Golden Pupil

Chapter 1023 Salvage Next

Luo Ding, I have something to do with you.

As soon as Yang Qianyun saw Luo Ding, she said immediately.

Luo Ding is now in the quiet room of Shanyuanju. Yesterday, after he went to the lamp and solved the problem of the centipede, Luo Ding talked to the lamp about the 108 Buddha statues of the Futu pagoda in the Buddhist temple around the city of the river, and the lamp immediately agreed. At this time, the Futu pagoda has not been built, and the Buddha statue is also being prepared, so Luo Ding is really doing nothing now.

Luo Ding, who had nothing to do, began to think about whether he could go out again and continue to inspect the feng shui in various places. So after getting up early this morning, he sat on the sofa of Shanyuanju and thought about his plan, but he didn't expect that he would sit down for half an hour, and Yang Qianyun came to .

Speaking of which, Luo Ding and Yang Qianyun haven't seen each other for a while. Of course, Liao Zitian, Feng Xiuxiu and others have not met. Everyone's relationship is very good, but after all, everyone is busy. Usually it's just a phone call and so on, and there are really not many opportunities to meet.

For example, some time ago, it was said that Yang Qianyun went abroad for an interview, and Luo Ding also ran everywhere, so it was even more impossible for the two to meet.

Looking at Yang Qianyun, Luo Ding was stunned, because he could see that Yang Qianyun was not looking too good at this time, so he put down the teacup in his hand and said, "Qianyun, what happened?" Yang Qianyun must have encountered something, and it should be a relatively big impact, and Yang Qianyun As soon as I saw Luo Ding, he said that he wanted to find himself, so there must be something wrong.

Yang Qianyun's heart was a little weak at this time. She only came back from abroad three days ago. After coming back, she found that something strange seemed to have happened to her body, and these strange things had a great impact on her life. After thinking about it, she thought of Luo Ding." So she came to her.

"I went abroad for an interview some time ago, and when I came back," I found that I couldn't sleep soundly every night. I often had nightmares, and I couldn't wake up. I don't think there is any problem."

Although it is not clear why Yang Qianyun had such a situation, Luo Ding knew that he must have come out of the problem as soon as he heard it. The reason is very simple, that is, physiologically speaking, the reason why people have nightmares must be that there must be a physical problem, such as the sleeping posture is wrong, or there is something in daily Wrong things and so on, and having nightmares will make people realize this, and waking up in fear is a normal manifestation.

It's not surprising that Yang Qianyun said that she had a nightmare, but if she couldn't wake up after having a nightmare, then there must be something wrong with it.

After thinking about it, Luo Ding said, "Well, take me to see your house. I think there should be something wrong with where you live.

"Good." Yang Qianyun agreed without hesitation.

Half an hour later, Yang Qianyun took Luo Ding to his house. Yang Qianyun is a journalist, so she can't be short of money at all. She lives in a high-end community in the center of Shenning City. Although such a place is a high-rise building, because of its geographical location, it is not cheaper than an efficient villa. What's more, Yang Qianyun lives in a house on the top floor of the community.

"It seems that reporters make a lot of money."

When riding up the elevator, Luo Ding laughed and said to Yang Qianyun.

stared at Luo Ding and Yang Qianyun said, "No matter how much I am, I don't earn as much as you." This is that Yang Qianyun's income is very high for ordinary people. It is definitely a high-income person among the residents of Shenning City, but if compared with Luo Ding, a feng shui master, it is The feeling of seeing the little witch. Luo Ding did not deny this, but said, "Of course, who called me famous there?"

Looking at Luo Ding's stinky ass, Yang Qianyun has nothing to say. She has made money much faster than ordinary people, but if compared with Luo Ding, she really doesn't know what to say, because Luo Ding can earn millions or more with a magic weapon, which is faster than printing money. Isn't the money angry with himself? So, she simply stopped talking.

Entering Yang Qianyun's room, Luo Ding looked at it and found that it was a duplex house. As soon as he entered the door, it was a hall, and on the side of the hall, there was a spiral staircase. "It should be Yang Qianyun's room above, and in the hall, in addition to the sofa, there was also a It is quite elegant. If you open the curtains, you can see more than half of Shenning City. In such a place, the night scene must be quite beautiful at night.

From this, it can also be seen that Yang Qianyun is a person who knows a lot about life.

Standing in front of the window" Luo Ding was still enjoying the scenery outside at the beginning, but slowly another scene appeared in his mind, and a smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Yang Qianyun stood beside Luo Ding. Naturally, she saw his smile. Of course, she could see that Luo Ding's smile had an indescribable "**" meaning. She immediately knew that Luo Ding must not have thought of anything good at this time, so she stretched out her hand and knocked on Luo Ding's forehead with a snap. She said, "What are you thinking about?"

"Hey, I won't tell you. I don't break the law."

