Golden Pupil

Chapter 1057 Dude Don't Be a Hero

"Madam? Who is it?"

Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words. He did not have any acquaintances abroad. Not to mention women, even Zhuang Rui, a man, didn't know many of them. On such an occasion, who would invite him?

"The lady is not allowed to say her name. You will know when you go "..."

The waiter's face was respectful, with an ambiguous smile. Obviously, he knew who was looking for Zhuang Rui.

"Forget it, tell the lady that I'm going to attend the auction..."

Zhuang Rui glanced at Huangfuyun and refused the waiter's invitation. He followed Huangfuyun's big mouth. He was going to see some women. I guess he didn't wait for him to return to China. Qin Xuanbing could know through Yun Man. This buddy always kept his mouth shut to his wife when he went out to eat, drink and The eighth mother-in-law talks about other people's gossip.

"Mr. Zhuang, the lady told me that she must invite you and just walk over. If you don't go, I...

When the waiter heard Zhuang Rui's words, his face suddenly turned bitter. He still had a tip of 1,000 dollars given by the lady in his pocket. If he couldn't do this, he couldn't explain it in the past.

"The next auction is an 18th-century oil painting collected by Mr. Bonadette, which is from a famous painter...

When Zhuang Rui talked to the waiter, the charity auction continued. After hearing the next auction, Zhuang Rui was not very interested. After thinking about it, he stood up, handed over the Xuande furnace in his hand to Huang Fuyun, and said to the waiter, "Take me there...

To be honest, Zhuang Rui is also curious about the people who invited him. Almost all the women who participated in the charity auction today are top beauties abroad. Although Zhuang Rui does not have the idea of kissing Fangze, it is also something that makes him proud to be invited by beautiful women.

More importantly, if an idol like Zeta Jones is interested in himself, Zhuang Rui does not mind the prestige of the Chinese man abroad, with a little [excitement] in his heart. Zhuang Rui followed the waiter and quietly prepared to exit the banquet hall without a sound.

"Uh-huh" Peng Fei, you played well in the hall..."

Under the leadership of the waiter, after walking out of the hall, Zhuang Rui looked back and saw that Peng Fei was following him tightly and couldn't help frowning. The beautiful woman invited him, followed by the old men. What a terrible thing.

Peng Fei laughed. His English listening and speaking ability was no worse than Zhuang Rui's. As early as when Zhuang Rui talked to the waiter, he had heard the story clearly next to him. At this time, when he saw Zhuang Rui rushing back, he said with a smile, "Brother Zhuang, if a man comes to you, I won't follow On behalf of me...

Peng Fei has been following Zhuang Rui for three or four years, and he is still very trustworthy to Zhuang Rui's character. In fact, he is mainly worried about Zhuang Rui's safety. You know, "The more such a place where the rich gather, the more careful you should be, especially today there are many valuable jewelry on the scene." I'm afraid it It has attracted the attention of some international thieves.

Zhuang Rui straightened his chest and said righteously, "Well, if you want to follow, brother, I'm not afraid of the shadow..."

Zhuang Rui's words were a little guilty. He was just a strong-blooded young man. Today, he saw so many objects that he could only YY on the screen when he was a student. It was bullshit to say that he could not move his heart. Once, the image of Qin Xuanbing and his children disappeared in Zhuang Rui Lost for a while.

However, Peng Fei's words poured a plate of cold water on Zhuang Rui head-on." It immediately made Zhuang Rui's head wake up. Although he did not turn back, Zhuang Rui's mood had changed. Now it was the identity of the woman that attracted him to be invited.

After taking Zhuang Rui out, the waiter stopped and pointed to the front and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuang, I have to work. You go straight from here and turn left, and the third lounge will leave..."

Next to the luxurious banquet hall on the 18th floor, there are more than a dozen small rooms, which are used for guests to take a nap. By the way, there are often some private PS flops here. At some times, those lounges will also become places for men and women to exchange body fluids.

