Golden Pupil

Chapter 1000 Total annihiction

Dewar, can't rush out. The other party has arranged a minefield outside, one by one...

A leader of Dewar was shot in the shoulder. At this moment, blood is dripping. Perhaps the effect of opium has not passed, which makes him still in the process of [excitement].

"Defensive, don't let them attack in!"

Dewar was also a little nervous at this time. He found his previous stupid decision to set the camp in this mountain, which was equivalent to giving others a chance to catch turtles in the urn.

Just now, Dewar followed closely behind the outward charge, but the power of the bomb made him the first to retreat, and now he is also deeply helpless.

Fortunately, this valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack, as long as you defend the valley. It was also difficult for the other party to attack, and Dewar's ugly commander arranged defense under his hand.

"Peng Fei, contact Brother Zhuang and others, Du Wa can't come out" and he consumed it with him. Let's see who has consumed the energy?"

Li Zhen lurked carefully beside Peng Fei, and Peng Fei suppressed the drug dealers in the valley with sniper rifles, making them unable to poke their heads out to observe the situation.

"Good" pay attention to sniping..." Peng Fei nodded. "De Wa's men are now nearly half dead, and they don't have the ability to charge again. They can now easily seal the mouth of the valley, but what they lack now is food.

As long as there is food supply, Peng Fei and Li Zhen can starve to death in the valley. Of course, they can also choose to rush out and die.

"Brother Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, this is Peng Fei. Please reply when you hear it..."

Peng Fei adjusted the frequency of the walkie-talkie and began to call Zhuang Rui. The current situation has been controlled. Even if Zhuang Rui comes, as long as he hides, the drug dealers in the valley can't hurt Zhuang Rui.

"Stinky boy, let you only scout, don't scare the snake." When I speak, I'm farting?"

Zhuang Rui's voice came from Peng Fei's headphones. Although the two were not injured, the explosion just now scared Zhuang Rui and accelerated his pace to the valley.

"Be careful, you two, I'll be in the valley soon..." After Zhuang Rui finished speaking, he turned off the walkie-talkie. "The road from the edge of the Savage Mountain to this valley is not difficult to walk. Zhuang Rui has been running all the way. The gunfight has only happened for half an hour now." Zhuang Rui has rushed

"Fly, you two guys had a good time?"

More than five minutes later, Zhuang Rui lay in the middle of Peng Fei and Li Zhen. The thick fallen leaves on the ground were soft, and it was very comfortable to lie on his stomach.

The sniper rifle used by Peng Fei has now been placed in front of Zhuang Rui. He has the opportunity to fight the water dog, especially these inhuman drug dealers. Naturally, Zhuang Rui will also be addicted to guns.

"Brother Zhuang, can you do it? This is killing, not killing chickens"

Li Zhen was very suspicious of Zhuang Rui's shooting, especially when a drug dealer showed his head just now, and the landing point of Zhuang Rui's shot was five or six meters away from the drug dealer.

"Go away" Let me tell you that my brother is very cruel!"

Zhuang Rui's shot just now was a little outrageous, and he couldn't help hanging on his face. The main reason was that he had not hit anyone with a gun, and he was still a little nervous.

At the opposite Gukou, bullets with edges were fired from time to time. Fortunately, Peng Fei and Li Zhen suppressed it, and there was a bomb threat on the periphery. "Duwa and others could not attack it." The two sides were deadlocked for a moment.

After about half an hour, Zhang Guojun and Hu Rong also rushed over with dozens of people. The situation became clear. Dozens of people were hidden behind the tree, so that the drug dealers in the valley could hardly even show their heads.

"You two guys really have a way." Someday, I'll have time to help me train these guys..."

Hu Rong was also very surprised that Peng Fei and Li Zhen caused such a one-sided situation. Although it was mainly because Du Wa was too stupid to choose such a camp point, "the individual combat ability of Peng Fei and Li Zhen" should not be underestimated.

"Hey hey, Brother Hu" No problem. Just give my little brother the tiger whip you treasured later..."

Trapped Dewar, Peng Fei was in a good mood. Now he didn't need to stare at Gukou. Hu Rong brought enough people to deal with the current situation.

When encountering such a rare opportunity, Hu Rong also intends to let his people see the blood. You know, in places like Myanmar, small-scale battles often occur. People who have experienced fighting on the battlefield are definitely many times better than those who have never seen blood.

"That thing is gone. Hey, I said, why do you use that thing at a young age? Let me tell you, don't look at Brother Hu in his forties, and his ears have never used that thing," Hu Rong glanced at Peng Fei with a slanted look on his face full of complacency.

Hu Rong is still very confident about his ability in this regard. Although he failed to marry four or five wives like a Burmese, Hu Rong has several women in Yangon and Mandela.

"Who knows whether it's true or not?"