Luo Ding is indeed in such a large glass window as YY at this time. If a woman can be pressed on it at night, XXOO is definitely a thing that makes people's blood boil. Of course, in Luo Ding's current YY, this woman is naturally Yang Qianyun, but such a thing is It can't be said to Yang Qianyun, or it may cause Yang Qianyun to run away. Although the relationship with Yang Qianyun has been very close to a very extent, but after all, he did not break through the last line of defense, so Luo Ding will not go too much.

Although Luo Ding knew that if he really made a tough request, Yang Qianyun would not refuse, but he would not do so. Now he is quite enjoying getting along with Yang Qianyun. It's good to be natural, and this is also the respect for Yang Qianyun.

Yang Qianyun is also a smart person. She thought that Luo Ding stood in front of the glass window and immediately understood what was probably thinking in Luo Ding's mind. She stretched out her hand. Yang Qianyun twisted it hard on Luo Ding's waist and said fiercely, "Don't think about it." Yang Qianyun was really cruel. So it really hurts under this pinch. However, even so, Luo Ding said brazenly, "Hey, after dark, it's so high here. Through the picture of the underwater camera, it can be seen that after the platform lifting device began to operate," the wreck of the docked ship slowly shook, and the picture disappeared.

At a depth of more than 40 meters, coupled with the salvage of the wreckage, but two or three minutes later, a huge object covered with silt floated out of the sea.

The lifting device on the platform directly put the invisible wreck on the deck. After the wreck is stabilized, it is faintly seen that it should be a cabin, but the door and window are covered by mud, and there is only a general outline.

"Quick, clean up with a high-pressure faucet, and the rest of the personnel are ready to rescue the objects in the wreckage..." As the leader of the Maritime Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, Director Wu is not useless. The experience of salvaging the sunken ship is still quite rich. While commanding the person to clean up the surface of the wreck, It is arranged in an orderly manner.

The wreck did not have much research value. What was important was what was inside, so Director Wu gave such an order, and seven or eight high-pressure faucets were washed on the surface of the wreck at the same time.

After the black silt was washed down by the water column, the mottled hull was exposed. Although it was rusty everywhere, some huā patterns could be faintly seen.

"It's a cabin, no... I don't know what's in it?"

After the mud on the wreckage windows and doors was cleaned up, the outline of the whole cabin became clear, and Professor Meng took two steps forward with a little excitement.

Of course, the Awa Maru is more than 150 meters long, with dozens of rooms and cabins on it. In the salvage in the late 1970s, only more than 20 cabins were found at most.

That is to say, the salvaged hull is less than half of the Awa Maru, which is also the main reason why gold and valuables were not found.

After Professor Meng's research and analysis over the past decades, those important objects should be put in the captain's room. "Now such a seemingly complete cabin has been salvaged." Professor Meng was not excited.

"A group of people went in and cleaned up the contents..." After the technicians came forward to confirm that the uncovered cabin banquet would not disintegrate, Director Wu gave the order. "The four mermaids filed into the cabin and began to clean up the mud inside.

Although the situation inside can be seen from the outside, Professor Meng was still a little anxious and walked back and forth on the deck.

You know, the skull fossils of Beijing people carry the painstaking efforts and efforts of several generations, including Professor Meng's teacher, which really makes the elderly unable to calm down.

"There is a discovery, there is a discovery..." A voice came from the population squatting in the cabin. Professor Meng suddenly came to his spirits and didn't care that it was full of mud." An arrow step rushed in, which was more agile than that of young people.

" Huang She..."

When he came to the staff, Professor Meng took the object in the man's hand and wiped it with his sleeve taro." His face suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

Gold is valuable. Compared with the Beijing skull fossils that Professor Meng is looking for, it is also far from the sky.

However, since gold was found in this cabin, it means that this is the place where important goods are placed. Thinking of this, Professor Meng's heart was hot, regardless of the stench that the cabin had emitted in the sun. Professor Meng squatted down and cleaned it up with the staff.

"Zhuang Rui, the teacher is busy in it" Your disciple doesn't say to help"

After Qin Xuanbing just coaxed Fang Fang Yuanyuan to sleep, she also rushed to the deck to see the hustle and bustle. Seeing Zhuang Rui's old god standing outside, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Cough" There is nothing the teacher wants in it. At most, it's just some yellow and white blocks..." Zhuang Rui shook his head. "Speaking the truth." Zhuang Rui has no interest in the wreck of the wreck. Even if all the gold he surveyed is salvaged, it has nothing to do with him, so he can only give Some officials made achievements.

As for those Qing Dynasty ceramics and gold and silverware that can be called antiques, Zhuang Rui really can't be seen. The reason why he agreed to participate in this salvage is just for the legendary "Beijing skull fossils".

After reading the documents sorted out by Professor Meng, Zhuang Rui has a deeper understanding of the "Beijing skull fossils". More than a dozen boxes that disappeared in those years have extremely important scientific research value for the history of human evolution and archaeological clips.

