Golden Pupil

Chapter 1117 There is something in the abdomen

Chapter 1117 There is something in the abdomen (Part 2) [Ask for a monthly ticket]

Peng Fei originally wanted to give Nakagawa some tricks last night, such as searching his bag after knocking people unconscious.

It's just that Peng Fei didn't expect that after he got into Zhongchuan's tent, he found that the buddy was sleeping like a dead pig. He stepped on his body without any reaction. So after searching for the copy of the treasure map hand-painted by the Taoist priest, Peng Fei had a bad heart and dragged Zhongchuan out of the tent with Next to it.

But Peng Fei didn't expect that Nakagawa was so talented that he interacted with the Buddha statue in the middle of the hall early in the morning. He not only went up and down, but also made a sound that was often heard in the island v.

In this way, everyone sleeping in the hall was woken up. The people present were all adults, and they were no stranger to male nv. However, I have heard of male men or nvnv or human and beasts, but this is really the first time to see people holding Buddha statues.

However, after seeing such a classic scene, everyone understands that it is not surprising that with such a national and the action film industry in that country is so developed.

Zhuang Rui looked at Zhongchuan's embarrassed look, suppressed his smile, raised the copy paper in his hand, and said, "Mr. Zhongchuan, you just dropped something. I want to know, is this the Daxiong Treasure Hall painted on it?"

Zhongchuan's mind will still be a little confused. In addition, when he just opened his eyes, he did not see the objects in Zhuang Rui's hand clearly. After hearing Yan Xiaowei's translation, he asked, "Painting? What kind of painting?"

"So...that's mine. can it be in your hands?"

Zhongchuan finally saw the object in Zhuang Rui's hand, and suddenly changed greatly, and he didn't care that the small tent under his body was still faintly painful. He stepped forward and grabbed the copy in Zhuang Rui's hand.

Peng Fei stepped sideways in front of Zhuang Rui, casually pushed Zhongchuan to stagger, and said directly in Japanese, "Stay there. You haven't answered what Brother Zhuang asked you..."

Although Peng Fei didn't study well in school, he is very talented in language. From various dialects in China to the languages of four or five foreign countries, he speaks like that. Of course, it also includes Japanese.

"That's my thing. You guys are robbers..."

At this time, Nakagawa had completely lost his composure and stared at Zhuang Rui with red eyes. He knew that this treasure map had been found by Zhuang Rui and others, and he would never have a chance to get the precious scriptures in the Buddha statue.

"Nakakawa, this is what I picked up from the ground. Don't be shameless. It's not robbed. If you want... just give it to you..."

Peng Fei's words made Zhongchuan a little confused, "Is it true that I was complacent in the middle of the night and took this thing out?" However, at this time, this treasure map has been exposed, and it is no longer very important for Zhongchuan to take it back.

Although for the sake of safety, Nakagawa did not bring a copy of the written diary this time, this treasure map alone can explain a lot of problems.

From the lines on the treasure map, it can be analyzed that this should be painted on thick paper with burned charcoal, and the image is also extremely simple. It is a Buddhist temple with the four words "Daxiong Hall" written on it. In the middle of the Buddhist hall, three Buddha statues are painted.

These are not the most important. The important thing is that next to the Buddha statue, there are four Chinese characters, which say: the scriptures are in the Buddha!

In terms of painting techniques, this painting is really rough and clumsy, which is a bit like a children's graffiti work. If Zhuang Rui saw this painting before seeing the Daxiong Hall in the desert, he really wouldn't care.

But in the Daxiong Hall in the painting, I think of Nakagawa's behavior of maintaining the Buddha statue last night. The people present have an IQ of less than 60, and they can also guess the meaning of this painting.

"Mr. Nakagawa, I think... You don't need to hide anything now, do you? I just want to know where you got this map..."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to stop Peng Fei's words. Now Zhongchuan's card has been uncovered by him, and Zhuang Rui is too lazy to talk nonsense. If there were still questions in his heart that needed to be answered by Zhongchuan, Zhuang Rui began to break the Buddha statue early in the morning.

Nakagawa couldn't hide the truth. After turning his eyes around, he found something for himself, "This is handed down from my ancestors. I think... It's likely that my ancestors hid something in this Buddha statue in the early years, and I came here to find the relics of my ancestors..."

This old man is shameless anyway. As the saying goes, people who are shameless are invincible. Nakagawa simply directly said that the objects in the Buddha statue were from theirs.

"Odeed, don't talk nonsense. What's the thing left by the king and Taoist priest? What has been handed down from your ancestors?"

Zhuang Rui was overwrapped by Zhongchuan's words. He had seen a shameless person, but he had never seen such a cheap and shameless person as Zhongchuan.

