Golden Pupil

Chapter 1038 Flying Wealth

Chapter 138 Flying to the wind and asking for a recommendation ticket

"Are you stupid to be a buddy? Do you know that the card is small and I will send you money?"

Zhuang Rui twisted his mouth disdainfully, and he also began to get started slowly for Texas Hold'em. Compared with Stud, the skill of Texas Hold'em is undoubtedly many times stronger, but everything is invisible in front of Zhuang Rui's eyes,

After more than three hours of tug-of-war, when it was time for lunch, everyone found that Zhuang Rui had the most chips on the desktop in this game, which surprised many people. Originally, a very skillful gambling game seemed to be a little difficult to play in front of Zhuang Rui's luck.

When it was time for a break at noon and several people left the table, everyone in the court looked at Zhuang Rui again, which was completely different from the beginning.

"Brother Zhuang, you have won the green faces of these people, haha..."

After Zhuang Rui left the gambling table, Peng Fei immediately greeted him and looked at several other world-class gambling kings. They all looked like dirt, and the sweat on his forehead was clearly seen.

Although several people attached great importance to Zhuang Rui from the beginning, they only learned that Zhuang Rui, who never played according to the rules, was more difficult than they thought. Unconsciously, their chips ran to Zhuang Rui.

"Brother, you are really good at it. Why don't you go out to gamble last night?"

Huangfuyun also came up. This gambling game of hundreds of millions of dollars between waving his hand was also an eye-opener. With his previous identity, he was not able to participate in such a gambling game.

"Brother Huangfu, luck, it's just luck..."

Zhuang Rui smiled shyly, but deliberately answered Huang Fuyun's words in English. Several gambling kings who had just left the table staggered and almost fell on the carpet.

"! Whoever believes that you are lucky is really a pig..."

The morning gambling game made several former world gambling kings really shameless. They hurriedly left the gambling hall and went to see their behind-the-scenes boss under the leadership of the waiter.


"Mr. Zhuang, I'm all up to you this time..."

Sitting in the luxurious restaurant private room of the MGM Hotel, Si Tai spoke respectfully to this young man who was in his twenties younger than himself.

To say that the previous Si Tai was a little afraid of the background behind Zhuang Rui, then now, she can't figure out about Zhuang Rui. Once or twice, it can be said to be good luck, but Zhuang Rui is undefeated, which shows that Zhuang Rui is not only luck.

No matter in which field, people with special skills will always be respected. Just like Zhuang Rui in gambling stone circles and antiques, Zhuang Rui has barely been recognized by everyone after these classic gambling games and the gambling just now.

"Si Tai, you're welcome. I'm all lucky. Maybe the afternoon's bet will be transferred, so it's hard to say whether to win or lose..."

Zhuang Rui and Sita politely cut the steak on the plate with a knife and fork. Although sometimes they often accompanied Qin Xuanbing to eat western food, Zhuang Rui was still not used to this half-cooked meat. There was also bloody beef in it, which made Zhuang Rui feel that he had returned to the era of drinking blood.

"Mr. Zhuang, I believe your luck will continue to be good..."

Hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Si Tai's face couldn't help changing. As a woman who has been working in the business gambling world for more than 30 years, Si Tai undoubtedly has the excellent qualities necessary for many successful businessmen, but in the same way, she also has the fickleness and suspicion of women.

"Ha ha, borrow your good words, I can also win more money..."

Zhuang Rui did not look up and continued to fight with the steak on the plate, while his thoughts floated back to the gamble just now.

Although the morning's gambling game did not last long, it also encountered several scenes of Mars hitting the earth. In addition to Zhuang Rui won more than 30 million in the first game, in the following game, Zhuang Rui successively earned a total of 120 million US dollars. It can be said that in addition to him, several other people on the table lost.

"Damn it, a group of old foxes..."

Zhuang Rui cursed in his heart. In the last game before the end of the morning gambling, Zhuang Rui's secret cards and public cards were matched with three cards, and one of the gambling king was three j cards, but in the end of the bet, the man saw the card with Zhuang Rui when he bet 40 million, which made Zhuang Rui's desire to win It's empty.

"Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Zhuang?"

When Si Tai saw Zhuang Rui frowning and saying no words, she couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

You know, although Mr. He's Australian Expo has a strong family, Mr. He is not only his wife, but also has many children. Because Si Tai is more favored, he has also become a thorn in the side of several other people, and the relationship is not harmonious.

Now Mr. He is still alive, and no one dares to say anything, but this old man in his nineties may go to see Jesus or Sakyamuni on that day. At that time, the Fourth Masters will definitely become the target of public criticism. She is not sure how much soup she will get from Aobo.