So after Zhuang Rui did not survey the "Beijing skull fossils", he didn't care so much about the salvage this time. If it hadn't been for the sake of not letting the gold sink to the bottom of the sea forever, Zhuang Rui didn't even bother to help them survey.

However, the teacher had something to do with his disciples. When Qin Xuanbing said so, Zhuang Rui also pinched his nose and walked into the wreckage of the cabin to help Professor Meng clean up.

Zhuang Rui didn't want to stay in this cabin with an unpleasant smell* for a long time. He immediately found out pieces of gold scattered in the silt with aura. With his addition, about an hour later, all the objects in the wreckage of the cabin had been cleaned up.

The color is slightly dark gold" piled up on the deck, and there are some uncorrupted ironware and box debris, and the rest of the things have disappeared with the passage of time.

Several technicians took the weight measuring instrument and weighed the gold bricks piece by piece. After more than half an hour, the result came out. From the wreckage of the cabin, a total of tons of gold were found.

"Big discovery, major discovery, contact the deputy [General Manager] immediately, oh... No, contact the minister first, and announce this major discovery..."

and Professor Meng's disappointment are different from Zhuang Rui's tastelessness. At this time, Director Wu's hands were trembling, and his heart was surging, and he almost made a principled mistake.

Before the "Xianrui" went to sea to salvage, the deputy [General Manager], who was in charge of the national education, scientific and cultural work, personally gave instructions to the staff involved in the salvage and delivered a speech.

So Director Wu was so excited that he wanted to report the work directly to the deputy [General]. Fortunately, Director Wu corrected his mistakes in time. This leapfrog reporting work" is a taboo in officialdom.

The good news was sent to Vice Minister Yu, and it was immediately reported, and the news that excited the Chinese people was broadcasted in the news broadcast that night.

Of course, the "full of news footage" is of course all the pictures of the leaders talking about. For the actual shooting of the wreck and the gold, it was just swept away. As for Director Wu, the picture was transferred after just a few words.

However, this also made Wu Kuang happy. "I drank two bottles of Maotai by one person at night. I don't know if it was drunk." Unexpectedly, he generously gave Zhuang Rui a note, and all the fuel costs of this salvage operation were reimbursed by the Maritime Bureau.

Zhuang Rui did not refuse. The amount of fuel cost in a day on the sea is not a small amount. At present, he put away the note and killed a sum of money from the Maritime Bureau after the salvage operation was over. These are the last words.

Open the door and be happy. On the first day of the salvage operation, there was a major discovery. Vice Minister Yu also personally came to the "Xianrui" to cheer for the people who participated in the salvage.

Of course, the final announcement of the bonus of RMB 10,000 yuan per person is everyone's favorite.

And several divers who received a heavy prize of 50,000 yuan per person were even more energetic. Unexpectedly, without Zhuang Rui's command, in the subsequent survey, they actually surveyed the remaining wrecks of the shipwreck.

More than 20 days have passed, and the salvage of the wreck of the wreck of the Awa Maru has also come to an end.

This salvage can be said to be a great success. In addition to salvaging a total of 38 tons of gold, there are also many valuable ancient cultural relics.

In addition, more than 200 bones have been sorted out from the wreck of the broken shipwreck. These should be the victims of the Awa Maru in those years. These bones have been collected together. After all the salvage is over, they will be returned to this aspect.

Relevant departments have played the video of the salvage operation, which has caused a huge response from the people. The appearance of the bones has also attracted the attention of [day]. The word "Awa Maru" has also become the most popular word in the Internet search.

And the relevant departments have also prepared a grand celebration conference. After Zhuang Rui and others return to Beijing, it will be held. The skull fossils that only make Zhuang Rui and Professor Meng worried about their hearts have been missing, which disappointed Professor Meng and several paleoanthropologists on the ship.

Due to another typhoon coming in the sea where Zhuang Rui is located, the "Xian Rui" drove 20 nautical miles north on the night of the end of the salvage, preparing to return to Beijing the next morning.

In the evening, Zhuang Rui asked the restaurant to prepare some dishes, and then invited the teacher over. He could see that Professor Meng had lost a lot of weight in the past 20 days and wanted to enlighten the teacher.

"Teacher, it seems that the fossil skull of Beijing people is not on the Awa Maru"

Zhuang Rui sat opposite Professor Meng and looked at the teacher's old face. He couldn't bear it. These days, his hope turned into disappointment again and again, which was a great blow to the old man's heart.

"Xiaozhuang, don't say, "The teacher is fine, and the skull fossils are not as heavy as gold." Maybe when the Awa Maru disintegrated, it may be washed away by the sea..."

Professor Meng shook his head. This time, he came with hope, but left with disappointment. Professor Meng didn't know if he could see those skull fossils in his life.

"Ok, go to rest. I'm going back to Beijing tomorrow..." Professor Meng waved his hand and went back to his room alone, looking at the slightly bleak back of the old man. "Zhuang Rui didn't know why, he suddenly felt a little confused.