In the past two hundred years, little Japan has been constantly plundering all kinds of materials from abroad, just like a dragonfly. I have never heard of transporting my country's things to other countries for "keeping".

Dr. Ren once came to Dunhuang with Professor Meng for a scientific examination. He once read a lot of notes left by the Taoist priest. As soon as he saw the four words on the copy in the morning, he knew that it was written by the Taoist priest, which had nothing to do with Zhongchuan at all.

"Anyway, these things were left by my ancestors. You are the act of robbers..." Zhongchuan simply played a scoundrel at this moment.

"I said that your Japanese palace and Mount Fuji were all left by my ancestors. Can you give them back to us?"

Zhuang Rui sniffed at Zhongchuan's words, "Come on, I won't talk nonsense with you. Now please go out for a rest. We need to conduct a scientific investigation of this ancient temple, and irrelevant people will withdraw from the temple..."

In the morning, Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren had a discussion on this copy. Their opinions were relatively consistent, that is, the original copy must have come from those Dunhuang documents lost in Japan, so whether Nakagawa is willing to tell the truth is not so important.

"You can't do this, I protest, I protest..."

After Zhongchuan heard the translated words, he was immediately excited again, but then he was picked up by Peng Fei and brought out the Daxiong Hall under his armpit. He threw it directly under the temple and threw Zhongchuan's nose black and swollen.

Looking at Peng Fei standing at the temple, Zhongchuan did not dare to rush in. Tie Qing sat on the stone steps with an angry face.

Because the gas emitted by people breathe will cause damage to some scrolls. When sorting out the relevant cultural relics, the fewer people are, the better, so not only was Nakagawa "invited" out of the temple, but after a while, Mengzi and Erdan and others also came out one after another.


"Zhuang Rui, what does this " sutra in the Buddha" mean? All the scriptures of the Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra have been counted. Is there any more in this Buddha statue?

After all the unrelated people went out, Dr. Ren took the "treasure map" and frowned.

The Taoist priest once mentioned in his notes that there are more than 50,000 volumes of scriptures in the Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra. According to this statement, the four words "the scriptures are in the Buddha" are worth considering.

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words and said, "Brother, what's so entangled about this? Break a Buddha statue and have a look..."

Although Zhuang Rui is not sure that the scriptures in the Buddha statue must be Dunhuang literature, Zhuang Rui dares to use his head to guarantee that the objects in it are definitely more than a thousand years old. Even if it is not Dunhuang literature, it is also an extremely important written material.

"That's right, open it and you will understand, Zhuang Rui, break that Buddha statue first?"

Dr. Ren couldn't figure it out, and he didn't think about it at all. He picked up an engineer's spade and walked around the three Buddha statues.

"This one in the middle, brother, why don't I come?"

Zhuang Rui really saw that although the Buddha statue is made of clay, there is a layer of green brick structure under the mud, which is still a hard work to dismantle.

"No, I'll come first. I'll change you when I'm tired..."

Dr. Ren shook his head, turned to the back of the Buddha statue in the middle, found a piece of mud behind the Buddha's buttocks, picked up the shovel and shoveled it.

"Damn it, brother, you know how to find a place. You actually gave it to the Buddha **, and you are not afraid of the Buddha's blame?"

After seeing Dr. Ren's behavior, Zhuang Rui couldn't help laughing. If he was seen by the Buddhist disciple, he would definitely find his brother desperately.

"Cut, the real Buddha's relic teacher has dug it, and now it's very comfortable to live a different life?"

Dr. Ren curled his lips when he heard the words. What he said was that in the 1980s, the local government of Shaanxi decided to rebuild the temple, but he found a shocking secret.

While re-cultivated the pagoda of the Dharma Temple, the builders accidentally found an underground palace. After 1113 years of silence, 2,499 pieces of Tang Dynasty national treasures surrounded the Buddha's real finger bones and relics and returned to the world!

The rare treasures unearthed in the underground palace are of great value in the study of Chinese social and political history, cultural history, history of science and technology, Chinese and foreign history, art history, etc., and the later work of archaeology is presided over by Professor Meng.


When the spade shoveled off the clay sculpture on the surface of the Buddha, it knocked on the green brick, making a crisp sound and made Dr. Ren stop.


Dr. Ren knocked on the green brick a few times and heard an empty echo from it. He said happily, "It's hollow inside. Maybe there is really a scroll..."

"How fresh, buddy, I've known it for a long time..."

Zhuang Rui curled his lips and came forward with Dr. Ren to pry out pieces of green bricks. More than ten minutes later, a half-meter square hole was exposed behind the Buddha statue

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