will be no mosquitoes at night..."

When Professor Meng heard their conversation, he also took his fists and came over and said with a smile, "Ha ha, Zhuang Rui, there are many mosquitoes in the mountains. Sometimes there are mosquitoes in winter. Our country is quite good. I once went to the Amazon jungle to do scientific research. I saw the overwhelming mosquitoes with my own eyes and bit a "

"Mosquito bite the cow?"

If this was not said by the tutor, Zhuang Rui must have thought it was a fantasy. How could mosquitoes bite and wear such a thick skin of a cow?

"Zhuang Rui, what the teacher said is true. When taking the wild surgery examination, you should pay attention to it. Being targeted by mosquitoes can easily cause all kinds of diseases..."

Dr. Ren taught his younger brother another trick. Although Ren's doctorate is very high, he has rich experience in living in the wild. Generally, ancient tombs are in farmland, mountains and forests. There are many mosquitoes, snakes and rats, and some wild knowledge must be mastered.

"Okay, brother, come and have breakfast..."

While several people were chatting, Lao Zhang's voice shouted.

In the morning, I ate sweet potato porridge, and Lao Zhangtou's pickled dried radish at home. It tasted very good. A large pot of porridge was eaten clean by several people.

After dinner, Professor Meng contacted by phone and waited for more than half an hour. Three locals came to Lao Zhang's house with five armed police soldiers with live ammunition.

The two sides introduced that the locals are all staff of the local cultural relics department. One is Wu, the director of the local cultural relics administration, in their forties, and the other are young people.

The armed police are led by a platoon leader of a second lieutenant named Wei Qiang, who is responsible for the site protection of the archaeological excavation. Several armed policemen are wrapped in tents on their backs, and they will live near the archaeological site at night.

When Professor Meng saw that everyone had arrived, he was assigned to work. The antiques in the yard were placed, and he did not realize it in his heart. He immediately said, "Xiao Wu, you and Zhao and Xiao stayed, inform your county, and send someone to pull these things back for safekeeping first. The two of them can go up the mountain with us Keep here, if any sharp objects are unearthed, they must be properly kept as soon as possible..."

When Professor Meng saw Director Wu's big stool, he knew that it was impossible for this man to accompany him to the cemetery, so he simply let him be in charge of logistics.

"Professor Meng, don't worry, I will definitely arrange it, Xiao Liu, listen to Professor Meng's instructions..."

When Director Wu heard that he didn't have to go up the mountain, he nodded repeatedly and called a young man who looked very clever to accompany the scientific research team into the mountain.

"Xiaozhuang, I didn't see that you are polite in appearance, but your strength is not small..."

After breakfast, the group of people were ready to go up the mountain. Zhuang Rui carried forty or fifty kilograms of things on his body, which did not seem difficult at all, which surprised Professor Meng and others.

According to what they think, Zhuang Rui has a good background and such a rich wealth. He must be used to being pampered. Unexpectedly, the rest of the people in the archaeological team who often work in the wild are not as good as Zhuang Rui's strength.

However, this also makes Professor Meng more and more satisfied. Although the scientific examination work sounds mysterious, it is very boring and tasteless, and he walks through the mountains and mountains in no one's place all day long, and he must be able to work hard.

"Ha ha, I'm born with a lot of strength, and this weight is nothing..."

Zhuang Rui walked in the middle of the team, and the two big cow brothers led the way. They are now non-staff members of the archaeological team. Every day, they get four yuan of salary, so they are also very hard.

Beibei Mountain is not steep, but the mountain is rolling, like a dragon. Along the paths that were trampled on by mountain marries or tomb robbers, the group of people gradually entered the deep mountains.