Golden Pupil

Chapter 1029 Gold Reserves

"I said you, you will disappear easily. If I hadn't thought about the piece of Huang Fei carved by the old man, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to find you, right?"

Hu Rong paused on the phone and said in a low voice, "I'll go to your place tomorrow. Let's talk about the gold mine..."

Mining resources in Myanmar represent the strength of power. Although he is sure that his phone will not be eavesdropped, Hu Rong decided to go to China in person for the sake of safety.

"Okay, Brother Hu, I'm staying at the old man's house for a while. You can come here directly..."

Zhuang Rui can tell from Hu Rong's tone that this gold mine should be stored. Zhuang Rui is also a little curious about how much gold the gold mine contains.

Hu Rong was even more surprised when he heard Zhuang Rui's words and asked, "Why did you live with the old man?" Even if the old man is in poor health, his son will take care of him. When will it be your turn?

"Go...go, the old man is in good health. I have something else to live in..."

When Zhuang Rui thought of the current situation that he could not return home, he was very angry. After chatting with Hu Rong, he hung up the phone.


"Brother, how long haven't we seen each other? Did you make such a big news?"

As soon as Hu Rongren stepped into the quadrangle courtyard, the man shouted and held a newspaper in his hand. Obviously, he read the report about the fossil of "Beijing skull".

"Ok, Brother Hu, please forgive me. Didn't you see me hiding from the old man?"

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard about this, he grabbed Hu Rong and said, "Don't go to the room to disturb the old man. Let's sit in the yard and talk..."

Gu Yun Company had something to do and went out early in the morning. In addition to the ancientness of the whole courtyard in the studio, Zhuang Rui was left alone, which was very quiet.

"Tay, Brother Hu, how much gold reserves does that gold mine contain?"

After Zhuang Rui poured a cup of tea for Hu Rong, he asked. Although he could survey the gold mine, he was helpless about the unprocessed ore and could not judge its content.

Hu Rong laughed when he heard the words, raised the newspaper in his hand, and said, "Brother, it's right in this newspaper. You are just a golden eye..."

"Stop, stop, if you have something to say, don't talk about it in the newspaper..."

Zhuang Rui interrupted him before Hu Rong finished his words. First, he didn't like to listen to this. Second, Zhuang Rui's classmate was guilty. His eyes were not so angry, but the golden eyes were right. Zhuang Rui had a pair of golden pupils!

"Good, let's get up with business..."

Hu Rong put down the newspaper and lowered his voice and said, "This month, it is mainly used for the exploration of gold mines and the placement of gold mining equipment. Brother, do you know how much gold content there is in that gold mine?"

Zhuang Rui rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Nonsense, I know I'm still asking you? Brother, don't lose your appetite, just say..."

Hu Rong smiled proudly and said, "Hey hey, after preliminary investigation, the gold content in those ores is extremely high, which is a rare rich mine. It is estimated that every ten tons of ore can extract 1 ounce of gold. Brother, let's make a fortune..."

"What? Ten tons of ore can extract an ounce of gold? Brother Hu, is this also a rich mine?

Zhuang Rui knows that ounce is the international unit of measurement for precious metals such as gold and silver, about one ounce is equal to the weight of about 31 grams.

I heard Hu Rong say that ten tons of ore, that is, 10,000 kilograms and 10 million grams can produce 31 grams, which can't be equal in Zhuang Rui's mind.

"Cough, you... don't think it's too little?"

Hu Rong was drinking water and was choked by Zhuang Rui's words and coughed repeatedly. After a long time, he pointed to Zhuang Rui and said, "Do you know that in those places in Africa, it takes 250 tons or more of ore to extract an ounce of gold. Do you still think it's less?"

"The proportion of gold produced by ore is so low?"

Zhuang Rui really doesn't know this knowledge. According to his idea, how can a ton of ore extract ten grams and eight grams of gold? But he didn't expect that the amount of gold would be much rarer than he thought.

"Brother, you are content. This gold mine is enough for us to eat for a few lifetimes..."

When Hu Rong surveyed the proportion of gold contained in the ore at that time, he was almost scared. He was a doctor of geology and knew the gold content well. Of course, he would not be as ignorant as Zhuang Rui.

Although this gold mine is not very large, it is an open-pit gold mine, which is easy to mine. Most importantly, after careful survey, Hu Rong concluded that this gold mine can produce at least 80 tons of high-purity gold.

You know, gold prices have soared in recent years, from more than 100 yuan per gram in 2003 to more than 300 yuan per gram in 2008, resulting in the influx of many world forces into Africa to mine gold.

And 80 tons of gold is more than 20 billion RB. Such a large number can make many people crazy. If this gold mine is known by outsiders, I'm afraid that even with Hu Rong's power in Myanmar, it will be divided into a lump.

