Golden Pupil

Chapter 960 Crazy in

"What's wrong, go by one, one by one,

Li Zhen's eyes just moved away from Zhuang Rui for more than ten seconds. When he looked over, he found that Zhuang Rui's figure was no longer visible. The original place was surrounded by people.

After kicking Peng Fei, Li Zhen bounced up from the bench and rushed to the crowd. His right hand inadvertently touched under the ribs. After thinking about it, he loosened it. This place seemed that it was not suitable to take out that guy.

After the two ran quickly to the crowd, they saw that Zhuang Rui, who was surrounded in it, was safe and sound. Then they breathed a sigh of relief. They did get out of the matter, but the person who got out of the matter was not Zhuang Rui.

"Let's make way, give up a piece of land, they are all crowded here, and the patients will be affected..."

Zhuang Rui was also a little depressed at this moment. He was observing the wool all the way, but he didn't expect to walk to the material. The man who squatted on the ground to observe the wool actually fell in front of him without saying a word.

Although Zhuang Rui is not a living Lei Feng, he should also be a domestic colleague. At the moment, he carried this man to the shed next to him and shouted at the staff in the jade trading center.

Zhuang Rui's voice doesn't matter. Those who were observing the jadeite thought they had seen some good material, so they gathered around one after another, making the air that was not very ventilated and became more and more turbid.

"Lao Wu, this is Lao Wu from Fujian. What's going on?"

"It's Lao Wu. It seems that the weather is too hot. Is it heatstroke?"

"Hurry up, spit on your face..."

"The one who saved people seems to be Mr. Zhuang?"

"Hey, that young man, do you know first aid? If it doesn't work, let..."

Chinese people have always liked to watch the bustle. Zhuang Rui's loud greeting immediately attracted many onlookers. Gambling stones and gambling made them faint, which is rare in the gambling arena." Everyone commented and expressed their opinions.

The onlookers outside stood and spoke without backache. Zhuang Rui listened very painfully. Although he can't see a doctor, he doesn't know what's wrong with this person? But I can't stand the aura in my eyes.

If Zhuang Rui hadn't used Reiki to help this man sort out his body for the first time, I guess this buddy would have seen the King of Yan long ago. "Now there are still people questioning themselves.

"Who knows him? Take care of him and take him to the hospital later. "..."

Hearing that someone outside said that he knew this person, Zhuang Rui didn't want to stay here anymore. Fortunately, it was not in China, otherwise he might say that others would do it by himself.

These days, those who take the car dare not give up their seats, and those who are Lei Feng dare not save others. When they see the old man fall on the road and are hit by a car, they can't wait to hide eight feet away. Zhuang Rui doesn't know whether this man is still alive? He doesn't want to get in the trouble either.

As soon as Zhuang Rui's words fell, a middle-aged man in his forties squeezed in and said, "I know him. We are fellow villagers, young man. Thank you very much..."

"It's okay, you're welcome" are all from China. Who can't help when they see it?

This man's words made Zhuang Rui feel very comfortable. It can be seen that everyone still has a scale in their hearts, and they are not all unreasonable people.

After giving the patient to the later man, Zhuang Rui said, "Go to the hospital quickly. I just saw that he seemed to be out of breath..."

Although Zhuang Rui has learned acupuncture and moxibustion, he doesn't know anything about medicine, but just now it can be seen from the man's sallow face that he seems to be ill.

"No... don't go to the hospital..."

When Zhuang Rui had just finished speaking, a faint voice came out of the shed.

"Wake up, the man is awake..."

"Lao Wu, what's going on with you?"

At this time, Lao Wu, who leaned on the man's arms later, struggled to open his eyes and said, "Lao Li" won't go to the hospital. I'm fine. It was too hot just now, and I got up a little. "It's all right now..."

Although he said it was okay, others could see that Lao Wu's state was really not very good, and the big sweat on his forehead couldn't stop dripping down.

Lao Li was quite righteous. He waved his hand and said, "No, you must go to the hospital. Let's come together. If you have a problem, I can't explain it to my sister-in-law when I go back..."

"Don't go, Lao Li, I'll just lie here for a while. Go and pick up the wool, don't delay your business...,..."

Lao Wu's face has become better now, and those who watch the hustle and bustle have also dispersed one after another. There are only 15 days in total, and every moment is very precious.

When Lao Li heard Lao Wu's words, he advised, "Lao Wu, no matter how important this jade is, can life be important? Stop it. I don't want to go to the hospital. I'll see you here for a while..."

"All right, I'll bother you..." Lao Wu's illness didn't seem to be as simple as he said. After saying that, he closed his eyes and rested. The muscles on his face were twitching from time to time.

"Brother Zhuang, are you all right?" Peng Fei and Li Zhen walked to Zhuang Rui and saw that something was not wrong with Zhuang Rui. Both of them were relieved.

