Golden Pupil

Chapter 1040 The New King of Gambling on

Chapter 140 The New King of Gambling (Part I) Ask for Recommendation Tickets

Recommend a friend's book: "Ball King Best", book number: 2092118, Xiaoqi's competition is very good, you can go and have a look

Zhuang Rui looked angry and said provocatively to several people around him, "I don't look at the bottom bet on this card. Is there anyone to accompany me to the end?"

In fact, Zhuang Rui didn't lose much money in the morning, but only more than 20 million US dollars, but today's gambling capital is still 500 million US dollars, which does not count yesterday's, so if Zhuang Rui doesn't come back, it is really possible to lose this gambling card.

According to the idea of several gambling kings on the court, it is necessary to first eliminate the uncertainty factor of Zhuang Rui, and then everyone will show their magical power across the sea. This countermeasure is also very successful, but this card is a flush, and the cards in each person's hand are different, and Zhuang Rui gambles blindly and did not watch Wang was moved.

"I and Mr. Zhuang, you don't have the luck of yesterday..."

"I'm also with you, isn't it five million?"

"With me, I'd like to see if, Zhuang, your luck is really as good as the legend..."

With all kinds of thoughts, several gambling kings bet one after another, but Walter, who gambled with Zhuang Rui yesterday, hesitated a little at this time. Until the dealer urged him, Walter hesitated and said, "Forget it, I won't follow this one..."

First, there is only one spade and six hearts in Walt's hand. The card is too small to match with the public card at all. He has no confidence. On the other hand, he met Zhuang Rui several times in a row yesterday. Walt lost a lot, so there are some obstacles in his heart.

After seeing Walter's behavior, Bennett said disdainfully, "Wat, Zhuang didn't even look at the cards. Don't you dare to follow him?"

Yesterday, he unexpectedly reached the finals, and then got Halbert's assurance. Bennett is now full of confidence. He not only wants to put a gambling card in his pocket, but also wants to step on these predecessors to establish his position in the gambling world.

So not only Zhuang Rui is his target, but everyone on the table is his target. Now when he sees Walter abandoning the card, of course, he will not let go of this opportunity to attack Walter's confidence.

"I'm just two small cards. Will you follow me?"

Walter curled his lips. He now has the most chips on the table. With a bad card, of course, he will not follow up rashly. As for Bennett's words, it will have no impact on him at all. Without his superior psychological quality, it is impossible for Walter to win the runner-up in two gambling king competitions in a

Wat threw out the two dark cards in his hand. I don't know whether Walter was intentional or unintentional. When the two cards suddenly rotated in the air and fell on the table, the cards were facing up, so that everyone could see clearly, making the eyes of several people on the table suddenly light up.

Especially the appearance of the six hearts, it has been determined that there is no flush in this game, which will play a key role in everyone's judgment of the card.

Seeing that this betting wheel was over, the master of ceremonies said, "The third round, Mr. Chatris will speak..."

"One million..."

Chatris, the champion of the 1999 Texas Poker Challenge, is still very steady, but the most important thing is that his cards are not very big, and he can only match a pair of small nines. Such a deck makes him only dare to make a bet.

"One million, I'm also 5 million..."

The one sitting under Chatterus is Bennett. Learning from Zhuang Rui's action just now, he threw out six chips. The gambling card is about momentum. Sometimes when the momentum rises, the card style will become very smooth.

This is the case with Bennett. His cards are a spade and a heart 10. Although he can't make up a straight flush, it is a straight face. In the rules of Texas Hold'em, in addition to the same flush, four, and gourd, he has to count his cards.

Now the public card of this card is not a pair, and the possibility of forming a gourd is completely gone, and there is no flush down. Up, there is a heart 10 in Benny's hand. It can be said that the biggest possibility of this card is only the same flower.

And the hearts in Bennett's dark card are already very big. Unless others have a heart and another heart, they can win Bennett. In terms of probability, the probability of such a thing is extremely small.

So now it's time to the river circle, that is, after the showdown circle, Bennett immediately pulled up the bet. If someone follows the bet, then this card can lay the foundation for him to win the bet.

"Five million? I'll follow..."

Bennett's subordinates threw down the chips expressionlessly. He had a pair of sevens in his hand, which could match three cards, so he refused to give up. Although this Tonghua or Tonghuashun is big, it is not so easy to win. In general, many of the gambling games are won or lose in a single chapter. The so- I have to see it.

When Bennett's next bet, the eyes of the audience were focused on Zhuang Rui. At the current gambling table, Zhuang Rui's situation is the worst.