"What's good? If you want me to say, that [middle] Chinese man must not be as long as me "..."

As seen Zhuang Rui disappear around the corner, the waiter muttered, very indignant. He couldn't figure out why the ** woman chose an oriental man. She was gifted and was called three-legged by her colleagues.

The waiter doesn't care whether Peng Fei follows or not. Anyway, the lady didn't say that she only invited Zhuang Rui alone, and the waiter was still a little happy. Even if the lady was open again, she would not turn the dragon and phoenix upside down with two men at the same time, would she?

In the corridor outside the banquet hall, every four or five meters away, a security guard in black stood there, but at the corner near the safety passage, there was only one security guard. After seeing the logo on Zhuang Rui's chest, the security guard did not ask much, but showed an ambiguous smile on his face.

"Sneerful, there must be nothing good..."

Peng Fei muttered. From the look on the face of the waiter in front of him and the current security guard, Peng Fei can also guess that the woman looking for Zhuang Rui must not be a serious person, otherwise they would never laugh so ambiguously.

Peng Fei didn't know whether he wanted to go in with Zhuang Rui at this moment. By the way, although he and Zhuang Rui were brothers, he did not want to disturb Zhuang Rui's good deeds. Everyone was a man. With his understanding of Zhuang Rui, even if Zhuang Rui occasionally had a romantic abroad, he would not abandon the Beijing family.

"What nonsense, come in with me...

Zhuang Rui stared at Peng Fei angrily. What did he do earlier? When he got to the door, he said this, that is, Zeta Jones or Aniston and Angelina took off their clothes inside. Zhuang Rui thought that Peng Fei was standing outside, and probably did not have the interest of kissing Fangze before.

"Hey hey, Brother Zhuang, do you really want me to go in?"

Peng Fei's smile at this moment is the same as that of the security guard and the waiter just now. Zhuang Rui couldn't wait to kick him in the face. Since his marriage, he finally had a little other idea, and he was called back by Peng Fei's words.

"Love can't get in,...

Zhuang Rui snorted coldly, reached out and knocked a few flats on the door. He said in English, "I'm Zhuang Rui's rut, but what Zhuang Rui didn't expect was that the door of this room was not closed, and with the sound of knocking on the door." The door also opened. There should be no I saw a beautiful figure standing in front of the door.

"You are..."

The woman standing in front of the door just after Zhuang Rui suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Zhuang Rui's tie and pulled it hard. Zhuang Rui, who was not picked up, was pulled forward by habit, but felt a soft body with a very high-end perfume smell and got into his arms.

"Damn it, why don't you come? Damn it, why didn't you drive Peng Fei away just now?

After Zhuang Rui hugged the soft body, there was a blank in his mind in a short time. This situation was so similar to the scene he had just imagined. "Except for the woman in his arms who was not naked, the rest was exactly the same as what he had imagined before, and someone really threw himself into his arms.

Zhuang Rui is not a saint. The bottom line he sticks to is that he will never touch the grass, but now Xianhu wants to insert it into himself, and Zhuang Rui will not push it away like a man. After a short period of sbyment, his right hand can't help hugging the other party's waist.

It's just that Zhuang Rui's calculation was broken by Peng Fei again. "Peng Fei, who had been standing behind Zhuang Rui, suddenly saw that Zhuang Rui was pulled closer to the room. Because he was blocked by Zhuang Rui, he did not know whether the person in front of Zhuang Rui was a man or a woman. In shock, an arrow rushed over." People's hair is pulled back vigorously.

With Peng Fei's action, an exclamation sounded. "Peng Fei felt wrong when he heard the sound. This is a little girl, and he was a little too nervous.

Peng Fei quickly loosened his right hand that grabbed the other party's hair. He looked back and saw that the security guard three or four meters outside the door was poking his head to this side. He closed the door with his feet. It was always a disgrace for an old man to beat a woman.

