Golden Pupil

Chapter 926 Luxury Salvage Ship

"Brother Huangfu, how is my fourth brother doing recently?"

Zhuang Rui was dressed in a pretty beach suit, sat in the position where the old boat king had sat, recorded fresh lychees and threw them in his mouth. Huang Fuyun sat beside him, also dressed in very casual clothes.

"Your classmate is very capable, and the foundation is very reassuring..."

Huang Fuyun wore sunglasses, and his eyes looked at the swimming pool not far away from time to time, where he not only had his own daughter-in-law, but also Qin Xuanbing and Peng Fei's wife Zhang Qian. Several beautiful women were all upturned, which made Huang Fuyun, a guy who was not a gentleman.

"Damn, what are you looking at? I want to see your wife take her time at night..."

Zhuang Rui hit Huangfuyun's sunglasses with a lychee. He knew that the eyeballs under the buddy's sunglasses were about to stare out.

"Cough... I'm that kind of person..."

Huangfuyun took off his sunglasses and wiped them, saying, "In the past two months, the foundation has spent a total of 32 million RMB, built 20 Hope Primary Schools in Gansu, Guizhou and other places, and subsidized 60 out-of-school children with family difficulties...

Your classmates are responsible for all these, and they are handled very well. Our Fangyuan Fund has also gained a certain reputation in China..."

The Fangyuan Fund mentioned by Huangfuyun was created by Zhuang Rui in the name of his children. It used to be supervised by Huangfuyun, but since Lao Si had this matter, Zhuang Rui handed over this business to Bi Yuntao.

Bi Yuntao, who left his family, also lived up to Zhuang Rui's trust. In a few months, he took care of the foundation in an orderly manner and did a lot of practical work, which was basically on track.


Zhuang Rui, who was chatting with Huang Fuyun, looked at his staggering son's forefoot trip, and sat on the deck. He was angry and funny. He quickly walked over and picked up Fang Fang.

"Good son, who did you learn from?"

Zhuang Rui hugged his son and kissed the apple-like red face. The little guy giggled.

" King Kong!"

When it comes to King Kong, Xiao Fangfang's speech became sharp" and made a grimace on his face. Obviously, he was imitating the big guy.

"This bastard has ruined my son..."

Zhuang Rui was very dissatisfied with his son's performance, but he was reluctant to blame his son and attributed all his mistakes to King Kong. King Kong, who was playing with Yuanyuan in the distance, did not realize that he had become a bad person in Zhuang Rui's eyes.

At the beginning of the year, Zhuang Rui once invited a famous biological expert in China to do a physical examination for King Kong. After expert testing, King Kong was not more than six years old, and he was really a little guy.

It has been more than two months since Zhuang Rui received this luxury ferry. July is the hottest season in Guangdong, but it is a unique experience to live on the ship with a family.

After Zhuang Rui agreed to the old gambling king's gambling, he returned to Beijing. As for the transfer and handover of the ship, Zhuang Rui was all handed over to Huang Fuyun and his wife. One of them was Zhuang Rui's financial housekeeper. The other was the adviser in charge of Zhuang Rui's foreign legal advice, which was to Huang Fuyun

It's just that the school has been on holiday, and Professor Meng and others are still busy living in Dengshan, Henan Province. After returning to Beijing, Zhuang Rui seemed to be a little idle.

In the tomb of the founding emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were discoveries that shocked the archaeological world from time to time. Originally, Professor Meng wanted Zhuang Rui to continue to participate in the excavation of the tomb, but after thinking about it, Zhuang Rui still decided not to go.

It's not that Zhuang Rui is afraid of hardships. The main reason is that after knowing that the owner of the tomb is Liu Xiu, he has lost his attraction to him. The mysterious tomb in the eyes of Professor Meng and others is clear at a glance in Zhuang Rui's eyes, and it is not challenging.

The new luxury ferry was highly expected by Zhuang Rui. After he arrived in Beijing, he immediately began to make arrangements and hired domestic salvage experience and shipping experts to transform the hull.

Because many sunken ships are in deep sea waters with a depth of thousands of meters, ordinary salvage equipment cannot be salvaged from the bottom of the sea at all, so Zhuang Rui adopted the opinions of experts and installed thousands of tons of floating cranes and 700 tons of drilling platforms on luxury ferries.

These two transformations alone took Zhuang Rui's nearly 200 million yuan. In addition, Zhuang Rui also spent more than 100 million Rm to buy an electronic survey ship more than 30 meters long.

The survey ship has the most advanced electronic equipment in the world, which can scan the deep sea. It is very powerful. There are many components, all of which are for military use. If it hadn't been for Ouyang Lei's British system, Zhuang Rui would not have been able to get this ship.

After being idle at home for more than two months, Zhuang Rui received a phone call from Macao, saying that it had been almost modified. Zhuang Rui, who was so bored, immediately brought a family to Macao.