Although Zhuang Rui only lost more than 20 million, he has the least chips among the people on the table. In this way, in the end, if Zhuang Rui does not come back, he will definitely take a risk to steal chicken cards, so that will give others the opportunity to sweep Zhuang Rui. If Zhuang Rui's luck is poor, the chips of the whole table will It's not a rare thing.

"Mr. Bennett? Do you want something exciting?"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on himself, Zhuang Rui grinned, looked at Bennett and then said, "This one, I will bet on luck. If I win, heaven will lose, hell, and I will press..."

When Zhuang Rui said this, he looked obviously hesitant. He looked at the three cards on the table, gritted his teeth, and then said, "I'm a stud!"

Zhuang Rui leaned forward, opened his arms, and pushed out all the piles of chips in front of him. Hundreds of them were suddenly scattered on the huge gambling table. Stud's term in gambling cards is full bet. Although the gambling method is different from that of Stud, the bottomless bet on Texas Hold's Poker does not limit the number of everyone' Well, you can choose to follow or not.

"Is this young man crazy?"

"Yes, he didn't even look at a card. Oh, my God, I'm going to call my wife and ask her to see the madman..."

"It's too impulsive, it's more than 400 million dollars, it's too impulsive..."

"Damn, it's too proud. If a buddy comes like this for a while, even if he loses all of them, it's fun..."

The casino owners who watched were scared by Zhuang Rui's move. They had seen a lot of crazy gambling games, but they dared to shuttle without looking at the cards. These people in the court were the first time to see them. Only Huang Fuyun shouted excitedly on the sidelines. He knew that the bet was won or lost, and he didn't need A share of money means that there is no pressure.

"This...this Xiaozhuang, can it be like this?"

Si Tai, sitting next to Huangfuyun, had experienced a lot of winds and waves, and was also stunned by what happened suddenly. She didn't care much about the original win or loss of more than 20 million dollars, but Zhuang Rui's stud pushed Aobo Company to the forefront of the storm.

If you win, you will win, and if you retreat, you will beat your buttocks and leave. While Zhuang Rui did not leave room for himself, he did not leave a chance for Aobo to turn over. That is to say, if Aobo wants to get one of the three gambling cards, this game must win.

"What's the matter? Do you dare to follow? I dare not gamble with this lottery pool, it's mine..."

Zhuang Rui looked arrogantly at the four people who had not given up their cards on the gambling table, but everyone could hear that the words Zhuang Rui said in English were a little different from his tone just now, obviously with a little trembling, which was enough to show that Zhuang Rui was also very nervous at this moment.

"I don't follow, I'm discarding..."

After a moment of silence, Zhuang Rui's next family threw out the dark card in his hand. He got a pair, one was three, but such a card did not let them push out all the chips. In their opinion, this was completely the behavior of a madman.

"I won't follow, but... Mr. Bennett seems to be very interested in following..."

When he took a round to Chatris, he also gave up the card. A pair of Xiaojiu had no value to follow at all, but when he threw away the card, he pointed the spear at Bennet, who was more arrogant than Zhuang Rui just now.

Now there are only three people left on the table. Except for Bennet, it's the one who took three, but he is in Bennet's next home. After Bennett makes a decision, it's his turn to speak.

"Stealing chickens in such a gamble, Zhuang, don't you feel that you are too naive?"

Bennett touched his chin and looked at Zhuang Rui with a playful face. Although that's what he said, Bennett dared not make a rash decision in the face of the nearly 500 million dollars of chips. He could only stimulate Zhuang Rui with words to relieve his inner tension.

Zhuang Rui glanced at Bennet with contemptuously and said, "Mr. Bennett, you have too many words. Everyone at the scene can prove that my hands have not touched anything on the table except chips. Now you only have two choices, follow... or not!"

Everyone could see a trace of tension in Zhuang Rui's eyes, but they didn't know that Zhuang Rui was nervous and Bennett would not follow.

"I asked to count Zhuang's chips..."

Bennet suddenly raised his hand and made a request. In fact, the dealer on the desktop was already doing this work. Just now, Zhuang Rui's chips were mixed with the initial bet, and the dealer must separate it.

"I'm a fellow flower. If the other party wants to win me, he must also be a fellow flower with a heart, but... he didn't watch the cards. Will he really be so lucky?"

Bennett's brain was running fast, analyzing all the possible factors. Finally, he came to the conclusion that the probability of Zhuang Rui getting the same flower of hearts was smaller than the chance of winning the "lott" lottery in the United States.

: There are still more than 20 hours left at the end of this month. Let's take a look with the support of the recommended ticket. Well, I'm going to the hospital today. It is estimated that I will be hospitalized in September. I'm afraid that the six thousand words of gold will be broken. RO