Golden Pupil

Chapter 944 Aftercare

There is still a faint fog on the sea in the early morning, but the night sky has been dry and a light blue. It seems that in an instant, a red haze appears in the place where the sky and the water meet. The range of the red haze slowly expands and gets brighter and brighter.

A bullet-like red bright spot appeared in the place where the sea and the sky communicated. The sun seemed to carry heavy loads step by step, slowly trying to rise. In the end, it finally broke through the clouds and completely jumped out of the sea, and the color was very cute red.

In a flash, this crimson round thing suddenly emitted a dazzling light, which made people's eyes painful. The clouds next to it suddenly had such a glorious scenery. Zhuang Rui was not the first time to see it, but every time he saw the sunrise on the sea, it would still make him intoxicated with all his heart. The tenacious life of the The life force and unstoppable great power will make everyone feel the unparalleled impact in their hearts.

" King Kong, let's go. I didn't expect you to know how to enjoy the sunrise..."

Zhuang Rui patted King Kong on the shoulder with a smile and turned back to the back cabin. It had been delayed for seven or eight minutes to watch the sunrise. Now it was time to deal with the prisoners.

It's just that Zhuang Rui didn't know that several speedboats sailed far away from different directions five or six nautical miles away from them, and all that happened in the night was also seen by the people on the speedboat.

Of course, they just saw the frigate catch fire and explode. As for the details such as the launch of torpedo shells, they naturally can't see it.

These people are all scouts of a pirate organization in the winter at sea. Liu Minghui is in a hurry to kill Zhuang Rui's hijacking of the ship. They have long fallen into the eyes of these pirate organizations, and they may not have no intention of letting Liu Minghui take the lead.

However, no matter how rich the imagination of these pirates was, they couldn't guess the final result. It turned out that Liu Minghui and others were completely destroyed and the ship was destroyed.

You know, although Liu Minghui's pirate organization can only be regarded as a rising star in Malacca, the benefits of the fierce warship can also be ranked in the top three. Such an ending makes those pirate organizations that have not rashly take action are lucky.

Although I don't know what means this merchant ship is used, these pirate organizations have listed it as an inesistible force. The influence of this war was not what Zhuang Rui could not think of in advance.

Seeing Zhuang Rui coming in, Li Zhen hurriedly greeted him and said, "Brother Zhuang, everyone is here. No one has run, but Liu Ming is good..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to interrupt Li Zhen's words. How did Liu Minghui die?" He knew better than anyone else and asked, "I know. Is our brother injured?"

Seeing that Zhuang Rui came in, he asked himself about the safety of others. The security personnel standing at the door with guns couldn't help straightening their waists a little, and looked at Zhuang Rui with a little more respect.

Let's not mention the generous treatment given to them by Zhuang Rui, at least in this matter, they have been given the most important respect and care, which makes several people scattered around the room warm in their hearts.

Peng Fei came over and said, "A brother's arm was scratched by a stream of bullets. It's nothing serious. Just take a two-day rest..."

In the early morning, there was heavy fog on the sea, and the heavy machine guns on the other party's frigate were simply shooting randomly at the lighted places. This kind of shooting is the most troublesome. It is difficult to make effective avoidance.

The injured buddy was also very unlucky. Originally, he hid in a good position, which was a dead corner for shooting. But his luck was not good. He was injured by a bounce that hit the ship's bulge.

"When you return to the port of Macau, every brother on the ship will have a bonus of 100,000 yuan, and the injured one will be 200,000 yuan, Peng Fei, remember to send the money..."

Zhuang Rui nodded. "Then what he said made several security personnel' eyes light up." When he looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes again, he not only showed respect, but also a trace of gratitude.

Most of the retired personnel that Zhuang Rui came from the special division of Ouyang Lei's former division were from rural origin, and their family situation was not very good. After following such a generous boss, they recognized it even if they worked hard.

"Brother Zhuang, thank you, on behalf of the brothers, thank you..."

A little beyond Zhuang Rui's expectation, after Zhuang Rui said this, Li Zhen put away the hippie smiling face abnormally and saluted Zhuang Rui with a serious expression.

There are many injustices in the world. Some people are born and die in some unknown fields, but they often can't get the peace of their families.

This is the case with Li Zhen. His father passed away a few years ago, and his mother was seriously ill in bed. The salary he took in the army was not enough to see his mother's doctor, so he chose to change his career to Zhuang Rui.

