Golden Pupil

Chapter 1050 The Ruby of George II

Chapter 150 George II's Ruby Ask for Monthly Pass

The men in the field were relatively more immune to jewelry, but those ladies and stars couldn't help exclaiming after seeing these diamond jewelry. Even Julie, who had just chatted with Zhuang Rui, was no exception. The charming face was full of intoxication.

However, when Zhuang Rui saw these jewels, he was extremely disappointed. Although these jewels were valuable, they did not have any cultural relic value. At most, there was only one effect of preserving and increasing value when he bought them. In addition, Zhuang Rui did not pay much attention to them. The value of the best jewelry in his hand was far from the value Compared with it.

"Mr. Zhuang, these are just appetizers, in the back... There must be something you are interested in..."

Danny didn't know when he stood behind Zhuang Rui. After saying that, he handed Zhuang Rui a number plate. The number on it was 18, which was the number that Zhuang Rui put on the label on his chest.

After taking a look left and right, Zhuang Rui found that many attendants held this kind of number plate in their hands and distributed according to the number on the guest label in the venue, which should be used to distinguish each person's identity in the auction for a while.

"Oh? Danny, do you know what I'm interested in?

Zhuang Rui raised his eyebrows and said with a smile. From the time he promised Si Tai to participate in this charity auction, it is only one day, and there is not much time left for Bonadette to check his identity.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Danny smiled and said, "Mr. Zhuang, you are a well-known antique collector and appraiser in China. Don't worry, there must be something you like in Mr. Bonadette's collection..."

"Hehe, I'm also looking forward to it, but, Danny, do you know what it is?"

Danny's words gave Zhuang Rui a new understanding of the power of these world's top millionaires. Imagine that since the other party can find out the Ouyang family behind him, how can he not know his preferences for collecting antiques? Since Danny can say this, it is estimated that antiques and other objects will appear later.

However, the perspective and aesthetics of Chinese and foreigners' appreciation of objects are very different. Because China was first famous for exporting porcelain, so far, foreign collectors have relatively preferred to collect ancient Chinese porcelain, so the price of porcelain is also high abroad.

Although there are many fine porcelains in the hands of foreign collectors, Zhuang Rui is not very interested in porcelain. He prefers to see some antique collections that are not available in China on this occasion.

Danny seemed to want to keep a little suspense and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhuang, I heard that it was something from your country 500 years ago. As for what it is, I don't know..."

"What was five hundred years ago?"

Zhuang Rui frowned when he heard the words. It should be the object of the Ming Dynasty, but except for the existence of porcelain calligraphy and painting in the Ming Dynasty, there seemed to be nothing particularly worthy of Zhuang Rui's attention.

However, since there are Chinese antiques, Zhuang Rui will calm down. If he can see it later, he will bring it back to China. Anyway, he has gained a lot this time, and it is also a great merit to make some contributions to the American people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, guests, welcome to participate in this charity auction. All the items in this auction are donated by Mr. Bonadette. Let's give warm applause to Mr. Bonadette..."

At this time, the first batch of auction items have all entered the venue. A famous talk show host in the United States served as the master of ceremonies of the auction. The atmosphere in the venue was quickly mobilized in her words.

"Well, the ladies present are looking at the jewelry, and the men are looking at the ladies. I think... no one is looking at me anymore. So, let's start the auction of today's first item, Mr. William, a famous auctioneer..."

The words of the female host of the talk show made everyone laugh. A white man in his fifties with slightly white temples and a tuxedo stood at the temporary auction table and bowed slightly to the audience. His good gentlemanly demeanor attracted warm applause from everyone.

"The first item to be auctioned below is a ruby on the scepter in the hand of George II of the Hanover dynasty. This is a natural ruby made in Sri Lanka, weighing 65.6 carats. It is a precious six-shot starlight ruby, better than the famous Carmen. There are many more Lucia rubies, which can be said to be the unique ruby in the world..."

The first auction item taken out by Bonadet shocked the whole venue. For these people in the venue, rubies are not uncommon. Rarely, this ruby was once an inlay on the scepter of King George II of England!