"It's okay. This brother may have suffered from heatstroke. I'll also take a break, ""

Zhuang Rui has been walking for almost an hour. Although he is not tired, it is hot and uncomfortable. After drinking a bowl of cold boiled water, he still feels like he is angry outside.

Zhuang Rui didn't understand the behavior of the man half lying in the chair. He asked the man next to him, "Brother, what's wrong with this? Why don't you want to go to the hospital like this?

The old Li sighed and said, "Well, I didn't want to bring him here this time, but I had to come, but I didn't usually hear that there was anything wrong with him. Otherwise, I would tie him up and go to the doctor..."

It turned out that Lao Wu was a building materials businessman in Fujian, and his business was also very successful. He had a fortune of more than 10 million yuan and was quite famous in the local area.

It's just that the building materials business has not been easy to do in the past two years, and Lao Wu, who has a little spare money, began to want to invest in other businesses. It may be because Fujian is close to the Chaoshan area. I don't know why he got into the gambling industry.

At first, Lao Wu was just a small gamble. Generally, he cut a material of 100,000 to 80,000 yuan, which can be regarded as a collapse and a rise. After playing for more than a year, he also earned more than 2 million yuan, which is much easier than making building materials in the wind and rain.

In the gambling field, there has never been a lack of miracles. There are often people who cut out the best emeralds with small fights and very little money. After Lao Wu has seen it several times, his handwriting has gradually become bigger.

Just for the jadeite as a rare ore, how can there be so many best products for people to mine? Like Zhuang Rui, he can bet on the best jade again and again, but it is more difficult than the five million. Of course, Lao Wu has no luck.

After half a year of public gambling in China, Lao Wu was a complete failure. His fortune of more than 10 million yuan has shrunk to only more than 3 million yuan. The family's business has been abandoned, and even his wife and children can't be taken care of.

Lao Wu, who had become addicted to gambling stones and became a little crazy, finally mortgaged his car, house and some real estate to the bank, loaned more than 10 million yuan, and came to Myanmar to bet again and win back what he lost.

Who knew that on the first day of the opening, he fell into the gambling stone field. Lao Wu was burdened with more than 10 million debts, so he said he was unwilling to go to the hospital and was ready to take a break and continue to choose the original stone.

"Can you gamble with this kind of mentality?"

After listening to this story, Zhuang Rui was completely speechless. Looking at the old Wu who closed his eyes, he didn't know whether to pity him or scold him severely.

Although gambling stone mainly depends on luck, it is still a little different from gambling. It pays more attention to a person's experience and vision, which requires long-term exploration and practice. It does not mean that anyone can enter the industry.

People like Lao Wu participated in gambling stones. First, they didn't know Mu Cui, and second, they had no experience. They broke into the gambling stone industry with their eyes, and almost gave money to those wool merchants.

After resting in the pergola for a while, old Wu Xian became energetic and didn't want to lie down again. He continued his gambling journey with a flashlight, and Zhuang Rui shook his head repeatedly.

But it's not easy for him to persuade him. All the people in the gambling circle think that they are eye-catching. When looking at the wool, if they don't talk to someone they know, they are likely to offend people.

This matter was just a small episode. Zhuang Rui rested for a while and continued to look at the jadeite in the marked area. However, after looking at the four or five thousand pieces of material, he couldn't find the imaginary best jadeite, which made Zhuang Rui a little disappointed.

Looking at the time, it was almost noon. Zhuang Rui quickly called Mr. Tang and said early in the morning that he would be his own business today. He didn't dare to let go of the old man in the jade circle.

I made an appointment with Mr. Tang to meet at the gate of the Jade Center. Zhuang Rui greeted Peng Fei and Li Zhen and was ready to end the morning gambling stone. Although the harvest was not much, Zhuang Rui also wrote down more than 20 pieces of materials in the first 3,000 digits and was ready to bid in the afternoon.

"Quick, hurry up, people can't do it anymore..."

Before they reached the door of the jade trading center, several people saw a circle of people surrounded there, and the one who shouted seemed to be Lao Li more than a time ago.

"Is it Lao Wu?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment and quickly separated the crowd. He squeezed in and saw that Lao Wu was lying on the ground. At this moment, his face was no longer sallow, but pale and pale, without a trace of blood.

As the saying goes, human life is at risk, and Zhuang Rui didn't care much to ask, so he quickly poured the aura in his eyes into Lao Wu.

Saving people's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Zhuang Rui has tried his best. Since the upgrade of Reiki on the Pirate Island, it is the first time that he has gone all out so hard.

But what makes Zhuang Rui feel a little bad is that the aura that entered Lao Wu's [body] has not disappeared, and is still under his control, as if the person lying on the ground is not a living body.

Since he had Reiki in his eyes, Zhuang Rui encountered this situation for the first time, and he didn't know what to do for a while.