"Pa...Pa..." The lights in the room were turned on by Peng Fei one after another. "Although the light was a little dim, Zhuang Rui still saw clearly the face of the woman who had just thrown into his arms." He couldn't help but be stunned.

"Damn, how can it be this woman?" Zhuang Rui couldn't help but feel frustrated after seeing the other party's appearance. Although he doesn't pay much attention to international entertainment news, he is no stranger to the woman in front of him. This is Paris Hilton, the former daughter of Conrad Hilton, the founder of Hilton Group.

Paris Hilton is an extremely rebellious girl. Without any help from her family, she has made hundreds of millions of dollars for herself and her family in just a few years and created the PANI*HIETON brand, which has perfume, shoes, clothing, accessories, alcohol, watches, hairdressing products, sunglasses, and even There are also many production lines such as pet products, and basically everything that can be thought of will be involved.

Although Paris, who comes from a rich family, has many identities such as businesswoman, model, fashion designer, singer, actor, supporting actor, writer, philanthropist, team boss, etc., the root of her popular world came out of a ** video that Paris lost at the age of 19, 2003, which was her former His boyfriend posted the video online in revenge.

After that incident, when people talked about Paris, they often had something to do with it, and Paris also changed her previous pure appearance and began to take the sexy route. Her private life gradually became rotten, and there were many topics that interested the paparazzi.

So although Paris is more beautiful than many first-tier Hollywood stars, Zhuang Rui had no interest in her at all and soon looked away from Paris.

"Damn it, this... Is this a camera?"

When Zhuang Rui noticed a red dot flashing under the TV cabinet in front of the middle bed, he suddenly burst out a rough mouth. He looked at Paris, who was rubbing his hair, and said, "Miss Paris, what are you trying to do?" Zhuang Rui stepped forward for a few steps and took the pocket DV machine in his hand. After that, his face became more and more gloomy. If the other party was not a woman, Zhuang Rui would have punched each other now. You know, the hottest incident in the world's media is the pornographic photo between Mr. Chen and many women in Hong Kong.

In January this year, several photos taken in ** were circulated on the Internet at a high speed. The degree of boldness is amazing. The photos involve a Hong Kong man Chen and a number of actress models. The scale is extremely bold. All kinds of difficult actions are endless, and even uniforms ** are used. In a very short time, they became popular. Global network world.

Especially in the Chinese world, these photos, which are comparable to porn, as long as they are men, are almost everyone's share. If you can openly count their download rate, they can be designated to rank first in the world's online search list.

Then a little queen in the singing world who has always been shown as a pure jade girl, came forward with tears in her eyes and said that she was stupid and naive, and a famous actress who had already been a wife was in tears, saying that she was young and did not understand love, and this incident was finally characterized as a pornographic incident.

So Zhuang Rui looked at the camera facing the big bed, and his scalp exploded. Although he appreciated the dedication and beautiful figure of the hero and heroine in the pornographic door, he was also very confident in his physique, but this does not mean that Zhuang Rui is willing to show off like this, so that the men and women all over the world Get a ruler to measure the length of your little brother.

"Oh, Zhuang, honey, this... This is just a joke..." After the initial panic, Paris, who was used to the wind and waves and all kinds of big shots, calmed down and raised her right hand to comb her scattered hair. With her movements, the two on her chest, who were already eager to come out because of the lack of clothes. The mountains seemed to be more and more upright, as if they would break through the shackles and pop up at the next moment. Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei were hot and turned their faces at the same time.

"LUCK, why did you close the door so much? I don't know if those two yellow-skinned kids can satisfy Paris?" The black suit security guarding the door of the safe passage closed the door immediately after seeing Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei entering. He couldn't help scolding in his mouth. He could think of it with his buttocks. What will the rich girl do in it? Of course, he won't think that Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei can resist that woman's **.

This kind of thing is not very common. The security guard pricked up his ears and quietly moved his footsteps to the door, but he did not find that the security door behind him was suddenly pushed open quietly and slowly.