Zhuang Rui originally did not have an intuitive understanding of this gold mine, but after hearing Hu Rong's explanation, he was also shocked. It is estimated that after the gold mine is mined, the valley will no longer exist.

"Well, Brother Hu, this gold mine, the jade mine will definitely not be sold. What are you going to do?"

Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered another transaction. If the jadeite mine could sell 1.2 billion pounds, he could also get billions of RBs with his shares, which was not a sum of money.

"Ha ha, I forgot to tell you that the Ministry of Mines of Myanmar recently issued a new regulation that all foreign companies invested in Myanmar must obtain the corresponding qualification of Myanmar government...

The British company is trying to find a way to obtain the qualification. I promise that they will not mine jadeite, but it will take half a year at the earliest. This time is enough to empty the gold mine..."

Hu Rong felt that after he met Zhuang Rui, his luck had become particularly good. The regulations issued by Myanmar's political fu seemed to be tailor-made for him.

"That's good, but Brother Hu, is the mining and refining time a little too tight? I heard that refining gold with mercury has great damage to the human body..."

Zhuang Rui also went home and checked some materials related to refining gold. During the refining process, mercury will volatilize in the form of gas and **, and the poison is quite large.

Although this gold mine will become its largest industry, Zhuang Rui doesn't want to exchange the lives of workers.

"Don't worry, brother, the workers in the gold mine and the refinery are all children of the family. I will definitely do a good job in the relevant measures..."

Seeing that Zhuang Ruineng thought of this, Hu Rong was very happy. He had already ordered a lot of protective masks and dust-proof clothing from the black market channel to prevent the harm caused by refining gold.

"Yes, this thing is for you..."

Hu Rong suddenly remembered something and took out a pile of documents from his bag and gave it to Zhuang Rui.

"Is this... the document of that overseas island?"

Zhuang Rui looked over and found that English was not difficult for him. After a few glances, he knew what these documents were.

"Yes, sign your name at the end, and this document will take effect. I asked i4 to go to that island, so you don't have to worry about the construction of the island..."

Zhuang Rui gave him the old capital of hundreds of millions of drug dealers, and then found another gold mine. Of course, Hu Rong had to say something, otherwise he would feel sorry for himself.

"OK, Brother Hu, thank you. Don't let anyone know about this island..."

Zhuang Rui did not refuse and received this document in his bag. There is no Changsheng family in the world. The Ouyang family has entered Changsheng, which may not be the same in the future. Zhuang Rui is preparing a way for himself.

"Let's not say thank you or not. I'm going to stay in Beijing for a few days this time. Brother, can you help me make an appointment with your uncle?"

In addition to discussing the gold mine with Zhuang Rui, Hu Rong's visit this time is for the Chinese city. This matter is too big. It is estimated that the general department has no energy to promote it, so he wants to meet the one of Ouyang's family in the center.

"I can think of a way to do this, but Brother Hu, you have to have a name, right?"

Zhuang Rui frowned when he heard the words. Although he was his closest relative, he saw his uncle a handful of times. The rash appointment would definitely make his uncle strange that he was ignorant.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Hu Rong said with a smile, "The patriotic businessman returned to China to invest, the first investment reached 1 billion US dollars, and the total investment reached 3 billion US dollars. Is it enough for the reception?"

For the future of Myanmar's Chinese city, Hu Rong spent his money. He not only invested all the family's funds, but also included the gold mine that had not yet made a profit.

"Pretd to show off, right?"

When Zhuang Rui heard the words, he curled his lips and said, "It's almost the same for you to let a provincial party secretary receive you. If you want to see my uncle, it's a little close, but you'd better take out hundreds of millions of dollars for charity, so the effect will be better..."

Although the investment of more than 20 billion RB is not, it is indeed a little short to be received by the national leaders at the level of Ouyang. Zhuang Rui means to let Hu Rong do charity, and then find someone to hype it up and raise the matter to a higher level.

"All right, just do as you say..."

Hu Rong thought for a moment that investment should pay attention to return, and the relationship between the country is cooperation at best.

But doing charity is different. Just like those super-rich people on Hong Kong Island, which one didn't throw 1.8 billion dollars into China to establish a relationship with some high-level officials?

"Well, I'm listening to the chatters in the yard. How dare I come?"

Just as Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong were discussing some details, the old man came out and the object in his hand immediately attracted the attention of Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong.

P: Thank you, friends. It's reasonable that so many monthly tickets are going to explode, but I'm going to Chengdu tomorrow. I have to save 8 chapters of manuscripts in four days. It's really powerless to break out. I'll make up for everyone when the end of the annual meeting. RA