Golden Pupil

Chapter 900 Copper Coffin in Coffin

Judging from the position where Zhuang Rui stood, the wood used in the coffin has no trace of splicing at all. It seems to be made of a whole piece of wood. Zhuang Rui can't imagine how big a cypress tree will be used?

And the combination of the coffin cover and the coffin is seamless. Someone took a piece of paper and tried it, but it couldn't be stuffed in." There was almost no gap at all.

"It's a little difficult..."

Professor Meng circled around the coffin a few times." His eyebrows were locked. He originally thought that the coffin was a tenon structure, but after careful attention to the coffin, he found that there was no tenon on the coffin, which made Professor Meng feel a little incredible.

Generally, the protruding part of ancient wooden furniture is called tenon, and the concave part is called Mao. This form has reached a high level of skill in traditional Chinese furniture, and the coffin is naturally the same, but this huge coffin seems to be a little different.

"Teacher, it seems that the hole is filled with burnt copper juice,"

Zhuang Rui observed the outer structure of the coffin with aura. He found that in eight places of the coffin, the structure was completely different from the wood. After gently wiping it with sandpaper, he found that the material in the hole with a diameter of about two centimeters was completely different from the material of the coffin itself.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Professor Meng came over to take a knife, scraped a layer of material on the coffin, and carefully distinguished it. He said, "Yes, the copper juice was burned and instilled in. It is impossible to open it from the tenon..." This can make the sealing of the coffin better, but this It also makes it more difficult to open the coffin. It is almost impossible to open the lid of the coffin intact.

Professor Meng walked around the coffin for a long time. "There is no good way. In the end, after being helpless, he can only let people open up in different positions of the coffin." It is used to open the coffin with a crowbar.

"Xiao Liu" You are in the back, and you also need two people on the side. Zhuang Rui, go to the front row. "Okay, everyone take the crowbar, be careful, don't push too hard, and pry up the coffin cover together..." Professor Meng commanded the crowd to "stuck the crowbar into the gap where the co Li, the huge coffin, made an unpleasant "kap" sound.

"Rid up...", "Use a little more force, pry it open..." "People stand a little farther, be careful that there are organs in it..."

All kinds of shouts resounded in the tomb. Such a large coffin may contain some life-threatening hidden weapons. Professor Meng loudly reminded everyone to pay attention to safety.

Injuries in these thousand-year-old tombs are definitely a very unpleasant thing, because after thousands of years of sealing in the ground, many substances and bacteria will deteriorate. Once infected, it is modern medical methods, which are difficult to cure.

But it's okay. After the heavy cypress coffin lid was opened, there seemed to be no movement inside. At the end of the coffin, the two took the iron hook and pulled the coffin lid down.

Remove the coffin from the lid, and with the thick base, the height is also more than 1.8 meters. Intuitively, you can't see the situation in the hall. The person with a ladder around him has climbed to the ladder and looked into the coffin.

"There is also a coffin...", "Professor Meng" also has a copper coffin..."

Whose tomb is "Grandma's"? Is it so complicated?

People who saw the situation in the museum shouted one after another. It turned out that there was a copper coffin in the cypress coffin. Under the light, several simple stripe depictions appeared on the lid of the copper coffin, making it more and more mysterious.

"No, the yellow intestines are usually cypress coffins." Why did a copper coffin come out?"

Professor Meng also climbed up the ladder and observed it closely. His eyebrows were locked, and he obviously couldn't figure out the joints.

You should know that the ancients understood death as ascending to heaven, and would continue their lives in another world in another form, so after death, they prepared a thick coffin burial for themselves, hoping to bring these things into another world.

Because the human body belongs to wood in the five elements, the ancients were very particular about the choice of coffin, and believed that if it was buried in an iron coffin, that person's soul could not enter reincarnation.

Therefore, in history, it is extremely rare to use a copper coffin with five elements of gold.

"Prepare the pulley and open this copper coffin...",..."

After observing for a long time, Professor Meng made a decision, "Only by opening this coffin can we uncover these secrets and know the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Due to the limited conditions, everyone used two alloy ladders to put on both sides, then reinforced the pulleys on the ladder, and put them down from both sides of the copper coffin with ropes. Fortunately, the bottom of the copper coffin did not match the cypress coffin very well, which made the two ropes tie the copper coffin smoothly

"One, two, three...force..." If this situation is seen by outsiders, it is hard to imagine that these people are usually well-dressed scholars. At this moment, they are like migrant workers. Pulling the rope and lifting the copper coffin, which weighs at least hundreds of pounds, from the yellow intestine cypress coffin.