Peng Fei muttered in a low voice, "I looked at Hu Rong with doubtful eyes and put on a look of disbelief. Hu Rong almost ran away. The man was most afraid that others would say that he couldn't do it, especially the older man.

"Oced up, Peng Fei, do you want to make a mistake? Zhang Qian is still pregnant with a child. Why do you want that thing?

Zhuang Rui interrupted the two people. He had been observing the valley with aura, but he found that Dewar could not rush out. He seemed to have changed his strategy and was ready to climb from the stone wall.

Zhuang Rui looked at Zhang Guojun and asked, "Brother Zhang, how is the situation in the valley? Can you climb up? If we can go up, "It doesn't make much sense for us to be trapped here..."

"It's not easy to climb. The rock walls on three sides of the valley are relatively steep, and they are straight up and down. Ordinary people can't climb up..."

After thinking about it, Zhang Guojun then said, "But it's hard to say that if the other party is a person who often moves in the mountains, he may also be able to go up..."

Zhang Guojun's guess is right. Now there are two short people in the valley, climbing on the rock wall with a bundle of rope on their backs. Although the action is not very fast, it is very stable. If this is a different place, it will definitely be regarded as an international climbing master.

"Damn, those children are all monkeys. I guess this rock wall can't trap them." As soon as Zhang Guojun said this, Peng Fei and Li Zhen were anxious. "It's not easy to get rid of this situation and trapped the other party in the valley. If the other party escapes again, both of them will want to die.

"Brother Zhang" You asked the brothers to suppress the fire, and Li Zhen and I rushed over, ""

Peng Fei removed the magazine and put on a new magazine full of bullets and bowed his body.

"No, the land is too open, and the other party's angle can avoid the bullets here" directly hit the open space, you can't pass..."

Zhang Guojun vetoed Peng Fei's suggestion that the rocks on both sides of the valley can block the bullets outside. As long as there are two people hiding behind, it is enough to seal the open space.

"Hey, I said, what are you two guys doing with that thing on your back?"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Zhuang Rui turned his eyes unconsciously and suddenly saw the rifle grenade beside Peng Fei.

"Yes, why didn't you think of this? Brother Zhang, will you use this?

Peng Fei followed Zhuang Rui's eyes and saw the gun grenade, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Just now, there were only him and Li Zhen. Even if they used the gun grenade, they could not suppress each other, but now the situation is different.

As long as Zhang Guojun can suppress the drug dealers next to the mouth of the valley with rifle grenades and let Peng Fei and Li Zhen grab the edge of the mouth of the valley, then Duwa and others inside will be exposed to their guns like live targets. Get off.

"Good idea, the power of this grenade can blow up a piece of the rock at the mouth of the valley, and the impact alone can shock the people behind..."

After Zhang Guojun heard Peng Fei's words, he took the grenade launcher and put it on his shoulder. "By the way, the arsenal was under his management. What was in it that Captain Zhang had never played?

"Ready, humble!"

Peng Fei and Li Zhen looked at each other, and at the same time stood up and rushed to the mouth of the valley. At the same time, Zhang Guojun half knelt on the ground and pulled the trigger of the rifle grenade with his right index finger. A firelight came first and accurately hit four or five meters above the valley mouth.

"Boom!" A loud noise came out. The whole valley seemed to be shaking. A deep hole of two meters square was blown up at the mouth of the valley, and the gravel kept rolling down from above.

The two drug dealers who were originally hiding behind the rock are now bleeding with seven holes shaken by the huge impact. They are lying on the ground and can no longer perform the profession of sentry at all.

And there were also two screams in the valley, "but the two Kachins who had climbed more than 20 meters high" fell from the cliff by the explosion just now.

These buildings are more than 20 meters high, equivalent to seven or eight floors. With the fierce call from the air, the two bodies that fell on the grass in the valley twitched slightly, and a pool of blood flowed from under the body and slowly flowed into the stream.

Deva was dumbfounded at this moment." He didn't realize what had happened at all, and more than a dozen people around him were stunned by the explosion, and even forgot to pick up the gun beside him for a moment.

From the woods to the valley. It's just a short distance of 20 or 30 meters. Peng Fei and Li Zhen's bodies are like arrows out of the string. After a few steps, they came to the valley mouth, regardless of the gravel that was still falling on their heads. The two brothers opened their right hands at the same time, and the two iron melons were in the palm of their hands

"Boom! Boom!" "

Four grenades were thrown into the valley in a parabola, followed by the deafening explosion. "The mud and grass in the valley are mixed with blood and flying around" like hell on earth.

"Da Da Da... Da Da Da!"

Without waiting for the smoke in the valley to dissipate, the submachine gun in Peng Fei and Li Zhen's hand spewed out a tongue of fire at the same time. They were not government troops and did not need to live at all.