Golden Pupil

Chapter 1138 The Battle of the Wild

Chapter 1138 Wild Competition for Guaranteed Monthly Pass

"What's going on? Why is there a wolf howling?

Zhuang Rui, who was sleeping, was awakened from his sleep by the sad wolf howl, and quickly turned over and came out of the tent.

"Bad thing, there are wolves around here, and I guess it will disturb the wild horses..."

Bartel and others got up one after another. Hearing the wolf howling, several grassland people's faces were full of sadness.

"Brother Battle, this herd of horses will not be surrounded and eaten by wolves, will it?"

Zhuang Rui has seen the fierceness of the grassland wolf. Although it has happened for many years, in retrospect, he still has a lingering fear. If Zhou Rui hadn't been fully prepared at the beginning, it is estimated that his group would have been killed by the wolf kiss.


After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Battle showed a strange smile on his face, and then said, "Brother Zhuang, it's not before liberation now. The grassland wolves are almost extinct on the grassland. This is summer. There is a little room for them to live, but this wolf pack is only three or five. How can it be What about the herd of wild horses?

Due to the development of modernization, the living space of grassland animals has been further compressed, and the number of wolves is almost rarer than that of wild horses, which is also caused by changes in the underlying biological chain.

In fact, the reduction of wolves is not a good thing for the prairie. Just like Australian pastures, the wolf extermination movement was carried out in the 1940s and 1950s, which made the wolves almost extinct, but later they introduced a kind of hare, so the disaster came.

Due to the lack of natural enemies, hares breed extremely fast in Australia, while the grass in the pasture is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a bald area everywhere.

The Australian government had no choice but to import many natural enemies of wild rabbits such as wolves, snakes and eagles from China, which slowly reduced the harm of wild rabbits to the grassland.

Now the Mongolian steppe also shows signs of this trend, but in recent years, grassland people have been paying attention to the protection of grassland carnivores. As long as it is not the case of wolves attacking pastures, few hunters take the initiative to hunt animals such as wild wolves.

"The plan seems to be changed. When the horse group hears the wolf's howling, it will definitely be alert. Let's not sleep and get our things ready. Maybe we will follow the horse group again..."

Battle looked very depressed. When he turned back to clean up the tent, he was still saying, "There is no reason for several wild wolves to go to the horses to die?"

After packing up the tent, everyone led the horse and walked to the place near the herd, and the sound of the wolf howling became clearer and clearer, as if it was ahead.

"Stop, I know how to turn around..."

After walking for about half an hour, Battle in front of him suddenly raised his right hand clenched into a fist, signaling the people behind him to stop moving forward.

Timur is also very familiar with the terrain here. He glanced around and showed a clear look on his face. He said, "Brother Battle, this is the wild wolf yu, right? It seems that the horses occupied the old nest of the wolf, so there was a conflict..."

Battle picked up the telescope and observed for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, but the wild horses did not occupy the old nest of the wild wolf, but blocked the way the wild wolf in and out of the wild wolf's nest..."

"It's true that it's not easy to choose from this group of horses, but choose here?"

Zhuang Rui took the telescope in Battle's hand, looked straight ahead through the moonlight, and couldn't help laughing.

In more than 400 meters in front of him, you can clearly see the shadows of many horses lying or standing, and behind these horses is a valley, about 30 or 40 meters high. This kind of terrain is very rare on the grassland.

As for the grassland wolves that screamed sadly, Zhuang Rui did not find them, but from the direction of some horses outside the wild horses, they should be hidden in the dense grass in front of the horse herd.

"It's strange. There's no need for these wolves to kill the wild horses. Isn't it over when they go in?"

Listening to the howling of the wild wolf becoming more and more miserable, Zhuang Rui was a little puzzled. As Battle said, the number of wild wolves will never exceed five, and there is really no need to attack this wild horse.

You know, wild horses are not domestic cattle and sheep, and they have no power to fight back against the attack of wild wolves. On the contrary, the attack power of wild horses is probably not weaker than that of wolves. If their four hooves kick on wolves, they will definitely make them lose their combat effectiveness.

What's more, if more than a hundred wild horses rush up together, not to mention three or five wolves, even if they are several times more, they will only be trampled into meat.

"I guess there are wolf cubs in the wild wolf's part, and these wolves are anxious..."

After observing for a while, Battle, who has been extremely experienced in the grassland, opened his mouth to answer Zhuang Rui's question. Only this answer is more reasonable. Otherwise, with the characteristics of a cunning creature like the grassland wolf, he will never provoke an enemy more powerful than himself.