Qin Xuanbing grew up on Hong Kong Island. She is not unusual about the sea and the ship, but Huangfuyun and Yunman, who came for vacation together, were full of praise for this luxury ferry.

Now this society does not look like the era of the last century. Well, if you want to go abroad, you have to take a ferry. Now people who travel around the world by boat are definitely the kind of rich and leisure class.

Although Huangfuyun and Yunman have been abroad for many years, they have never been on such a big boat. After a few days, they are still excited.

Fang Yuanyuan has never seen the sea. Every morning at four or five o'clock, he will make a noise to see the sunrise. The ocean is wide and spacious. Zhuang Rui hopes that the two children can have a broad mind like the sea in the future.

"Husband, didn't you say that boys should be raised poor and daughters should be raised rich? Why do you spoil your son so much..."

Qin Xuanbing, who wore a wide bath towel and wrapped her beautiful figure in it, walked to Zhuang Rui and looked at the playful father and son. There was a happy look on her face. The children were both full, and her husband was so good. Qin Xuanbing felt satisfied from her heart.

Before, Zhuang Rui said that he would come to Macao. Qin Xuanbing thought that he wanted to take him and his children on vacation and let himself go to see his grandfather by the way. After all, Mr. Qin was old, and Qin Xuanbing went back to Hong Kong for a few days a year.

But in any case, Qin Xuanbing didn't expect that when she got off the plane from Macau Airport, Zhuang Rui took her to the dock and gave her a very big surprise.

On the ship of this luxury ferry, the three characters "Xianrui" can be seen from a few miles away. Qin Xuanbing did not expect that Zhuang Rui, who has never understood romance, would interpret his feelings for himself in such a way.

"My son is sensible, of course he will spoil him..."

Looking at the pink son, Zhuang Rui couldn't help kissing the little face again, and had long forgotten what he had said about the boy raising his daughter in poverty.

"Dad, eat..."

Xiao Fangfang broke free from Zhuang Rui's arms, stretched out his white and tender little hand, took out a lychee from the fruit plate next to him, and put it in Zhuang Rui's mouth.

"Haha, look... How sensible my son is..."

Zhuang Ruile picked up his son. After recording the lychee, he stuffed it into the little guy's mouth. Although he didn't eat it, his heart was sweeter than eating it.


Hearing Zhuang Rui's laughter, King Kong also ran over, and there was still a small circle like a porcelain doll on his shoulder. After coming to Zhuang Rui and put down Yuanyuan, King Kong did not forget to make a signature muscle show.

After staying in the manor for so long, when he came to the sea, King Kong was so excited. Although there were several swimming pools on the ship, King Kong still secretly climbed down from the elevator several times and swam into the sea.

This dozens of meters high hull can't stop this guy with long arms at all. Fortunately, King Kong was at night when he went into the sea, otherwise he would really scare those tourists.

"You are not allowed to sneak into the sea at night. We will go to sea in a few days, and then we can go down to the yacht to play..."

Zhuang Rui is really a headache for King Kong. This guy is getting smarter and smarter as he gets older, but he is getting more and more naughty, and he plays like a fool all day long.

If Zhuang Rui hadn't looked closely, I'm afraid this guy could take Fang Yuanyuan to the sea. This is not a joke. Zhuang Rui has already regretted taking it out to sea.


King Kong understood Zhuang Rui's words, and [Xing] pounded his chest vigorously, causing a chill from the workers who were working in the distance. Although they got along with each other for a few days, the umbrella was just easy to deal with, but in the face of such a big guy, people would be afraid.

"Zhuang, your child is so cute..."

A bearded middle-aged man came over from the deck construction place and waved to Zhuang Rui from afar. He couldn't be enthusiastic, because this was his new boss.

The beard is called Clyde Welburn, which may be due to the sea breeze for many years. Clyde looks very rough. He is a Scotsman and the captain of this luxury ferry.

In Clyde's words, he has been floating on the sea since his grandfather's generation. Their ancestral motto is: don't live on the ship, but must die on the deck**.

"Oh, young boss, can you keep this big guy away from me?"

As soon as Clyde walked into King Kong's side, he was given a warm hug by King Kong. Even if Clyde was more than 1.9 meters tall, he was almost breathless by King Kong.

"Hehe, Captain Clyde, King Kong is a good helper. If the throwing system on the ship is broken one day, you need King Kong to help you pull the cat up..."

Zhuang Rui laughed and joked with Clyde. He liked this bearded captain very much. In him, he had the unique bold temperament of a seaman.

"Boss, do you really want to change this beautiful passenger ship into a salvage ship?"

To be honest, after Zhuang Rui took over the ship, Clyde's income increased a lot, but he did not understand Zhuang Rui's decision.