However, if you can get this new gambling card, everything will be different. The new gambling company will be established in her name, which is equivalent to the private company of Si Tai, so that Si Tai can advance and retreat and be invincible.

So Zhuang Rui's winning or losing in this gambling battle is of great importance to Si Tai. Now he looks in such an indifferent and trance, he can't help but make Si Tai nervous for fear that Zhuang Rui will not go all out.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Zhuang Rui's thoughts were interrupted by Si Tai's voice, and he raised his head and asked blankly.

Si Tai saw Zhuang Rui's eyes back to his face and said righteously, "Mr. Zhuang, if you can help SJM win the gambling card this time, I can give you 10% of the shares of the new company..."

"Ten percent? Mr. He and I didn't have this condition before..."

Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and his expression was a little stunned. He didn't know why Si Tai suddenly put forward such a condition? By the way, even if he doesn't have this 10%, he will definitely go all out. By the way, if a gentleman makes a promise, Zhuang Rui is not a person who takes advantage of it and doesn't do anything.

And this 10% weight is also a little heavy. You know, in Macao, gambling is equivalent to money. No matter how small a company owns gambling, its annual income is more than billions of dollars. The 10% of the shares given to Zhuang Rui is equivalent to sending hundreds of millions of dollars to Zhuang Ruibai every year, which is far older than the old. The luxury cruise ship of the King of Gambling is much bigger.

"Mr. Zhuang may not know that if this gambling card is won, it will be handled by me. I think... I have the right to decide the share distribution of the new company, but Mr. Zhuang will suffer..."

Si Tai smiled softly. From ancient times to the present, if you want others to work for themselves, in addition to moving emotions, it is more important to use "profits". Si Tai is not worried about Zhuang Rui's promise to the old gambling king. Only by tying Zhuang Rui's interests and gambling cards can she feel at ease.

Moreover, Zhuang Rui has a deep background in the mainland. It may not be a bad thing for him to join the new company. In these days, the money is endless. Only with balanced interests can ensure the long-term development of the company. Sitai understands this truth very well.

In the business world for many years, Si Tai was also a decisive person. After measuring the pros and cons in his heart, he immediately opened a condition that made Zhuang Rui feel **.

"This... is not meritorious, isn't it good?"

Zhuang Rui didn't know that he had just frowned, so the woman opposite had so many thoughts in his heart. He was still thinking about the purpose of Si Tai's intention to do so.

Si Tai saw Zhuang Rui's thoughts and quickly said, "Mr. Zhuang, whether my new company can be established depends on whether you can win these two bets today and tomorrow, so your performance is very important. In fact, it is relatively small to take out 10% of the shares, but Mr. Zhuang, these stocks You can only eat dividends, and it is impossible to participate in the company's decision-making..."

The reason why Si Tai wants to start a new business so much is that she wants to get rid of the old gambling king's behance to herself. She doesn't want such a strong man to appear in her new company.

"It doesn't have to be like this if it's too big. Since I promised Mr. He, I will do my best. Forget the stock matter..."

After hearing Si Tai's words, Zhuang Rui waved his hand. Although the dividend of hundreds of millions of dollars a year was not small for him, Zhuang Rui was not short of money and did not want to take advantage of a woman. What he knew was given by Si Tai himself. If he didn't know, he thought he had used what means. After all For great interests, even many princes in Beijing will be jealous.

And the word gambling is still very abhorrent to Chinese people. Zhuang Rui doesn't want to add the name of a casino owner in front of his title.

"Mr. Zhuang, this doesn't work. You don't have to worry. This share is only transferred to you by myself. Except for the notary, no one will know..."

Si Tai has followed the old gambling king for so long, and the ability to observe words and expressions is not comparable to that of ordinary people. After seeing Zhuang Rui's expression, she immediately guessed Zhuang Rui's thoughts, which made Si Tai disapproval and admired him a little.

Not everyone can refuse hundreds of millions of dollars of income twice a year in a row, and Zhuang Rui, a young man, did it. Thinking of this, Si Tai couldn't help looking at Zhuang Rui with resentment.

"If this had been put in thirty years ago, I might have taken him without spending a penny..." Si Tai naturally had such confidence. Wasn't the old gambling king also captured by her?

"Damn it, it's so tasty when you're so old..."

Zhuang Rui was shaken by Si Tai's eyes and almost agreed. Fortunately, Zhuang Rui was determined and finally shook his head and set the tone for the conversation: "Si Tai, let's wait until the gambling is over..."

: I'm in my hometown in Xuzhou. It's a little noisy. I'm not used to the keyboard. I'm a little slow to write. The errors in the previous chapters have been corrected and modified three or four times. Thank you for your correction. Thank you very much.

Well, today is Xiyou's birthday. Happy birthday to the little girl! RO