Golden Pupil

Chapter 1077 Bean Seed VS Emperor Green

Chapter 177 Bean Seed VS Emperor Green [Recommendation Ticket]

Boss Li is in the copper mine business. Although he can't compare with the fat man Ma that Zhuang Rui knows, he is also worth hundreds of millions. Naturally, he will not see two million. The key is that he is ashamed of this? Why are there groups of coal bosses in Shanxi? That's the face. In other words, you can afford to lose money but you can't afford to lose.

The people who can participate in this gambling circle are basically the same as Boss Li's. They spend millions to buy a stone, and then gamble on thousands and eight million. These people can afford it. This is also a shortcut for them to change their farmers and entrepreneurs to integrate into certain circles.

"Cough, everyone step back a little, and I'll cut another knife..."

Director Qin did not show impatience. He has seen a lot of people like Boss Li. Before solving the stone, he was full of confidence. It seemed that his original stone could solve the emperor's green, but when the stone was cut open, it looked like a bereavement.

"Let me, let Mr. Qin cut it again..."

"Lao Li, your material is basically useless. Why are you cutting it?"

"I'm not sure. Didn't you see that the original cuts are all green? Maybe there will be jade in the next knife..."

Boss Li is a person who can't fall down. He argues with those who are either good advice or gloating. This is a matter of personal vision. In addition to being told that they can't do the following, men are most afraid of what others say is that their eyesight is not good.

It's just that these bosses who are immersed in gambling have forgotten a business taboo. There have always been words in the mall that they are not familiar with it. The most taboo is to rush into other fields. For example, this is a person who is popular in the food and drink industry. You let him do finance. These two industries are not comparable. It is very likely that it will make it go back.

Although Gambling Stone is a derivative industry in the trading of jadeite, in a sense, it is already a very mature industrial chain. From the export of Myanmar's public disk, to the refinement of domestic public disk, to the hands of various jewelers, several of these links give full play to the characteristics of gambling stone.

So these bosses who don't take gambling stones seriously are destined to have a big heel in it. Although this jade industry is not as good as antiques, it is not something that ordinary people can go through.


The previous knife allowed Director Yu to identify his own judgment. The second knife was even faster, and even the drawing of lines was avoided. With one knife, the original stone fixed on the stone machine was suddenly divided into two halves.

It is estimated that in order to reassure Boss Li, Director Yu cut the two pieces of raw stone, which are only four or five catties in size, and decomposed them into small pieces the size of a baby's fist. After that Boss Li had a black face, he finally recognized the truth and admitted that his original stone had collapsed.

"Lao Li, it's okay. It's normal to win or lose this gambling stone. Why don't you call it a gambling stone..."

"Yes, Lao Li, next time we go to Myanmar together, I heard that all the stones in China come from there, and there are emeralds..."

"You just talk about it. Our stones are all from Myanmar. Why don't Lao Li have them?"

The emotions of defeat and victory can affect others. The first raw stone was gambled, which made the bosses present a little nervous and a little more uneasy. After all, among the many raw stones, Lao Li's material performed well, so that he could gamble. , let everyone have not so much confidence in their original stone.

Looking at this situation, Zhuang Rui couldn't say what it was like. If he hadn't relied on these eyes, he would still be hanging out in the Zhonghai pawn shop. Even with Uncle De's care, it is estimated that he is now at most a small manager of the pawn shop, as the saying goes, the kind of small white-

Mr. Wang is always the initiator of the gambling stone club. Naturally, he will not let this failed mood spread. After clapping his hands to attract everyone's attention, he said, "Okay, let's start to solve the second raw stone. Lao Li, don't be discouraged. When we have time, let's invite your The relevant knowledge of Cuiyuan Stone, which can also improve our professional skills..."

To be honest, Mr. Wang is still a little disappointed that this stone failed to gamble. It's not that he wants Boss Li to win money. The key is that there are not many people betting on this material. Even if it is a one-to-five bet, there is not much money.

If it is changed to the original stones that bet heavily, it is estimated that Mr. Wang and the other two bankers will turn green. Mr. Wang originally planned to build this gambling stone club for the purpose of making money, but he can't lose money in vain, right? What's more, those single heavy bets will directly make Mr. Wang and others's family shrink significantly.

"Allah, let's start to solve the No. 2 original stone..."