Many people present are very familiar with George II. He is a war-loving British king. It can be said that from him, Britain laid the foundation for its hegemony in the sea. During George II's reign, Britain carried out military expansion and colonial rule around the world, and conquered Canada, India and Galle successively. Compared with the islands.

However, the reason for future generations to remember George II is not his military achievements, but his unique and disgminorable way of death. George II has suffered from constipation for many years. In the early morning of October 25, 1760, he defecate too hard, causing a sudden heart attack. Unfortunately, King George II of the British Empire died on the toilet.

"Mr. William, if George II's toilet is auctioned today, I think... everyone will be more interested..."

A voice suddenly came to mind in the crowd. Obviously, the man was very familiar with British history, and his words also made many people who knew this history laugh. On this occasion, everyone's identities were similar, and they were very relaxed when talking.

However, it is undeniable that this ruby is a precious item in terms of its own value and historical value. You know, since the 18th century, Britain has always been the undisputed hegemon on the sea, and they have been wantonly plundering the wealth of other countries, and the British emperor The treasures of the room have been preserved in an orderly manner, and it is rarely heard that there are things that have been circulated.

So this ruby, which was once inlaid on George II's sceptre, is definitely a rare treasure for gem collectors.

Zhuang Rui also looked at the ruby carefully. The whole gem was hexagonal, the back was smooth, and the color was very gorgeous. Under the refraction of the light in the showcase, it flashed with an endless enchanting color full of ** power, and the quality was enough to reach the best "pigeon blood red" in the ruby.

In the international gem market, people usually call the bright red ruby "male ruby" and the light red one the "female ruby". This ruby that was once inlaid on George II, which represents the battle of power, is a "male ruby".

Zhuang Rui overflowed a trace of aura from his eyes, quietly passed through the crystal glass showcase, and touched the ruby. Suddenly, a strong red aura appeared in front of Zhuang Rui, wrapping the aura released by it, making Zhuang Rui's eyes warm and comfortable.

Zhuang Rui doesn't do much research on diamonds and gems other than jade, but at this moment, after seeing this ruby, he can't help but have a feeling of having it in his pocket. Of course, there is also a little national complex in it. In those years, Britain took so many antiques from China, and he also got a British The country's babies are disgusting to them.

"The bottom auction price of this ruby is 800,000 US dollars, and the price increase is 100,000 US dollars each time. Dear ladies and gentlemen, you can bid..."

After simply popularizing the knowledge of ruby to everyone, William on the stage finally opened the curtain of today's auction. The price of 6.8 million US dollars also made some stars in the field who were not so strong in the audience booed.

"Nine million dollars..."

On such an occasion, there is no need to worry about the things taken out by the master. When William's voice was loud, someone raised the sign in his hand.


"One hundred and fifty million dollars..."

"$11 million..."

seems to be showing my wealth. Almost every bid is increasing at the price of 500,000 or 1 million US dollars, and the most basic starting price of 100,000 US dollars has never been called out. There is no way, I can't afford to lose that person.

"Oh, Pete, I want that ruby. Oh, my God, it's so beautiful..."

A voice sounded from Zhuang Rui's side and looked sideways, but it was Pete, the handsome man who made Julie successfully transformed from a junior to a big woman. I don't know when he came in. At this moment, Julie was whispering in Pete's ear with her fiery red lips.

No matter how much money a man has, he can't help but the scourge of the prodigal woman. Pete's resistance to Julie is obviously not as good as his original wife. He directly raised the number plate in his hand and shouted, "I pay 13 million..."

"Fourty-four million dollars..."

"Six million..."

"20 million dollars..."

However, Mr. Pitt obviously underestimated the economic strength of the people in the field at this moment, especially his behavior of holding Julie's waist, which made many old men angry. Just as Peter's words fell, the price rose all the way, and in just 20 or 30 seconds, it directly climbed to a high price of 20 million US dollars.

"This...isn't this too ridiculous?"

"Two...20 million dollars, do you have any friends to bid?"

This sudden change not only stunned the handsome Peter, but also William, the auctioneer on the stage, could not react for a moment. Before he could show his superb auction skills, the price actually climbed above his psychological price.

(: 50 pieces away from the first eight, 50 more, one more than one, write more before being hospitalized, um, the more recommended votes, the better, everyone can vote)

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