"Then what should we do? Wait here?"

It's only after two o'clock in the morning. Although watching the stars on the prairie is something that many couples are looking forward to, they know that this is not a pleasant place when they are here.

Among other things, those mosquitoes that are used to raging in the middle of the night made Zhuang Rui a little unbearable. Even if he was wearing long-sleeved trousers, he could not hold the uncovered things on his neck and face. After a while, he slapped himself several times.

"Wait a minute. If there are really wolf cubs in the valley, these wolves can't help it. When the time comes, as long as the horses are in chaos, our opportunity will come..."

Battle didn't care about the mosquitoes "buzzing" in his ear, and stared at the wild horses facing the wild wolves in front of him. This situation is rare even for a grassland man like him.

After hearing Battle's words, Zhuang Rui could only keep his mouth shut. He didn't even say anything about the little girl Wuyun Qiqige. He had nothing to complain about.

"The wolves couldn't help it..." Suddenly, Battle's face became excited.

Sure enough, just as Battle's words fell, there was a howl from the wolves, and a low figure rushed out of the grass and ran to the wild horses.

Zhuang Rui's telescope immediately aimed at the wolf. At a glance, he couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

This wild wolf is really not very big. It is not even as big as some local dogs in the countryside, covered with gray hair. Only the two eyes with bright green light can make people feel a trace of coolness.

The wild wolf rushed out of the grass and immediately made the wild horses a little **. In the outermost wild horses, they uneasily dug the grass in front of them with their front hooves. After all, there is a qualitative difference between herbivores and carnivores, and that fear is also innate.

"The law of recovery..."

Suddenly, a horse hiss that resounded through the world came out of the wild horses. The sound was so loud that it sounded like a thunder on the bottom and blew up the whole prairie.

The sound was so loud that Zhuang Rui and others who listened hundreds of meters away were a little shocked. Can this be sent out by the horse? Even a few horses around Zhuang Rui looked uneasy.

"This is the horse. It seems that I still underestimate it. It is much better than the red-blooded breed..."

Battle's face showed a solemn look. He said that he was still sixty or seventy-seven times sure to capture the horse, but now when he heard the hiss, the expectation in his heart immediately dropped to 30%.

Because Battle found that just as the horse looked up to the sky and hissed, he also showed a panicked expression in his red-blooded eyes, which was the performance of the weak when they saw the strong.

"I saw it, my God, what a beautiful horse..."

As soon as the hiss sounded, Zhuang Rui used his telescope to find the owner of the sound, and found that the horse was not difficult, because no horse dared to approach it five or six meters around it.

This is a wild horse that is as red as dates. The hair on its body is extremely short. Only at the neck is there some fluffy hair. His eyes are as black as glue paint. He stands still and stares at the wolf running in the distance.

The height of this horse is much higher than that of the wild horses around it. Zhuang Rui is about 1.8 to two meters tall, standing there and bathing in the moonlight, like a heavenly horse, majestic.

"I'm afraid this... is a mixed Dutch horse, not as good as this horse, right?"

Zhuang Rui has seen horse racing in Hong Kong. The horses used there are all mixed-race horses from the Netherlands or the United Kingdom. This kind of horse is characterized by tall and handsome, but compared with the one in front of him, it is as inconspicuous as a local dog.

Just as Zhuang Rui was observing the horse, the wild wolf also approached the herd of horses. After the first wild wolf to run out, he followed the two wolves and ran to the head horse in a triangle one after the other.

It seems that the prairie wolves will also use tactics to know the truth of sleet the king first. As long as the horse is defeated, the whole wild horse will collapse without a fight.

The distance between the two was only a few tens of meters. In just over ten seconds, the first wild wolf came to the front of the horse. After a deterrent low roar in his mouth, he jumped up and rushed to the horse.

Seeing this scene, the wild horses around the head horse were a little rioting, but the head horse was very calm. When the wolf rushed up, the premise suddenly lifted up.

It seemed that he knew the power of the horse's front hoof. The wild wolf turned dexterously in mid-air, but his body came to the buttocks of the horse and stretched out his claws to grab the buttocks of the horse.

When wild wolves hunt, for those animals that are much larger than them, they often cut the skin of the prey from the abdomen or buttocks, and then grab the intestines to bleed to death.

This wolf is obviously in this idea, and its tactics are also very successful. It can see that the claws have caught the buttocks of the head horse.

: Brothers, it's been 12 hours, only five tickets, and the recommendation ticket is almost unmoved. How can it be embarrassing to get up early? Please, everyone, vote by the way after reading the book. No, the recommendation ticket is also done! RO