When the height of the copper coffin exceeded that of the cypress coffin forest PS, someone immediately carefully moved the ladder and moved the coffin above the open space little by little. This work alone lasted for almost two hours.

"I don't know what's in it?" "Yes, the coffin in the coffin must be very rich..." "It seems that there is water in it? When I was lifting it up just now, "it seemed that there was water swaying inside..."

"Impossible, this tomb is at least more than 2,000 years old, and any water is also volatilized,..."

Although tired, the coffin was successfully taken out, and everyone looked excited. For archaeologists, it is undoubtedly the most exciting thing to uncover one secret after another hidden in the long river of history.

"Take a break and get ready to open..." Professor Meng also looked happy. After working in this place for a week, he finally revealed the identity of the owner of the tomb and said to let everyone rest. "He kept turning around the copper coffin and observing how to open the copper coffin.

Zhuang Rui sat aside, looked at the copper coffin, and frowned, because although he could feel the rich number of antiques hidden in the copper coffin, it was really watery, as a researcher just said.

However, Zhuang Rui's aura can only detect the type of objects through the aura contained in the object itself. "He doesn't know what the water without aura is, and all of this may not be known until the coffin is opened.

Perhaps there have been sufficient anti-theft measures before. The opening of this copper coffin is very smooth. After pulling up the four live buckles on both sides that have experienced thousands of years, the copper coffin can be lifted up.

It's just that even the coffin cover is not light. Professor Meng selected a few strong people to stand together in the four corners and lift the coffin cover away from the copper coffin.

"What is this?" Zhuang Rui was one of the four people who carried the lid of the coffin. While lifting the lid of the coffin, he looked sideways at the inside of the coffin, but found that "there seemed to be a layer of water-like substance seven or eight centimeters high from the edge of the coffin", swaying gently with

However, on that layer of water, it was full of dust. "I couldn't see what the substance was, and the people who had been waiting next to me gathered around one after another. Instead, Zhuang Rui and several people who worked were crowded outside.

"Mage, it's mercury..."

"Oh, my God, no wonder it's so heavy. The whole coffin is full of mercury..."

"Let me go in and have a look..."

Listening to the words inside, Zhuang Rui squeezed in hard. He saw Professor Meng holding a wooden stick and stirring in the coffin.

The dust on the surface disappeared with the flow of mercury. Under the refraction of the light, the bright mercury is like a mirror, reflecting endless light.

Zhuang Rui once saw a scientific research material. He once found traces of mercury in a ceramic coffin in a Han tomb in Shandong. The tomb had been stolen, but he could not leave more clues and information.

The scientific name of mercury is mercury. There are many records in historical materials that ancient people used this alchemy for survival. Although mercury can indeed be used medicinally, kill insects, and attack poison to treat scabies, sores and other diseases, it is also very harmful to the body.

At least three emperors in history died of mercury poisoning. The emperor also believes in the so-called Taoist theory and believes that the body soaked in mercury is immortal.

Professor Meng picked up the wooden stick, and a few drops of mercury dripped back into the coffin along the wooden stick. He thought for a moment." Professor Meng said, "There is something in the coffin. It must be the owner of the tomb, but the mercury will evaporate quickly when it sees the air, and it is also highly poisonous in

After Zhuang Rui and others covered the coffin again, Professor Meng discussed with several experts and decided to ask the relevant units for some gas masks and scooped out all the mercury.

The work could not continue, and everyone retreated to the mountain. By the time the gas mask and related equipment was delivered, it was the next morning.

"Xiaozhuang, be careful later, don't let mercury stain the skin..."

There are only eight people in the tomb. In addition to Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren, the other people are also experts in domestic archaeology.

After opening the lid of the coffin, Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren, wearing shoulder-length leather gloves, began to carefully scoop the mercury in the coffin into several quietly. These mercury will be sent to study and tests later to verify the production process of mercury more than 2,000 years ago.

To be honest, after this archaeological excavation, Zhuang Rui is really much bold. It's right to say that the environment trains people. How dare he fight in the coffin of the dead before?

As a ladle of flowing silver-white ** was scooped out of the coffin, the objects in the copper coffin gradually emerged.