However, Li Zhen looked a little careless, but he did things according to the rules. The more than 1,000 dollars that Zhuang Rui gave him before were all spent on the transformation of the cruise ship, and he did not take a penny more from it.

And Zhuang Rui has never said anything about the difficulties in his family, so Zhuang Rui rewarded each of 100,000 yuan this time, which is also a solution to Li Zhen's urgent needs.

"Ok, don't mess with those empty-headed people. Do those prisoners claim to have been tried?"

Zhuang Rui waved his hand. He was a little unaccustomed to being stared at with respect. His idea was very simple. These people were also raised by his mother's parents, and they were born and died with him. He could not treat them badly.

It's just that Zhuang Rui didn't expect that he just paid some money and gained a group of loyal subordinates, that is, Li Zhen, and also began to face Zhuang Rui again.

In fact, these soldiers are relatively simple. Giving them enough respect and a few benefits, Zhuang Rui can master a quite effective armed force.

"Ask Peng Fei, he is good at this. This boy can remind people of the three-year-old bed-wetting..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Li Zhen returned to his original appearance. Some people were grateful and would not put it on their mouths.

"Brother Zhuang, several people captured before have been tried, but the two caught later have not been in time for trial. Let me tell you the situation first... They were indeed organized by Liu Minghui. They have committed three crimes at sea. This is our fourth time. We have previously hijacked a yacht and two oil tankers, and will All the people on the latter tanker were killed..."

The mouths of these bandits are not very hard. Peng Fei didn't take much time to pry it open, but the fire guy was not afraid of boiling water, and he didn't spit out a word from beginning to end... "Damn it, why didn't that Datu come together..."

Hearing that it was the Malaysian tycoon who was hitting his own ship, Zhuang Rui snorted coldly. As for Liu Minghui, he died, and he died so miserably. Zhuang Rui couldn't hate him anymore.

"Brother Zhuang, how do you deal with these people?"

When knocking on the stuffy stick, Peng Fei was very measured. None of the six people were dead. After all of them were tied up, he gagged and threw them in the room next to him.

These people are very troublesome to deal with, because they are committed on the high seas, and there is no way to hand them over to any specific country for trial, and these eight people alone have six nationalities.

There is another main reason, that is, if it is handed over to Interpol, the other party will definitely trace the source of its defense weapons, which is also a very troublesome thing for Zhuang Rui.

After walking back and forth in the room with his head down, Zhuang Rui said with some difficulty, "Leave the last two people, and you can deal with the rest..."

It's not Zhuang Rui's pretentiousness. He really let so many lives disappear in one sentence. He has an indescribable feeling in his heart, which can't be described in words.

There is a kind of cheerfulness, a little hesitation, and more a feeling of controlling everything in the heart. Maybe this is the reason why ancient characters like power?

"Brother Zhuang, each of them has several lives in their hands, which should have been..."

Peng Fei knew Zhuang Rui very well. After hearing his order, he enlightened Zhuang Rui, which made Zhuang Rui look much better.

"Go ahead, don't move the gun, do the aftercare work cleanly, and don't be targeted..."

Zhuang Rui took a long breath and was bitten if he didn't kill the snake. He didn't want to leave any future trouble for himself. As Peng Fei said, these people are all outlaws, and they will not be grateful to let them live.

Peng Fei took a look at the two people at the door, waved his hand and said, "Liu Wu, Zhao Jun, you two also come here, is that okay?"

Although Peng Fei's men are well-trained at ordinary times, the only drawback is that they lack practical experience of real knives and guns.

And he was a soldier in peacetime. Although he came out of the special forces, many people did not have blood on their hands. Peng Fei also wanted them to truly experience the life of blood and fire.

After hearing Peng Fei's words, the two security personnel at the door immediately stood upright and shouted, "Report captain, no problem..."

After the two followed Peng Fei into a room next to him, Li Zhen turned his head and looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Brother Zhuang, what should I do with those two people?"

"Our ship has suffered so much damage, do you have to be compensated?"

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words and then said, "That thin guy is the third son of Liu Minghui's organization. I believe he will know a lot of things, Shura, it depends on your means..."

Zhuang Rui met Lao San in the Macao casino and knew that he was the think tank in Liu Minghui's organization, and people like him knew the most.

"Brother Zhuang, don't worry, my means are no worse than Peng Fei..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Li Zhen stood up and wanted to detain the person's room alone.

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you later..."

Zhuang Rui suddenly heard a few muffled hums from the next room. Knowing what was going on inside, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.