Director Yu finally saw that this is a game played by a group of rich and boring people. They don't have the relevant knowledge of gambling stones at all. Not to mention appreciating the original stone, these people can't even give an accurate conclusion about what the jadeite original stone is.

Maybe these people really just used gambling stones as a way of gambling to satisfy their empty and boring life. After understanding this joint, Director Yu held the second original stone to understand the stone machine, looked at it a little, directly started the machine, and cut it from the middle.

The second piece of wool was wiped open in a small window. Through the layer of white fog crystals, you can faintly see the green inside, but this material is only the size of a fist, and the fog is so thick that even if there is jade inside, the quality will not be too good.

"Hey, it's rising, gambling is rising, see green, there is jade in this stone..."

With a few harsh "ka clicks", the fist-sized raw stone was divided into two. As soon as the cut half fell to the ground, it was picked up by the person standing nearby. The buddy seemed to be affected by the gambling just now. When he saw a touch of green in the palm-sized stone in his hand, he couldn't help but be He shouted loudly.

"Oh, show me..."

"It's really green, but why does this jade color look a little dull?"

"Old money, you don't understand this. Those shiny accessories are all polished and polished. Do you think the raw materials will be so beautiful?"

The second piece of raw stone was cut out of green to cheer everyone's spirit. The two pieces of raw stone were passed on in everyone's hands. Everyone expressed their own opinions. It seemed that they would be laughed at by laymans without saying a few words.

"Brother, what kind of material is this? Isn't it better than ours?"

Hearing that someone inside shouted that the gambling had risen, Ouyang Jun was a little nervous. After all, he took out the 100 million rmb of real gold and silver. Although Ouyang's fourth brother now claims to be billions of dollars, the cash he can get is only a little bit.

"Fourth brother, calm down, where is this..."

"Bullshit, if you take out that 100 million, do you think you are still calm?"

Ouyang Jun stared at Zhuang Rui angrily. It was agreed before that if the money was lost, Zhuang Rui really dared not pull out a dime, then Ouyang Jun would lose a lot.

"Fourth brother, there are more than ten kinds of jade. Can the shit land be compared with the emperor's green? What's wrong with you..."

What's in the ten original stones that have been "selected"? Zhuang Rui is very clear in his heart, but untied a piece of bean green seed material makes these people excited like this?

And the man in the field just now obviously said layman's words. This high-quality jade that has not been polished and processed is also very beautiful. The luster is far from comparable to the performance of this bean green seed material.

"Tang Lao, please show me, what grade of jade is this? Isn't it the emperor's green?

After the owner of this original stone waited for everyone to read it, he excitedly took the two halves of the original stone to Mr. Tang. I don't know where the buddy heard the noun of emperor green in the jade, and directly used it on his original stone.

Mr. Tang was a little embarrassed to laugh and cry when he heard the words. If your jade was emperor green, the emperor's green would have been all over the street for a long time. He couldn't help clearing his throat. After coughing twice, he said, "Boss Wu, right? This material is not imperial green, but bean seeds..."

"Bean seed? What is that? Is it better than the emperor green?

Boss Wu knew that there was an emperor's green in the emerald, which was competing with the emperor's green. No matter how he compared, he took the emperor's green as a model, and he had to have something to do with the emperor's green.


This time, Mr. Tang was really blocked by Boss Wu's words, and he almost breathed out of breath. After coughing a few times in a row, he tried his best to calm down and said, "Boss Wu, this emperor's green is generally used to describe the jade with no flaws in glass, which is extremely rare...

Under the glass seed, it is generally divided into ice seed, egg white seed, glutinous seed, lychee seed, bean seed and other jadeite. Its transparency is translucent to slightly transparent. This bean seed jadeite generally belongs to the ranks of middle and low-grade jadeite..."

In desperation, Mr. Tang can only popularize the relevant knowledge of jadeite to them, otherwise the buddy will definitely take these two and a half pieces of jadeite home as heirlooms.

"What? This...this is the worst emerald?" Boss Wu was dumbfounded when he heard Mr. Tang's words.

"That's not true. There are many kinds of hibiscus seeds, gold silk seeds, dried white seeds and dried green seeds under bean seeds. Relatively speaking, bean seeds are okay..." Mr. Tang comforted Boss Wu very kindly.

"So... how much are these emeralds worth?"

After being stunned for a while, Boss Wu finally returned to his soul. He asked this question with an urgent face, and the people next to him also pricked up their ears. In the eyes of businessmen, money is the only criterion for measuring the value of goods.